Member Reviews

Great WW2 novel set in a dual timeline of 1940 and 1990. I particularly enjoyed the historical part with Rose and Walter's story and the heartache caused. Good storyline with a few twists and working well in the dual timeline and also thought provoking as to how you would have acted in that time. Definitely recommended for WW2 fans

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A wonderful and interesting story which is a dual time line.

Rose lives with her Mother and Step Father who is a bully. He sister left to work in London for the War effort so this takes place in 1940. Then there is Emma who is the great niece of Rose and this takes place in the 1990. Rose ends up rescuing a German spy Walter one night and helps him where he lives in a hut in the woods. Emma has inherited the woods when Rose dies. This is where the mystery of the woods where Emma discovers bones of a body where did they come from.

I found this book really good and I wanted to find out more wondering what happened to Rose and also Walter were they the bones of him. I liked the story thought it was intriguing.

It was well written.

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Her Secret Soldier is the debut historical fiction novel from Julie Hartley. It’s told in the dual timeline format and this works really well throughout the book. The story opens with a brief prologue that definitely aroused my interest as a woman named Rose arrives in London during the Blitz. She is following a man and instantly I wanted to know who the man was? Why was Rose following him and why is there a significant focus on the word betrayal? From this point on, the plot deftly moved back and forth between 1940 and 1990 as two stories begin to merge into one. I love books told in this format and this was easy to follow, and everything felt as if it was occurring at a nice and relaxed pace. It’s brilliant to have a story that focuses on a slightly different angle of the war. I read heavily in this genre and at times I can become slightly jaded with the same story being rehashed perhaps with a different character or setting but essentially the same plot is there. Here, a different viewpoint was explored and one which gave much food for thought.

In the present day plot, it is 1990 and Emma lives in Toronto and is married to Mike. There is an uneasiness in her marriage and it soon becomes evident that herself and Mike want different things. He longs to move to the Canadian wilderness. His panic attacks and anxiety are intensified by the city and he craves peace and tranquillity and to connect more with nature. The trips they venture on don’t suffice for him. Whereas Emma loves her job as a journalist and feels the city is the best place to further her career and it is where she feels most comfortable. Emma has decided it's best for herself and Mike to part ways and the timing is perfect for the separation to begin as she has just received a letter. Said letter contains information that will set Emma on a path she had never thought possible as an unusual and exciting story in her family history is about to be opened up. Emma apparently is now the owner of land and a dwelling in England as a Great Aunt Rose, that she never knew existed, has passed away and Emma is the only surviving relative. As Emma’s parents are both dead she can’t find out much information but a vague memory surfaces of her mother saying that her grandmother’s sister left home one day and never returned.

Emma decides to travel to England to see what she has inherited in the hopes that she can sell the land and have enough money to buy Mike out of the condo they share. She is surprised to discover the land is in fact an ancient forest called Silvervale and the dwelling is a cottage in the centre of it. Emma is transfixed by what she discovers and can sense there must be a deeper story at play than at first meets the eye. When she encounters Tristan who has taken up residence at the edge of the forest in a caravan well this really sets the cat amongst the pigeons as a startling discovery is made which makes Emma think selling the land won’t be as easy as she thinks. I enjoyed Emma pulling back the layers to uncover the secrets of the past and specifically what happened to Rose but I would say Rose’s storyline in the past held me in the palm of its hand. At some points regarding Emma’s aspect of the plot it just became a bit too much focused on the magic of the woods and connecting to nature and truthfully it just wasn’t for me even though I could see the message the author was trying to portray but I just wasn’t that bothered with it and wanted more of the historical aspect of the story.

As mentioned above it is Rose and her story that had my attention for whatever chapters that focused on it. Rose has a tough life. Her sister has recently left home and is engaged and working in London as an ARP warden and Rose feels abandoned and left to pick up the pieces. She craves a life of her own but knows that she can’t leave her mother who is very ill. Her stepfather Norman is an utter tyrant who makes their lives a misery and believes Rose’s role is to mind the house and care for her mother. Of course, she would do anything for her mother but Norman is a different story altogether and even though to the villagers working in the police force he is seen as a beacon of light and he does his duty to his country, Rose knows the other side of him. I wanted Rose to stand up for herself and get out there and do what she wanted to do and pursue her painting but given the situation with the war only at its beginning and loyalty to her mother how could this be achieved?

