Member Reviews

This was a delightful listen.

The story and characters took me away from my life and allowed me to detach from reality in the best way.

The humor was great and the main character was stubborn, hard working and likeable. While sometimes frustrating to listen to, she was still a joy.

I was on the hook for every twist and turn.

And the enemies to lovers was developed really well. I hated Godric at first and I was determined to hate him always for how he treated Wen, and then Pharos worked her magic and I came to like him as Wen did.

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This story was a delightful start to a whimsical yet modern urban fantasy series with a dystopian-rapture vibe. The main character, Wen, is a sassy delight throughout the plot, and her antics had me laughing out loud numerous times, adding a layer of amusement to the narrative.

There is something genuinely immersive about listening to an audiobook, especially when it's a fantasy. This series's quips, sarcasm, and detailed world-building make it a must-listen, keeping you engrossed in the story. Like a guilty pleasure, I will return to Afterworld and reread this one. I cannot wait to continue with this slow-burn romance series.

Thank you to author Olivia Pharos, the publisher of Seventh Wonder Press, and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this ARC and express my opinion.

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I read the premise of the book and immediately asked to be an early reviewer. Im so glad I was given the chance to listen to this book. As someone who primarily focuses on fantasy, this one was right up my alley. There are a lot of amazing fantasy books out there, who have similar premises, and at first I thought this would be one of those. However, I am happy to say that the slow burn romance, the kick ass characters and unique plot kept me entertained for hours. I found myself laughing out loud on a couple of times, and now, all I can think about is that ending! I need to know who these characters actually are! Where is the next book?

The fact that I listened to this in one day should be stated, as that is how much this book consumed me. Fabulous first book!!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Independent Book Publishers for this audiobook.

Wen is our star in this, she's a demon owned girl in an post-apocalyptic world. Demons and angels kind of run the show now. Indentured with her best friend Sarah, she is stuck stealing angel-essence and creating a drug for demons. Stay with me...
She lands herself in trouble for selling this stuff and is shipped off to the Celestial Academy as a punishment of sorts. Her mentors are two arch-angels and she has a smidge of a love/hate with Godrick, who straps an invisible leash around her neck, tosses her around when sick of her lip and toys with her obviously she swoons for him.

We meet other "cadets" or "trainees" and they are a fun diverse group with lots of sass.

The storyline centers around the trials Wen will endure to get through the academy and we have some mystery, like IS Wen human? Why can she do the things she does?

My only complaint is this thing is long, and often got confusing. I sometimes had to rewind and try to keep track of what happened to whom.
I think if read in book form I would follow it better.

It ends with a cliffhanger and I get the feeling it will be just the beginning of some cool world building.

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Celestial Academy: Essence
A book for Adults who love YA books, but wish they were......more adultish. Wen, the relentlessly sassy and stubborn FMC, is introduced to us as a human in the demon run territory of a post-apocalyptic world. The force opposing the demons on earth is none other than heaven above's angels. While the writing style could benefit from subtlety and nuance, I don't mind suspending logical thinking for the sake of enjoyment. Wen's quick wit and issues with authority, while quality in most scenes, was so pervasive that even in the deepest, darkest moments of the plot she couldn't stop herself from yapping. Wen would benefit from some sense of self preservation. Her redeeming qualities are her steadfast loyalty and tendency toward sporadic NSFW daydreams, Key characters include the sweet Sarah and brooding Godric. As someone who has not yet read Crescent City or Zodiac Academy, I could recognize similarities in plot and worlds, but my enjoyment was unaffected. Excellent narration by Amanda Leigh Cobb. I was left with more questions than answers at the end, but that is not a complaint! Cliff hangers welcome.

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I absolutely loved listening to this audible. There was a great mix of friendship, romance, resilience, and growth. The slow burn started to pick up after 15% of the book and you could feel the tension brown Wen and Godric and I am here for it. You learn about the supportive characters and have they big roles in this book, which I loved. I cannot wait for the second book in this series.

Thanks #netgalley, the publisher, and Olivia for the audible arc of this amazing debut novel.

