Member Reviews

Creepy and well written. This one takes you down some seriously strange paths with very unusual twists and turns. It kept me guessing until the end. So many shocking surprises throughout. I didn’t connect with the main character well so it lost a star for that but the story itself was unusual and haunting and kept me locked in

This book is very creative, misteriously and unique. Cannot wait to read more of these books. Smart and beautiful book to read.

As a lover of thrillers and always thinking I have figured it out by 20% through - this one kept me guessing until the very end. It is well written, and I felt I knew most of the characters. There is a supernatural part implied a few times in the story - and I was worried it was a sci-fi book rather than a thriller - I felt this was an unnecessary part of the book, and could have easily been left out. Regardless - this is a great read.

Sarah, her husband, and their two children visit a camp site with rough trails and a history of mysterious happenings as they try to rebuild the bonds of their relationship. When Sarah's husband goes missing, secrets rise to the surface and what follows is a whirlwind.
I enjoyed this book and appreciate the reminder that you never know someone's intentions or what they have been going through. This was an easy read with a few callouts sprinkled in to connect details the reader may have found previously insignificant.

This novel had one of the most satisfying, unpredictable endings to a thriller in a LONG time. I really enjoyed the pacing and uncertainty that Miller creates around the main character and her potential involvement in her husband's disappearance from a camping trip. Well worth the read for any fan of atmospheric thrillers and family drama.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this one - I loved it! I can't believe this is the author's first novel.
A husband and dad of two young kids disappears without a trace in the middle of the night during a family camping trip in the thick, Canadian wilderness and the case ends up going cold.
Betrayals, deceit and dark marital secrets are uncovered during the search to find him as well as some interesting dynamics with the kids.
The vibe was so on-point. Creepy, dark woodsy feel and the author added in some Indigenous, forrest-creature legends to make it extra spooky... I absolutely loved that addition to the novel!
I feel like I was the perfect, intended audience for this. As a 33-year-old mom in the thick of it with my kids too... I could relate to so many parts.
This was one of those books you read but don't notice time going by. I was completely enthralled in this mystery and I feel like the author took it so many directions I had no clue what the outcome would be.
The writing was absolutely exquisite, right from Page 1 when she transports you to the northern lake with such vivid imagery, you feel you're right there.
The way she could string together sentences was incredible. I highlighted quite a few paragraphs on my Kindle simply for the beauty of the words brought to life.
The book jumps timelines quite a bit but it was executed so well. It felt like you were jumping around collecting little puzzle pieces in each chapter.
If you're a psychological thriller person or love nature and mystery... this book would be for you!
"The devil loves unspoken secrets. Especially those that fester in a man's soul."
"Nature doesn't care about right or wrong. There's no cosmic retribution. Good people make mistakes; bad people do good. It's randomness and chance in my mind. Call it the universe, call it the hand of God, call it dust sprites, it's all the same. Life does what it does, and there isn't always a reason."

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. Overall I enjoyed the book, but it giving it 3.5 stars. The writing is good and the story kept my attention, but there seemed to be some sections that didn’t really need to be on the book. Without giving it away, there was initially a lot about a creature but it never really had anything to do with the storyline or outcome…unless I missed something. I would read more from this new author! I like the writing style and creativity.

Matthew Anderson, husband and father of two disappears on a weekend family camping trip in the Canadian wilderness. The police soon have a cold case on their hands, but one detective has a hunch that Matthew’s wife Sarah knows something she’s not telling them. Sarah’s sister Izzy never liked Matthew and thinks he may have a shady past. Can Izzy put her feelings aside to comfort her sister or will Izzy keep pushing for the truth.

I initially found the book difficult to get into at the beginning, but it did take off and keep me wondering! It’s about a man who goes missing while on a camping trip with his wife and children. In the aftermath of her husband’s disappearance, Sarah uncovers secrets about his past as everyone tries to figure out if Matthew left, was involved in an accident, or if he was met with foul play.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC! This was my first ARC book and I was so excited to jump into it. The first two chapters felt a little strange - there were so many "big" words that felt like they were replaced with a word from a thesaurus and it just felt completely out of place. Thankfully, the rest of the book didn't read like that. The author did a great job of depicting all the various scenes. I did feel like the chapters jumped around a bit, from different perspectives and that was sometimes challenging to catch on to - I had to reread a lot of sections to make sure I was following the story line. The plot had me guessing and going back and forth trying to figure out what really happened. I was a bit let down by the ending. Overall the book was a great debut novel and I enjoyed reading it!

This was a 3.5/5 star read for me. It was ok, but definitely not my favorite book of the year. I liked it and wanted to know what happened, but I also didn't really care what happened. It wasn't a huge thriller feel to me, more like a mystery. The ending was mundane and what little build up there was, was just leading to nothing. It was like, really? It wasn't exciting to me. I didn't connect to the characters and didn't really care about the plot. There were no plot twists. If I hadn't been reading this book as an arc, I probably would have dnf'ed it. It was well written as far as, it didn't feel like a cheaply produced, words typed without a thought type of book. It just wasn't good. To be honest, I wouldn't recommend it.

