Member Reviews

Clare Swatman does it again! Her writing style is so gentle, understated, unflashy, but should never be confused as boring or empty. You will love her characters, and this book has an extremely UNIQUE plot that is fascinating. Haven't we all wondered what our life would be like if we did this or that thing different? Bea gets to experience that exact thing, multiple different outcomes of choices she could have made.

The Christmas element was neither here nor there to me. It was the concept and execution of alternate outcomes that I found so intriguing and very well done.

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I loved the premise of this book, sort of a "Sliding Doors" theme. I enjoyed how the author dove into each character, and built them up chapter by chapter. My only real issue with the book is it seemed to drag at times. Moments when I just wanted the author to get to the point! But, with that being said it was a good read. Perfect for the holidays, or even a rainy weekend.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing this book, with my honest review below.

The Last Christmas was oftentimes a charming story but drug on just a little too much for it to hit all the marks I’d like from a romance that flirts with fantasy.

We meet Bea on her way to NYC to see if she can kick start her life. At the airport she’s torn between going and staying and we get to follow her through those scenarios. In each she finds herself in a love triangle with new AJ, who has his own past he’d like to escape, and current beau Dom, who has crippling depression. This book got deep at times which is lovely since the story calls for it, but it just takes a bit too long to get to where it was going.

I’ll repeat again that this is charming and I love books with the sliding doors/what could be/time hop concept but I wished that it had perhaps some more climactic events to keep the reader engaged.

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‘Bea was always early for everything. Even, it turned out, when she was running away from her life.’ As Christmas approaches, Bea Preston has a choice.

Looking up at the departures board in Heathrow airport, her flight to New York boarding soon, she knows that getting on that plane changes everything. Her life in London has grown stale, her relationship with boyfriend Dom has run its course, and New York has always been her dream. But it’s a risk – she’ll miss her parents, her friends, her job.

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Wow! I loved this! I couldn’t put it down and read during every free second I could spare. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This was fantastic. It put me right into the Christmas spirit despite it being the middle of summer. I love it so much!! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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This was a good book with an interesting storyline. I liked that it went back and forth between two different storylines once a year at Christmastime. I thought Bea was a good main character who was likable, but with her own set of character flaws. I really found all of the characters likable, and I found myself rooting for them all to have a happy ending. While this is a Christmas themed book, I feel like you could read it anytime of the year, I would recommend this book.

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I can’t believe we’re reviewing Christmas books already. But I’m not too sad about it because I love a good Christmas story. This book didn’t disappoint.

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