Member Reviews

I had such a good time reading this sequel!! I enjoyed the college perspective, I felt closer to the characters with them being older. The whole time I was reading I felt completely immersed in their world! OBSESSED WITH ALL THE ROMCOM MOVIE QUOTES AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CHAPTER!! So heartfelt. People who are hung up on their exes are going to eat this UP!


The beginning jumped really quickly into the bulk of the story. I feel like there could’ve been more dialogue as to why the storyline started on such a different course than how the first book left off. You do uncover why… but it left me a bit confused in the earlier parts of the book.

There were so many new characters introduced. CLARK!! The best!! I would love to see more of his story. I really enjoyed the side characters, I feel like they were tastefully written within the storyline.

The entirety of the book was a bit long until the last 85% where I feel like we FLEW. I understand why, but I naturally slowed down in the middle sections. I would’ve loved to relish in the last parts a bit more.

I am so glad I got to get an advanced copy of this book and can’t wait to see how well it does once it hits the shelves!

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3.5 ⭐️ this was a highly anticipated read and it just did not give me the same feeling I got when I read better than the movies.

This takes place two years after BTTM, where Wes and Liz are broken up. First I will say that I did enjoy the beginning but overtime I just started getting very annoyed. This book is miscommunication haters worst nightmare. Coming from someone who LOVES second chance, I just couldn’t deal with the whiplash Liz was giving me.

I did love that this book was dual pov. There are some emotional moments with grief and felt that story line was great. There were scenes that had me laughing and I did shed some tears. I just didn’t love this as much as I was hoping.

Thank you Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for the advanced copy!

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So cute! A great, believable follow-up that captures both the intensity of Liz and Wes and the struggles that young love faces when life gets hard. Loved reading it.

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This romance novel enchants with its heartfelt story and relatable characters, weaving a tale of love that feels both timeless and fresh. The chemistry between the protagonists is electric, making their journey together as compelling as it is emotional. With moments of tenderness and passion, this book is a delightful escape into the world of love and connection.

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Absolutely brilliant follow up to the first book. I really enjoyed the first, but LOVED the college version of Wes and Liz. They seemed to have matured while still maintaining some innocence which was fun to read. The conflicts felt realistic and relatable (unfortunately) and kept my invested.

Lynn Painter has done a fantastic job with these characters and following their love journey! I loved it so much. I could definitely read more about their lives even as they grow older. We’ve all come to love Wes and Liz thanks to Lynn.

A must read!! Especially if you enjoyed the first.

Thanks so much NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing for the eARC.

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Nothing Like the Movies is one of the best romance new releases I have read this year. Lynn Painter’s iconic ya romance writing really shines through in this one and I absolutely loved every single second of it. And it’s DUAL POV!!!

Any doubt or worry that I had that this sequel would not live up to BTTM vanished within the first chapter. I knew that no matter where this went, Lynn knows what she’s doing and is always going to write the perfect story. Although I was initially pretty sad to see that this book starts with Wes and Liz not together, I should have known that Lynn knew exactly what she was doing. We got to see some good, old fashioned, yearning from Wes Bennett and it was absolutely beautiful. Wes knows he really messed things up with Liz, but he is willing to do anything in his power to win her back. Hearing Wes’s side of what happened in their time apart is completely heartbreaking, but the best addition to this already perfect book.

Wes and Liz’s happily ever after feels even more satisfying after all that they’ve been through in this book. They deserve every single happy moment they can have for the rest of their lives.

Nothing Like the Movies is an absolute must read. 5/5 stars!!!

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A fantastic, swoony, moving sequel that is somehow magically impossible to put down yet makes you not want it to end.

The age progression and new scenario absolutely make sense, making getting to know these older versions of the main characters (and supporting cast) both familiar and engaging.

The way grief is handled is gracious and relatable.

The way familial, romantic and friendship love are portrayed makes it a safe place to land.

I love love loved this book.

All. The. Stars.

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Thank you Netgallery for this opportunity to review Nothing Like the Movies. It took me a while to get into the book because like everyone else, I was scared it wouldn’t live up to Better than the Movies. Wes and Elizabeth are everything. In this book, Wes is getting his life together after unforeseen circumstances and lied to Liz about it. Liz hates Wes for breaking her heart after attending UCLA. Wes wants to make amends and get Liz back? Will he be able too? Will Liz forgive him? Will Wes forgive himself?