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Very interesting concept for the book and I was really looking forward to the book. I felt like there could have been more world building and less redundant internal dialogue. There were some parts that made the MC annoying. I did like the ending and cliff hangers but the story like it drug on in some places with the redundant dialogue.

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Thank you to Olivia Pharos and NetGalley for an eArc of the audiobook of Celestial Academy: Essence!

With comparisons to books like Crescent City and Fourth Wing, this book had some HUGE shoes to fill for me. While it wasn't necessarily on their level, I found myself sucked into the Celestial Academy world and by the end of the book I was left wanting more.

Reading the first book in a fantasy series is always tough because AT LEAST the first third of this book is world building. As a reader, I very much dislike the awkward stage of only semi-understanding what is going on so I always struggle with book 1 of a series. Once we got to the actual Celestial Academy portion of the book and the antics happening at school, my interest finally peaked. Here I understood the comparisons to Fourth Wing and definitely got attached to the characters.

My favorite part of the book was definitely the bickering back and fourth between Wen and all of the angels & demons. There were quite a few laugh out loud moments and honestly I wished Wen would flirt more with some of the male side characters just to piss of Godric.

The last third of the book was super heavy with actions. Some events were a bit too drawn out and I would find myself thinking "Ok... enough explanation...let's get this over with and continue with the story." Again - some of this was essential to building the world of Celestial Academy, but other parts felt overdone.

The banter and supernatural elements will bring me back for book 2, though! I'm ready to see what Celestial Academy: Null has in store for Wen, Godric, and crew.

This read was 3.5/5 stars rounded up for me.

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Let me start by saying the narrator of this audiobook was fantastic. Her pacing, cadence, and inflection were great. I would totally listen to another book narrated by her! That said, the actual content of the book was problematic.

I knew I was in trouble when there was a glossary of terms several pages long. This had such great potential but it had WAY too much stuff going on. I started confused and was confused for all that I read. It just got more convoluted the more I read. The narrator was great and did a great job with all the different characters. I did like the FMC, she had an interesting disposition and was pretty scrappy. I just can't finish this one and would not recommend.

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Audiobook Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ✨ SJM & Zodiac Academy had a baby! sound good? This is the one for you..

Firstly, thank you NetGalley & Olivia for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook! To sum up this book it's a Dark Academia, Enemies to Lovers fantasy that you have to have read at least once.

As a dedicated romantasy reader, I stumbled across "Celestial Academy: Essence" and was instantly captivated. This book is an absolute gem that deserves more recognition within the romance fantasy community! From the very first page, I was hooked by the compelling storyline, intricate world-building, and the promise of a grand adventure.

The plot is wonderfully crafted, a weaving of rich magic, mystery, and suspense. With that wonderful VERY slowwww burn romance between the FMC/MMC! Olivia you had me hanging on every word..

The MMC is absolutely perfect.. in my opinion ;). What every woman would envision as a swoon worthy, drop dead gorgeous man that's grumpy and unpredictable. Carved by the gods! The tension between these two is tangible and I loved how the supporting characters emphasized and made this relationship even more compelling!

As the first book in the series, it sets the stage perfectly, hinting at deeper secrets and laying down LOTS of Easter eggs that promise to pay off in future installments. The sense of mystery keeps you engaged, always eager to uncover the next piece of the puzzle..

One of the standout features of CA: Essence, is its formidable female main character. She’s not just strong and determined but also delightfully sassy and full of plenty of attitude. It’s refreshing to see a heroine who is allowed to be unapologetically fierce and angry, breaking the mold of more traditionally demure protagonists. Her complex personality adds depth to the narrative and makes her journey all the more engaging.

The additional characters in this book I really loved! The fact you got a background story to each of them, their past was never a mystery to you! With lots of detail, you couldn't complain at how much Olivia worked on her first debut.

