Member Reviews

When a murder rocks a society party, Lucy is thrust into a new investigation alongside insurance detective Phineas. All evidence points to Apollo, a shadowy syndicate of art thieves, but the police are quick to blame an innocent. Can Lucy and Phineas expose the killer before it’s too late?

The book starts with a rushed romance between Lucy and Phin, then settles into an intriguing mystery. The story is action packed with lots of twists and turned. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Lucy is back in London after her Egyptian adventures and soon gets embroiled in another, gruesome murder. Her beloved Phin is then shot so she and his younger brother delve into investigating both. An enjoyable read, few suspects as usual although, reading the three in the series close together, I found a thread as to whom the perpetrator/s might be - and was right. Nonetheless the reasons were not always clear so the enjoyment wasn't that diminished. Lucy remains, well, Lucy, determined to do the right thing so jumps in where, perhaps, she could have been a little more circumspect. Interesting characters and scenery, well written. Satisfying ending with further adventures likely. Thanks to NetGalley and the author for an advance copy.

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The Art Of Deception (The Lucy Lawrence Mystery Series Book 3)

By:Pam Lecky

5 Stars

I wanted more Phineas, and I got him. In this next book, Lucy gets back to England from her adventures in Egypt. Soon, she is engaged and trying to get Phineas out of a murder charge. This story was a great addition to Lucy's many adventures. Her and Phineas are great characters that bring adventure, danger, mystery, and a touch of romance. The writing of this series is awesome. It is descriptive and engaging, making the scenes so very real.

I am patiently waiting for more adventures and another book.

*I want to thank Netgalley and the author for this book in return for my honest review*

Stormi Ellis
Boundless Book Review

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The latest addition to the Lucy Lawrence Mysteries series was yet another delightful read! In The Art of Deception, Lucy and Phineas take center stage which beautifully showcase their character dynamics. Their likable personalities and entertaining banter added depth to the narrative in book 3. Also, Mary and George are the best sidekicks! The plot twists, turns, and nail-biting ending provided a promising lead-in to (hopefully) the next book!

Thank you, NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an ARC of this book!

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I loved the first two books in this series and this one was no different. I love Lucy as a character and how she never lets any of the men keep her from being a part of the investigation. Again, she tends to just be in the right place at the right time to gain information, but her intelligence allows her to put all the pieces together. And without her tenacity (and some help from George) Phineas would have found himself at the bottom of a large body of water. I thought the engagement between Lucy and Phineas happened a little quickly given that they had only known one another a short time and then were separated for such a long time, but at the same time I'm glad it wasn't drawn out too long either. The mystery here was another good one with plenty of good suspects. I enjoyed seeing everything unfold over the course of the book - I thought the twists and reveals were paced perfectly so there were not any slow parts. I can't believe no one was willing to believe Alice was a total nutjob - and I was a little disappointed she pretty much got away with everything she did (although I guess asylums at that time weren't a great place to be). I also thought it was really interesting that Sarah ended up in a very similar position to Lucy with regard to her husband turning out to be a bit of a shit and leaving her to deal with a scandal all by herself. Obviously the big difference here is that Sarah has friends and family to support her whereas Lucy was left pretty much on her own. I liked seeing Mary being more of herself from book 1 - I felt bad for her during book 2 being dragged around the desert by Lucy. My biggest problem with this book was that I was disappointed that, despite everything Lucy had done over the course of the first two books, Phineas continued to really see her value as a partner in his investigations and didn't support her in trying to do what she could to clear his name. I thought the part after Lucy, Seb, and Kincaid get caught having broken into White's was somewhat humorous. I am very much looking forward to seeing Lucy and Phineas take their sleuthing skills to Italy for the next book!

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These series will keep you hooked from page one through the last chapter. Each book is a new mystery and adventure for both the characters and the readers.
The romantic part is a sideline, the real protagonist is the challenge each case will pose to Lucy and Phineas.

The third book of the series is “the art of deception” and what a story. Lucy is back in England after her adventure in Egypt. Now that her mourning period is over, Phin reappears with heartfelt intentions and a new case on hand. Their journey this time will put Phin in danger and also everyone they know under the magnifying glass.

