Member Reviews

4.5 - arc review

ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS WES. BENNETT.🫶🏼 I did not think I could love Wes Bennett even more but there goes Mrs. Lynn Painter to prove me wrong! I am a huge sucker for second chances and this one was so beautifully written! I laughed, cried and giggled like a teenager the entire book. Mrs. Lynn Painter you have done it again! 💜

(the only reason it’s not 5 it’s because the miscommunication was dragged for way too long but other than that I have no complaints)

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6/5 stars!! Firstly I want to say this book was incredible and was my first arc! The feeling of reading book that isn’t out yet is so CRAZY!!

Wes and Liz and are my favourite couple ever! Their story is so palpable and Painter did an incredible job developing their relationship in this book. We follow the journey of their breakup to them finding each other once again.

I was feeling joy, heartbreak, anger, sadness, awe, and SO MUCH MORE while reading this book. Following them through so many hardships had me really emotional and I felt like I could see them grow, not only together but as individuals as well. Wes and Liz are so perfect, their relationship felt so real. Painter’s way of writing them on a college campus was so great. We got to explore Wes and Liz on a deeper more sensitive level and it was SO GOOD.

In all honesty this book has been my favourite this year . So so incredible and I can’t wait for everyone to become as obsessed as I am with it. Thank you Lynn Painter for being the amazing woman you are, and thank you netgally for the arc. THANK YOU!!

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"Better than the Movies" was a little bit of a struggle for me, so I actually enjoyed this sequel a lot more. It felt more realistic for how evolving adult relationships work. That may not be true for how a college drop out gets back on a D1 baseball team after two years away, but it was refreshing to watch Wes and Liz figure out how to navigate real struggles and real trauma. I wish they had figured out how to communicate sooner than 2/3 of the way through the book, but they eventually got where they needed to be. Their happily ever after felt cemented with this second book, which doesn't always happen when you get a sequel to a beloved romance.

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I have such conflicted feelings about this book. In some ways, I liked it much more than the first. Wes's POV was everything he was so down bad for Liz the entire book. Like, this is basically just a whole book of him being obsessed with her, and I'm not complaining about that.

I know a lot of people were upset at the idea of Liz and Wes breaking up and not just letting us imagine them happily together, and while I think that's valid, I think the breakup made sense. But I feel like a lot of people who LOVED the first one aren't going to love this one and might be better off just reading the road trip short story Lynn added to her website because this almost felt like a completely separate book, like a really fun college sports second chance romance with lots of pining, but not quite the sequel to BTTM.

Personally, I was here for the breakup plotline. It was like picking up a second chance romance where you have an entire first book of the couple's relationship before the breakup. The whole thing with the second chance trope is it's a couple that should have worked out but sometimes life gets in the way. So I don't think the breakup ruins them or their dynamic, and the reasoning for their breakup, and the subsequent changes, felt in-character to me. I mean, Wes spent the entire last book putting Liz before his happiness. Literally, that's what the promposal moment was. So Wes's actions make complete sense to me (and he was also going through a really hard time, so it's not like he'd be thinking through a super-rational lens).

Liz's character change in this also made sense to me. I mean, her entire worldview was centered on romance and being a hopeless romantic, and even though that was shifted a bit in the last book because she realized that life didn't play out exactly like the romcom plotline she'd constructed for herself, she still ended up getting all the things she dreamed about, this whirlwind love and grand romantic gestures and this person she got matching tattoos and saved a cat with. For anyone, that would be a big deal, but for someone who's spent their whole life putting love on a pedestal? And then for that to fall apart and for "the love of her life" to utterly break her heart? Yeah, I can completely understand being anti-romance after that. It's very, very normal to go through phases of your life, especially as you're growing up, where you want to reject everything from your past and show that you've changed, especially in college, and ESPECIALLY after someone significant in your life hurts you.

That being said, I think maybe Painter went a bit too far in making her act different because she almost didn't feel like the same character, and there were these weird "she's so chill" and "she's one of the guys" narratives throughout. "She watches football on the weekends instead of romcoms, isn't she so cool now?" And then we never get to see her start reclaiming some of the old pieces of herself. I'm not at all saying she needed to be high school Liz again, because that wouldn't even be realistic, but more of an older blend of the two. Maturing is sometimes getting past those periods of throwing out everything from your past self, learning to love pieces of younger you, and figuring out what's healthy to leave behind and what you actually never needed to "grow out of." Like, in this instance, dressing up in unique clothes and watching romcoms. I kept waiting for us to reach that point with Liz, but then that never came. Liz's character shift will probably be the most upsetting for big fans of the first book, so, just a warning there.

