Member Reviews

This book was a 3.5 for me. The first half of the book dragged a little too much for my liking, but then the second half was much more interesting. It took me a long time to get used to the multiple POVs, and I do wish that every chapter had the name/date, not just when it changed. Overall the story was an interesting premise!

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This story line followed the story line of two characters at different times (one living in 1911 and the other in 2011). Overall four stars, mainly because I could not connect with Sarah Harper as much as I tried. The search and struggle to understand faeries was much appreciated. It kept me on edge and I still see the magic even though I did not get the outcome I was expecting.

Anna - I could not get enough of Anna. She was a diamond in this book. I quickly read through the chapters regarding Sarah so that I could get back to Anna's story. The ending for Anna is not what I had hoped; however, it left me with some happiness. I wish there was more of an ending for Harold, but I am leaving that up to my imagination. As for the fairies, I am still a believer even though a Tinkerbell never appeared.

Sarah - Talk about a hot mess. I tried to connect with this character, I am not sure if I disliked her because I did not think she was as well developed as Anna or because she just seemed to make her own life miserable. A little perturbed she got the happy ending that the readers did not get to experience with Anna.

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This was a story about Sarah, an artist struggling to deal with a major loss that led to her marriage's dissolution. En route to her sister's to be with family for the holidays, she travels to Ireland instead. Near her rental cottage, she finds a diary of Anna, who lived there 100 years prior. The remainder of the book is two parallel stories of women confronting their grief.

I didn't love this story. It had good bones, the characters were likable, and Anna's story was compelling. I wanted to love it, but it felt rushed and disconnected. Sarah and Oran falling in love made little sense since they barely interacted. At least with Anne and Harold, they spent a good amount of time together. I wish we could have explored Sarah overcoming her self-destructive habits, like drinking, and how they impacted her marriage after "The Big Bad Thing."

The story was still okay, but it could have been great with better details and attention to critical relationships. It would also have worked well if it had focused solely on Anna. Thank you to NetGalley and Harper 360 for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Evie Woods’ The Story Collector is an enchanting journey that seamlessly blends historical intrigue with otherworldly charm. Set between early 20th-century Ireland and contemporary New York, the novel follows Anna’s involvement in translating fairy tales and Sarah’s quest to uncover long-buried secrets. Woods' lyrical prose brings to life a world where the mystical intertwines with the mundane, creating a narrative rich in atmosphere and emotion. The dual timelines and layers of folklore make this book a captivating read that celebrates the magic in everyday life and the power of stories.

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Thank you, One More Chapter and NetGalley, for my free e-book for review.

I am forever enthralled by faery lore, and this book beautifully encapsulates stories collected from the residents of a small Irish village.

Evie Woods introduces us to two protagonists whose lives diverge yet intertwine as we delve into their narratives. My favorite is Anna's story, rich with superstitions as she guides a young American man on his quest to uncover the truth about faeries. The villagers' accounts reveal the true nature of these supernatural beings, often steeped in darkness and tragedy. The journal format of Anna's narration adds a refreshing touch that keeps the pace engaging.

As we get to know Sarah, her character elicits an instinctual desire to offer her a comforting hug. Her journey is marked by grief, yet the author skillfully weaves a thread of hope that emerges by the end.

This book is a delightful blend of historical fiction and magical realism, making it a captivating read.

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This is my 2nd book of Evie Woods and I really love her style of writing ! Such a charming historical fiction with a dash of magical realism ! I normally don’t gravitate towards tons of historical fiction but when I’m reading from Evie Woods I get so immersed in her world and just can’t put the book down ! I also love the fact that it’s not only 1 journey that she takes us on but 2! 2 different perspectives in 2 different time frames but intertwined beautifully. There are also some slight trigger warnings ! Overall great read ! Highly recommend !

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Beautifully fantastic story of healing, finding peace and magic.
Two extraordinary women who carry grief differently find their way in the world, and look for the magic of hope.
Absolutely bewitching. The setting, the myth, and search for truth had me hoping for magic and love throughout it all. Fate brought the Yank and Irish together again in Butler cottage.
I do believe this is my few favorite book

Review posted:
There are stories that bring magic, and then there is "The Story Collector" that paints a vivid land engulfing the reader. From the first page of Sarah & the first entry by Anna, you will be immersed in the magic of Ireland & The Good People.
Even ordinary people have extraordinary stories to tell...
Past and present dance with each other as these women search for freedom from their past and hope for tomorrow. Eloquently written, and heart-wrenching, Evie Woods will have you racing to find the ending.
After all, one should always listen to the whispered wisdom coming from Cnoc na Sí, and take care for the bees.

