Member Reviews

I am a huge Lynn Painter fan, and Better Than the Movies was one of my favorite titles by Painter, so I was thrilled to get the opportunity to read Nothing Like the Movies before it's release. This book has everything we know and love about a Lynn Painter novel; there was humor, joy, sadness, love, angst - all these feelings perfectly immersing you back to what it felt like to be in your late teens/early twenties and navigating the experience of falling in love.

I felt Painter did a great job of bridging the gap between the end of BTTM and the beginning of this book, but I also felt like because of this, the actually development of the storyline of the present-day occurrences in the book felt a bit underdeveloped. I wish we would have seen more moments between Wes and Liz where they were rekindling their friendship. That being said, this was my only "complaint" and it was a minute issue.

This book is a great follow up to the Beloved Better Than the Movies, and I recommend you read both, especially if you're a fan of YA romance with excellent pining and witty humor.

Thank you to Simon and Schuster and Lynn Painter for an eARC copy of this title via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed Better Than the Movies when I read it a little over a year ago because deep in my soul, I am a person who likes happy endings and fun characters. That book was delightful. So, imagine my surprise (and excitement) when I found out that a sequel was coming out?! I was not disappointed, in fact, I loved that this book lived in a reality that Better Than the Movies lacked, if that makes sense. Better Than the Movies was a high school romance, a lighthearted, butterflies in your stomach, story. Nothing Like the Movies steps into reality a bit more, and in my opinion, the realism of it makes the payoff of the romance even more satisfying. This book grew up with both its protagonists and its readers, and stepped into a new role to accommodate its fans, and it was brilliant. I always worry about sequels, but as soon as I picked this up (metaphorically, I read it on my phone), I knew I had nothing to worry about. Lynn Painter brings a maturity to the relationship between two complicated characters, and adds new dimension to all aspects of their relationship, platonic and otherwise. Painter doesn't debunk the idea of happily ever after; she brilliantly shows the readers that getting to it is more complicated and messy than they might have thought. 4.5 stars.

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I missed them. Liz and Wes had my heart in Better Than the Movies and they did not disappoint in this one. Although they have their reservations with each other this time around, you can still so clearly feel the love and chemistry they have always had. Bickering is one of favorites tropes and the fact that Lynn was able to keep that going without feeling forced is amazing.
Nothing like the movies reads like a movie and that is my favorite kind of writing. Lynn Painter writes in a way that feels like you are the story, which makes it read so fluidly that you don't want to put the book down.
Overall, I love how we got to see Wed and Liz grow out of their teenage phases into adulthood and work through their troubles in healthy ways and I love how there story has essentially ended (would love a novella about their wedding).
p.s. will be needing a story on Liliath and Ross

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Nothing like the movies” Lynn Painter
“Just like music had the power to transform a moment in film.”
I couldn't have asked for a better sequel to “Better Than The Movies,” Going into it knowing it was a second chance romance was so scary but Lynn Painter executed it perfectly. I think I’ve expressed my love for the found family trope but I have to mention it again because it was so perfect in this book, between the new friends, teammates, and the mentors. I also dont think Ive ever laughed so much while reading a book especially during a certain romantic gesture! I swear I forgot I was reading several times, that is how good it was. Of course it was so good to read about the characters again and of course I fell in love with Wes Bennet again. How could you not?! Wes is the definition of “If he wanted to, he would. I also need to bring attention to all the hilarious and amazing references Lynn included from Gilmore Girls, to Taylor swift, To Friends, even to old Disney shows they were so perfect.
Incredible does not begin to describe this read!! Thank you Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for this amazing Arc. Let me leave you with this piece of advice. Get you a Wes Bennet!!
Everything I wanted and more
- Second Chance
- Found Family
- Collage Rom-Com
- Forced Proximity
- Witty Banter
Songs that remind me of this book
- Movies. Conan Gray
- Only Love Can hurt like this. Paloma Faith
- Afterglow. Taylor Swift

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Thank you, NetGalley for the eARC of this book!! “Better than the Movies” is one of my favorite YA rom-coms so I jumped at the chance to read this book early. I literally ignored my TBR to read immediately after approval.