Every book will make you doubt family, friends and good first glance impressions of others. Lucy’s adventures will be surprising and interesting while you also try to resolve the case with her. I could not put the book down after I started reading it. Can’t wait for the next one.

Thanks NetGalley for my digital ARC. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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The third book in the Lucy Lawrence series was another great read. This storyline and characters really have me invested, and I can’t wait to read book 4 and see how the dynamic between Lucy and Phin evolves going forward.
4 stars out of 5 ⭐️

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The 3rd book in the Lucy Lawrence series and surprisingly better than book 2. As in the first 2 books, the world-building was again phenomenal. We are back in Victorian London and I just loved the scene setting. I feel that there was more suspense in this book and it kept me turning the pages. The romance between Lucy and Phil is again a great subplot to the story. The mystery started a bit later on, but that was fine by me as I enjoyed the beginning of the book. Because of the twists and turns this book kept me engaged and I truly liked it. If you are a fan of historical fiction, you should give this series a go.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley Storm Publishing and Pam Lecky for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for The Art of Deception coming out July 25, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I love this series! I received the first three books from NetGalley and I was super excited to get into them. I loved Lucy’s character. I think she’s a mix of naivety and quickness. She was new to solving murders, but learned the ropes. I really enjoyed the romance that was ramped up in this book. Phineas and Lucy work really well together. I love that they have each other’s backs in order to solve mysteries. There were a few surprises about the romance that I wasn’t expecting so soon, but I loved it. It sounds like they’re going to be another book in the series, so I am definitely excited to check it out.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Victorian murder mysteries!

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The Art of Deception is another fantastic addition to the Lucy Lawrence Mysteries. Bent on solving the art thefts that have plagued the art community, Phineas Stone just doesn't catch a break. A murder at his engagement party, and him being its prime suspect, everything's getting out
of control. But Lucy's unwavering determination and the additional help from his brother, Seb, starts turning things around.

I liked this mystery. Even though it was frustrating for them as they were reaching dead ends again and again, it was fun for me 🤣. I enjoyed the banter that resulted in whenever Phineas tried to protect Lucy from danger and she resisted because she didn't want to be mistaken for a weak lady.

The only reason why it isn't 5 stars for me is because the name of the series is 'Lucy Lawrence Mysteries' and well, Lucy's sleuthing skills never really take the center stage. She always needs some direction from Phin and isn't the best detective.

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I have read all three of these books in the series and have to say this one is the best of the three.The previous books had a feeling of trying to walk through mud for the first part of the books, but this one gives excitement right off the bat and I was enthralled reading it. Watching Lucy grow up a bit and realize it’s not all about her and her adventures was good to see and Phin learning how his pride can cause major problems. The pace of the book was much improved over the first two and I am glad I decided to read it. This is a new author to me and it may have been her first books, but I see growth in her writing and that is a good thing as I truly feel she can be very good. The characters are well developed and enjoyable to read about. Loved George and Mary as well! Quite an adventure with twists and turns that are well hidden. A very good read!

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The Art of Deception is the third book in the series and stands out as my favorite. The novel follows Lucy's return to London and her reunion with Phineas Stone. Art work is being stolen and they’re trying to find the culprits. The plot twists and turns in unexpected ways and kept me engaged. The writing style was enjoyable and a clean romance read.
Thanks Storm Publishing via NetGalley.

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Lucy is back in England and her romance with Phineas is making great progress until there is a sudden murder and Phineas is the main suspect. So Lucy has to jump in and try to save Phineas as he suffers one blow after another. This is an enjoyable historical mystery although it was rather clear who the bad guy was. But it was fun following our heroine and her fiance as they figured things out.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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My Thoughts /

4.5 stars

First and foremost, a huge THANK YOU to NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and author Pam Lecky, for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review. Publication date is currently set for July 25, 2024.

The Art of Deception is the third book in author Pam Lecky’s, Lucy Lawrence Mysteries series and the story begins back in Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, London; with our heroine, Lucy, eagerly anticipating the chance to renew her friendship with the dapper and debonair insurance investigator, Phineas Stone. It had been ten months since they’d last seen each other, and much had happened during that time: ➡️taking some much needed time out to travel abroad after the death of her husband; ➡️taking an unexpected trip to Cairo, after meeting and agreeing to finance the latest project for the charismatic French archaeologist, Armad Moreau; and, ➡️barely escaping with her own life while investigating the unexplained death of M. Moreau on his Egyptian dig site.

