Member Reviews

The first thing to know about Within My Branches, detailing the long life of a tree as narrated by the tree itself, is that the illustrations alone make the book a no-brainer purchase/gift. They drawings are absolutely beautiful: sharp, expressive, detailed, just gorgeous to look at. They also do what illustrations should in a picture book, carry forward the story beyond the words. So I’d highly recommend this even if you never read the words to your child or they never read them

As for the text itself, it’s a softly, often poetic style that is generally simply in vocabulary but not in meaning. There’s a nice cadence to it. It’s not a chipper or lively text in style or tone. There are moments of beauty and joy and some wry humor (speaking to how some visitors are “intrusive” with the image of a woodpecker), but also a poignancy, an acknowledgement of the cycle of life. This holds true as well for the tree and not just the world it observes, since at the end it is transformed. Some children may find this sad or disturbing, but it’s not presented as such, and the gentle acceptance of life changing/time passing/transformation is not a bad lesson.

Overall, a lovely, thoughtful meshing of art and language and highly recommended

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This was avery cute read. I loved how we could follow all the way through from an acorn until the tree has lived it's life. I think this book can show kids and even adults, how complex and interesting is nature, and I would gladly recommend this book.

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This was a charming picture book, full of beautiful art and prose. It would definitely be a struggle for a young child to read on their own, but a gorgeous book to sit and got through with your child. Following the life of tree from seedling to timber used to build a ship, this tree sees critters from all walks of life which is reflected in the illustrations.

This is absolutely a book I would enjoy reading with any future children I may have, though once again, perhaps when they're a little older.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this.

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Within My Branches is a remarkable work written and illustrated by Nicolas Michel, translated from French by Sarah Ardizzone. This unique memoir takes the form of a tree telling its life story, told with a serene and reflective tone that captures the essence of nature's cycles. The narrative style is reminiscent of sitting on a front porch, listening to an elder recount a life well-lived—only in this case, the storyteller is an oak tree.

The oak tree narrates its experiences in a gentle, almost detached manner. The illustrations do the heavy lifting in describing the creatures that interact with it: a boar nosing among acorns, a stag nibbling on dandelions, birds seeking shelter in its branches, and humans carving initials into its bark. These moments create a rich tapestry of life, highlighting the interconnectedness of all living things.

Michel’s illustrations are stunning, particularly the opening image of a felled oak's cross-section, which sets the tone for the narrative. The black-and-white ink drawings focus on the textures and details of the oak’s world, inviting readers to pause and reflect. The natural world comes alive in these illustrations, from the rough bark of the tree to the softness of rabbit fur and the wet gleam of a boar’s snout. The use of monochrome creates a quiet, contemplative atmosphere that complements the text beautifully.

The translation by Sarah Ardizzone preserves the subtle, lively cadence of Michel’s original French. The prose blends simple and complex sentence structures, creating a rhythm that is both soothing and engaging. The rich, evocative language makes the book a pleasure to read and a valuable resource for language instruction.

The primary themes of Within My Branches revolve around the cycles of life and the inherent value of each stage. The oak tree’s narrative is accepting, embracing each phase with grace and purpose. The message of continuity and acceptance is powerful, reminding readers that life’s end is merely a new beginning.

The book’s illustrations are a visual feast, captivating readers of all ages. They offer a detailed view of the natural world, encouraging young readers to linger over each page. The introspective tone makes it ideal for reading aloud, fostering discussion and observation. The detailed illustrations also make it an excellent tool for nature study, particularly the double-page spread depicting the life cycle of an oak.

Within My Branches is a book that resonates with multiple age groups. For younger children, it’s a captivating read-aloud that fosters discussions about nature. Older children and middle school students will appreciate the disciplined writing style and intricate illustrations, making it an exemplary resource for both language and art instruction.

Overall, Within My Branches offers a profound and beautiful exploration of life through the eyes of an oak tree.

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This story of the life of a tree is beautifully told and beautifully illustrated! I read it a few times, and each time different parts stuck out to me. I loved it.

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This book was not what I thought it would be. Rather an odd ‘story’ that I couldn’t place. Too deep for younger readers, not enough for older readers (and I am a big advocate for picture books for older readers!) Seemed to lack flow and storyline.

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The story of "Within My Branches" is based on the life of a tree. Initially small as a dandelion, the tree grows into a giant that tickles the clouds with its branches. Throughout its life, the tree has experienced a lot both from natural happenings and from human hands.

