Member Reviews

Alexander Campbell lost his sheep when his brother used them to pay his gambling debt. Alexander left him in charge when he was away fighting on the continent. The whole estate is in peril. When his sheep are sold to an American, Alexander must have his sheep back before they are sheered, but the American makes a shocking bargain. A bargain that includes Clarissa, the woman he loves. Not on Alexander's watch! Her brother may not want them to be together, but Alexander and Clarissa won't let that stop them. A hot headed Scot with a romantic touch. Mild descriptive sex.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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Difficult Circumstances

The book is enjoyable and well written with its forbidden love, friend‘s little sister and reformed rake tropes, some twists, a scheming villain, a touch of suspense and a few steamy love scenes. The main and most of the side characters are very likable, although I found Clarissa‘s naïveté a bit frustrating at times. The chemistry between her and Alexander was right from the start.

It’s the story of Clarissa Gordon and Alexander Campbell, Duke of Argyll, who returns after years of war to find that his younger brother has gambled away the livelihood of his duchy, his sheep, and who has fallen in love with his best friend Nicholas’ younger sister Clarissa. Of course, his friend is against Alexander marrying Clarissa, as he knows both Alexander's past as a notorious libertine and his current financial situation. Together, Alexander and Clarissa must find a way to convince her brother of their feelings and get the sheep back from the clutches of a villain...

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I have found my new favorite author! Brenna Ash really grabbed my attention with this fun story. Alexander Campbell is the Duke ofArgyll and after returning home he finds his brother has put the estate in danger, gambling and losing the family's prized sheep. Then there is Miss Clarissa Gordon who is Alexander's best friend's sister. Campbell wants to prove to his friend that he can support his sister and give her a future, especially when he discovers that the feelings are mutual.
You will love this story. Ash writes so fluently and the story has its own wonderful flow. Her attention to detail of characters and surroundings makes the story so easy to fall in love with. You won’t want to put this one down.
I received this as an ebook ARC but have to add it to my collection, and more from her series. Enjoy this adventure.

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I enjoyed this book, I'm a historical fiction girlie so this one hit the spot! Sweet and passionate while having a clear and purposeful storyline that wasn't under done or too lengthy. Author sucks you in and made the book a movie for me.

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Love Cannot Be Denied

Alexander is in love with his best friend's sister. However, his brother gambled away their livelihood. His sheep were gone, and the man who now owned them was a scoundrel. His friend also knew of his roguish reputation, and he did not trust him with his sister. Clarrissa loved Alexander, too. Soon, she would make a decision that would put her in danger. Could love win the day? If you like Scottish Regency romance, you might like this entertaining story.

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A short but cute historical romcom with likeable characters. I would've liked to see just a little more depth to it all... Clarissa is sweet, but surely living under her brother's thumb has brought about just a little bit of resentment... Or at least being infuriated more with the way he treats her like a child. Alexander has a bit of that tough-rake-but-actually-soft-underneath-it-all vibe going on, which is fun, but I expected him to at least be a little bit mad at Clarissa for putting herself in danger. It was all just a little shallow for my liking, but still a cute read.

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A forbidden love trope that will keep you guessing to how it ends. Alexander is put to the test when he sees Clarissa, who has blossomed into a beautiful lady, a lady he can’t have. He’s been away fighting in a war with her brother, now he’s found trouble at his estate. Meanwhile, Clarissa must fight her feelings for her brother’s best friend. She knows nothing will become of it, however she can’t help but seek him out.
This book was very adorable, I enjoyed the interactions between the hero and heroine. You can see the love developing on the page. If you love forbidden romance, then this one’s for you! A nice easy read if you need something sweet and cute, with a little spice.

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Although the title of this book makes my mind hurt . The book itself does make sense. A historical romance set in Scotland. Our hero made the mistake of leaving his brother in charge while he was away. Now, his lands and the people who depend on him are at risk.

Our heroine has fallen for her brother's best friend. She will do everything she can to get her man.

An amusing story with good characters but a somewhat unlikely villain and ending.

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I discovered this author this past spring and enjoyed the first Rogues of Redemption novel. The lovers were very tender and sweet towards each other. The sequel, Rogue You Like A Hurricane, retained that same easy courtship, but we couldn't make lightning strike twice unfortunately. Our main couple in this volume barely got any time together. They met in crowded ballrooms or secluded libraries, but they hardly shared scenes with each other. Most of the novel was spent trying to find hidden moments or being cockblocked by the heroine's brother. The duke was so vociferous in denying his sister true love that it was depressing to read his multiple refusals of his sister's happiness.