If the last two books have taught me anything, it’s that our female heroine seems to attract trouble like a magnet.

After enduring a ten month break in their relationship, it seems that neither time nor distance has dampened their affection for each other. So when Phineas declares his love to Lucy and proffers a proposal of marriage, Lucy eagerly accepts. When Lucy‘s friend, Lady Sarah Strawbridge, hears of the couple’s engagement she is thrilled, and offers to throw the couple an engagement party. The night of the party is a wonderfully joyous time, until.....dun, dun, duuuun......a body is discovered. The next morning, the front page headline of The Times read ‘The shocking and brutal murder of Edward Vaughan at the residence of the eminent MP Geoffrey Strawbridge.’

Edward Vaughan. The husband of Phin’s ex-fiancée Alice. What possible motive could someone have for murdering Edward? For as far as Lucy was concerned, Edward Vaughan, was probably the dullest and most insignificant man of her acquaintance. The investigation gets complicated when Phin becomes the prime suspect - his cane was found at the murder scene covered in the victim’s blood.

With Phin locked up, Lucy vows to prove his innocence. With help from her maid, Mary and Phin’s manservant, George, as well as Phin’s brother Sebastian, the trio set about solving Edward’s murder. All evidence points to Phin, is he being set-up, and why? Looking into Phineas’ case files, it appears Phin was investigating a series of art thefts over the last 18 months. Phin believed all the cases were related, as the same (cryptic) calling card was left at all crime scenes. As the trio follow the trail of clues, they must unravel the truth from all the lies and deception. In doing so they inadvertently put themselves in the direct crosshairs of the killer and they themselves become targets.

Will it be a dance hall or a detention cell in their future? Can Lucy save the man she loves, and expose a deadly killer before it's too late???

I think this is my favourite book in the series to date. In this instalment the author gave us both an interesting and well plotted mystery, as well as likeable and entertaining characters (and, yes, I’m including LL in this too [surprise, surprise 😂]. In this instalment we are introduced to Phineas Stone’s immediate and extended family, and brother Sebastian plays a staring role. Seb is a very affable character and I hope we get to see more of him in the future.

At the story’s end the author hints of another book, which, I’m actually now very much excited about.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Storm Publishing for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

#TheArtofDeception #NetGalley #PamLecky

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What a great series! After her adventures in Egypt, Lucy returns to London and rekindles her relationship with Phineas. Phineas is dealing with a frustrating case of art theft and Lucy insists on helping with the investigation. Once again, Lucy is in the thick of things with the art thefts, murder, attempted murder, a devious woman and an unexpected twist. A great mystery. Lucy, Phin, Mary and George are such wonderful, strong characters and the stories are well written. And the cover art on the first three books is simply beautiful! I'm looking forward to Lucy and Phin's next adventure.
Thanks to Netgalley, Storm Publishing and Pam Lecky for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Book 3 in the Lucy Lawrence mysteries, has Lucy back in London reuniting with Phineas Stone after she traveled in Egypt and his travels chasing an art theft syndicate. They quickly confront their feelings for each other and begin making plans for what they want their future to be. This first involves meeting Phineas’ family, who are not all excited to have Lucy in their lives. Guests also include Phineas’ former fiance Alice, her husband, and her mother who are close friends of the family. Alice continues to cause problems and Phineas is suspected of murder. The murder and the art theft cases intertwine as do all the characters and it is hard to know who to trust. Lucy and Stone along with their trusty servants, Mary & George, and Stone’s brother Sebastian, team up to solve the crimes and protect their reputations.

