Member Reviews

A perfect read to cosy up with on the cooler days. Imagine your life being what if. Imagine if your life had turned out a different way through one change of mind .
The book explores a number of topics and it’s told through dual time periods.

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Easy to read first book from this author. Will admit I did find it a little confusing switching from each timeline, but once I got over that I thoroughly enjoyed it

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Last Christmas, by Clare Swatman, is a very different take on the dual timeline telling of a tale. Bea Preston has reached her wits ends. It is three days before Christmas in 2002 and she has had events at work that have set her in a turmoil. Her partner of five years has cycled through depressive episodes over and over, and her dreams just keep getting further out of reach. So it is on this evening that Bea finds herself at Heathrow Airport and at the crossroads of her life.

Bea has dreamed of living and working in New York City, imagining herself working on a major magazine and following a lifestyle like Sex and the City or Friends. So as Bea deliberates where her future will take her as Christmas 2002 is only days away, the reader begins to witness the journey through a well told story that follows Bea’s life each Christmas from 2002 until 2010, flipping through her life had she gone to New York or stayed in London, literally showing the reader the events of the possible road not taken.

This novel deals with some difficult topics such as the events of 9/11, depression, dementia, and chasing your dreams as well as the role fate plays in our lives. This story is one of the most original books I have read. It is character driven and heartfelt in its telling. I did very much enjoy this book and I do recommend it!

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Ahhh, I so enjoyed this book, an absolute belter as a Christmas read. Sliding doors with several twists for sure. Loved the main characters and how their stories developed.
Cosy up and enjoy - I did!!

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Last Christmas is the story of 'what ifs' with multiple story lines playing out at the same time. Each decision has different outcomes which are explored, whilst I really liked the idea of this type of story, i did find it difficult at times to follow.

I liked the character of Bea and liked exploring her different realities based on the decisions she did or didnt make, even if it was confusing.

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Right from the very beginning i was pulled in to this book and it didn’t let me go until i had, very quickly, finished it all. Each chapter was so full of goodness and at the end of each one i just couldn’t wait to see how the next one unfolded.

I loved the author’s style of writing and the way in which she wrote using two parallel stories, each with their own outcome.

The story was told over several years and each year was divided into a stay or go scenario. It was very easy to follow and i loved the way that this was written.

Last Christmas was a wonderful read and left me with a big smile on my face…….

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I have really enjoyed Clare's writing in the past, but this one was not really my cup of tea. I kept getting confused and had to go back and check which chapter I was reading, the Stay or Go chapter. The main reason for this is that it's the same people that come back in the various chapters more or less, just different actions have different consequences.

Sadly the format did not work for me. I was not 100% invested because I knew the next chapter would be the other possible outcome depending on whether or not Bea had actually gone to New York that first Christmas. So all through the book I was a bit confused and knew this was only one possible outcome and therefore I was not feeling everything as much as if the book had had just one story line, so in other words if it had not been a sliding doors story.m/2024/09/09/book-review-last-christmas/

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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When I first started reading this book I thought the premise was interesting. I often wonder what my life would be like if I had made a different decision when I was younger. And here the story is showing the outcome of both decisions. I was also drawn in by the "christmas". Unfortunately, this book isn't very christmas-y so there was the first disappointment.
I found it hard to actually like the main character. I didn't like how she couldn't make a decision or have the back bone to stand up for herself. That she needed others to tell her that she was doing the right thing. I felt like I was suppose to be thinking she was so wonderful for choosing to "stay", for choosing to help Dom, for making the best of the worst situation. I didn't. But I kept reading.
The two lives became repetitive and very similar. There was so many opportunities for the different lives to take different directions but it became hard to figure out at first which one you were reading. That often took me out of the story which is a big negative for me.
I was done when we got to a point where Bea did not stop the interference from her family in her relationship with Dom. It was ridiculous that she just let that happen without saying anything. I should have been done when Bea decided to met later with a guy she met on the plane but would not give her any info about himself, including his real name. Oh well.

Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to try to read this story.