"I've sheltered rain soaked gods."

"Now and then, certain guests proved a bit intrusive."

"I've weathered many storms..."

"I've scattered my offspring to the winds."

"I surrendered the best of my trunk for the keel and stern of a tall ship."

Not only does this book contain beautiful words, but it also has beautiful pictures.

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a beautiful masterpiece about the life of a tree.
It's a delicate and gentle story following the seasons and life cycle the tree lives through and witnesses.
the illustrations are so lovely, the only one critic is that the book is a bit too long for toddlers, maybe better for primary school kids.

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Beautiful short story about a life of an old tree, told from its perspective. It is very atmospheric and has that calm feeling to it. But it didn't quite strike me as a children's book because of the intricate black and white ink illustrations. I see it more as a little piece of art to have in your home library to look at every so often, for children and adults alike to enjoy.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

Within My Branches follows the story of a tree, from when it was a baby sapling, to its zenith years of observing and sheltering other creatures, until its death and mutilation at the hands of humanity.

This book is equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking. I do not often think of the life of trees, but this story would serve as a great teacher to young children looking to connect more emphatically with the world around them.

Apart from that, if you're simply looking for a book with brilliant illustrations and good prose, pick this one up!

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Told from the perspective of an oak tree, this insightful children’s book shares poignant and beautiful observations about nature. This endearing oak tree has been a haven for many creatures while witnessing the majesty and vulnerability of creation. Elegant and detailed illustrations highlight the wonders of the natural world. Highly reccommend for readers of all ages!

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A wonderful picturebook but also, very poignant.
The illustrations are very interesting, as well as the story of a tree told by the tree itself, as it encounters various guests and tribulations throughout its life cycle.

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Thank you Netgalley and Pushkin Press for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This book is absolutely stunning with its black and white art. This is not something you often see in books geared for a younger audience, but it blew me away. This story follows a tree and its life. From season changes to passing friends, we learn so many different things from the tree at so many different points in its life.

This book is simply beautiful, a work of art. The illustrations really help the story flow. It read almost as a poem. I highly recommend this to all ages as the stunning story is captivating for many. But for very young audiences, some of the vocabulary may be a bit too advanced.

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Beautiful black and white illustrations with poetic text reveal the life cycle of a tree. So gorgeous, I want a copy for my home library!

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'Within My Branches' is a picture book that tells the stories of a tree: how a tree becomes the witness of wild and human life, love, sadness, and tragedies of them; the beauty of the sky and wildflowers; how a tree gives shelter to so many of them throughout its life; and then one day the tree is no more a tree; it becomes the timber of the ships that sail for eternity. 

This kind of book can help children to understand the value of trees and how they have this huge impact on every living being. 

I appreciate the effort. But I think a picture book that tells stories of a tree should have colors. This book needs to be colorful. Colours will add life to it.

Thank you, #netgalley for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review. #WithinMyBranches
2.75 stars

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This is a work of art. The writing is beautiful and the illustration is just breathtaking. There is poetry in both the words and the pictures.

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‘I used to be ever so small, hardly as high as a dandelion. Until I grew tall enough to tickle the clouds.’

This is illustrated in black and white, but the illustrations are worthy of hanging on a wall, they are so beautifully drawn.

This is the story of a tree, who in turn shares his story of his life, and of all those that have kept him company as they perched on his branches. Those who have spent time perched on its branches, a place of a home-like comfort for them, and all those who have spent time burrowing themselves in its branches.

I will be buying a few copies of this one for the two youngest in my family, as they are both budding nature lovers.

Pub Date: 03 Sep 2024

Many thanks for the ARC provided by Pushkin Press / Pushkin Children’s Books

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The story of an old oak tree. It reads like a poem and the black-and-white pictures are beautiful; however, I don't think this would appeal to children. It's kind of depressing and the concepts seem like they would go over their heads (e.g., at one point it refers to displaying the wounds of a jealous lover).

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Beautifully illustrated and fascinating tale of the life of a tree. Short and filled with a sense of melancholy; it also left me with a sense of wanting more. The writing seems in parts to be aimed at a different age group compared to the accompanying illustrations. Thanks to Netgalley for letting me read this advanced copy in exchange for a review.

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I really enjoyed the whole story, it really is a great. The flow and timeline run smoothly throughout each page. The illustrations bring it all together nicely. It faintly resembles that of the Giving Tree with its own twist. A classic to put on the shelf.

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