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The Art of Deception the third book in the Lucy Lawrence series. I have read all three and I think this one was my favorite. Lucy is home in England. She needs some rest from her travels along with her maid Mary. Lucy is now in a relationship with Phineas Stone, where she will be visiting his childhood home and she will meet most of his family. If all goes well Lucy thinks a proposal will be coming. All is going so well, many of Phin's family love Lucy and the proposal does come. Lucy is over the moon, Lady Sarah her close friend throws them an engagement party at her home. All is going well until Edward Vaughan the husband of Alice Phineas ex love is found dead in the maids quarters. The murder weapon is the cane that Lucy gave Phin as a gift. Does this murder have anything to do with the case Phin is investigating? The Apollo Syndicate a notorious gang that steals paintings from all over. The problem is Phin is arrested tor killing Edward. Why him and does Alice have anything to do with this since she dislikes Lucy and now Lucy is marrying Phin. how can Lucy help Phin clear his name? How can she keep Phin safe is this really is the Apollo Syndicate? Plus how does Lady Sarah's husband fit into this mystery? Phin does ask for Lucy's help and she is so happy to help him. The problem is how does she protect everyone she loves and herself from getting killed.

As I said before this is my favorite in the series. Lucy again gets into some sort of trouble as she ties to clear Phins name. I love how she never gives up and refuses to have anyone including Phin tell her to back down. She is a strong women with great instincts. I see Lucy becoming a top notch investigator. Again her maid Mary brings some fun to the story. She also keeps busy helping figuring out the mysteries of the stolen paintings. Especially when two of Lucy's paintings are stolen. Phin's brother Sebastian along with Phin's valet George become part of this thrilling mystery. Everyone helps in some way. This is all going on while Lucy and Phin try and plan a wedding. Will they make is down the aisle? Can she not only help solve this mystery will she be able to convince some of Phin's family that she does want and love Phin and does belong in their family?

Thank you NetGalley and Storm for the ARC. I was truly happy that I received all three books. Ms. Lecky I am truly looking forward to Lucy's next adventure. Especially since she is a married lady, will she still be able to help her husband. Looking forward to it.

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I enjoyed this book more than the second one in the series. Phineas proposes early on, and gets that out of the way. The art thefts are interesting and this part of the plot is really good, especially the involvement of Geoffrey and Alice. The secondary characters of Mary, George and Seb add to the mix well. Lucy’s contributions this time round were a little more useful and well thought out. I am looking forward to seeing what awaits in Italy and the further development of Lucy and Phin's relationship. Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for a chance to freely review this book.

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Book 3 of 4 - It’s fun to see how this mystery and Lucy have moved on. Be sure to read in order.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The Art of Deception is book three in The Lucy Lawrence Mysteries series by Pam Lecky and if you haven't started this series, I highly recommend picking it up if you're looking for a historical mystery series to pick up.

This one picks up shortly after where book two leaves off. Lucy is back in London and settling back in to her new life. Thankfully, despite all her doubts, she has also settled things with Phineus and their romance is picking back up where they left off and even progressing.

When Phineus confides in Lucy about a case he is working on regarding stolen artwork and asks for her help, she is absolutely willing to help but her involvement actually triggers a chain of events that end with the murder of the husband of Phin's ex-fiancee. Unfortunately, this all culminates in putting Phin at the top of the list of prime suspects.

There was a lot going on in this installment but I didn't mind. It all had a purpose. First, Lucy and Phin's relationship - there was a lot of progress. When Lucy comes back from London they talk things out and realize how important they are to each other. I loved every bit of the romance bits of this novel (I'm a sucker for it) and was also happy to see how much Phin stood up to his brother for Lucy.

We also get to meet Phineus' family - or most of them. His father, brothers, sister-in-law, and sister. All played a part but Seb was the standout and had the biggest role in the story. I hope to see more of him in future stories. It will be interesting to see if Andrew's attitude changes in the future too (based on the ending).

The actual mystery of the painting thefts - of course, I'm not going to give it away but there are plenty of twists and turns. There were some hints within the story that I noticed but it wasn't obvious and I wasn't disappointed by the end result. I think the way it all came together was done well. And then with the murder happening in the midst of the case (and at Lucy's friend's home) it only made things even more challenging for these two at times. There continues to be the push and pull between Lucy and Phin about her wanting to be involved in his cases and him wanting to keep her safe which seems to result in some additional challenges but they do tend to work things out.

Overall, I enjoyed this installment of the series and I have to admit, I liked it better than book two but it doesn't have anything to do with the writing or mystery aspect. It's all due to the romance bits between Lucy and Phin. I missed them in book two and was happy to have it back for this one. Lecky does a wonderful job bringing the reader along for the mystery in these books and I look forward to the next book in the series if we're lucky enough to get one.

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