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I found this book well-written but nearly impossible to follow. I liked the sliding door storyline —in theory — but couldn't keep all the storylines straight. I did finish the book and even liked many parts. But the confusing storyline was a no go for me overall.

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My Review
What a lovely, lovely read I am just after getting to, Last Christmas by Clare Swatman.
I visited New York city for my first time last year, 2023. It was everything I imagined it to be and more. We watch so many movies, see so many advertisements and read so many books with New York as the setting and we imagine what it will be like. To see it all in the flesh or in real life is pretty surreal.
Author Clare Swatman's description of New York in her latest book Last Christmas is New York to a tee...
It is an exciting city and one that needs to be explored.
We meet a lovely young lady Bea in this story.
Her life and the situation she finds herself in brings her to the departure lounge of the airport about to board a flight and start a new life. She is wracked with guilt at all her family, friends and boyfriend she is leaving behind but she feels she must put herself first for once in her life and do it.
What happens next is what I would only describe as a sliding doors moment where we are told the story of what happens when she goes and what happens when she stays behind.
I'm sure we all wonder what would or wouldn't happen if our decision takes us one way or another. Our lives can go so differently to what we expect.
I loved the character of Bea. She comes across so lovely and gentle. I felt for her so often in her attempts to put others before herself in certain situations.
Christmas is an important family occasion in her family. A time for them to get together.
Last Christmas is a great story, one I think you will love.
We get to see Bea learn to put herself first, stand up for herself and maybe learn a little about herself along the way.
Well worth your time...

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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Review for 'Last Christmas' by Clare Swatman.

WOW!!!! What can I say?!?! What an absolutely fantastic book that I fell in love with!!! I absolutely loved Clare's gorgeous 'The Lost Letters Of Evelyn Wright' so when I seen this I just HAD to read it but if I am completely honest i was a bit dubious about Clare being able to write a good better or even just as good as that one!! Well, well, well she most definitely proved me wrong so a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS Clare as that does not happen often and please don't tell my partner it did this time or I will never hear the end of it!!! Anyway, moving on lol, yet another absolute stunner from this absolutely incredible author and one that will most definitely put you in the festive spirit, and yes I hear you thinking but its too early, well it is NEVER too early for a gorgeous Christmas read so grab this beauty now, even if you do wait until it is closer to Christmas at least you have a gorgeous book to get struck straight into!!!

This book is beautifully written with vivid descriptions setting the picture perfectly in the readers mind. The title, description and cover works perfectly with the storyline. I absolutely love, Love, LOVE this absolutely brilliant book that will turn any frown upside down!! It is such a stunning, emotive and beautiful read that everyone needs to grab a copy today and just get sucked into Bea's story and meet all of the rest of the characters you will meet along the way!!.It is absolutely ram packed with family drama, fresh starts, friendships, second chances, fun, romance, festivity and just so much more!! I absolutely adored the way that Clare has written this book, it is absolutely unique and I LOVE coming across concepts that I have never come across before in books!! Bea is having relationship problems with her boyfriend Dom and is just fed up of her London life. She has always dreamed of New York but isn't sure if she could just up and leave everything to move to the other side of the world. Clare has created this absolutely amazing concept of alternating chapters where in one chapter she stayed in London and the next she moved to New York!! It is just an absolutely brilliant idea and she wove the chapters together perfectly ensuring the readers did not get confused with the timelines or decision. Clare does not only alternate between the 'Go' to New York and 'Stay' in London chapters but also spans the story over 8 years from December 2002 to December to 2010 which is something else I absolutely loved. Well, to be honest, I absolutely loved everything about this book! I mean who wouldn't love to see the consequences and destinies of making two different choices in front of them!! Wouldn't life be so much easier if you could??? There has also been several books that I have read where I always wondered what would have happened if the character had made the alternative decision so this is just an absolutely brilliant and unique concept that I would love to see Clare do again as well as other authors trying it. With characters that you'll love and ones you'll love to hate, Christmas all around you, amazing friendships and difficult life changing decisions this is a book that will turn a frown upside down! This book really is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I was utterly glued to the pages and I could not bring myself to put it down. I was carrying my kindle around with me every chance that I got as and ended up devouring it in one sitting then being gutted I had finished it so quickly!! A gorgeous uplifting, superb and memorable page turner that will warm your hearts 💝. I absolutely loved the festive aspects of the storyline and regardless of the fact that it is only the beginning of September it still put me in the Christmas spirit!! This is my second Christmas book of the year and it's made me want to read more now!!!

