Member Reviews

Although this novel is a fairly quick read, it is nevertheless an enjoyable romance. I could identify with Josephine and her regret over the impulsive mistakes of her youth as I have a few decisions that I regret from my youth. Josephine, however, lived in an era where judgment was harsh and the memories of the ton were long. She is fortunate to have supportive friends who encourage her to meet with Bessie Dove-Lyon of the Lyon's Den. The Black Widow with her knowledge of everyone in society creates the perfect means by which Josephine can once again enter society, thereby reuniting childhood friends. The Marquis of Wickes, unfortunately, made his best friend, Josephine's brother, a promise in their youth and whilst Gyles sees the benefit to everyone if that promise is rescinded, regrettably Simon is not as flexible. It is fortunate that Gyle's feelings for Josephine are as strong as they were in their youth and this gives him the motivation to fight for her to be reinstated in her family and society. The novel comes to a very successful conclusion and hopefully with a future for Josephine's friends as well. I received a copy of this romance as a gift through Dragonblad Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Love finds a way through the Lyon's Den. I enjoyed this story, Gyles and Josephine are intriguing characters and they find their way back to another chance for love. The past vs the present, interesting choices and a great connection that finally brings a heart felt happily ever after.

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Gyles Hawley, Marquis of Wickes made a foolish promise in his youth to not court his best friend's (Simon) little sister (Josephine), even though he had feelings for her. She professed her love, he spurned her affections and took off in the night and married another, only to be left a widow who then becomes a mistress. Gyles came to regret his decision and it ruined his friendship with Simon. Mrs. Josephine Bouchard knows she has to live with her bad decisions, but she can't forget the boy she once loved. A trip to the Lyons Den and everything changes.

I really enjoyed this story. The 2nd chance at love, righting poor decisions and reuniting a family all end in one happily ever after for Gyles and Josephine. Bessie Dove-Lyon's role is more about manipulation than matchmaking, but she still plays a pivotal role. Ewing sticks to facts set in previous books for the series and even includes another writer's characters to provide more backstory on hers. Great technique to give her story more context. She eludes to two additional stories for Patience and Cassandra, I'm enjoying her writing and will search for more on this author.

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Regrets, Bets, Restoration
A lost love that needs to be rekindled somehow and a reputation restored.
This is where Mrs. Dove Lyon come into help Gyles and Josephine.
The infamous widow has a knack at finding good love matches for her special clients.
We follow her as she manipulates Gyles and Josephine lives into a fascinating game of seek and find each one's desire for a happy end.
This charming story is well written with lots of emotions that grabs at your heartstrings.
The characters are interesting with Gyles being my favorite.
I felt their desire for each other is evident, but the charismatic passion connection in the two intimate scenes seemed somewhat lacking.
An enjoyable yet simple Lyon series book that could have been better with more building of passion
đź“šThis Lyon series has been exceptionally good well written stories by different authors but lately some of the stories have been lacking.

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The Lyon and His Promise by Sherry Ewing finds Gyles Hawley, Marquis of Wickes, reviewing his life and deciding it was high time that he renewed his relationship with Simon, his childhood best friend. They had fallen out when Simon refused to chase after his sister as she had gone on an ill-advised elopement, or allow Gyles to do it. He still regretted the promise he had made his friend to not get involved with that sister, Josephine. It had been a silly promise and he had loved her. Still… It turns ourt Simon regretted it as much as he did and even asked for help in finding Josie. He had hired detectives to do so and they had information, but it did not include where she was now. Well, as luck would have it, she was the beautiful woman who had been staring at him at the Lyon’s Den and with whom he was to meet this very evening at Vauxhall Gardens. It took him but a moment to recognize her and explain his feelings. But, they needed a plan. She was ruined and could not be a part of society, certainly not marry the heir to a dukedom, which he was. Ir could be done, with the right help.

Excellent characters, as only people in love can be. It was a fun journey back to respectability, although not short as Josie’s mentor expected a lot from her. At the same time, Gyles had to dodge aggressive females at the marriage mart, one in particular. It was highly amusing to watch that part of the story. The conclusion is foregone, as in all romances, and especially those matches arranged by Mrs. Dove-Lyon. Such a good read. Thanks, Sherry Ewing!

I was invited to read The Lyon and His Promise by Dragonblade. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #SherryEwing #TheLyonAndHisPromise

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Josephine made several mistakes. Her brother isn;t happy, and the man she loves, Gyles, didn’t defend her , as she had hoped. Emotions flow as you read this story: Pain and sorrow for Josephine, anger at her brother, hope when Mrs. Dove-Lyon steps in , and love in all the right places. I adored how Josephine reacted to Gyles when they meet at the Gardens, and was frustrated with her brother for trying to find her for all the wrong reasons. Was exceptionally glad to see the villain get his or her due. These characters make you want to be friends with them, and leaving them will be hard when the series is over. I loved this story and can’t wait for the next!

I received this story for free and these are my own opinions

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A great second chance at love story that is aided by Mrs. Dove-Lyon. Josephine made some bad decisions and paid a heavy price and Gyles stood by and watched but now he wants to make up for his inaction. The story is well written and very entertaining. Things are not always easy but they get their HEA.
I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley and are voluntarily leaving a review.

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