Member Reviews

This is my second novel by Evie Woods so I was delighted at the chance to read this.

This involves dual timelines, 100 years apart, in a small town in Ireland.

I like how the author did manage to connect the two FMCs very nicely by the very end. The two FMCs are two ladies you do want to root for.

However, for a book said to explore Irish Fairy Folklore.. i felt this didn’t really touch on that too much. It felt like an afterthought for the most part.

Regardless, solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I did enjoy this and would recommend to someone looking for a historical fiction with some fantasy elements woven in (even if very loosely).

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4 ⭐️ Set in Ireland with two timelines , 1911 and 2011, this story focuses on two women Anna and Sarah.
Sarah goes to Ireland on a whim after her divorce and finds Anna’s diary from 1911 in an old tree. Anna is a 17 year old farm girl who is enlisted to help Harold, a professor from America to document the local Fairy Faith. I really liked Anna’s story in 1911 the best. The ending tied everything together very well.

I was totally immersed in this tale steeped in Irish tales of Fairies and the two different stories and lives of Anna and Sarah. Great characters and fast moving plot. Quick read! Well written, loved it!

Thanks NetGalley and Harper Collins Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper 360 in exchange for my honest opinion.

I originally gave this 4 stars because after the first chapter it seemed to be slow going for a bit. Upon reflection I think that was necessary to fill in the story and round out the characters. Some of it was my own life getting in the way of delicious, unspoiled reading time. I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I've always wanted to visit Ireland and I felt as though of all of the books I've read about the country I probably learned the most from this one. The author created a world that I could envision in my mind as I read. She portrayed the people as realistic with their gifts as well as faults included.
The story begins with the main character Sarah making a life altering decision to travel home after her marriage has fallen apart. During a layover she suddenly decides to impulsively buy a ticket for Ireland with absolutely no plans for once she arrives. Perhaps it was the alcohol making the decision for her but I saw it as a courageous move. She was listening to that inner voice telling her that going home to stay with family while she sorts her life out was just going to be an extension of the same life she was trying to leave behind. She would be stuck in the same cycle of depression and despair which is something I can relate to. Life isn't going to happen to you, you have to go out and find it! Sarah finds a diary written 100 years earlier to the date that she discovers it. The rest of the book winds in and out of the story lines of the two women, one living a complicated life that seems out of her control in 2011 and one living in 1911 who doesn't have a lot of control over her life due to economical and cultural circumstances but mainly due to the accident of being born a female. I love historical fiction because I find it fascinating to read about characters who lived lives long before my own however, in this case I found myself often anxious to get back to Sarah's present.
I loved the dual timelines and the magical aspect of the fairy faith in western Ireland. I also loved the use of the Irish language throughout. Unless I missed it (which is possible) not all of the phrases, names and words were translated which was a little frustrating to me as I'm someone who likes to learn how to properly pronounce so I can get a feel for the language of the characters. I highly recommend this book. I'm looking forward to going back to read more from this author.

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This was a story about Sarah Harper, a woman struggling with a life that has not gone the way she had planned. En route to her sister's to be with family for the holidays, she ends up traveling to Ireland instead. Near her rental cottage, she finds an old diary with a few mysteries of it's own. While reading the diary, meeting the locals, and learning about Ireland, Sarah thinks about her own life and what she wants to do differently.

I didn't love this story. It had good bones, the characters were likeable, and their stories were relateable. I wanted to love it, but it felt rushed and disconnected. People don't fall in love with little to no interaction (Sarah and Oran and Anne and Harold). I wanted more for Oran and Sarah's story. Instead, after little interaction, they were just in love. At least with Anne and Harold, they spent a good amount of time together, but there were never any signs that Harold liked Anne in that way until he wrote the letter. I'm still not sure what exactly happened between Jack and Sarah, there was no mention of a divorce, but obviously there had to have been one to move on with Oran.

The story was still ok, but it could have been great with some better details and attention to critical relationships. Thank you to NeGalley and Harper 360 for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Any story set in Ireland with ties to myths and folklore is a win in my opinion. This one is quite unique in that it takes a 100-year-old diary, mixes it with a present-day woman running from a failed marriage and trying to forget her grief and loosely weaves them together. It sort of works. If I'm being brutally honest, I actually think this might have been better as two separate stories; but, to be fair, they do come together in the very last chapter in a satisfying way. I think some of the other parallels that the author tries to draw between the two throughout the book are a stretch though. Having said that, I did enjoy this book. The premise of the 100-year-old story was especially intriguing, and I enjoyed Anna as a character. I also loved the myths and fairy stories woven throughout the story and the bit of mystery surrounding some key events. I would definitely recommend this to those looking for a walk through the Irish countryside with the possibility of one or two of "the good folk" along for the journey.

