Member Reviews

🏔️ Embark on an incredible journey through some of the world’s most breathtaking mountains! This book features iconic peaks like Everest, Fuji, Kilimanjaro, Matterhorn, Puncak Jaya, and many more.

🏔️ Readers will discover mountain-related terms such as summit, gendarme, col, and headwall. They’ll also learn about different types of mountains, including fold, dome, volcanic, and plateau. The book provides essential information on avalanche safety, the risks of mountain climbing, the best routes to famous summits, renowned mountain explorers, and the basics of mountaineering. Additionally, there’s a dedicated section on knot-tying, covering knots like the clove hitch, double fisherman’s bend, overhand knot, and more.

🏔️ A special shoutout to the illustrator for the stunning artwork that beautifully complements the text. The visuals truly bring the information to life. Check out my slides for some examples.

🏔️ Packed with valuable information, this book is a must-read for any young adventurer curious about the world. It’s also an essential addition to any middle grade science, history, or geography classroom.

Thank you @netgalley and Cicada Books for an eARC of this book, which I have read and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I love when I find a new non-fiction book concept. This is a great adventure/exploration book that is short and sweet but full of good information. The artwork is nice EXCEPT for the people. For some reason the pictures of the people are downright creepy. Like they were done in Dia de los Muertos style.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. I will purchase for my library because of their interest in outdoorsy things.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Cicada Books for the eARC!

First, I just have to say that this book is absolutely stunning. I'm always a little hesitant and skeptical about nonfiction books with illustrations rather than photographs but this one blew me away. Every is filled to the brim with beautiful and engaging illustrations that make me want to hang each page up in a frame. Kudos to Ed Brown on his innovative designs and spectacular use of color. Kids will be absolutely be drawn to this book just based on how gorgeous it is.

As for the actual material, I loved it. It gives a brief overview of mountains (like what they are, terms, types, dangers, etc.), before focusing on different famous mountain ranges. Each small section would focus on how they were discovered, what the climb is like, any native people who live on the mountain (my favorite part), and the mountain's inclusion in religion and culture, where applicable. I honestly learned a lot about mountains from this book, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. This will be great for geography lovers in your home/classroom, or for those biome projects that students often have around 3rd and 4th grade.

I can't wait to purchase this for my library, and I encourage others to do the same!

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We reviewed this thinking it would be great for the kids, but I was just as intrigued as the kids!

The contents goes through the "greatest mountains on Earth" listing facts about the mountain but there is so much more. There is a list of "mountain terms", a guide to different mountain climbing rope knots and tools, as well as what to do in emergency situations when mountain climbing.

The illustrations are colorful and detailed allowing for us to better understand what was being read. We enjoyed the depiction of the step by step guide for the tying of knots.

Thank you NetGalley, Robin Jacobs, and Cicada Books for allowing me to review.

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My kids and I had so much fun reading this together at breakfast. They loved the pictures, and information. There were some really fun conversations that followed this too.

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