One night as she secretly paints on the beach she sees a Messerschmitt release something into the forest. Curious she ventures into Silverwood Vale which she knows like the back of her hand. It having been her playground since she as a child and as with Emma in the present she feels a strong affinity and connection to it through nature. There amongst the trees is a wounded German soldier, Walter. She releases him and hides him in a cottage in the woods. His story is soon revealed and he claims he is an involuntary spy but how can he be trusted? Here is where the moral aspect of the story comes into play and it really makes you question what would you do if you were in Rose’s situation? Should she stand by her morals and ethics and loyalty to her country in a time of great peril for millions of people? Or should she follow her heart which slowly starts to open up towards Walter and a connection is established. Is she venturing along a line that if once crossed there won’t be any coming back from?

So many questions filter through the reader’s mind and it really is a game of cat and mouse as to whether Walter can truly be trusted or can any word that he utters be taken as gospel. I’ll be honest in that I thought this all happened too quickly that the couple fell in love and were planning for after the war. It was almost as if Rose was so desperate for love and affection and to break free from the shackles that bound her at home that she jumped at the first chance she got. So what if it was a German and they were at war? My conscience wrestled as to whether Rose was doing the right thing and it was good to see her go back and forth with her emotions, loyalty and her heart as new elements to the plot made things more complex not that they were straight forward in the first place. Rose was lovely, brave and compassionate and Walter kind, sensitive and a lover of nature like Rose but was this enough for the pair of them? Will Walter be discovered? Can love that starts off with a divide, weather the storm that it is amidst? You’ll have to read Her Secret Solider to discover the answers.

All in all, I did really enjoy Her Secret Soldier. It was a quick read and a very good debut. Yes, there were one or two things that I found slightly implausible, specifically how could someone evade detection for so long considering how close they were to their original family home and also how did Tristan never meet Rose? There was never really anything specifically mentioned about this to give me a solid answer and even now it still niggles away at me. The ending did feel rushed considering the wonderful story that had been developed. A chapter or two more would have been very welcome as I would have loved for Emma to have been given an opportunity to explain her reasoning and her final stance in even more detail than was provided. It was almost as if the book for some reason needed to be wrapped up in a hurry whereas reading it I would have loved for it to have continued on for slightly longer. But look, these are minor issues which really didn’t detract majorly at all from my enjoyment of the story. I love discovering new authors and certainly Julie Hartley is one to watch out for as she publishes more books as I sense there is a lot more lying in wait to come forth from the pen of the author.

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England, 1940, Rose is living in a country that is in ruins from the war. How will her beloved country ever return to the beautiful place it once was. When she sees a parachute land in the woods behind her house she rushes to help. Her immediate reaction is to help the injured soldier until she discovers that he is German. Walter is an involuntary spy that wants to turn himself in, but he knows that could mean death. Rose does everything she can to keep Walter safe by hiding him in an abandoned cottage in the same woods that she found him in. But when they hear that the Germans are carrying out a deadly attack she fears the worst.

Her Secret Soldier, written by author Julie Hartley is a phenomenal story of love, sacrifice and family. I loved the characters of Rose and Walter. They were captivating and felt like family. I love their bravery and their sacrifices. This heartbreaking and tragic historical fiction, based on true events, was inspiring and emotionally gripping. This unputdownable story is one that has buried itself in my heart and I can’t get it out of my mind. This is the first book I have read by this author and it definitely will not be the last. I look forward to reading many more of her stories. I wish I could give 10 stars, I highly recommend this book, don’t wait another minute read it now.

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I do love a good World War 2 fiction, and this one hit the spot. It was the perfect blend of mystery, romance and intrigue. I also learned something new as I'd not heard of 'Operation Lena' before. As always with this genre you have to suspend belief a little as I'm not sure events ever could have unfolded as they did. But then again, how would we know!

Written as a dual timeline, dual POV story, Her Secret Soldier switches between Emma in 1990 and her Great Aunt Rose in 1940. I loved Rose and Emma and seeing how much they learned about themselves during the course of the book. I thought Walter was incredibly brave too.

The plot was well paced, and had just the right amount of mystery to keep me reading. There were a couple of plot twists that I was expecting, which then didn't happen, which I was pleased about as they would have been rather clichéd!

I definitely think Julie will be an author to look out for.

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This would be classed as a star-crossed lovers romance as the main couple who falls in love are from opposite sides of the war - Him from the German side and Her from the British side. I really enjoyed this story of overcoming difficulties and being together while finding out things that have been hidden from them in their families.