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This was the best and I enjoyed every second of it! The perfect sequel to Better than the Movies.

This was definitely written with a little more depth. There were more mature emotions and feelings involved; where Better Than the Movies felt more like a true Young Adult novel, Nothing Like the Movies didn't really fall in that category for me. The characters are still completely loveable and there are tons of laughable moments along with heartbreaking moments.

Wes and Liz are both at more stable points in their lives at the time this story takes place. Wes desperately wants Liz back to where they were before tragedy struck his life and Liz is keeping her distance, she can't get over the heartbreak and has no intentions of experiencing it again. She isn't the same "Little Liz" she once was. It may be that she has changed to the point where Wes really doesn't know her anymore. Will all his romantic scheming and big gestures pay off or will they both realize maybe they really weren't meant for each other after all?

I have always loved Lynn Painter's writing, and this book is no exception! It kept me engaged, entertained and cheering on Wes because he is a great book boyfriend! Thank you NetGalley, Simon & Schuster and Lynn Painter for allowing me early access to this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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I was a big fan of Better Than the Movies, so I was very excited to read the next installment in the story of Liz and Wes. Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for giving me early access! This book mostly takes place two years after the first one. Readers may be surprised to learn that they broke up shortly after beginning their freshman year, when Wes had to unexpectedly move back home. Liz is now a junior at UCLA and is busy pursuing her dreams… then Wes shows up to play on the baseball team where she is interning. Since they didn’t end on good terms, there’s a lot of leftover baggage to navigate as they are thrown back into each other’s lives.

I didn’t dislike this book, but I didn’t like it as much as the first one. I’m wavering between 3 and 4 stars for a few reasons. First, while baseball is obviously an important part of this book, I lost interest a bit during the parts that were super sports heavy. Second, I fell in love with Liz and Wes during the first book, but the changes in their personalities were pretty jarring in this one. However, I do understand why the characters evolved because of all they had been through during the years between each book. Overall, this is a sweet, emotional, and mostly feel-good romance that can appeal to both teens and adults who enjoy a little nostalgia for their younger years.

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When I read Just Like the Movies I fell madly in love with the characters, and loved watching them grow throughout the book - and of course fall in love! So when I found out there would be another book, I knew I HAD to read it as soon as possible. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to read an ARC of Nothing Like the Movies.

As soon as I started the book, it was so easy to fall back into the world of Wes and Libby. This book made me feel *all* of the emotions. I found myself reading as fast as possible to learn about what happened. I had a great time falling in love with Wes and Libby and the continuation of their story together but also enjoyed seeing both characters be their own people and grow over the course of their years apart.

I will say - I wish we got a little more time with them at the ending of the book. But who knows, maybe Lynn will bless us with another book.

Overall, this little series holds a special place in my heart and I love it so dearly much.

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read if you like:
🥰 romcoms
👩‍❤️‍👨 exes-turned-lovers
🍿movie tropes
🧑‍🎓 college romances

I needed a good end of summer read and this one didn’t disappoint! It tells the story of Wes and Liz, whose passionate high school romance was ruined by tragedy years ago, and who find themselves both at UCLA for college. Since they split, Liz has grown confidence and passion, and is determined to focus on school and her career. Meanwhile, Wes, a college baseball player, is determined to get her back. When Liz is assigned to do a social media assignment for Wes’s team, they find themselves thrown together more often than they’d like. Will they get back together?

This book is a cute spin on normal romcom. As music lover, I loved that each chapter started with a quote from a famous romance movie. I love a slow burn buildup, and this book provides exactly that. We watch them deal with their complicated feelings for each other, thinking back fondly on their history together. Both Wes and Liz are lovable, believable and relatable, and you cant help but root for their relationship to overcome the grief and trauma they’ve both faced. The book does move a little slow, and since there isn’t a ton of change in scenery, it can drag in a few places. While the ending itself isn’t surprising or shocking in any way, the predictability makes for a nice happy ending regardless.

This book actually a sequel to BETTER THAN THE MOVIES, but you definitely don’t need to read that first! Thank you to Simon and Schuster Books for the advanced copy, and check this out when it releases on September 30!

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i absolutely adore the first book and i really enjoy lynn painters writing and plot, but this did not need to be a sequel. there was no need and it ended perfectly, so making this felt like a money grab. i still liked it but why rip my heart out and say they broke up

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“𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦. 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱."

