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I listened to A Map for Falasteen with my 6 and 3 year old daughter. As a minority and a parent. I believe it is up to me to share my heritage with my kids to know where their ancestors come from.

A Mal for Falasteen is a story about a young girl that is curious as to why her country and homeland is not on the map.

“Sometimes, people live in countries. Sometimes, countries live in people.”

Falasteen’s learns that home is more than just a place. It’s something that is apart of her.

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Falasteen can't find Palestine on the world map, and her teacher tells her it doesn't exist. Returning home, Falasteen asks her family members why this might be, and in turn learns more about her family's history, and how they each carry Palestine with them every day ("Sometimes people live in countries. Sometimes countries live in people."). I was particularly moved by Falasteen's grandmother recalling the Nakba. Though it isn't specifically named as such, the description makes it clear as to how much of an impact it continues to have on Palestinians to this day (and is particularly poignant in light of current events). The narration is clear, with different tones of voice for different characters, and the addition of music and background sounds makes this audio particularly immersive. I look forward to reading this book in person and experiencing the illustrations alongside the narration. I will certainly be recommending this book at the library, and sharing it with both adults and children in my own life. A very beautifully told story that leaves room for further discussion and learning.

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This is a beautiful audiobook! The soundscape really adds to the text of the story. I appreciated the kid-friendly approach to explaining the atrocities of what has happened to Palestine and all the people who live there, in contrast to the tens of thousands of children who have lived through it. This is an excellent book to build understanding, belonging, and empathy in our kiddos. 🍉

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I read the audiobook for this children's book. A diasporic child of Palestinine is asked by her teacher to show on the map where her family is from. She is confused to see Palestine is not on the map. Her teacher says there is no place called Palestine. At home, her parents educate her on what Palestine is and how it lives in their hearts.

My favorite lines are:
"There are places you don't need a map to find"
"Sometimes people live in countries. Sometimes countries live in people. Palestine lives in you and me."
"Their maps can't erase us. Their maps can't erase our memories. Their maps can't erase our past."


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A Map For Falasteen, written by Maysa Oder, and narrated by Dalia Ramahi is such an important book for these times! One day at school, Falasteen and her class are asked to find the places their families are from on a map. When Falasteen asks for help finding Palestine, she is told that it does not exist. Falasteen is lucky to have lovely family members in her life who are able to help her learn the truth, that “There are places you don’t need a map to find.” Not all places can be found on a map, but she is told that Palestine lives in her and her family. She is proud to have the opportunity to share the map her Grandpa draws for her, as well as the house key her Teta gives her, from her previous home in Palestine. She knows that this will help teach her teacher and friends about homes, maps, and Palestine.
Again, I think that this is such an important book for our current climate. Teachers, children, and families can learn from this book, that there are so many different types of homes and histories, and that we can all learn from each other. Thank you to NetGalley, and to the publisher, author, and narrator of this book for an ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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I listened to this on audio and it was a beautiful story of the Palestinian people. The reader was lovely and I can’t wait to read the physical copy so I can see the pictures.

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A Map for Falasteen is about finding your home, when it's not on a map. In the case of this book, the place is Palestine. A Map for Falasteern connects family to place and traditions. Home is where your heart is, even if it can't be found on a map.

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I listened to the audiobook version of this story and I really appreciate when an audiobook has really great production value. I loved the background noises like chalk tapping against the chalkboard and background voices of children. This book, while not long (obviously, it’s a kid’s book), got me choked up by the end.

Ceasefire NOW & free Palestine!

Thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Macmillan Young Listeners for this eAudio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a beautiful book, and such a beautiful audio experience! This book begins with Falasteen's teacher asking the class to tell everyone where their family and to show their country on the map. Falasteen, however, could not find Palestine on her classroom's map. She goes on a journey to learn about Palastine, asking her family members. She is eventually told by her mother that Palestine lives within the hearts of the Palestinian people. It was so sweet, and I will be buying a copy for my niece.

I will say, I listened to this book over audio, so I have nothing to say about the art. The audio, however, was gorgeous. It had music in the background the entire time, and I think this would be a beautiful edition to listen to alongside the physical book, but also is great on its own.

What a beautiful book for Palestinian children, and for any child.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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