Member Reviews

Not gonna lie, I loved this sequel. This is a lighthearted romance of two individuals finding their way back to each other.

Lynn Painter did an excellent job of growing her characters from lovesick high schoolers to more mature college aged characters. Liz had a drastic change from the first to the second book that I found surprising but understandable. College is a huge change, and I like how Painter showed that with time we change enough to have past lives.

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Loved this romcom! Beautifully written and had me so intrigued that I couldn’t put it down. Bingeworthy 😍

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I loved the first book and this book was really good too! I will say I did find it a bit weird how drastic of a change Liz had. She went from one extreme to the other which I found a little hard to believe. Don’t get me wrong; I preferred the Liz in this book rather than the first book. This was a really good sequel and I can’t wait to read more from Lynn Painter.

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This book gave me all my Wes and Liz feels. 🥰 I missed them so much I immediately had to pick up 𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘴 again for a reread.

This book follows Wes and Liz in college and takes place two years after the first book. It’s a second chance romance which makes me sad because I hated thinking that those two kids broke up at some point, but sometimes that’s just how life happens. And the reasoning behind their breakup felt realistic so it was more believable for me to read rather than just a breakup for drama’s sake. The tension in this book was driving me crazy (in the best way) because they both are OBVIOUSLY not over each other. But it was so worth it in the end to watch them grow close again and find their way back to each other. A couple plot points and mysteries around their breakup was a bit predictable, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I also really loved the new side characters. All of the characters were really likable and I found myself rooting for some of them as well. And Lynn Painter’s banter never disappoints. 🙌🏼😂

I think the thing that made it a 4⭐️ instead of a 5⭐️ for me was because it felt like I was missing the spark that the first book had. I loved the magical nostalgia of the high school rom-com first love. And even though this book was great, I don’t think I would have loved the second-chance aspect 𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 if I hadn’t already read BTTM and watched them fall in love the first time. But I’ve never been much for second-chance romance fan anyway, so if that’s more your thing, you’ll probably love this book. ☺️

But overall, if you read BTTM, this book is a must-read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing for providing this electronic advanced copy for review!

Just like the first book, Better Than the Movies, I really liked the characters, Wes and Liz, and their banter. There is a good mix of fun and lightness, balanced with moments of real emotion and heart. However, this book does suffer from a classic sequel problem. I liked where Better Than the Movies left these characters and their story. The very existence of the sequel novel means that the characters are thrust back into conflict and emotional turmoil. But I enjoyed the ride that Nothing Like the Movies took me on, so I did forgive it in the end.

Overall still a very fun read. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of Lynn Painter’s YA romcom novels and I’m excited for whatever she writes next.

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This was such a cute follow up to Better Than The Movies! We got to see another story from Liz and Wes, catch up with some of their friends, and get to know some new friends from college! As an Omaha girl, I also love the Omaha references sprinkled throughout the book!

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Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter was a 5⭐️ read for me. I ate that story up. So when I received an ARC from NetGalley for the second book in the series Nothing Like the Movies, I was stoked! Nothing Like the Movies picks up our story of Wes and Liz about three years after Better than the Movies. We see Liz in her junior year working her dream internship. She’s a totally different woman. She’s confident and bold. Everyone knows her at UCLA because she works in the athletics department. Then we see Wes. Wes is returning to UCLA to begin his freshman year a second time after taking a two year hiatus when tragedy struck his family and forced him to leave school, but Wes and Liz’s story is no longer the same and this book tells the journey of them finding each other again. I will say I enjoyed the story, but it was disappointing. If you’re interested in the continuation of Wes and Liz in their collegiate careers than this book is for you. It’s a nice story but there’s not much depth to it. If you were a big fan of Wes and Liz’s relationship, then this may break your heart a little. I did appreciate that Painter really grew Liz’s character. She blossoming in both her personal and professional life. Fans of Wes will love his rise from the ashes tale and of course, he’s Wes! He’s charming and we get a lot of that in this book. What carries the book is the secondary characters. They are ride or die friends, they are supportive, they are no nonsense, and they are hilarious! If you’re ready to jump back in Wes and Liz lives then you can pick up a copy when it releases 10/1.

