Member Reviews

No Stone Unturned is exactly as it states, it is an addictive historical mystery. The first in The Lucy Lawrence Mysteries Series by Pam Lecky. It is also the first book I have read by this author. Since three books in the series were released the same day, this is most likely a re-release of the series. This is a Victorian historical fiction book with several delightful characters including Lucy Lawrence and Phineas Stone. The supporting characters include the good, the bad and the repulsive ones that you like, love and hate in this book.

I found the beginning to be a slow start as Lucy comes to terms with her husband’s death. Now I can see how the author was building up to where Lucy would overcome in a gentle but sometimes impulsive way to take charge of her life in a time that restrained women from doing so. Phineas Stone is much more of a straightforward kind of man which I appreciated even before Lucy did. By the end of the book, I couldn’t wait to see what Lucy and her practical maid decided to do next. A hint of romance, a huge amount of betrayal and danger, Lucy came through it all and now is one character that I will be following.
4.5 Stars

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3 1/2 stars. An intriguing story that drew me in immediately. I really liked Lucy and her maid. They made a great team. Phineas, the investigator, annoyed me at times but I could see how he could grow on me.

The writer has done a great job with her historical details and weaving a very authentic atmosphere. The mystery had plenty of twists and moments of thrills. Some of the twists reminded me a bit of Victorian story tropes but overall I really did enjoy it.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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1886 London

Lucy Lawrence did the unthinkable and eloped at a young age instead of fulfilling her obligation to her family and choosing an “acceptable” husband. This lead to her family essentially disowning her, which was fine by her!

And then at 28, her husband dies in a suspicious manner. While they’d been growing apart, he’d been out for the “get rich quick” schemes, which lead to his death, and the ruin of her reputation and finances. This story had the right balance of familial dysfunction, drama and danger! This was a well written and enjoyable novel.

Thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and Pam Lecky for the eARC.

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"Marry in haste, repent in leisure" is an apt adage as we are introduced to Lucy Lawrence, circa 1886 London. Lucy has escaped Yorkshire and her family when she eloped with Charlie Lawrence, and now 10 years on, has had plenty of time to reconsider her actions as she is ostracized for her elopement and family scandal, and without a dowry or children, her marriage is a lonely one, with little in common with her husband, who is rarely home.

When Charlie dies in a coach accident, Lucy's life changes in an instant, With no money, and hoping to escape from Mr. Phineas Stone, an insurance investigator who has questions about Charlie's business activities, Lucy hastily accepts a surprise invitation to her childhood home for Christmas, only to find herself squarely in the middle of a criminal investigation. The next blow is learning that Charlie was murdered, and nefarious underworld criminals seem to want something that they think Charlie left with Lucy.

The first quarter of the book really held my interest as the plot quickly unfolds, and Mr. Stone is a fascinating character who offers to work with Lucy to solve the mystery. However, Lucy is a very prickly character who isn't exactly endearing and she makes rash decisions right and left. I so dearly just wanted to shake some sense into her. The second half of the book involves a lot of needlessly harried running around and hiding, and once Mr. Stone makes a very welcome reappearance, the story finally gets its spark back and the mystery is resolved.

Personally, I didn't found Lucy's character compelling, and the plot sagged in the middle with the absence of someone to balance Lucy's inclinations. However, this is the first book in the series, so I look forward to the next book to see how Lucy grows and adapts. 3 stars.

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Thank you netgalley and Storm Publishing for this arc.

Lucy is recently widowed in London, with very little financial means to support herself and staff. After having to identify her husband's body his secrets and misgivings slowly come out, putting Lucy and her maid Mary in danger. Can Lucy find the missing gems and stay out of danger?

I enjoyed this one, all 3 books released on the same day so I am looking forward to continuing to read Lucy's story. It started off a little slow paced, but it never felt boring there was a good amount of adventure and plot throughout. At around the 70% mark is when it really started to get exciting. I liked the characters and the development the author gave them. Looking forward to book 2.

4 stars.

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This book is a fast paced read with murder, stolen items, and a tad of love! so many twists and turns! I thought I had it figured out, and then realized I didn’t! It kept me on my toes. I’m thankful to @NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review it!

