Member Reviews

I really enjoyed the first book in this series. I was excited to be able to read the next and the fact it takes place in Egypt was even better. I like Lucy, she fearless and strong. I’m not sure I totally believe one woman could get into so much trouble constantly. I did think the book moved slow and it felt like nothing was happening. It has some surprises along the way. I did miss that Phineas wasn’t in this book.
I hope he’s in the next one.

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DNF 20%. I'm so bummed!

I read through the first book in this series, No Stone Unturned, so fast because it was SO GOOD. Major page-turner if I've ever read one. 5 hundred stars from me! Here's my raving review of that first book:

I was so excited to jump into this second book, but I was disappointed.

20% in and nothing has happened. I was bored from the beginning of this one :(. 10% in and I started skimming. Same thing different page. All it was was Lucy making small talk with a bunch of people. And Lucy is so dingy with basically everything in life that it's exhausting. (She was like this in the first book, too.) I got 20% in and it's still the same thing. Small talk with new people she meets. Nothing of importance that I can tell. Maybe later in the book all of this small talk would matter somehow? I'm not willing to tough it through the snoring to find out, unfortunately.

I'm also bummed there's nothing of Lucy and Phineas. The first book ended with them so I'd hoped there was more to their story in this book. It's as if this book could be read as a stand-alone, since seemingly not much is referenced from the first book, including Phin. Aside from Lucy's handmaid and, like, one sentence explaining why she is currently rich. That's it.

Although I left a review on Goodreads, because this was a DNF for me, I did not give a star rating on that platform.

Thank you NetGalley, Publisher, and Author for sending me this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Seeking a fresh start in Cairo, Lucy joins a daring archaeological dig. But when a man is found murdered in the Great Pyramid, Lucy becomes entangled in a deadly web of secrets.

This engrossing mystery starts with a long build-up, but the pace picks up after the murder. The Egyptian setting adds interest. Lots of possible suspects and redirections keep the reader guessing.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Loved book two in the Lucy Lawrence series! The setting was just *chef's kiss*! Not to mention the growth that we see in Lucy from the woeful widow to now confident traveler!
Onto book 3!

Thank you, NetGalley and Storm Publishing, for an ARC!

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These series will keep you hooked from page one through the last chapter. Each book is a new mystery and adventure for both the characters and the readers.
The romantic part is a sideline, the real protagonist is the challenge each case will pose to Lucy and Phineas.

The second book of the series is “Footprints in the sand” Lucy decides to embark on an adventure of her own while her mourning period is still on. When she is in France, she meets this handsome archaeologist who is looking funding to go to Egypt. The temptation to go there is just too great to pass, so Lucy now a wealthy widow, proposes to go along with the team to discover new artifacts or even a royal tomb if they are lucky. Her adventure will turn sour after the archeologist is brutally murder. She will not rest until the responsible is brought to justice..

Lucy’s adventures will be surprising and interesting while you also try to resolve the case with her. I could not put the book down after I started reading it. Can’t wait for the next one.

Thanks NetGalley for my digital ARC. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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I loved this book even more than the first one. The setting of Egypt was fascinating, and I really enjoyed learning more about the history of this place through a fun novel. I had my suspects throughout, but I was surprised by the final twist - an unpredictable mystery!
4.5 stars out of 5 ⭐️

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This is book 2 in the Lucy Lawrence series. Like book 1 this was a good read. It was great to see the same characters again. Lucy made again some stupid decisions, which was unfortunate, but I still think she is a lovely protagonist. The world-building was as incredible as in the first book. You get suckud into Egypt and if you are a sucker for scene settings, you'll love this!! I think the world-building is this books strongest point. The plot was very well developed and kept me interested in the story. Although this book wasn’t as strong as book 1, it was definitely a good read.
3.5 rounded up

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Lucy is now a rich widow thanks to the reward for finding the missing sapphires in the last book. She and Mary, her faithful Irish maid, head off to Italy but are diverted to Egypt where she in entranced by the archaeological explorations and excavations of the time. She is also entranced by a French archaeologist and provides some funds for his excavations. She loves the heat, dust, primitive conditions, and then there's the rivalry and jealousy between the British and French archaeologists plus the thievery of artefacts. Murder. She, of course, involves herself, dangerous situations, rather few suspects but all equally possible, and she both aggravates and helps the local police. Nice twists and turns, believable characters and archaeology (although Romans are my period so, honestly, I wouldn't know the details of the various sites described!).Thanks to NetGalley and the author for an advance copy.