This novel has a dual timeline - 1940 and 1990 - which allows us to be on both sides of the love story. This is the type of historical novel that I like as it is realistic to the facts but has the fictional element. I like the way that the characters have been developed and how they have been placed in the surrounding environment. I can not wait to read more from this author.

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When I read that this book was compared to something written by Soraya Lane and Rhys Bowen, I knew I needed to check it out. Rose was stuck in such an awful situation. Her older sister escapes the bad home life they were forced into when their mother married their stepfather and she leaves Rose to deal with it all alone. I felt so bad for her and it made me really think about how so many women probably had to deal with things like that. When she saves Walter she is able to let him in in a way I’m not sure I would be able to if I dealt with the things she dealt with at home.

The past was definitely the predominant part of the story, but I liked both sides. I enjoyed Emma’s POV. She’s in a pivotal time in her life, and when she finds out that she inherits a whole forest from her great aunt, she takes the opportunity to escape her every day life and go get answers about Rose. Learning about what Rose went through in her life, shows her what’s important in hers.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC of this book

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Julie Hartley weaves a compelling dual-timeline narrative in Her Secret Soldier that captures the heart and soul of wartime sacrifice. Set in 1940, Rose’s discovery of an injured German soldier, Walter, leads to a forbidden love that blossoms amidst the chaos of war. Hartley skillfully portrays the tension and inner turmoil as Rose risks everything to protect Walter, despite the danger and uncertainty.

Fast forward to 1990, and we follow Emma as she unearths hidden secrets from her Great Aunt Rose’s past—secrets that could alter everything she knows about her family. The seamless blend of romance, historical drama, and mystery keeps you on edge as you root for Rose and Walter’s fate while puzzling through Emma’s discovery of old bones hidden in the cottage cellar.

If you love historical fiction filled with heart-wrenching moments, moral dilemmas, and the fierce power of love, Her Secret Soldier will keep you captivated. Fans of Fiona Valpy and Rhys Bowen, this one’s for you!

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"Her decision came down to just one thing: what sort of person was she?"

I loved the exploration of the dualities within people in Her Secret Soldier. Rose, a bit timid and unsure of who she wants to be, but certain in her love of nature. Emma, who knows what she wants, which is to be surrounded by the activity of the city- until she realizes she doesn't.

Her Secret Soldier also explored different relationship dynamics and how relationships can change. Relationships not only with each other, but with ourselves and the world around us.

I highly recommend this book to people who love a sweet, slow burn romance, heart-pounding espionage, and a story shared between dual timelines. I know sometimes with dual timelines you want to skip over one of them because you're more invested one than the other, but I honestly looked forward to seeing what happened next with both Emma and Rose.
Also! I really hope Evelyn gets her own book because I'd love to hear more about her!

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What a beautiful debut novel. I really enjoyed this gripping and heartbreaking wartime story about love, sacrifice, espionage, romance, secrets and lies. It’s deeply moving and I was totally hooked from start to finish. With an interesting storyline it’s easy to follow and is atmospheric.
It explores Rose and Walter’s story, told in different POV’s of Rose, England 1940 and Emma 1990, starting when Emma inherits Silverwood Vale from her Great Aunt Rose. The dual time line adds depth to the story and the hidden secrets bought suspense. It’s well written, interweaving between the two timelines to slowly reveal the story and join it all up together nicely. It’s a captivating story with characters you fall in love with and the author captures the emotions and struggles of the characters perfectly. It has a good mix of history, mystery and romance.
Overall, a well paced, enjoyable story. Well worth the read.
Definitely recommend if you enjoy historical fiction.
With thanks to #NetGallery @bookouture for an arc of #HerSecretSoldier in exchange for a honest review.
Book publishes 12 September 2024.

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Her Secret Soldier by Julie Hartley is a brilliant book here. It captured me from the first page to the last. A heartwarming historical fiction novel.
It was an engaging read with a delightful set of characters.
This book is a must read for lovers of historical fiction.

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This is an unique read.
England is next on Hitler’s radar.
In addition to the a blitz bombings, German spies are sent to England I’ll equipped and not trained. This story reflects challenges these Germans had.
There is adventure, mistrust, and suspense moments throughout the story. There is also love and loyalty.
Trigger warning for anyone who can’t handle domestic violence.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Rose and sister Evelyn Tilburn are quite used to seeking refuge in the local woods to het away from their stepfather Norman, so after Evelyn stands up to Norman and leaves home Rose continues to escape to the woods. One day Rose sees a parachute fall into the woods and decides sh will see if she can find it. When she comes upon the soldier, Rose thinks he’s dead, then discover he’s injured. It’s not until she hear to accent that she decides it would be unwise to take him into the village because he’s German. Is this wise or will Norman who is a police sergeant discover him?