(3.5 stars)
"She was reactive in this environment, obsessed by basic needs—food, water, shelter—and fearful that Mother Nature would betray her." Sarah Anderson and her husband Matthew seem like polar opposites. He likes the Canadian wilderness, she hates it: "For every charming group of river otters playing on a granite slab, there were voracious mosquitoes using her arm as makeshift buffet." When Matthew disappears on a family holiday and Sarah is cold, collected and distant with the police tasked with finding him, she looks very guilty. Everything points to him being about to leave her, and their marriage being on the rocks: "the pressure built into periods of discontent."
So what happened that night? Into the Fall sees first-time author Tamara L. Miller craft a credible story that keeps you guessing. Miller paints a picture of the environment quite nicely too. When the twist comes, I found it believable. While it didn't quite hold me on the edge of my seat, I enjoyed reading this one.

I enjoyed this book a lot.
There were times where I was gripped as new information was unraveling.
However the ending was not how I had expected, it was a little too tame compared to what I thought it could have been for a thriller.
There were also certain aspects of the story which I think could have been explored further.
I liked the time jump between chapters, it allowed you to build the full picture of what the family was really like and helped you to understand the plot well.

I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of this book and loved the way the author unraveled the story. At times when scenes would shift quickly, I still thought I was able to keep up, even if the shifts were steep.
My favorite thing about Into the Fall, is that I genuinely couldn't figure out or predict what the outcome was going to be. My only disappointment was that I wanted a better ending. I felt like the build up led to something kind of anti-climatic, therefore I gave it a 3 instead of a 4.

I received an ebook copy of this arc through NetGalley.
I gave this book 3 1/2 stars rounded up to 4.
This book is about Sarah and her family going camping at a special place her and her husband shared. She wakes up one morning and realizes her husband never came to bed. She fires looking for him and he is missing. Her and her 2 children are stranded so they flag down help and get the authorities involved. She also reconnects with her sister. They have had very little contact in the last two years but before that they were extremely close.
This book is a mystery and we don’t know what happened to Matthew. As time passes and the investigation continues, tidbits of information are dropped. As Sarah comes to learn more about her husband she wonders if she ever really knew him.
I enjoyed this book and the mystery. I definitely wanted to find out what happened to Matthew and if anyone was involved with his disappearance. Throughout the book I had different thoughts on so it could be, but I did not see the end coming. It was a little slow for me. And the main character, Sarah, didn’t have much of a personality. But I also understand that was most likely a choice by the author after the character being married with kids for years.
Overall I think this book is worth it if you like creepy outdoors type mysteries. Or if you just like mysteries period.

I received this from Netgalley and the publisher as an ARC.
This is labeled as a thriller but it felt very slow and didn't pull me in like I was expecting. The story was atmospheric and descriptive and has the potential to be great but it needed more suspenseful moments to hit the thriller mark. Also I think the chapters should be labeled with the POV of the person narrating because there was jumping around from character to character and it took me a minute to figure out which character was speaking.
I can't say too much without giving it away but I wasn't happy with the ending bit of a surprise and a feeling of "oh, that's it?".

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for this ARC and opportunity to provide my honest review of this book. I was definitely excited when I read the description and was glad to be granted a chance to indulge in this experience. The overall story started somewhat slow for me but when it picked up, it was a worthy ride. I enjoyed the experience and would love to see more from this author.

Thank you NetGalley for this advance copy of Into The Fall. I thought this was a great debut novel. This mystery of a husband and father disappearing on a camping trip takes place in the Canadian wilderness. It begins with Sarah waking up to find her husband missing and the story goes on from there. I will say I expected more of an adventurous, lost in the wilderness, survival story but the book went into a different direction almost immediately and went to multiple timelines and learning more about Sarah and Matthew’s marriage and what was going on reading to his disappearance. There was a dip in the story for me during the search portion of the book but it picked back up about midway and I enjoyed it.

I started reading Into The Fall with the expectation that it would be a fairly routine psychological thriller, albeit with an interesting setting in the Canadian wilderness. As a middle aged male with a penchant for the genre, I was nevertheless more than pleasantly surprised to find that it was much, much more than that. Yes, there are the usual elements of the psychological thriller - missing person, suspicious circumstances, police investigation, unanswered questions, etc - and the Canadian wilderness, setting for much of the story, is beautifully and evocatively described. But this book is really about what it is to be a wife, mother and sister and what a woman is prepared to do to protect the ones who she loves. A thoughtful, engrossing and beautifully written book which I highly recommend.

"Into the Fall" by Tamara Miller is a true crime mystery that I overall felt underwhelmed by. The story was interesting, but the ending fell flat. I also had a bit of trouble with the narration. It jumped from person to person and past to present all in the same chapter, which required me to back track and reread a lot of the same paragraphs. Although on the shorter side, it took me a while to finish.