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I have a very good friend that lives in County Clare, so this story was close to my heart. I love the folklore aspect and dual time-lines. I have only recently discovered Evie Woods and I can't wait for her next novel.

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The Story Collector is a story told in parallel timelines - one contemporary, and one back in the 1800s.
Sarah, our modern protagonist, is in New York struggling with processing some trauma and has just divorced her spouse. Anna, the 19th century protagonist, is living in a small village in Ireland.

Their timelines end up coinciding and both women find some answers and resolution, although not without some pain and suffering. The storyline of this book is compelling and interesting. I did find some of the writing very 'trope-y' and predictable, although the whole book wasn't like that. It was just a bit uneven.

Regardless, this is a very enjoyable read and includes interesting historical insight as well. Trigger warning for death of family/child and sexual violence.

I appreciate the publisher, Harper 360, and Netgalley for the opportunity to review an ARC of this book in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

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Evie Woods is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. The Story Collector was a sweet story full of Irish folklore, romance and mystery. Thoroughly enjoyed this quirky cozy read.
Thank you for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I just adored this story! The combination of history, a bit of romance and a bit of magical realism is enchanting. And since I have ancestors from County Clare, Ireland, I was particularly fascinated. I’ve been to visit Ireland 3 times and now I’m ready to go again!

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Do you believe in fairies? This is a story within a story with good characters and plot development.

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Unexpectedly lovely and lyrical novel. Ireland, fairies, two timelines -- sign me up. Although it was a little hard to keep all the characters straight at first I loved the way the dual timelines played out. I also liked that there was never a definitive proof one way or another on the existence of fairies.

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After reading the intriguing summary, great reviews and loving the wonderful cover, I really wanted to enjoy this book, but I didn't. In fact, it didn't hold my interest and I came to dread picking it back up. The story is S.L.O.W. and the mention of fairies and magic is very sparse. I couldn't connect with either of the main characters and found their to be more descriptive commentary than substantial content. I slogged through to 47% and then ultimately decided to dnf it.

I truly hate leaving a bad review. Luckily, there are tons of others out there who have fabulous things to say so I know it will find its people.

I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an amazing story! I could barely put it down for wanting to know what happened in 1911 and 2011. It was incredibly easy to keep up with the stories of the two different times periods.

My heart broke that both characters had experienced such deep losses and that they both worked through them their own way!

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This was a very enjoyable book. The swap between Anna in 1911 living in the cottage and Sarah living in the cottage in 2010 was easy to follow.

I have posted a review on Goodreads.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper360 for this ARC! "The Story Collector" by Evie Woods is a charming novel that blends historical fiction, folklore, and a contemporary love story. Set in both present-day Ireland and 1910, the story follows Sarah Harper, who, while dealing with personal loss, is drawn to the magical lore of an ancient hawthorn tree. Renting a cottage near the tree, she discovers an old diary that intertwines her fate with Anne Butler's life from a century ago. The novel beautifully weaves past and present, capturing the magic of Irish folklore and the healing power of stories. With elegant prose and well-developed characters, it is an enchanting read that leaves a lasting impression.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper 360 for allowing me an advanced copy of this book to review. As with The Lost Bookshop, I fell completely in love with the author’s world. This cozy book flows seamlessly between the two main characters and their timelines and the Irish winter makes for a beautiful backdrop to the tale! I have one “if only” and that is that I would have LOVED to have found out there was some sort of familial tie between Harold and Sarah - being that they are both American and ended up at the same cottage 100 years apart! I am looking forward to sharing this with friends and revisiting again in the future!

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3.5 stars rounded to 4 stars.

I’m a sucker for a book set in Ireland. This is set with two alternating POV’s. Anna a young woman in the early 1900’s and Sarah a hundred years later (2011). Sarah – dealing with grief goes to Ireland on a whim and ends up in Ireland staying in a cottage that used to be Anna’s. Sarah finds Anna’s diary and we get to see both girls finding themselves while dealing with grief. The setting is lush with a little magical realism in the form of Irish folklore.
Thank you to Harper360 and Netgalley for the advanced review copy.

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This is such a beautiful novel about loss, maturity, fantasy, and dreams. The collection of stories and the dual timelines are so beautiful. You can feel the pain the first few chapters, and throughout the story you can feel the wounds heal. The duality of Sarah along with the Story Collector and their relationship to each other centuries apart was perfect. I cried at least three times reading this book.

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