Member Reviews

I couldn't get into this book. I couldn't connect with Maya. And the writing felt like it was written as if an adult were trying to sound like a teenager.

I did read the entire book, which I often will not do if I can't get into it. But this held my interest just enough. But overall, I wanted to like this book more than I did. It was ok.

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3.25 ⭐️ rounded down

I am thankful to have gotten the audio ARC for free from Netgalley and Macmillan Audio so I can leave my voluntary and honest review.

This book was cute. I feel that it’s younger YA in its feel and it goes overboard on the social justice speak. Not that a person shouldn’t be engaging in all the aspects of social justice in their personal lives! It’s just that it throws it in your face and it seems like the author is trying to win the social justice writing Olympics.

I listened to the audio book so the narration is the focus of what I should be reviewing! The narration was great. She had a young voice that kept you engaged in the story. The only thing I had to do was speed it up to the 1.25x rate as it was a bit slow for me. Had I been listening to it on a different platform I probably would have done 1.15x but that’s not an option on the NetGalley Shelf.

This book would be good for the young reader who would benefit from a teen that doesn’t fill the stereotypical mold that some strive for. I think some will be able to connect with Maya in some way. Although I never want to hear the word “hashtag” again. It’s way over used by the author. That’s one of several eye rolling things about this book.

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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I know I'm not the target audience for this book as it's a young adult and I'm well past my teen years, but I always enjoy reading young adult books and even better when I can recommend young adult books to teen readers, adults who enjoy YA or give recs for teachers wanting to fill up their classrooms with good books. I think the premise of this one was so intriguing and I was very interested in seeing how the author would spin this magical realism into the story, but unfortunately, I don't think it was done very smoothly. I liked that it was written differently, and it made it seem like it would be unique. However, all the different point of views from characters in Maya's life took me a bit out of the story. I appreciate that the author was trying to get into some heavier themes while trying to keep it light, but I just think had it be done a little differently that it would have been a hit!

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