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The second book in the series focuses on Lucy's journey to Egypt and how she tries to find herself after all the events of book 1.

The research on the topic, the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the excavation was very evident and I could feel transported to the place.

However the thrill I felt in book 1
was missing, maybe because Stone was not a very large part of the book.

I liked that she was gaining so much confidence and taking decisions on her own but the way she started acting like a sleuth overnight felt a little awkward to me, slow progression of her character was what I would have loved more.

Despite everything, I have become a fan of this series and will be finishing the third book very soon.

I received an advance copy of the book and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Looking for historical mystery read? Footprints in the Sand by Pam Lecky is your answer! This is set in Egypt and Lucy’s on an expedition turned deadly. It was a well-crafted plot with relatable characters. Get ready to be transported to the scorching desert and experience the thrill of the mystery. I highly recommend this one.
Thanks Storm Publishing via NetGalley.

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Footprints In The Sand (The Lucy Lawrence Mystery Series Book 2)

By: Pam Lecky

5 Stars

This story was a great addition to this series. Lucy travels to Egypt, and for months, she plays the role of traveler as well as investigator. A friend that she meets is murdered and it sets a fire under Lucy to figure out what truly happened and who the killer is. With all the dangers, she is on a tough road, but she knows exactly what needs to be found out.

This story paints a completely different picture than book one. Here, you get the history of Ancient Egypt with the sites and descriptions to match. I have always loved Egypt, and so this book was right up my alley. I have come to really enjoy these stories. Lucy and all her companions are fun to read and follow. They bring humor and drama and history. I am looking forward to more adventures from Lucy (and hopefully Phineas).

*I want to thank Netgalley and the author for this book in return for my honest review*

Stormi Ellis
Boundless Book Review

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I really enjoyed the first book in this historical mystery. The main character, Lucy Lawrence, demonstrated her strength and intelligence as she coped with her husband’s sudden death and solved a mystery. And she met the handsome and intelligent Phineas Stone and a romance seemed to be in the offing.

Well, in this second book in the series, Lucy has taken off to Egypt of all places. Instead of solving a mystery in Victorian London, she’s sponsoring an archaeological dig and solving a murder.

It takes about 40% of the book before the murder even happens so there is a lot of set up before our valiant, and rather foolhardy heroine leaps into dangerous situations and keeps risking her safety and trusting the wrong people. So the mystery was fine.

But I would rather have been back in London and seen her romance with Phineas progress.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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When Lucy Lawrence travels to Egypt with a dashing French archaeologist, she thinks she's leaving her troubled past behind. But in the shadow of the pyramids, death and deception await...

A warm welcome to book 2 in the Lucy Lawrence series by Pam Lecky. I was invited to read this immediately after finishing her first book named No Stone Unturned and it is advisable to read them in order as the first book sets up the story beautifully and reintroduces us to familiar characters. Lucy has left her somewhat complicated life in London to indulge herself in travel and meeting new people. In France she encounters an enthusiastic archaeologist in need of funding, intrigued by the idea of an adventure in Egypt, Lucy offers to fund his dig and accompany him there.
This is a great story and Lucy spends a great deal of time chasing baddies and getting in the way! An excellent heroine and I look forward to reading her third adventure. Thanks to Netgalley, the publishers, Storm for an ARC of Footprints in the Sand.

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There is a complete change in setting. Lucy ends up in Egypt with a handsome Frenchman and egyptologist M. Moreau. She uses her newly found wealth to fund his dig and this, starts her love for archaeology and Egypt. The book was not as good as the first one because there wasn't Mr. Stone and she's never really in charge of the investigation, so she's being overly cautious with little to no output on the questionings that she does. It was new, yes. I learnt a lot about Egypt, archaeology and the ancient funeral rituals. So, the mystery aspect was lacking but rest of it was amazing.