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I LOVED this book. I loved the slow burn, second chance romance between Wes and Liz. I found this book so much more emotional that Better Than the Movies and loved how the series offers a little bit of everything. I loved Liz's character growth and Wes will always be a top book boyfriend. One of my favorite books this year.

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This book was adorable! The playlist music, the lyrics and movie references fit perfectly together! Wes’ story had my heart hurting for him throughout the entire book!

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Thank you Lynn Painter and Netgalley, for the e-arc. I am leaving this review voluntarily and all opinions are my own.

You'd enjoy this book if you like:
-Second Chance Romance
-Sports Romance
-Forced Proximity
-Dual POV

Alright, I'm leaving this review as if I were a 16 year old reading this, not a 29 year old. I think I would've loved this book growing up. I thought this was a cute read... a tad long, and the synopsis did not really match what was in the book. Because of Liz's new guy "friend", I felt like the rom-com movie gestures didn't really happen until the last third of the book? Which felt a little misleading. However, Liz's character evolving did make me enjoy her more.

I will definitely be passing this book along to my girls once they are old enough :)

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I’m having some conflicting feelings about this one. I really loved it in the beginning, I was shocked that it was a two year time jump but I did enjoy seeing the characters in a college setting. I loved all the Taylor swift references and music touches in general. The banter between Liz and Wes and their friends was sooooo good!! The dialogue felt very realistic and not too “try hard” which I always appreciate.

I’m a little disappointed that the majority of this book focused on Liz and Wes individually & their personal journeys instead of the romance. I love second chance romance and I really wanted MORE of that here.

I didn’t love Liz in BTTM and that didn’t really change in this book 😭 however, I absolutely do love Wes and I always will!!! Some of his lines were so cringe though I had to look away 🤣 I liked that he was so determined to get Liz back and fight for her, but again that two year gap threw me soooo off it just felt weird at times. It was awkward af to realize along with him how much Liz’s interests had “changed” and AGAIN I just wish more time was spent on the romance & LizWes getting to know each other again. His pining was SPOT ON though and I love to see a man beg for forgiveness 🤣👏🏻

Anyway I did enjoy this, especially the first half!! I did feel like it was too long but I loved the ending! I don’t think this sequel was really necessary because the ending of BTTM was good & honestly it was criminal to make them break up BUT ALAS 💀

This might be 3.75 but I’m rounding up because of Wes MF Bennett 🫶🏼

Thank you to Netgalley for this arc!!!!

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Ugh, this book made me feel all the feelings. I laughed, I cried, and I was outraged. However, I absolutely loved this book and was sad to see it end. Not sure how Lynn Painter would write a follow up to this one, but I hope she does because I don't want Liz and Wes's story to end. Even if it's a spin-off with secondary characters from NLTM being the main characters and Liz and Wes becoming the secondary characters, I hope their story continues.

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I had been anxiously awaiting this sequel and Lynn Painter did not disappoint. When you find out Wes and Liz aren't in the same place in their relationship when we last saw them, I was nervous. But have no fear, Lynn Painter's characters and their banter made the book so enjoyable. It was touch and go for a while and it almost seemed like Wes and Liz switched roles as the 'hopeless romantics', but it was interesting to watch these two beloved characters grow up and evolve. Thank you for giving us a peak into the next few years of these two.

