Member Reviews

Childhood friends June and Levi both go viral for being very publicly broken up with. When Levi returns to their hometown where June is running a tea shop, they decide to pretend to date to turn the situation around for their own benefit. With all their history, it's hard to for the dating to stay fake.

I really enjoyed the narrator's voicing of both June and Levi.

This was a fun romance that also touched on reconnection, community, and grief.

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June and Levi were best friends in high school, but a misunderstanding led to them not speaking for years. When both suffer from viral, humiliating break ups, they pretend to date to feed into the tabloid fodder and make their exes jealous. Spending so much time together after all these years brings up old memories and feelings, and the fake relationship turns real.

This is cute, but it’s a pretty run of the mill rom com. I liked June and Levi’s characters and enjoyed the subplot with June’s tea shop. There was an extremely random spicy scene that didn’t fit with the rest of the story at all, but otherwise it’s pretty mild. Thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Emma Lord for this free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I am still struggling to review this audiobook.

The narrator while good, was hard to link her voice to the character that was being described.

This was pitched as a rom-com, but it is a bit heavier than that. It is a story with a lot of mis communications and life events. There are some sweet and fun parts mixed in,

Thank you to Emma Lord, St. Martins Press, and Net Galley for the opportunity to review this audiobook production.

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This was a DNF. I normally love Emma Lord, but I couldn't get interested in this story. Maybe it was the audibook format. The narrator was great, but something about this book just didn't work for me.

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I loved the concept of this book. The characters were sweet and the setting was lovely.
The talk of scones made me hungry - and boy do I wish I had a Tea Tide bakery in my area!
There was so much going on in this book. Friendship, lost love, rekindled love, love triangles, loss and grief - it seems like too much, right? But it wasn't - it all fit together so well to make one coherent and enjoyable story!
Would love to read more by this author.

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<b>Do literally anything—except be single.</b> That sentiment is at the very core of my gripes about this book.

I read and was wowed by Emma Lord’s <i>Tweet Cute</i> last year and that inspired me to request ARCs on Netgalley for her 2024 YA release <i>The Getaway List</i> and her Adult Romance debut <i>The Break-Up Pact</i>. Her YA release was incredible. It had heart and depth, and was so grounded in real-life experiences that her characters felt fully-formed. I saw my younger self in so much of them and was absolutely floored by the whole book.

Now that I’ve finally gotten to <i>The Break-Up Pact</i>, I have to come to grips with the fact that my expectations for Lord have soared too high. This book had a lot of what I’ve loved from Lord’s previous entries—beautiful friendships, a thread of grief, and compelling romance. However, while I was initially thrilled by the romance between June and Levi in this one, I realized about 50% in that something just wasn’t clicking for me.

And this goes straight back to that same old sentiment—do anything except be single. Now, I know what I was getting myself into. I read the synopsis. I know that these two are fresh out of relationships with other people, fake date for revenge, and end up falling in love. This didn’t bother me when we were hearing things straight from June, who had clearly not been in love with her cheating ex for a while—if she ever even was. Her unrequited pining for Levi was extremely heartfelt and achingly juicy. My problem was never with June’s characterization.

<b>The issue lies solely with Levi.</b> Levi is still hung up on his cheating ex. So much so that he gets into the Revenge Exes plot in order to make her jealous so he can win her back. Why tf am I rooting for this MMC then if all he wants is his ex back? Obviously he also has feelings for June, but the constant reminders of his ex (Levi calling her, Levi texting her, Levi talking about wanting her back) majorly icked me out. For his characterization, it was clear that Levi needed two things:

1. Therapy.

2. To be single.

He moved away from his hometown and very quickly got into a relationship with one woman that he dated for several years, got engaged to for another several years, and then she cheated on him with a CELEBRITY, which quite literally put his broken heart in the tabloids. He doesn’t need to get into a new relationship, regardless of whom it’s with. He needs THERAPY, and then he needs to be SINGLE.

