Member Reviews

The action never stops as Lynna and her team take on dangerous agents of the KGB, ones that are even less human than they are.

The moment Lynna was born, she was recruited into the CIA. As a rare mix of human and sea dragon, there's no way the government would let someone like her slip through their fingers. She's been trained along with others like her, and it's their mission to keep the country safe. Lynna doesn't mind and finds the missions interesting enough...until one almost lands her dead. The KGB appears to now have their own breed of 'weapon', which are more than dangerous. Add that there's reason to believe members of the US government are now out to destroy her and her friends, and life's become more than a little complicated.

Action fans are going to enjoy this one quite a bit. There are plenty of fight scenes and tense moments, each which is carefully described and packs punch. The pacing is just as high. While many young adult reads slide into emotional moments and some deeper thought, this one does not. There's no time. With every step, new secrets are discovered and if the mysteries aren't exposed, the results are deadly. Add that it's hard to know who to trust, and the entire read holds unexpected twists, which dig their claws in deeper and deeper. That also means that this read races forward on mostly action, plot twists, intrigue, and dialogue. As said, it's for action fans and heads through things fairly directly and quick.

The Cold War setting is well done and gives everything a unique twist, especially with the dragon aspect. The abilities of Lynna and her teammates are original and interesting. The author tries to keep this fantastical side somewhat sidled up with reality, which gives it an unique edge. It carries a hint of X-Men vibes while falling solidly into the spy-adventure direction. As a first book, it sets the ground-work well and promises much more to come.

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I had fun reading this book. The concept is so exciting and super unique, and right from the opening mission I was hooked. The characters were a delight to follow, especially Lynna, our main character who can turn into a dragon capable of manipulating water. I enjoyed seeing her try to navigate a relationship with Patrick, a normal boy outside of her spy program. I think the biggest stand out of this book was how incredible the plot twists were. Each new discovery had me gobsmacked and excited to keep reading. Additionally, the fight sequences were super thrilling. I wish we got to see more of the Cold War, as I feel like it should have been centered a little bit more. In all honesty, other than the occasional 80’s song reference I forgot we were in the 80s. I also wish the erlking’s evil plan was more prominent. Even after finishing the novel I’m a little confused about what he was hoping to accomplish. Overall, I enjoyed this book— it definitely scratched the spy book itch. I hope there’s a sequel that lets DeWare and Brand and the morals of the Greenhouse Campus take center stage as a villain.
I'm caught somewhere between a 3 and 4 star rating, and decided to round up to 4.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC! I didn’t really know what to expect going into this book and I enjoyed it! The characters are unique and seem to have well thought out abilities and personalities. The coolest ability being Raymond’s ( but also, who doesn’t want to be an awesome half dragon?? Looking at you Lynna!). I say this in the nicest way possible: I hope someone has gone through this book for grammatical errors. I found several throughout the book. Overall, an enjoyable book, but I do not think I will be reading any of the others in this universe.

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This was an incredible read! I loved reading this. If you like any kind of fantasy (dark vampirical, or magical elves and dragon) you will LOVE reading this!
The world of hybrids is full of magic and wonder, but also danger and death. Follow a team of teens as they figure their way through life, love, villains, and high school boys.

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I love books with dragons. But this one caught me so good!!! The plot was impecable, the characters were immaculate, the storyline was so good. Can't wait for more people to read it.

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