Clear your schedules as this is one fantastic and unputdownable stunner that will keep you hooked and have you riding an emotional rollercoaster ❤️

I absolutely loved getting to know the characters in this book who were all strong, realistic. I became completely invested in each and every one of them. I did have mixed feelings towards Bea who I did like and was rooting for throughout. However, there were several times where I found myself shouting at my kindle at her for being selfish and so indecisive. I just wanted her to make up her mind and at times it felt that she was even using Dom and Paddy a bit. I have struggled with choices in the past and wondered if I made the right ones and would love to see what would have happened if I had gone the other way but at the end of the day I wanted her to make a choice even when she has to deal with the consequences of her choices because that is life!!! I did love her friends and the dynamics between them all in both the 'Stay' and 'Go' chapters. I was not a fan of Dom at all but I did absolutely adore Paddy who was really sweet and completely in love with Bea. The fact that I adored Paddy did make me a bit more annoyed with Bea for not making her mind up!
The only downfall of many of this book and some of the characters is that they sadly live in the pages. This really does not seem the case while you are reading as Clare's emotive and evocative descriptions really brings Bea and the other characters to life ensuring you can see and feel everything that they are seeing and feeling from their sadness, grief, pain to joy, happiness and love!! I loved watching Bea's interactions with the other characters in the book. The fact that Clare genuinely cares about the characters that she creates absolutely shines through her writing and I loved following their lives with them on every single page!!! Each of the characters had their own unique and memorable personalities, secrets, problems and I loved getting to know most of them. Clare's fantastic writing skills ensured I felt each of the characters love , friendship, pain, heartbreak, happiness, anger, sorrow and so much more and I felt myself laughing along with them as well as shouting out loud at some. Regardless of if I loved the characters or not so much, they each played their parts perfectly and it wouldn't have been as amazing a read as it was if I had loved them all!!! Clare does an absolutely amazing job of bringing the story to life and the characters leap out of the pages as your turning them thanks to her evocative writing skills!! Well done Clare!!! A fantastic, memorable group of unique characters that I wont be forgetting anytime soon!

Congratulations Clare on yet another absolutely gorgeous, emotive and heart-warming read filled with everything you could ever ask for in a page turner!!! I am looking forward to reading more of your future books and would absolutely love to see this book turned into a movie!!! This is the exact reason you are on my favourite author list and here's to your next success 🥂

Overall an absolutely gorgeous festive stunner that will keep you glued to the pages and warm your heart ❤️!!!

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If I had my way I'd be reading Christmas books all year round, but theres always an exciting thriller or ten that get in the way!

Last Christmas is told across dual timeline and takes us from London across the Atlantic to NYC, both of which are not only two of my favourite places on earth, but are absolutely magical when it's the festive period.

Sliding Doors was the film of its era, so to read something in similar format was brilliant. Lifestyle, love and loyalty are all focal points of the story, with Bea and her choice of path in life.

A thoroughly enjoyable book by Swatman that's heartwarming, romantic and absolutely charming.

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A great sliding doors romance set at christmas time as we follow Bea as she works through two alternate realities- heading to New York to follow her dreams or staying put in her slightly troubled relationship. I didn’t always agree with her decisions but overall loved the story.

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With not much time for Christmas celebrations Bea is off to New York several days after the holidays. Bea's life is hectic and certainly doesn't always go as she's planned. Decisions........., we all make them every day. How do we know if they're the right ones, or not. How about those decisions we regret and think on after our choice. Wondering if we could've kicked those bad decisions under the rug and chosen again, would things have been better?
There is a show of strong family support and close friendships. On again off again romantic relationships and finding the perfect one to be with.
The New York energetic vibe is strong, covering the early 2000's from finding that perfect pub to the busy streets and the small flats to the busy rushing about.
A book women can identify with, emotional with strong characters you'll see a bit of yourself in. A keeper that I'll be reading again.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Three days after Christmas, Bea boards a plane from London to New York. Needing a break from her relationship with Dom, she decides to go to the city of her dreams.