Even toward the end, June recognizes that Levi is such a people-pleaser that he let his ex-fiancée control the course of his life. His (now deceased) best friend/June’s sister, Annie, also had a hand in his life trajectory because he altered the entire course of his writing career after she made one disparaging comment. As a result, June doesn’t trust that her input in his life (e.g. asking him to move back to their hometown and be with her) won’t just be another thing he bends to without considering his own desires.

HOW is this man ready to seriously date??? I get it, they’re in love, but not only can he not be trusted to make the correct choices for his future when women are involved, he also just got out of a several-years-long engagement with a woman who abruptly cheated on him that he’s STILL pining for.

Sorry, not a premise I can get behind.

This man needs therapy, and then he needs to be alone, because how the f am I to trust that his HEA with June is ever going to last beyond the one year jump forward we saw in the final chapter? I can barely buy that they lasted a year.

There were some other gripes I had that I found unrealistic, particularly in the last act of the novel. But that throws us into spoiler territory, so I’m going to end this here.

I loved the friendships and the underpinning of grief that is Lord’s signature in her novels. I also loved the demisexual representation we got to see through June. As someone on the ace spectrum, her discussion about how difficult dating is when your brain works the way ours do was so real. But, ultimately, I struggled to believe in the ability of her romantic leads to truly go the distance. I also could not ship them together as soon as Levi’s red flags became apparent. If he had taken a year apart from June and gotten into therapy before reconnecting with her again, we would have an entirely different review on our hands.


<b>Overall Rating:</b> 2.5 (rounded up for Sana 😍)

<b>AUDIOBOOK REVIEW:</b> Natalie Naudus just has a soothing voice. She did a great job narrating and portraying the emotional beats of the story.

<i>A big thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Macmillan Audio, for providing me with an advanced copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review!</i>

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The break up pack book was amazing. I would definitely recommend it to my friends. I give it 5 out of 5.
I love the amazing friendship between June and Levi.
I love how they were able to take a horrible situation, humiliation and turn it into something they both can benefit from. They were able to encourage each other. I loved how Emma incorporated death in her writing. It something we all deal with. But the way she wrote it was a great way to honor her sister’s memories. It gave a great tribute to her sister. They both loved.
What an amazing book! Definitely a great book to read.

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I liked this book, but I didn't love it. I enjoy Lord's YA books. They're cute, fun, and lovely, and this had all the trappings of a typical Lord book, but it didn't read as adult. It still reads as YA. So, I'm unsure if I would have enjoyed this more if it had been marketed as a YA or a new adult. It just read young, and I needed a little more for it to seem more adult. I needed more angst, a little more grown-up scenarios, etc. Otherwise, I still enjoyed it and the premise. I just wanted a little more.

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4.5 ⭐️ This audiobook was quirky, charming and kept me smiling throughout. My only drawback was this: I wish the author had resolved the MMC's previous relationship sooner, so he had more time to sort out his issues. I enjoyed this one so much that I bought the physical copy & am working my way through the author's previous books.

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If you’re looking for a delightful and heartwarming read, this one is a must! This book captures all the greatness of a classic rom-com, delivering a fun and engaging story that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Emma Lord masterfully blends humor, romance, and relatable characters, making it a perfect pick for anyone who loves a good love story with a twist. Whether you’re a long-time fan of romantic comedies or just looking for a feel-good read, “The Break-Up Pack” is sure to leave you smiling.

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Meh it read like a lower budget Emily Henry novel. Not much happened and it felt rather cookie cutter. The tension wasn’t there for me and I’d say my favorite was probably the first 20% and then it all kinda just flatlined.

I wasn’t really a fan of the bit with his ex at the end (it just felt off and honestly all of his actions when it came to her) and I definitely don’t want a fan of her even doing that interview for her ex. Yeah it backfired but ???? You owe him nothing girl show some backbone!!!

