Member Reviews

“For freedom – for this child – they’ll risk it all…”
I had high hopes for this and while it was a good read, it was not brilliant. I found it a bit disjointed and lagging something that would make it outstanding.

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A WW2 novel that tells the story, inspired by true events, of how the escape lines, for aircrew, Jews & refugees, were kept open through France into Spain over the Pyrenees. The Gestapo were onto SOE agent Elisabeth, & even captured her once, but at the time they didn’t realise that they had The Little Fox. A rogue ex-agent betrays many & there’s much sadness. It’s a story of great courage & sacrifice; totally absorbing. Full of tension, intrigue & some romance; a very powerful historical novel. Highly recommend

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It was 1942 in France, and the Nazis and Gestapo were everywhere. Elisabeth was in charge of her line, where she smuggled pilots, refugees, people who'd been "burned" by the Nazis yet escaped, all either by boat or across the Pyrenees into Spain. She was also on the Nazis' most wanted list - they were desperate to put The Little Fox out of action, one way or another. The British Secret Service sent more agents across to join Elisabeth, to strengthen the lines again after betrayal had seen many brave resistant men and women caught. Among the new arrivals was Guy, her best friend's brother, and together they worked the lines, staying one step ahead of the Germans - most of the time.

When Robert - the only survivor of a brutal attack on a Jewish orphanage - and Alice - another child needing the safety of Spain - came into Elisabeth's orbit, she was determined to save them both; Robert especially needed to keep out of sight of the Gestapo and the cruel, brutal man named Dexler, who they knew was after Elisabeth. But would they do it? Could they?

If I Can Save One Child is another powerful historical novel set during WWII by Amanda Lees which captivated me. The courage and strength of Elisabeth, Guy and the other guides who worked with the resistance blows me away! They risked their lives, each and every one of them, and many didn't survive. But those they saved were eternally grateful. This is my third book by Amanda Lees and I've 5 starred each one. Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley & Bookouture for my digital ARC.

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LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOOVVVEEE, LOVED IT!!!… Absolutely stunning!!!… I was completely swept away!!… For fans of historical fiction.

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I was blown away by this World War 2 historical fiction. History books tells us a little about those that helped to smuggle people that were at risk out of danger. If I Can Save One Child allows the reader to grasp a better understanding than I have ever read in a text book.

I was transported to Safe houses that were set up to protect those wanted by the Nazis, those of Jewish faith and soldiers caught behind enemy lines. Dedicated volunteers would feed, clothe and hide those that needed to escape. Dedicated volunteers did everything possible to keep them safe until they were ready to move on to the next location. They risked their lives to save others.

The main characters, Elisabeth and Guy, grabbed my attention. I became obsessed with them. Their dedication to saving others was inspirational. Elisabeth's dedication to her mission put her at risk. She frequently passed wanted posters portraying her face. Guy and his crew didn't stop there to find new houses to replaces those compromised.

The story is one action packed mission after another. I never knew who was going to turn traitor. The suspense, waiting to see who would be saved, had me turning page after page. The nail biting moments had me enjoying the story more and more.

If I Can Save One Child is a second chance romance. Guy and Elisabeth had know each other many years ago. He had first come to seek her out and get her assistance in setting up the houses, the routes, the people and the supplies. I can honestly say that their romance made reading some of the horrors easier. They earned there happily ever after.

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Follow Elisabeth and Guy as they work to help downed airmen and refugees escape from the Germans who are now in southern France. Guy’s sister was Elisabeth’s best friend growing up and Guy was the pesky older brother, but there is a definite spark between them now. As they try to avoid Drexler and the Gestapos, traitors infiltrate the network causing all sorts of havoc. As Elisabeth and Guy help two special children escape into Spain, all of their courage is needed. If I Can Save OneChild, by Amanda Lee, is a story filled with bravery, sacrifice, and love. It is a tribute to what ordinary people will do to fight against evil. I could not put it down! I was able to read an ARC on #NetGalley.