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The Plot

Lucy Lawrence finds herself in danger after her husband dies in suspicious circumstances and his shady business associates start to terrorise her. When she turns to her family, little does she expect to be at the centre of the drama surrounding her mother’s missing pearls. Lucy is surprised when investigator Phineas Stone turns up and her husband’s demise comes to light with shocking revelations. She must solve the puzzle her husband left her before her life is threatened.

My thoughts

The plot was action-packed, with fluid movement from location to location, picking up tension and pace along the way. This plot became more of a treasure hunt than a whodunnit, though it did throw in one or two surprises. I connected with the character from the beginning, feeling her plight as a young widower in Victorian times. Lucy’s outlook seemed bleak with the way she was treated by her family. They were truly dreadful characters and I felt like they were bordering on fairy-tale villains. This was especially the case with her mother, who was akin to the wicked stepmother. I also felt that I was reading more of a historical romance at one point. However, the story took a turn for the better, with Lucy throwing herself into the path of her danger. I admired Lucy’s resilience as a character and her and her maid Mary made for an excellent detective duo. I would read another one of these books. It also brought to life the sights and sounds of Victorian London well. 3.75 stars.

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Pam Lecky’s No Stone Unturned is a captivating historical mystery set in Victorian London, filled with suspense and rich detail. With a resilient protagonist and a plot full of twists, it's a compelling read for mystery lovers.

Full Review:

Pam Lecky’s No Stone Unturned is a riveting historical mystery that transports readers to the shadowy streets of Victorian London, where danger lurks behind every corner and secrets are as plentiful as the gaslights lining the streets. The novel opens with a haunting scene: Lucy Lawrence standing over her husband’s lifeless body, his once handsome face now a twisted mask of death. This grim beginning sets the tone for a story filled with intrigue, suspense, and unexpected twists.

Set in 1886, Lucy’s world is turned upside down by her husband's murder and the theft of her mother’s priceless heirloom pearls. Her reputation in tatters, Lucy’s future seems bleak until Phineas Stone, a dashing investigator, steps into her life. Drawn into a complex web of deceit, Lucy and Phineas uncover a deadly conspiracy that links back to her marriage and threatens to destroy everything she holds dear.

Lecky’s portrayal of Victorian London is both vivid and atmospheric. The contrast between the polished veneer of high society and the perilous underbelly of the city adds depth and tension to the narrative. The author's attention to historical detail enriches the story, making the setting a character in its own right.

Lucy Lawrence is a compelling and resilient protagonist. Her journey from a bereaved widow to a determined sleuth is engaging and believable. Phineas Stone complements her character well, bringing a mix of charm and expertise to their partnership. Together, they navigate the treacherous waters of Victorian society and uncover secrets that many would prefer to stay buried.

The plot of No Stone Unturned is expertly crafted, with each revelation adding to the mounting suspense. The cryptic note left by Lucy’s late husband serves as a tantalizing clue, driving the narrative forward and keeping readers guessing until the very end. Lecky skillfully balances moments of high tension with quieter, more introspective scenes, creating a well-rounded and immersive reading experience.

One minor drawback is the occasional predictability of certain plot points. However, the overall strength of the story, combined with Lecky’s engaging writing style, more than compensates for these few foreseeable moments.

In conclusion, No Stone Unturned is a captivating historical mystery that will delight fans of the genre. Pam Lecky’s talent for storytelling and her meticulous attention to detail make this a standout novel. Lucy Lawrence’s adventures are far from over, and readers will be eagerly anticipating her next investigation.

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For fans of: The Lady Darby mysteries, The Wrexford & Sloan books
Title: No Stone Unturned (ARC-netgalley)
Author: Pam Lecky
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Genre: 🔎 Historical Mystery
Violence: 🔪(off page)
Spice: 🔥
TR: Death of pet (off page)

Synopsis: England, 1886. Lucy’s husband is murdered and his mysterious business partner threatens harm if she doesn’t produce her husband’s papers. Fearing for her safety, Lucy seeks sanctuary among her estranged family. But family dynamics are the least of her worries when her mother’s prized pearls go missing, and the family blames Lucy. Her only recourse is to put her faith in the man investigating her late husband, who clearly suspects she is complicit. The question is: can she trust him or is he playing a deeper game?