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Lucy goes on a new adventure! Now a wealthy woman, she finds herself in Egypt. Unlike the first novel, it has a slower start - introducing the setting, new characters, etc. Lucy encounters a mystery unlike anything she’s faced before. But will she leave Egypt alive……?

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I’ll admit it was difficult to not jump right back into Lucy’s life in England and her relationship with Phineas Stone but it made sense for her character development to find her own way in the world and have an adventure. Book 2 jumps into Lucy traveling to Egypt and taking part in archaeological digs alongside a possible romance with a charming Frenchman. Luckily, the monies obtained from the reward for the jewels she found in the first book, have given her the freedom and flexibility to make her own choices which leads her to explore the Great Pyramids as well as undiscovered hidden vaults. There is a race between the French archaeologists and the English archaeologists to uncover a hidden burial chamber and Lucy is caught in the middle of the warring parties. She must filter out what jealousies and grievances are professional and which are personal as there are secret romances to be discovered as well. Lucy finds her way with the help of her maid, Mary, and comes away knowing she can rely on herself when she needs to.

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If you are looking for a romance novel…this is NOT it. It is an “epic” novel about archeology and Egyptian lore. The writing is first rate, but I found Part one to drag on and on. Part two had the adventure I was looking for. I understand the author needed to set the scene, but I found it rather boring. That said…I will admit that archeology is really not my thing. I had anticipated that we would get more of Lucy and Phineas in this story, but he was nowhere to be found, except in her thoughts and feelings. Was rather disappointed in that. If you are looking for a sweeping archeological story, that will keep you guessing as to who the villain(s) really is/are, this one is for you. Just not for me..

I received this story for free and these are my own opinions

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Lucy Lawrence decides she needs some sort of travel to leave the incident with Charlie behind her. With her becoming a wealthy woman Lucy and her maid Mary set off to Cairo. Here along with Frenchman Armand Moreau Lucy backs Mr. Moreau with his archaeological dig. As Lucy becomes friendly with other archaeologists dreams of finding some treasurers are dashed when someone is found dead in one of the sites. Is this an act of jealously among these archaeologists especially when the National Museum is broken into. What has Lucy stumbled on. There goes the idea of leaving her problems behind her. For now she has a new challenge before her. Who killed her friend Mr. Moreau and why.

There are many people involved in this story that could have been the murderer. I loved the mystery of the dig. What can they find, who will be the first to do so? Lucy finds herself in the mix of the crime. With Phineas Stone not with her, possibly he can also be a reason why Lucy leaves Britian. She and possibly her maid Mary need to find out the truth. I like Lucy's character because in this time period women would never think to travel to Cairo let alone support a dig. Ever since the trouble that Charlie brought on to Lucy she grew up to take care of herself and do what she wanted to do. She become stronger and didn't let anyone hold her down. Mary her maid bring some fun to the story. She also speaks her mind and she blends well with Mary even though traveling to Cairo was not for her. They both come across roadblocks at every turn how will Lucy solve her friends murder. Was Moreau the wonderful man she thought he was? What was he hiding to make this mystery harder to solve.

Since this is the second book in the series.As i truly enjoyed No Stone Unturned I did like Footprints in the Sand. I did find it at times to drag a little. I wish the ending was earlier than it was. Even with that I loved the character of Lucy. I loved seeing what kind of trouble so to speak she would get into. .I wish Mr. Stone was there so we can see how the chemistry between Lucy and he came to be.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm for the ARC. Thank you Pam Lecky for a new heroine for me. Looking forward to The Art of Deception. 3.5 stars

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Book 2 of 4 - No matter where Lucy goes, trouble follows her. Another story in her mystery. Be sure to read the stories in order

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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In this second book of the Lucy Lawrence Series, we find Lucy on a trip with her maid Mary, enjoying her newfound wealth. She has lost contact with Phineas Stone and has decided to fund an intriguing Frenchman's dig in Egypt.

The descriptions of Egypt are intriguing and there is plenty of mystery going on. Still, I miss Phineas in this tale and find myself a little annoyed by Lucy's stubbornness and belief in her ability to solve the mysteries around her, putting herself in danger, repeatedly.

I look forward to Lucy and Phineas reuniting to further their adventures.

I received an ARC for free and gave my honest opinion voluntarily.

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