Fifty years on and great niece Emma has been left silverwood vale by Rose. When Emma arrives from Canada and discovers the remains of the cottage she fails to understand how anyone could live there, secluded from society and sets out to discover how Rose managed to live so close yet so far from her family without their knowledge.

On the whole I enjoyed the book although I felt it hard to understand, if Rose was sending her works around the country how did she manage to promote them when she was living undercover? How come Tristan hadn’t come across Walter before !
It definitely felt rushed at the end.

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Literally a German soldier falls out of the sky…well, from an aircraft with a parachute. Rose’s life is turned upside down as she rescues him. Then she has to decide her next steps, & if he can be trusted. A totally riveting & intriguing read. Dual timeline, 1940 & 1990, both set in the Uk. It’s so very different from the norm WW2 story. Emma, has her own challenges, & decisions to make, as she too stops & listens to the layers like Rose. Nature isn’t just something we need, “it is what we are”. Highly recommend this very interesting, well written book.

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It was England, 1940 and Rose was still sad her sister Eleanor had left them for the bright lights of London; left their sick mother and brutal step-father Norman. Rose was doing her best to care for her mam, but being in the presence of Norman made her want to flee like Eleanor had. The night she was breathing in the fresh salt air, away from their cottage, and saw a plane fly over and a parachute fall from its innards, Rose had no idea her life was about to become even more complicated. For the injured airman was Walter, a reluctant German spy, who wanted to hand himself in as soon as his feet hit the ground. Rose persuaded him otherwise, as the law had changed and Germans on British soil were to be executed. Could she hide him, and tend to his injuries? Should she?

1990, Canada, and Emma had received a letter from solicitors in England, stating she'd been left a significant parcel of land and small cottage by her Great Aunt Rose, a woman Emma had never met. Emma flew to England, leaving her husband Mike behind, with the intention of selling the land and cottage. But what she learned about Great Aunt Rose, astounded her. Who was this reclusive old lady who'd buried herself away in the forest called Silverwood Vale? And how had she come to own the forest which housed such beauty?

Her Secret Soldier is an exceptional historical novel, based on fact, by Julie Hartley, which I loved. A heartbreaking story, but a story of hope and love, of resilience and courage, and one of trust; following Rose's journey was an inspiration. Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley & Bookouture for my digital ARC to read and review.

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An atmospheric book with a good mix of history, mystery, and romance. While it took a while for me to become engrossed, the story and characters continue to stay with me long after finishing the book. I typically don’t enjoy dual timelines but this was very well done. At times, the action and characterizations were unbelievable and melodramatic, but it kept things exciting so I won’t complain too much. Overall, it was a heartwarming story that made me feel things.

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A beautiful novel inspired by a true story about war and a forbidden love. Rose’s and Emma’s stories touched me deeply in so many ways. Without ever having met, Emma had a strong emotional connection to Rose. The powerful conclusion was incredible!!
It’s always difficult to read about war and the holocaust but as readers we learn from history and I will continue to mourn the individuals who suffered and sacrificed their lives.
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This moves between 1940 and 1990 to tell the story of Rose and Walter, a young British woman and a German sent to the UK as a spy. Rose's niece Emma, in 1990, arrives in Silverdale to sell the land Rose has left her and discovers there's a mystery ,one which dates from WWII. And that's the more interesting story, the story of a forbidden love. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read for fans of the WWII novel.

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This book had a very interesting storyline - but I do feel like the ending was a bit rushed. I feel there were a few details from the story that were left unaddressed, even in the end. For example, it was stated throughout the “present” chapters that some of the townspeople hated Rose, for “what she did” - but never actually stated what she did. There were a few things I can speculate about, but a more clearer picture would have been nice.

Rose, a young woman growing up during WWII in a coastal town in England called Lowbury. Her mother is slowly dying, her step-father is an abusive drunk, and her older sister left the family for London. Rose is expected to keep house for her stepfather and sick mother. Her life is mundane, uneventful, and boring - until one day, she meets a man Walter. He’s handsome, he’s kind, he shares in her love of nature . . But, he’s a German soldier/spy. He claims he hates Germany and wants to surrender to England, but can he be trusted?

4/4 due to the unanswered plot lines, otherwise a very good read!

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Really enjoyed this book. Full of forbidden romance, secrets and lies! Love a Ww2 book and this was up there with the best of them!

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