The writing felt much more mature in this one, and even though the first made me feel for the characters, this one had me wanting to cry at so many points. Especially when we see how much has changed over the years, it left me with this intense ache and nostalgia. I loved the friend group in this and the little college found family they formed, I loved Sarah and the way she supported Wes, and the way Liz's family supported her.

So while this book felt off at times and had some weird choices added in, this was still a fun time with so much pining that made me feel all the butterflies while still maintaining an emotional undercurrent.

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As someone who immensely loved the first book, this didn't feel like Wes and Liz at all. Liz was unrecognizable and I don't think the reasoning given behind such a things felt valid. They finally started to feel like the characters I knew 80% into the book but really, the book as a whole, felt unnecessary. I think they were better off left as they were after Better Than the Movies.

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Sadly I did not love this book as much as the first book. Honestly I didn't feel like it needed to be written. I felt like it was vastly different from the first book and the characters felt off.
I still love Liz and Wes, always will. I just think their story was wrapped up so nicely in the first book that this one wasn't needed.

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I really like “Better than the Movies,” but I absolutely loved “Nothing Like the Movies.” We find out so much more about Wes as an individual with dual POV which heightens the emotions aspect while reading. I love Liz so much in this book as we see her grow in college and become an ambitious adult. I was absolutely obsessed with the character's chemistry throughout the entire book and Wes' efforts to get her back were so adorable. The storyline was very fluid and I could not put it down. I finished it in one setting. Absolutely a 10/10.

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I loved this book! A super cute follow up after Better Than The Movies. I loved BTTM more but I still really enjoyed this book, perfect banter and although it’s YA it still was a fun read as an adult. I love all the characters and the friendships.

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I'll never get enough of Liz and Wes but Nothing Like the Movies was a fitting happily ever after for my favorite YA couple.

Nothing Like the Movies drops you in the middle of Liz and Wes' break up. While I didn't love that, I really enjoyed Wes' journey for a second chance with the love of his life. It's a joy to revisit these characters and to see how they have all grown up.

Four stars. Lynn Painter doesn't miss.

Thank you to Simon Teen and Netgalley for sending me the eARC of Nothing Like the Movies by Lynn Painter in exchange for my honest opinion. I honestly really enjoyed it.

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I had such high hopes for this book, especially since I adored the first installment. Approaching it with an open mind, I genuinely wanted to love it, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The fact that it took me much longer than usual to finish is never a promising sign.

The interactions between the characters often felt contrived and awkward, and the storyline itself became repetitive. I’m not a fan of the miscommunication trope, and this book leaned heavily on it. It was frustrating because if the two main characters had simply communicated honestly with one another, the entire plot could have been resolved in a fraction of the pages.

Additionally, the overdone 'I’m breaking up with you for your own good' cliché felt not only tired but also insulting, both to the characters and to the reader. While Liz does confront Wes about his behavior, she never truly holds him accountable. Both characters were in desperate need of therapy, and their dynamic throughout the book felt deeply toxic.

All in all, while I wanted to enjoy this story as much as the first, the reliance on tired tropes and lack of meaningful character growth left me disappointed. What was once a compelling narrative with strong character arcs has devolved into a predictable and frustrating plotline. The emotional depth and complexity that made the first book so captivating were missing here, replaced by shallow conflicts that could have been easily resolved with honest communication. Unfortunately, rather than exploring the characters’ personal growth or offering insight into their struggles, the story resorted to clichéd misunderstandings and surface-level resolutions. It feels like a missed opportunity to create something more profound, leaving me with a sense of dissatisfaction as the book didn’t live up to its potential."

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The perfect conclusion to Wes and Liz! I highlighted so many lines. They were fun, hot, and sweet! I love how this story played out and we had time with each character while they navigated a really hard time in a young person’s life. I’m so happy they found their way back to one another.

And that Halloween kiss!!! Everything!

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Sometimes, some books just need to remain stand alones. This is especially the case with "Nothing Like the Movies". In their respective points of view, both Wes and Liz were nothing like the characters we saw in "Better Than the Movies". Liz had lost all of her romantic spirit and the subject of her mom (a huge focal point of the first book) was barely discussed. Wes had an insufferable and at times uncomfortable inner monologue that was a struggle to read. And overall, the book was poorly written at times and included unnecessary pop-culture references that felt out of place.

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Wes + Liz forever. I love Lynn. I love this couple. I thought this was an incredibly inventive sequel that brought these two apart and then back together. YA perfection.

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Thank you NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing for an e-arc of Nothing Like the Movies in exchange for an honest review.

