Member Reviews

Blanket cats are rented out to people for three days, for whatever reason. Each cat comes with its own blanket and that is ground zero for them. We follow the tale of the blanket cats as they go to stay with different families. I did enjoy this because cats but also how people perceived cats and why they wanted to borrow a cat. On the other hand I felt sorry for the cats because who wants to be rented out three days at a time. The renter I enjoyed reading about was the ‘newly retired’ lady who wanted to go away for a while but with a cat. The saddest was the school bully who had a bully for a dad but the one I despised was the brat kid who deliberately hid the blanket. Read for yourself and find out!

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Once again, a book where cats (this time armed with a blanket) can make the world a better place, starting with the adults (or teenagers) who host them. Now I understand that if they translate them, it is because there is a market, but to reduce Japanese literature to hot soup for the soul seems truly insulting to me.

Ancora una volta, un libro dove i gatti (stavolta muniti di una coperta) possono rendere il mondo un posto migliore, a cominciare dagli adulti (o adolescenti) che li ospitano. Ora io capisco che se li traducono é perché c'é mercato, ma ridurre la letteratura giapponese a un brodino caldo per l'anima mi sembra veramente un insulto.

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

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This is a book, translated from the Japanese, that I wasn't quite expecting. The title made me think that it was going to be all about cats, but it is more about people. The idea is that people can rent a cat for three days -it comes with a set of instructions and the cat's own blanket. The stories within in the book are about different people renting a cat for a variety of reasons. The couple struggling with infertility, a woman who as stolen money, a boy wanting to make his father proud, a family preparing to put grandmother in a home and others. In one we even have the perspective of the cat. The cat is not the main character in these stories and the problems are not ones that a cat can solve, but sometimes a cat can give a change of directions, a change of focus and sometimes can bring clarity. The problems may still be there after the cat has been returned, but maybe sometimes the heart is a little lighter. Not every story was cosy, but it was certainly an easy read.

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This is a short story collection about people who borrowed a rental cat for three days. From the cover, I got the cosy vibes, and it is a cosy read overall with most stories ar heartwarming and ends with slightly more positive changes in the characters.

There are some stories that are a bit heavy to call it a cosy read though. They are thought-provoking but not for bedtime. A couple stories stand out as uplifting and they are my favourite.

All in all, I enjoyed the book! 3.5 🌟

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