Member Reviews

A man walks out of the jungle in Vietnam and is killed by the US Army. When they realize the man is caucasian, George Tanner is asked to investigate who he was and how he got there. His investigation leads him to some seedy parts of Vietnam and the war,

This is not my typical historical fiction read but I still enjoyed the book. I almost felt like I was in the jungle with them and other times I felt the descriptions were too rambling.

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Jeff Wallace is an author I had not heard of prior to this book, but I do love historical fiction (especially wartime fiction), so I decided to give this a try and I was not disappointed.

Wallace has a way of writing that make you feel like this is not fiction at all. You go through this book and by the end you have to remind yourself that while the war was real the events of the book were not. It felt as if you were reading a soldiers account of the events.

There were a few times where I felt the pacing was on the slow side, but it still felt like a thriller. I look forward to any other books by Jeff Wallace.

Without spoilers, let's just say the ending felt like tragic closure to the story. "You sell yourself short, George. You would not have walked away. Once you had your friends safe, you would have come after me. There is no rest in you either."

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