“Nothing Like the Movies” picks up 2 years after the end of the first book. Liz and Wes are broken up and haven’t even spoken in those 2 years we missed, but Wes is back at UCLA after the death of his father brought him home to Omaha and he is determined to win Liz back.

I was not loving the beginning of the book. I was disappointed by the fake-dating trope being used again, but it ended up being a very minor detail so I got over it. I also missed the Liz quirkiness that made her so loveable. Even though the first book dealt with the death of a parent because this dealt with the aftermath of a breakup too it was less lighthearted. I still loved Liz and Wes and I get they matured and changed, but I think Liz could have matured and still worn her quirky clothes and not conformed to typical norms. But by the end I didn’t care, I loved their story. I also loved getting Wes’ POV. He is a such a sweet, smartass.

A sequel to a beloved book is always tough, but I think Lynn Painted did a great job getting readers to fall in love with these new versions of Liz and Wes.

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Thank you Simon & Schuster for sending an advanced copy of Nothing Like the Movies by Lynn Painter.

As a HUGE fan on Better than the Movies, I was so excited for the announcement of a Liz and Wes sequel! However, with the excitement also came fear for an extension to a really great ending for them in the first book and novella. Nonetheless, I picked up this ARC as soon as I could and overall do not regret it.

Was this a necessary sequel? No. Did it add any real depth to the characters? Also no. BUT, it did allow the reader to step back into Liz and Wes's world for a moment, and that in itself is enough for me to have enjoyed my time reading.

At the end of a book, the characters will move on with their fictional lives even if us readers aren't privy to the choices they make anymore. In this instance, we get to see Wes's decision to leave the college life him and Liz had planned and face the repercussions of it 2 years later. This time jump seemed to allow the author to change a lot of things about Liz in particular, which is normal as she aged into adulthood, however I just fear this created a big divide in the tone of her character from book one to the sequel. It isn't a bad thing, but the best parts of what I loved about Better than the Movies were washed away in this sequel. Taking it as its own journey is the best outlook I'd recommend when going into this book.

The old Wes and Liz did shine through at times and I loved it. Not as solid a read as the first, but that's expected for a romance sequel. Overall, getting to see these characters again, and more Taylor Swift references from Lynn Painter, make this book a big win for me!

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Thank you sooo much Simon and schuester and Netgalley for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review!

😍😍this was perfect. I didn’t know how the sequel could be as good as the first book but it was amazing. Ughhh I didn’t realize it would be so emotional though!!! I love Wes and Liz. I love their story and journey into college.

I tell everyone that Jack Antonoff is pure genius, so I love to see some love for him and Bleachers!

*I secretly can’t wait for your next book now that TTPD is out!*

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Review will be posted on my blog closer to the publication date:

Content Warning: death of parent, grief

I loved Better Than the Movies so when I saw that this was a sequel to it I was hesitant to read it because I loved the first one so much! Also it was so good I didn’t think it needed a sequel.

Wes and Liz left me so happy in the first book, but in this one it’s about them growing, struggling, being broken up, and trying to get back to what they were but with so many changes that have happened in to them – it’s kind of impossible to get that magic back.

I thought it was interesting to see how both Wes and Liz navigate college in a different state. Liz is doing really good for herself and embracing everything in college. But wow, I really felt for Wes. He went through so much and he did the hard work to try and get his life back on track. And it really made me sad that they weren’t together, after everything that happened in BTTM. It was too much reality for me! As for the second chance romance? I get the yearning for one another, of what it used to be, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Which makes me wish I didn’t pick up this sequel so I can keep the Wes and Liz from BTTM in my mind. I mean it’s evident Wes is always going to love Liz. But this is one where Liz has to take her time with finding her way back to him.

There is a lot of pop culture reference in this one, which I thought was fine in the previous book because it was movies. But this one used music to tie Wes and Liz together and I think it’s fun but at times maybe a little too much?