TLDR: Still enjoyable in its own right, but is it necessary? I'm not so sure 🥲

I read Better than the Movies last year and LOVED it. I proceeded to read every possible extended epilogue out there, and when I found out there's going to be a sequel I was SO excited. You can probably guess how ecstatic I was to be approved an ARC. Thank you @netgalley, @simonteen, and the author!

I enjoyed Nothing Like the Movies. The story took place two years after the ending of BTTM, and started with Liz and Wes having broken up. This one definitely felt more grown up - the characters and the writing both. All those love confessions and Wes one liners still got me feeling like a lovestruck teenager - yes the giddiness was still there! But now coupled with pain and sadness for the struggles they had to go through.

While I appreciate and love that we got character growth and development - with Wes working so hard to get back everything he lost the first time around, and Liz getting confident and finding her footing in college - I would have liked more concentration on how Wes wooed Liz and how they TALKED and worked out their complicated past rather than taking too long keeping us all in the dark on what really happened with Wes.

Don't come for me but I feel like this kind of lost the charm I loved so much in BTTM 😭💔

I REALLY HATE NOBLE IDIOCY and appreciate Liz for chewing Wes out when he did this! I am all for open communication, PLEASE.

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***Trigger Warning: death of a parent***

Nothing Like the Movies is the sequel to Better than the Movies. It follows Wes and Liz as they navigate college. But right when they were about to start freshmen year tragedy happens. This leads to Wes and Liz breaking up. Flash forward years later Wes and Liz find themselves at the same college again. Wes is determined to win Liz back. Liz seems to have a new man in her life. But Wes will not stop until he gets her back.

I am a big fan of Lynn Painter. I have read all of her books. This was my most anticipated one because I really loved Better Than the Movies. I actually liked this one better. It had a bit of a sports romance vibe which I love. It also deals with grape and such a raw and real way. It had some pretty cute moments through out also. I really really liked this one. I highly suggest this series.

Thank you so much Lynn Painter, Simon & Schuster, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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I LOVED being back with Liz and Wes wow. I am obsessed with getting to see them fall back into love with each other. I loved the deeper conversations that were held in this book with romantic comedy along side. I already want to reread this and I definitely pre-ordered a paperback. LOVE ANYTHING LYNN WRITES! Highly recommends.

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4.5 stars

This is a fantastic sequel that will leave readers feeling like they are getting both new information and some solid wrap-ups for past situations.

While this book can be reasonably read and enjoyed on its own, that would be a nearly criminal act. Prospective readers should absolutely take the time to read the first installment to get the most out of this relationship. It's also a great book in its own right, which helps even more.

Wes and Liz are in a completely different place than where readers left them at the end of the first book, and, well, it's complicated. I loved learning about their journeys and especially how they managed them, so I'm omitting those details, but the main point is that they both (Wes especially) really struggle, break up, and finally reconnect at the same school. Kismet puts them in each other's orbit again, and the results are like something a little more out of reality than a movie. That doesn't make their story any less magical.

Fans of the first book will find themselves fulfilled and charmed by the way the tale of Liz and Wes evolves. It's not a sappy, straightforward journey, which made me enjoy it even more, but it is extremely heartwarming.

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this was very unnecessary… it truly had potential but it was just not liz and wes. This could of been good as an adult romance because the themes are a little bit darker then most YA. I wish we got more depth of some of the darker topics. Also some moments were just very cringe and liz annoyed me ALOT. My last straw was a ski mask masquerade dance… like WHAT😭😭😭
Sadly very disappointed

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It's not everyday that what I thought was a one-and-done romance gets a sequel. Better than the Movies ended on a perfect note, equal parts sweet and saccharine. Nothing Like the Movies picks up a few years into the future where the landscape of their lives has shifted dramatically, but Lynn Painter has a way of setting the scene perfectly. Their college life, with or without each other, is new and nostalgic and full of characters I fell in love with easily. I will never not root for Liz and Wes, nor will I ever turn down an opportunity to read a continuation of their story.

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Lynn Painter is a genius. This was an unexpected sequel, but masterfully done. It has heart, depth, Painter’s signature banter, and an amazing cast of supporting characters. I was thrilled to reunite with Liz and Wes.

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