Dom calls before she boards and this is where Bea’s life splits in a sliding doors manner; what happens if she decides to follow through and go to New York; what happens if Dom’s call causes her not to board the plane.

I was extremely frustrated with Bea’s decisions in both timelines. I felt she was rather selfish holding the future of two men in her hands, often leaving them dangling. In the end however, she ends up with the man I felt she should be with.

I’m so excited by all of the holiday reads I have in my NetGalley approved list and this is the first one I’ve read. Despite my frustrations with Bea, I really enjoyed the book especially since it was told in the delightful sliding doors format. I adore books like that!

If you’ve not checked out any of Clare Swatman’s books, I highly recommend starting with this one before tackling others in her expansive library.

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The first thing I’ll mention – just in case reading a Christmas book in August/September gives you the chills – is that this is a book you’ll be happy to read at any time of the year. The season just anchors the story, as it shifts between the alternative scenarios – whether Bea decides to go, leaving her life and partner of five years behind, to follow her dream of living in New York, or to stay and change nothing in her increasingly troubled life.

We first meet Bea at Heathrow, three days before Christmas, with a long wait for the flight that will change her life, working through her uncertainties and the implications of her decision. At the airport, she bumps into a stranger, scattering her luggage – and then fields a call from partner Dom, hoping she might just change her mind. And that’s where the story divides – she pulls herself together and goes home, or she gets on the plane and discovers what the future might hold.

The way the book is written is easy to follow – the alternating chapters headed “stay” or “go”, always set in December over an eight year period, looking back at the year before, with Bea’s experiences as their focus. I’m not sure how I felt about her – at times she’s sympathetic and likeable, especially when dealing with some of the most difficult personal challenges, but I was sometimes a bit put off by the selfishness that seemed to underpin some of her decisions. And the issues she finds herself facing, in both timelines, are often very difficult to handle – there are moments of joy, but plenty of heartache too. In her London life, there’s a particular focus on living with depression – and its impact is particularly well handled. But it’s also a story that focuses on friendship and family, with a strong romantic element and excellent characterisation – all perfectly balanced, and always emotionally convincing.

The writing is just superb – although the reading is easy, the organisation of the content must have been an immense challenge. There are touchpoints between the two stories – sometimes repetitions of the same events with a slight shift of context or perspective, very cleverly done. And I never lost track of which of Bea’s lives I was reading for an instant – although the way the stories slowly converge could have made things difficult. The author’s confidence and the firm grip she has on the story is flawless – I was entirely involved throughout, engaged at every level, and hoping for a happy ending. And it’s a book that makes you think too – about fate and destiny, the possibility of change, the impact of decisions, and the different paths sometimes leading to the same conclusion.

This was such an accomplished piece of work, highly original, but also a moving and particularly compelling story. I loved it – and it’s a book I’d highly recommend to all.

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I think although there are pertinent parts of this book that return to Christmas time during the years it covers, it isn't particularly festive so depending on what you're looking for this may or not be a good thing, but you could certainly read this book at anytime for the plot.
The concept of this book is a "sliding doors" theme of one decision, to stay or to go, that then proceeds with mirrored storylines split from each decision. This was really well written and I enjoyed seeing the differences and similarities and ultimately where the characters would end up, as we all know life is full of coincidences, chance, and also such random curveballs.
I did feel compelled to drop a star in my rating though as throughout the story there was a lack of true connection to the main character, and at times I felt very frustrated with her choices, sometimes to the point of dislike, which yes is reality, everyone is flawed, but in a story like this I just needed more consistency or connection to the main character which I just lacked, but that's just me.

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This was such a gorgeous story and has stayed with me since i finished it.

Bea decides to run away from her life and wants to go to New York for a new start. but should she stay or should she go?

I loved the dual timeline of this book where we could see how life would have been for her depending on the decision she made.

Possibly one of my favourites i've read from Clare Swatman!

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