Wes and Liz are just one of those couples who make me feel single even as a person who is happily engaged. I am SO happy this book had a dual POV so we could see inside the head of Wes Bennet. It's a complex place, even though it was basically just calling for Liz the whole time. It was really great to see how Liz and Wes both grew and changed. The confidence Liz has along with the emotional maturity Wes obtains are just chef's kiss. My babies are growing up!

This sequel was everything I hoped it would be!

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Nothing Like the Movies is so fun! I loved the first book and have always wanted a sequel to a YA novel where the couple breaks up and gets back together during college. The plot makes sense in a real world setting and doesn't just have them break up for the sake of breaking up. It touches on grief, longing, love, reconnection, and many more. As someone who grew up around UCLA it was also quite fun to read something where you know the setting and visualize it very well! Painter did a great job in researching her location and bringing the pages of the book come to life!

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I absolutely love this book! It was amazing! I love the new characters and the intensity this book brings. I couldn't believe that there could be more yearning than in BTTM and there was! Had me on the edge of my seat and I absolutely loved the maturity that grew with each character and their relationship.

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If you read BTTM and fell in love with Wes and Liz, then you are going to LOVE Nothing Like the Movies. Wes and Liz have grown so much in the 2 year time gap and it felt so natural for the both of them! Seeing Liz's confidence in her major and her job was an absolute delight. Seeing Wes in his element playing baseball and taking his education so seriously through HIS OWN POV was a blast. The new college friends, the old friend group, and seeing mentors (outside of parents) so involved in their lives was so refreshing! Also, keep you eyes out for some cameo appearances from other Lynn Painter YA character throughout the book (this part made me smile). Grief is discussed throughout the book, and just like in BTTM, Lynn handled the topic with such care and intentionality, it was truly beautiful. ALSO, a moment for all the movie quotes at the beginning of each chapter, the song references throughout the book, and the killer playlist that Lynn created (insert clapping emojis) This book was a 10/10, absolutely no notes, read for me. LYNNNNN thank you thank you thank you!!

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I had high expectations going into ‘Nothing Like the Movies’ because of how much I enjoyed ‘Better Than the Movies’ and love a second chance romance. Overall I thought it was okay. Personally, I don’t think it’s as memorable as ‘Better Than the Movies’ and it left me with mixed feelings when I finished it.

Liz and Wes are so cute together. I love and adore them but I feel like this book didn’t give me all the same feelings the first one did. I did like some of the cute moments between them though.

Thank you for the arc!

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I seriously finished and wanted to immediately reread. It was such a fun book.

I want to give it every star. ALL OF THE STARS. The characters. The execution. THE BANTER. the paaaaaain. Agh.

I was so upset that this sequel would be a second chance. I wanted Wes and Liz to stay forever from book one, but [AS ALWAYS] Lynn Painter hit is so out of the park with their second book that I want to crawl inside this story and live in this book.


Their love story. How they’ve grown and changed. Their grief and their little broken hearts. AGH.

This book is amazing. Read it. 💛💛💛💛

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This story means so much to me, and it was such a privilege to receive this ARC. I rated this book a 4.5/5.

Wes and Liz's story began in Better Than the Movies, taking place in high school, showing a sweet and beautiful depiction of an enemies to lovers romance. We saw them get together, and we've now seen them fall apart before they could find each other once again. Relationships aren't an easy journey for so many out there, and this story gave us a look at one of the most realistic second chances romances I have had the gift of reading. We watched these characters we love so much fall in love with each other, we've followed their journey's through grief and tragedy, until they were able to put themselves back together again. Lynn Painter handled the heavy topics of grief and trauma with the grace and delicacy they demand, and I felt both comforted and safe as a reader because of this. There are family dynamics represented and showcased here that you don't always get the chance to read about, and I think they elevate both the characters and the book.

Wesley Bennett, the man you are. We get a dual POV, getting a look inside both Wes and Liz, which elevated the experience tenfold. His journey was one that held such weight, a child being thrown into a role he never expected, nor did he ask for. Through trial and tribulation, we see him take back control of his life in this beautiful novel.
The quotes, the groveling, the inner monologue, the grand gestures, the patience and understanding - I couldn't have asked for anything more from his character.

Liz Buxbaum, I love you so much. She is a character that we followed first hand through the pivotal stages of her life, we felt her pain and despair, her hurt and disappointment - but we also felt her forgiveness and understanding, her growth and her love. She is a special character, and I believe that she is a strong FMC who so may girls and women can see pieces of themselves reflected in.

Their love is pure. It is a love story which so many can see glimpses of their own woven in. There is light and dark, happiness and pain, and so much love.

I will always recommend Wes and Liz's love story. Again, I am so thankful for the opportunity to read and review this ARC through NetGalley.

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