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This is a really moving story and shows the bravery exhibit by everyday heroes during WWII.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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An emotional WWII story of a brave young woman who steps up even further to help rescue a small boy from the Nazis by taking him over the mountains to Spain. Elisabeth never expected to do what she's been doing-helping downed pilots and Jewish people-but she's determined to stand up for them. So when Guy asks her to save Robert she thinks about it for just a second. This is a harrowing journey and one which will test all of them. There's good tension, a bit of romance, but most of all, a commitment to doing the right thing. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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This book will keep you turning the pages.
Set in France during WWII, the resistance safe line has been infiltrated and far too many arrests made.
The Nazis are looking for Elizabeth, but she still continues her work under their noses.
A new safety line is being built with the help of men from London. Yet again, they are betrayed.
Not knowing who to trust is the name of the resistance game. However, many brave souls are willing to face death in order to save a few.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Emotional, heart breaking, but at the same time it shows you the strength and courage of the men and women who knew that they could be killed at any moment for what they was doing .But with out their bravery, and their will to fight ,who knows how many children would have died , this story does exactly what the author wanted it to do and that was bring to life the story of friendship, love , the will of survival as well as show you that no matter what each one of us has the strength and the courage to stand up and fight for what we believe in and to never be afraid to do what I right .

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This book by Amanda Lees has everything I want in a historical fiction novel. First of all, there's the setting. WWII France. This period interests me because my father served overseas in this war. Next, the characters. All believable and ready to lay their lives on the line to save others as the Nazis have taken over France. And last, the chemistry between Elisabeth and Guy.

I've read Amanda's other historical novels set during the same period and loved them all, but I think this one is my favourite.

Thanks, Netgalley and Bookouture, for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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“Kindness is something we can all extend to the dispossessed.”

This was my fifth book by this author. They’ve all been 4 or 5-star wartime historical fiction.

I’ll admit to being hesitant at picking up this book - I’ve read so many stories featuring this time in history, with SOE operatives being chased by Gestapo, and with children being taken to safety. It was actually the cover that had me choosing this one and by mid-book, I was glad I’d decided to read this one. We can never receive enough encouragement to be kind and courageous.

Lees reminds her readers about the need for courage and kindness in helping those who can’t help themselves. Little 6-year-old Robert pulled on my heartstrings and I was glad I’d picked up this book featuring his daring rescue from a Jewish orphanage.

I was gifted this copy by Bookouture and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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France 1942. Elisabeth works for the British Secret Service, rescuing downed pilots and Jewish refugees. However, with the Gestapo on to her, things are about to get much more dangerous, and her next mission must definitely be her last before returning to England. Nonetheless she’s determined that this mission to rescue a little boy named Robert, (the last survivor of a Jewish orphanage), has to be successful.

After many close calls and betrayals from within, Elisabeth and fellow agent, Guy, set out on a treacherous journey in the middle of winter, to cross the mountains to Spain in order to secure freedom for Robert.

It goes without saying that this is a most perilous journey, resulting in lots of action and tension for the reader. This is another story inspired by true events, and demonstrates just how much we owe to these exceptional men and women whose bravery was nothing short of extraordinary.

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Amanda Lees masterfully paints a picture of wartime France, filled with tension, fear, and quiet acts of heroism. Elisabeth's character is a beacon of strength and compassion, her determination is both inspiring and heartbreaking. As she and fellow agent Guy embark on their daring rescue mission, the reader is swept along on a journey of suspense and emotional depth. If I Can Save One Child is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and anyone who appreciates stories of courage and sacrifice.

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Incredible moving. Lees always delivers compelling and emotional books which are important to history. On tour for this book.

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Elisabeth works for the British Secret Service in France. It’s 1942, and there is a lot of work to do to keep the lines open, so they can keep on rescuing Jewish refugees and downed pilots.

When Guy shows up, needing Elisabeth’s help to rescue a six-year-old boy, there is an instant attraction between them both.

With the Gestapo not far behind her, can Elizabeth make the last attempt to Spain without getting caught?

This was an emotional read that was heartbreaking at times. My heart was in my mouth following their journey.

Knowing that these stories from the author are based on true stories from WW2, makes them more important to read.

Lest We Forget.

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This a heartbreaking true WWII story. It was so touching and sad. Hard to put down.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of If I Can Save One Child by Amanda Lees. This is my first book by this author. It started out slowly for me but the pace did pick up. There was plenty of action as well as romance in this novel. It was not the typical Historical Fiction book about Nazis that I have read. I enjoyed it after the pace picked up. The beginning was a little confusing for me. I persevered and ended up enjoying it.

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As a history major, and momma of four, this book just got to me! It was so beautifully written. I was amazed at how it captured me from the beginning and griped me to the end. I devoured this book. Well done!

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An interesting story of one woman’s fight to protect the children targeted by Nazis in Italy. This feels like a sequel to another book, but I can’t remember which.

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