Thoughts: In Lucy, Lecky strikes the right balance between intrepid and period appropriate. Her heroine’s slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers dynamic with insurance investigator Phin adds an appealing romance sub-plot that I look forward to seeing develop in future books. Most importantly, the mystery was well-plotted and pleasingly complex with unanticipated twists. Lecky’s atmospheric writing created a strong sense of place and time, effectively using environment to escalate tension. At times the more sinister characters read as caricatures, but others were well drawn, like Lucy’s maid, her spinster friend, and society dame Sarah. I look forward to their future story arcs.

This first novel in Lecky’s new Lucy Lawrence mysteries is available on Kindle Unlimited. The first three books drop simultaneously July 25, with the 4th book available Sept 19.

Thank you to @stormbooks_co for the gifted copy of this book.

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What a great start to a new series! I did feel for Lucy, when she discovered the truth about her husband of ten years. Lucy, also had a dreadful family. However, she proved to be quite resilient and brave. There is a mystery or two, to solve and this brings Lucy into contact with Phineas Stone. Phineas, a younger son, is successfully making his own way in the world as an investigator. He is a handsome man who has connections in high places. I liked the way Lucy’s maid encouraged her in her endeavours, I think she must have been youngish as she got very excited about taking part. There is also the hint of a romance to come. I found this difficult to put down and am looking forward to the next in the series. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and publisher. I enjoyed this first book and look forward to the next two. Lucy Lawrence has found herself widowed and her husband’s death is starting to look intentional. She knew her marriage was rocky but she had hopes of repairing it. These hopes died with her husband and her love for him slowly died as she began to learn more about him. With the help of Phineas Stone, an insurance investigator, she tries her best to solve her husband’s murder and find a new adventurous future.

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I enjoy reading novels set in the past, in this case Victorian London where Lucy's husband died in an accident - although this is soon brought into question as he had been involved in some very shady business. This brought her to the attention of Phineas Stone, an insurance investigator but also to criminals chasing some missing gems.
I really enjoyed reading this book, obviously setting the scene for a series with these main characters. Lucy comes across as very bright, ably supported by her maid Mary, and pushing back against the expectations of her family, but ending up betrayed by them. There is a growing attraction between Lucy and Phineas, but almost in a love-hate way, and I'm looking forward to reading the next in the series to see how their relationship develops against the backdrop of a mystery. For myself I can definitely recommend it.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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I enjoyed this mysteries featuring a clever and brave woman, a mysterious investigating partner, and plenty of twisty/action/mysteries.
They're very entertaining and I liked both Lucy and Phineas.
The historical background is vivid and the solid mystery kept me hooked.
This is a review for the three novels: The Art of Deception, No Stone Unturned, Footprints in the Sand
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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No Stone Unturned is the first book in a new Historical Mystery series set in the late 1800s. At the start of the story, Lucy Lawrence learns that she is widowed when she is called upon by the London police department to inform her that her husband has been in a fatal accident. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of Lucy's misfortune.

Lucy meets Mr. Stone when she is taken to identify the body of her husband. She figures out that he is investigating his death but this only makes her more confused because he seems out of place and she feels that he's untrustworthy. She later instructs her maid, Mary, not to allow Mr. Stone entrance to her home when he comes to check in with her. At a later date, Lucy has another visitor that frightens her and her staff. This scare has caused Lucy to leave town to visit her estranged family over the holidays.

You can't help but be on Lucys' side as she encounters more and more bad news regarding her husband and her family and then watch as she needs to overcome each obstacle. I really enjoyed this story and felt like I was along for the ride as Lucy and Mary, as well as Mr. Stone, worked together to figure out the reason for her husbands' murder. My only dislike of this book was that there was a murder of a pet cat. I feel as if others may like to be warned by this because it was quite bothersome for me. Other than that, I am looking forward to more adventures with Lucy Lawrence soon!