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Nothing Like The Movies
By: Lynn Painter

Stars: 3
Format: E-Book
Review: I wanted to feel about this read the same way I felt with book one. I am not sure that ever happened. The biggest lesson I learned from this read…that growth is accepting that things won't always happen as you would anticipate. This book solidifies that fact for me. That said, I think so many people will love this read, and all of their expectations will be met. The positives for me are that I loved Liz and Wes so much. I enjoyed getting to see where their story would go. I think if you liked book one, you should read this one. If you love it--great. If you don’t--pretend like you never read it.
Quick Look: Young Adult, Fake Dating but in reverse, Sports, Second-Chance-Romance
Pros: It's Liz and Wes. I love dual POV.
Cons: While I appreciate a good sports romance, I hoped it would be a smaller part of the plot. This felt heavy in the sports department…I miss the movie references. I hoped to see some growth and maturity for Liz and Wes, but honestly, it didn’t translate. And lastly…I know this is a work of fiction, but the whole baseball subplot was so far-fetched.
Favorites Moments: Why did it only now hit me that if Wes and Liz get married, her name will be Liz Bennett…Elizabeth Bennet. Eek! I love that…sorry I am late to the party.
Recommend (Yes/No/Maybe): Yes, if you love Lynn Painter and you enjoyed Liz and Wes, then there is a great chance you will enjoy this second installment of their love story.
Thank you, NetGalley and Simon & Schuster, for allowing me the opportunity to review the title.

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Despite not having read the first book, I found the book easy to follow. The story picks up after THE breakup. While maintaining her usual light, swoony voice, Painter masterfully blended in heavier and weightier topics as her characters worked to find their way back to each other.

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Okay okay hear me out; did we really need this book? No, probably not. But did we really NEED this book? Absolutely. I loved Liz and Wes from start to end. The chemistry, the love, the heartbreak, everything in between was perfection. This book made me laugh, made me cry, made me smile, made me mad, and made me feel everything. I see my husband and I in Liz and Wes. The playful banter, the teasing, the love it just makes me so happy and giddy! I definitely didn’t see myself enjoying these books as much as I did but I have fallen hard and fast for the characters! 🥹
THANK YOU Lynn Painter, NetGalley, and Simon and Schuster for allowing me to read this book early! 🩷

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This follow up to the uber-popular, super swoony "Better Than the Movies" fast forwards us two years ahead at UCLA. Life wasn't exactly a happily ever after story for Liz and Wes, but Wes is up to bat to make us fall in love with them all over again. For those fangirls of Wes Bennett be prepared: he is a little beat up and rough around the edges. He's got some growing up to do. And all this time Liz has definitely been growing and changing the last two years. So will they get together or won't they? It's ROMANCE for god's sake, so of course they do. How painful will it be for the reader? I'd give it a 2.5 on a 5 point pain scale. There are many things that Painter does well in this book, but I do wish the ending wasn't so much of a cliff jump - there is high drama and then a swift resolution. I wanted to see those deep questions liz was grappling with resolved more between her and Wes. Such a missed opportunity to showcase growth for both characters and set a good example for readers to expect that from their partners. That is where the maturity lies.
For those worried if this YA book ventures in New Adult territory (i'm talking about sex scenes, guys), do not fear. You can put this in your {censored} school library because there isn't anything more descriptive than kissing. There is mention of closeness and very non-descript past hotel stay from their road trip to UCLA after high school, but unless you want to read something into it, the innocence can stay intact for the reader.
Thanks so much for the much anticipated ARC!

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"Locked in" that was my 14 year old step daughters response when I asked her if she liked Nothing Like the Movies. She spent last week reading it and loved how Painter handled the relationship. Looks like Painter has another blockbuster on her hands!

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I usually love Lynn and the stories she creates. However, this sequel to our beloved Liz and Wes was not necessary. The characters felt very out of touch with their past selves. Everyone was obnoxiously edgy and too different that it felt like completely new characters. The story read like fanfic. A bunch of one liners that seemed more for social media quote reels than for a lasting impact. I’m super bummed because I adored the easiness and comfort of the first book! This one just felt too forced.

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My ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I love Lynn Painter! Go to for short stories from this series.

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