The audiobook was fabulously narrated by Natalie Naudus though, so it sounded beautiful at least. Her guy voice is >>>>

⭐️⭐️.75/5 🌶️🌶️*/5

*I was curious about the steam since this is the author’s first adult book! There was at least one explicit scene with a lowish level of detail. It was a bit flowery but I was happy it was included.

I received a free audiobook from the Macmillan Audio. All opinions are honest and my own.

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LOVED! Such a cute spin on the friends to lover with a dash of miss communication troupe. This was my first Emma Lord book but I will be adding her others to my TBR immediately. I loved the weaving of reality TV and social media fam into the story line. And the two main characters were just so dang cute together.

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I loved the plot of this book with it being a romance between two people whose humiliating breakups go viral, June and Levi. They make a pact in order to stop being the sad exes and work together to clear their names in the public. Old feelings come to light and the sparks starts to fly.....

The fake relationship trope is not always my favorite but I really liked this book. The characters were likable and relatable and I liked them a lot... all but June and Levi's exes anyway.

I also liked the side characters and the tiny side stories in this book. June, has a best friend who is so sarcastic and snarky and I love it. I cracked up when June would talk about Mateo, her brother's fiancé, and the way that his college students would put pictures of the sweater vests he wore everyday on Instagram.

I will definitely be buying a copy of this book in the future.

Thank you!

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The Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord is a charming and fun read with witty dialogue and relatable characters. Lord’s ability to blend humor with heartfelt moments makes the story both entertaining and engaging. While some plot points feel predictable, the book's overall warmth and humor make it a delightful escape.

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This was a fun read! I enjoyed the narrator of the audio book and felt like it went very quickly. The premise of the story, 2 people who have been broken up with, decide to pretend to date to get back at their exes, was super fun. The characters were likeable, the story was fun, and of course there was a HEA! Thank you to Net Galley for the free book in exchange for my opinions.

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June and Levi are best friends who were estranged for 10 years have reconciled back in their hometown after both of them suffering a public humiliating break ups.
When a photo of them together appears online the internet is convinced they are a couple and they pretend to be one so that each would benefit from this. But while pretending old feelings resurface and both June and Levi will have to come to terms with this while battling their exes.

Another great book by Emma. I binge listened to his one . The friendship turned chemistry was adorable and easily palpable. I liked how both their individual character growth and journey was given important narrative in the story making it quite a wholesome reading.

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Levi and June both just had humiliating breakups. These once best friends find themselves looking to each other for support, which then turns into fake dating. Fake dating will help June’s struggling tea shop and Levi to get back with his ex.

I feel in love with the characters. This is a rom com mixed with working through troubled past. Definitely recommend!

Thank you to Emma Lord, Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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YEEHAWWWW This book was the full meal deal!

When two friends, who haven't seen each other in 10 years, both get dumped very publicly, they use each other to fake date to claw back some of their integrity and hopefully their exes too.

I loved loved loved this book! The characters were CHEFS KISS!!! The story was so good!! I loved the ride.

The only thing I felt needed some adjustment was maybe the last 30% could have wrapped up quicker and would have knocked it out of the park!!

I love the fake dating trope, it never fails to entertain!!

4.5 stars!!!!

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In Emma Lord's **"The Break-Up Pact,"** the first half is highly engaging, with well-developed characters and an intriguing setup that captures the listener's interest. The character interactions and plot progression are particularly compelling. However, the second half of the book could benefit from a quicker resolution, as the pacing slows down and the story seems to drag. While the characters remain lovable and the narrative entertaining, a faster wrap-up could enhance the overall experience. Despite this, the book's charm and character depth make it a worthwhile listen.

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This romance novel enchants with its heartfelt story and relatable characters, weaving a tale of love that feels both timeless and fresh. The chemistry between the protagonists is palpable, making every interaction deeply engaging. With its emotional depth and satisfying conclusion, it’s a beautifully crafted love story that lingers long after the final

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