Many thanks to the author, #NetGalley and #StormPublishing for the opportunity to read the eARC of #NoStoneUnturned.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Storm Publishing for the chance to read and review this book. All opinions expressed are my own.
This is a fast moving, enjoyable Victorian Mystery! It is the first book in the Lucy Lawrence series. I plan to read the other books in this series because it is just the kind of story I like. It takes place in 1886 England-I liked the author's descriptions of this time period in London. Her writing made me feel like I was there. This mystery starts with the death of Lucy's husband, Charlie. Who killed him and why? There's also lots of family drama. Highly recommend to all historical mystery lovers.

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It was 1886 in Victorian London, and Lucy Lawrence had just left the morgue, where she'd identified her husband Charlie. Slipping on the cobblestones and under a horse and carriage left him dreadfully injured - Lucy would have nightmares for some time to come. The arrival of Mr Stone, an insurance investigator, into Lucy's life, left her confused as he explained what Charlie had been involved in. He had lied and cheated, and a naïve Lucy felt foolish and angry. When she knew she was in danger from one of Charlie's cronies, she fled to her family home in Yorkshire, where she'd been cut off from. But worse was to come - her brother Richard and his wife, along with her mother celebrated Christmas with the annual gathering of guests. But when Lucy was accused of theft, she had no idea what would be the outcome for her.

While Lucy was almost destitute and in fear for her life, her maid and friend, Mary stayed by her side. With Mr Stone keeping her updated on what was happening, and the local Chief Inspector of police providing protection, Lucy still wasn't sure who to trust. At the arrival of a letter addressed to Charlie, Lucy made a decision. But would it be the last she ever made?

No Stone Unturned is the 1st in The Lucy Lawrence Mysteries by Pam Lecky and I loved it. I had trouble putting it down - I loved the setting of 1880s London, with the gangs of criminals staying one step ahead of the police as well as Phineas Stone; his intense strategy and determination, with Lucy's bravery and strength as she raced ahead of the persons out to put her in the ground alongside her husband. I'm looking forward to #2 next month, Footprints in the Sand. A historical mystery which is highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley & Storm Publishing for my digital ARC.

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In October 1886, Lucy Lawrence's troubled marriage ends abruptly with her husband's death, leading her to meet the enigmatic Phineas Stone. As her late husband's secrets emerge and her life is threatened by London's most notorious gang leader, Lucy must find the strength to navigate this perilous new reality. Unsure of whom to trust, she must evade the clutches of a dangerous criminal.

This was a delight to read. Lucy made for an interesting protagonist to follow. She was clever but does not immediately think she’s going to be the one to solve the mystery. I also appreciated the complicated emotions. She grieved for the husband she once loved, even as she felt relief at being unencumbered.

The mystery kept me guessing. I enjoyed the interactions between Lucy and Phineas Stone. It was a bit frustrating about seventy-five percent into the story when a misunderstanding happens. It made me question Lucy’s intelligence and decision-making skills.

Overall, this was a really fun book and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series. I would recommend it to readers who enjoy historical mysteries.

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I do love a good mystery and No Stone Unturned checked all the right boxes for me. I enjoyed Lucy’s independent streak in a time when it was socially unacceptable. She refused to be less than who she really was. I was saddened by all the trauma she endured over the course of the book, but she handled it with grace and fortitude. I cannot imagine the things she experienced! I was so thankful for true friends who stood beside her (even on crazy adventure and escapades!!). I loved the character of Phineas and can’t wait to see more of that story arch. I found the mystery credible and well done. I am truly looking forward to Lucy’s next adventures!
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own.

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I love nothing more than a historical mystery where "detective" duos crack cases together. Throw in a slow-burn romance subplot and consider me one happy gal.

In "No Stone Unturned", the first in a series, there was a significant amount of time taken in setting up the setting and the characters' backstory. However, I'd say the pacing in the story was spot on - no boring info dumps here! Lucy did make some questionable decisions throughout, but I guess that just makes her more realistic.

I really enjoyed the twists that kept me guessing - now I can't wait to jump into the next book and see what Lucy and Phin are up to next!

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This was a great historical read. Not difficult just an easy, relaxing and entertaining story. I love Pam Lecky's books and this one is now up there with the others. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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