My Thoughts:

I think this one will be one of those books you either love or don’t think was necessary and I’m in definitely in the team that found this sequel unnecessary. Overall, it was interesting to see the characters grow and deal with life, but it was also sad, especially for Wes! I just miss the magic, fun and giddiness that the first book made me feel.

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So grateful to have been approved for an ARC of this book because it was AMAZING!! I was very nervous about the whole ‘second chance romance’ and ‘new guy friend’ tropes people had mentioned… but this book was fantastic. I love Wes and Liz and their romance feels so genuine to me.

Also, the references in this book made my fan girl heart EXPLODE WITH JOY. I made a whole notes page documenting them all.

Taylor Swift - Breathe
Taylor Swift - “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh. Cause she’s dead.”
Taylor Swift - Illicit Affairs
The Kanye and Taylor drama (alluded)

Gracie Abrams - In Between (AHH)

Frank Ocean - Pink + White

Harry Styles - Ever Since New York

Niall Horan/Lizzie McAlpine - You Could Start A Cult

The Hunger Games & Catching Fire

Descendants 3

10 Things I Hate About You

You’ve Got Mail

ETC, ETC. I feel like Lynn Painter does a great job of incorporating pop culture into her books without making it seem like she’s overdoing it, which in my opinion makes me feel more connected to the characters. I feel as though Liz and I could be great friends because we have the EXACT same taste in music, and whenever any of her music is mentioned in the book I get ecstatic.

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Ok I almost had to pinch myself when I received this ARC- I mean wow!! Better Than the Movies was easily a five star read & Lynn Painter outdid herself in Nothing Like the Movies. This book has it all & will be one of my favorite reads of the entire year. I can’t say enough about this book - just read it!!!

Thank you NetGalley & Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I recommend Better Than the Movies in my high school library all the time, and I cannot wait to provide this follow-up to the fans I've created of the first book! This one was absolutely adorable, and I loved the issues that these two dealt with in book two.

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I would say around a 4.5 stars for me!
I’ll write a full review on my Instagram closer to the publishing date for more traction for the publisher and author.

I loved the first one, absolute 5 star for me but this one didn’t nail it on the head for me. I was confused on the sister and I felt like she was so randomly inserted? Also I was hoping for the romance to hit harder in the beginning or have that enemies tension aspect like the first one. I also enjoyed how the first one was nearly 100 pages shorter as it was a faster cute read, this one felt a bit long when it didn’t need to be.

Although I still supported the characters so much and wanted them to get back together/ had me rooting for them the whole book! The characters and writing have definitely grown since the first book as well, which is great too!

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I definitely enjoyed this a lot more than the first book. There wasn't anything wrong with the first one, it is just harder to connect with YA things, because you get annoyed that they are acting like teenagers. Which is on me not the book 🤣 overall I felt like it was a natural progression of the story and I enjoyed the banter for the most part. Worth reading for a clean fluffy romance.

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Lynn painter has done it again! These characters had my heart in Better Than The Movies and I didn’t think I could love them more. WRONG! This book had me sobbing one moment and kicking my feet and giggling the next. Wes and Liz go through so much together and apart in this book and I found it was done so well. The transition from high school to college was well done and I loved seeing how much both characters grew as they’ve gotten older. If you are scared to read this sequel don’t be! I would be more scared of the reality check you will have when you remember these characters aren’t real! Is it crazy to ask for a third book, but it’s just Wes and Liz going grocery shopping????

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I loved Nothing Like the Movies! Lynn Paonter is my favorite ya romance author. I’m soo glad Wes didn’t actually cheat on luv and that he lied bc I was angry.

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Lynn Painter does it again! The charming story of Libby and Wes continues in Nothing Like the Movies, in a more mature and more serious setting, but equally adorable. For all who loved the first book, this is a must read!

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Thank you Simon and Schuster for the Digital ARC on NetGalley, you made my dreams come true with this book!

Going into this book, I didn’t know what to expect. *Better Than the Movies* is perfection, so I was unsure about a sequel to the story. However, this book had me in a chokehold from start to finish. It picks up around two years after BTTM, and unfortunately, Liz and Wes are hit with a case of real life. They split two years ago, with Liz now enrolled and thriving at UCLA. Meanwhile, Wes has returned to go back to school, determined to reclaim his life and his former love.