Overall, CA: Essence, is a thrilling start to what promises to be an outstanding series. I’m excited to see where the story goes and how Olivia plans to continue to develop the characters and the world they inhabit. If you're looking for a romance fantasy novel with a dynamic heroine and a plot full of twists and turns, this book is definitely worth a read. I can't wait for the next installment!!

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Good gracious where do I even start? How about THIS BOOK IS PERFECT?! 😫😫 the narrator did a perfect job of capturing Wen’s sass! This book had me hooked within the first ten seconds, I swear. Some things I think you all would absolutely love about this book too: slow burn (but not like annoyingly slow!), morally grey characters (which are the freaking best!), powerLESS to powerFUL (cause we love a good plot twist!!), banter and great friendships, angels, demons, the SASS! There’s soo much about this book that I absolutely adored and I finished the entire audiobook embarrassingly fast. I had never even heard of this book, I know it hasn’t been out TOO long but it is INSANELY slept on! So. Freaking. Good!!
I took a chance on this one truthfully not knowing what to expect and I’m so glad I did because it’s amazing. Reading this is the perfect “reading slump” breaker too. Because it is dang near impossible to put down once you start. 100000% going to order the physical copy to add to my shelf. I loved it that much.
If anyone is reading this and is unsure, let me beg of you: PLEASE go read this. I can nearly guarantee you will love it. I promise.
Amazing amazing amazing amazing.

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The premise of this book was immediately intriguing to me. The world that Pharos begins to build in this premier is gritty and steeped in familiar lore and previously unthought-of details.

The main character, Wen, came across as a stereotypical "strong, independent woman" at first, with her sarcasm and disregard for danger. However, as I learned more about her and her struggles and insecurities, she definitely grew on me.

My biggest complaint is only that I liked this book so much and now I have to add the rest of the series to my "Want to Read" list!

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An exciting magic school style fantasy. Great for fans of Fourth Wing and The Hunger Games. With a strong female character at the head of a wide ensemble. Wen has the ability to harness Angelessence and sells it as a potent drug. When a drug deal goes wrong she finds herself brought before archangels and sentenced to attend Celestial Academy while her captor becomes her tutor. Wen has to navigate the pressures of school while finding answers to all the questions about her rare power.

Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC of the audiobook!

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Thoroughly enjoyed the audiobook Celestial Academy Essence written by Olivia Pharos and narrated by Amanda Leigh Cobb. I love listening to audiobooks and a good narrator makes it like listening to a movie without the picture. Amanda is an excellent narrator, one of my favorites, and did a phenomenal job with this audiobook. The story lent itself to a master of voices and Amanda read it beautifully.

Obviously good content is also paramount to a great audiobook. Celestial Academy held my attention from the beginning to the end. There was suspense and humor throughout the book. Honestly some laugh out loud moments when listening to this. I loved the storyline (angels, demons and humans). I also loved the characters and the countless names that our main character Wen White (aka Walter White) had for Godric and others throughout the book.

Will definitely listen to the next two audiobooks in the series. Hope that Amanda is able to narrate those as well. She did the story proud.

Highly recommend.

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First let me start by saying thank you to NetGalley and ibpa and members audiobooks for allowing me to listen to this audiobook for my honest review.
I went into this book completely blind but loved the cover and was drawn in. If you’re looking for lots and lots of banter, a slow burn, and lots of action this book is for you. I have seen this book compared to zodiac academy, crescent city and the mortal instruments series which I have read all but the zodiac series and there are definitely similarities but Olivia has made her own unique story and I ate it up. I really enjoyed the world building and characters in this book. Wen is a bad ass who is brave and loyal to those she loves.
Godrick is our mmc and I was living for the banter between him and Wen. I will say this is a slow slow burn between godrick and Wen which I appreciate because I really am not a fan of insta love.
Overall I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to jumping into book 2 to see what happens.

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After finding Olivia Pharos on TikTok (aka BookTok) and having been a longtime huge fan of Zodiac Academy, I was excited to read this and checked it out on Kindle Unlimited. The audiobook is even better! For fans of Zodiac Academy, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Vampire Academy - this is for you. The branding knows what it's doing and it is right up our alley. I've already got the second one on my kindle and am (not so) patiently awaiting the third installment of this series!

Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you, netgalley, for the chance to read Olivia Pharos' debut novel Celestial Academy: Essence!!

I was so excited to start this to branch out from my usual fantasy genres into the world of demons, angels, and nephilim, and I could not have started with a better book. The story and characters had me hooked start to end with Wens' inability to back down and creative insults to Godrics intensity. The endless shock this book gave me as the story unfolds was so good I was never 100% sure what was actually going on and going to happen next until the author wanted me to and I loved every second spent reading on finally getting hints and insight.

The slow burn in this book too! It's your classic enemies to lovers which I eat up every time.

I can't wait to start the next book in the series!

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Thank you Netgalley for my #gifted audio of this book.

"Come back to me!"

Crescent city meets Divergent in this fast-moving contemporary fantasy world!

Wen is at the bottom of the food chain in a world dominated by Demons, angels, and other monsters. After scavenging for food to survive, she finds a way to sell angel essence drugs to keep her and her friend Sarah alive.

Because they're able to sell angel essence, their financial situation is moving in a better direction for them, until Wen is caught by one of the deadliest assassins in the realm and conscripted to attend the Celestial Academy.

Now her greatest enemy, Godfrey is to be her mentor and trainer.

What you'll find:
Enemies to lovers
Forced proximity
Elements and Magic
Slow burn
Mystery & Suspense

I liked how you jump into the story quickly and learn the world-building as you go. I still have many questions, but the story held a good pace and was entertaining.

I had the opportunity to listen to the audio. The reader had a great voice including accents and did a fantastic job, enhancing the overall story.

Romance content: It alluded to Open-door passion, but only on page kissing.

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I listed to this audible on Netgalley.

I enjoyed this book but had a few issues with it. The main lead was so snarky for no reason, could not keep her mouth closed when eating and just kept up with the one liners which got very tiring to listen to after a while . I’m interested enough to go on to the second book and I finished this book in one day so it was very addicting.

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🌟 Book Review: "Afterworld #1 - Celestial Academy: Essence" by Olivia Pharos
✨ Welcome to the Celestial Academy, where magic meets the cosmos! ✨

📚 Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Paranormal Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

Plot Summary:
"Celestial Academy: Essence" whisks readers away to a world where the mundane and the mystical intertwine. The story follows young and tenacious Wen White, who discovers she’s been accepted into the Celestial Academy—a hidden realm where the gifted train to harness their supernatural abilities. As Wen navigates the challenges of her new life, she uncovers dark secrets, faces dangerous foes, and unravels the enigmatic prophecy tied to her destiny.
Why You'll Love It:

🔮 Magical World-Building: Olivia Pharos crafts a universe that feels both expansive and intimate, filled with stunning imagery and lush descriptions that make the Celestial Academy come alive. The blend of celestial magic and academy life is enchanting, pulling readers into a vivid and immersive experience.

🗝️ Compelling Protagonist: Wen White is a heroine to root for. Her bravery, wit, and determination shine through as she confronts the unknown and uncovers her true potential. Her journey is not just one of self-discovery but of forging powerful bonds and challenging her inner fears.

❤️ Romantic Undertones: The budding romance in the story is sweet and well-paced, adding an emotional depth that complements the action and intrigue. Fans of slow-burn romance will find themselves enchanted by the chemistry between Wen and Godric.

Perfect For:
✨ Fans of magical academies and cosmic adventures.
✨ Readers who enjoy strong, relatable heroines.
✨ Anyone who loves a mix of mystery, magic, and romance.

"Celestial Academy: Essence" is a celestial masterpiece that will captivate your imagination and leave you yearning for the next installment. Olivia Pharos has penned a tale that is both timeless and unique, a perfect addition to any fantasy lover's bookshelf. Thanks to @Netgalley for the ARC.
#CelestialAcademyEssence #NetGalley #ParanormalRomance #ParanormalFantasy #SupernaturalFantasy #romancebook #bookstagram #bookstagrammer

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