It was tricky to stay interested with conflicts at every turn, especially with the heroine spending more time with a lecherous predator than the hero. Critiques aside, I loved that they were both Scottish and their dialect was charmingly reflected in the dialogue. Scottish slang is one of my weaknesses and I'm willing to read nearly any book if it features a kilt or a husky brogue. I'm conflicted on whether or not I'll pursue this series, but anything can happen. Like I said, those Caledonian characters keep pulling me back in. It's a difficult decision, but I'm hopeful that the future Rogue of Redemption will Rogue Me Like A Hurricane.

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Alexander returns from war to find his estate in ruins. Clarissa, his best friend's sister is now all grown up. Oh! What a delicious dilemma! As the two handle the very delicate dance between desire, love, friendship and ruination the reader will be enthralled. Add it both Clarissa's brother, her sister-in-law and a few other characters and you have a truly engaging story within a house party. Well written and clever, this is a gem in an ongoing series. It can stand alone yet I find it better with reading the first book as well.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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I would like to thank netgalley and Dragonblade Publishing for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I didn't find the romance all that compelling.

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From the cover of this romance, I deduced that it would be a lighthearted romp. Instead, I found a warm-hearted love story, one that had difficulties to overcome and an overprotective brother to win over. With his estate left in tatters by his irresponsible brother whilst he was off fighting for his country, Alexander is furious to discover that Christopher has gambled away the only thing holding his estate together. As worried as Alexander is, the moment is nevertheless sweetened when his best friend arrives with his wife and lovely sister. Despite Nicholas's warnings, Alexander feels a strong tug toward Clarissa and is intrigued when he realizes that his feelings for her are returned. However, there is an unscrupulous scoundrel to be dealt with before Alexander can make any claim for Clarissa. The tension in the novel ramps up towards the closing chapters when it becomes obvious that Clarissa needs rescuing, but the story does come to a happy conclusion. I received a copy of this entertaining romance as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Alexander Campbell, Duke of Argyll, returns to his estates after fighting in the wars to find his younger brother Christopher has decimated the estate's finances. Alex attends Nicholas, one of his best friend’s, wedding & returns to find Christopher has gambled & lost the dukedom’s flock of prize sheep. It couldn’t have come at a worse time as Alex has fallen for Nicholas’ sister Clarissa. Clarissa is also captivated by Alex.
The second book in the series & it’s easily read on its own, although Clarissa is the sister of Nicholas from book one. An easy to read enjoyable romance. It was well paced & had characters who has depth. I really liked the dynamics of the relationships between the male friends who were more like brothers, I liked how well Clarissa & Gwen had bonded & I liked the chemistry between Alex & Clarissa & I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope Christopher has his story, he needs redeeming. I was surprised at the size of the flock of sheep, I was thinking of thousands not low hundreds & to be honest I didn’t understand the title at all!
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own

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*Received an ARC through NetGalley*

Predictable historical romance but probably the most “clean” I’ve ever read.

They share a kiss once or twice but nothing more than that until the last few pages so if you’re looking for spice, this isn’t it. 🌶️

Dual POV
Brothers Best Friend
Reformed Rake

Overall, a sweet HEA ♥️

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Classic yet predicable historical romance

“His best friend’s younger sister. Nicholas would never allow it and rightfully so.”

📚 regency romance
📚 brothers best friend
📚 mutual pining
📚 reformed rake
📚 dual POV

🌶️🌶️ (for detail. But very slow burn)

If you’re looking for a comfort read with a HEA, this is the one for you.

“It was easier to keep his freedom. And his heart. No one could break it if he didn’t allow them to have it. And yet, there was Clarissa…”

Found the story and plot overly predictable yet the characters were sweet and it wasn’t difficult to read.

It does feel a little like Insta love and felt a bit bogged down by Scottish vernacular that was a bit difficult to read.

Overall, a cosy historical romance.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an eARC in exchange for this honest review.

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This book was a real treat, and a very pleasant read, I would recommend this book to anybody looking for a good regency romance.

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Debts, Friends, Extortion, Romance:
Attraction for his best friend's sister sets the stage for this emotionally consuming romance story.
Aleander and Clarissa are worthy characters throughout this desirously charismatic romance story.
Not all is pleasant of course and this couple have many difficult situations to overcome along their way before they come to a happy ending.
An enjoyable story for book two of the series and I certainly look forward to reading book three.
💖Special Mention to the sheep who played a major part of this story
💋Intimate scene after marriage🌶🌶
💪Loved the comradery between all of the brotherly friends
🤔I can't say I liked the title at all?

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Alexander is a rogue enamored of Clarissa who is his best friend’s little sister
As a Duke, he is also dealing with estate matters and his brother’s gambling problems.
Alexander and Clarissa have a sweet romance hindered by her brother and his concern for her.
A simple light easy read.

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I received an ARC of rogue you like a hurricane through net galley.
This is the Second book of the rogue series. (I made sure to read that first just incase)

For me personally the book needed more of just Clarissa and Alexander building romantic chemistry. Also The way it is written in an accent made it a bit hard to follow.

Rating 2/5
Spice 1/5

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