I absolutely loved this book. It’s just as good, if not better, than BTTM. It had me on an emotional rollercoaster, and I didn’t expect to be so moved by their journey. Wes reminded me a lot of Conrad from The Summer I Turned Pretty—I just wanted to give him a hug. 🥹 The story introduces a little bit of a love triangle, but the additional characters and the overall message of the book was absolutely lovely. I enjoyed every moment and if you are on the fence, I can promise you won’t be disappointed.

The book isn’t released until the end of September, but I highly recommend checking it out when it comes out. It’s a fantastic addition to Wes and Liz’s story. 🌸💕🫶

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A massive thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for an early copy of this book! I felt truly honored (haha and a bit cool) to get the opportunity to read this one early. I honestly can’t say enough good things about this book. I loved everything about this! Lynn Painter took two beloved characters and gave them a story that went way deeper than the previous book. I already loved Wes and Liz and this book made me love them even more! I LOVED that this was dual POV and we got both of their perspectives. And I absolutely loved Wes in this book! The things this man had to go through and the emotional punches to the heart his story gave me 🥺. You can’t help but root for Wes Bennett in this one and pray for a well deserved happy ending for him. This was an emotional ride for me I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I groaned, I swooned, and I found myself believing in love again 😭. If Lynn wants to write a third book for this series.. I wouldn’t be opposed 😏🙏.

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𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒔 was so completely adorable and a fantastic sequel to Better Than the Movies. I LOVED IT. Also, the fact that this book was dual POV is everything. Getting Wes’ POV and seeing the depth of his feelings for Liz added to the story immensely. Returning to these characters felt nostalgic. They’re familiar, lovable, and they make me smile. Yes, their split was incredibly sad but their journey back to each other was so sweet. The famous Wes + Liz dynamic is still there but you get to watch them find each other and fall in love all over again. It was nothing short of perfection.

Once again Lynn Painter has crushed it with the rom-com references for each chapter. I love how she incorporates so many classics into the story. I also adored the Charlie + Bailey cameo. Fans of Betting on You are going to be living for that moment.

💕 Second Chance
✨Fake Dating
⚾️ College Baseball
😍 Boy Obsessed
✌🏼 Dual POV

Thank you so much Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Lynn Painter, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I know the book has cover copy, but I think everyone should go in as blindly as I did. I read Lynn's first draft last spring, so I was expecting it to be an iteration of that. But it was so different, and I LOVED the surprise!

Because of that, I'm going to be vague(ish) here. I'm personally sold on books based on the amount of flailing and screaming surrounding it, rather than hearing repeatedly what it's about. and, listen, IM FLAILING AND SCREAMING, OKAY?!

I could not have asked for a better sequel to my (tied for) favorite YA novel! Sequels make me nervous. I feel very strongly that once you pull off an amazing book (or movie/TV show), you should leave it alone. (I still pretend like Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life doesn't exist!). And Wes and Liz had the perfect book with the most perfect ending. I was SO SCARED Lynn was going to ruin it for me.

But fear not. She took care of our babes.

I mean, she broke them (and therefore me), but she put us all back together by the end. My heart was in pieces. I cried—sad tears AND happy tears AND tears of relief.

Lynn pulls off an incredible, believable second chance romance (I know, I couldn't imagine them NOT together either!)—with a dash of forced proximity—that will make you swoon. It's a beautiful and poignant story of healing and grief and second chances but still manages to be FUN and SWEET and even angsty! The friend groups are amazing, and you will fall in love with all the supporting characters at college. I've been asked whether there's a love triangle. Again, I'm here for no spoilers. All i'll say is: there's no real love triangle 😏.

Guys, I cannot wait for you to get your hands on this book in September so we can scream about it together. It's a perfect sequel to a perfect book. Thank you @lynnpainterbooks for writing the best teen couple ever and taking care of them through loss and heartbreak and college (and jealousy 😉).

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