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I really enjoyed this book!
The alternating view points were easy to follow.
I loved Sarah's spontaneous travel and the subsequent places she managed to go.
I love that SHE found HERSELF. ♡
I really enjoyed the journal she found and the way the story flowed.

Great book! Thanks #netgalley!

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I’m a reader that typically has five to six books going at once. With that being said, I couldn’t stay away from Evie Wood’s “The Story Collector.” The Irish setting is enchanting with the lush landscape descriptions and the incredible details of all of the homes and lifestyles (both in 1911 and 2011). The story explores Irish folklore and beliefs while toggling between two different time periods. I really enjoyed the pacing of jumping back and forth between both timelines. Although there is a romantic element to the characters’ stories, it is by no means the main focus. I found the read to be equal parts cozy and suspenseful with a general sense of foreboding that creeps along in the shadows.
Thank you, NetGalley, One More Chapter, and Evie Woods for allowing me to read the ARC of this charming story! I rate it a 4.5.

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I’m in the minority for this book. It fell short for me.
The jumping back and forth between dual pov from Sarah (present)and Anna(in the found journal) I found the jumping around jarring. I wished rather than Sarah finding a journal, that the book would have been about the fairies in the area where she was staying in Ireland. The book did have a few surprises for the reader and many people loved this book.
Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for the arc.

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Evie Woods casts another spellbinding tale in "The Story Collector," a captivating blend of whimsy, historical intrigue, and present-day heartache. While a 3-star rating feels insufficient, it doesn't quite capture the novel's full charm – a solid 3.75 stars feels more apt.

Following the successful formula of "The Lost Bookshop," Woods weaves a narrative across two timelines, transporting readers to the breathtaking landscapes of Ireland. We first meet Sarah, grappling with the emotional fallout of a marital separation due to "the big bad thing." Drowning her sorrows in pre-flight cocktails, Sarah's Boston-bound journey took a mystical detour. She awoke to a different kind of green – the rolling hills of Ireland – with a pounding head and a memory as hazy as the Guinness she never drank.

Through a serendipitous twist of fate, we're then transported back to 1911, encountering Anna Butler and her family. This enchanting thread also introduces Harold, a scholarly American researching Celtic folklore for his Oxford thesis, and is where we meet Thornwood, and all the mystery it is shrouded in.

Back in the present, we connect with Oran and his daughter, Hazel, as they navigate the profound grief of losing Carol, Oran's wife and Hazel's mother. Throughout the story, a vibrant cast of characters enriches the narrative, adding depth to what might initially appear as a lighthearted tale. But make no mistake, "The Story Collector" is anything but frivolous.

Woods imbues the often-childish concept of fairies with surprising reverence, delving into the rich tapestry of Irish folklore that still holds power in certain corners of the world. While I anticipated an enchanting yet inconsequential story, I was delightfully surprised by the depth it offered. From the very beginning (surpassing even the fourth chapter!), the narrative hooked me. The captivating curse that plagues Thornwood intertwines with the reawakening of love, making "The Story Collector" a truly captivating read.

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The Story Collector by Evie Woods which takes place in Ireland is full of Irish lore, mythical creatures, and about finding oneself after loss. I love a story with a dual timeline and this book keeps the reader enthralled with a present day artist going back in time while reading the journal of a young girl from the early 1900’s. It’s so interesting to see how each young woman finds herself, each in a different time period, while in the exact same place. I couldn’t wait to finish this one to see how it would end!
#TheStoryCollector #NetGalley

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4.25 stars!!!

“Our wills and fate so contrary run” - Shakespeare

The Story Collector is a cozy, magical, wintry novel. Think fall/winter season, sitting by the fireplace… or at least a YouTube video of a fireplace with the crackling sounds and wrapped in a blanket.

I enjoyed reading the dual timelines centered around life in the same setting/location in Ireland. It was interesting how similar the experiences were between the two main FMCs throughout the story. The way the author paced the story so that their experiences were volleyed back and forth to each other made me excited to read both journeys.

There are times in dual timeline or dual POV novels where one is far more interesting than the other, but I’m thankful that wasn’t the case here. I was rooting for both characters.

There are topics that could be triggering to some, such as attempted rape and dealing with grief due to the loss of a loved one. I feel that these topics were handled with grace.

Also, finding out that parts of the story is inspired by a real-life anthropologist who also traveled to Ireland to collect similar stories discussed in the book was exciting! It makes me want to read his published thesis as well. 😊

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This is a beautiful historical fiction book that was overwhelming delightful. The novel is rich in Irish folklore and superstitions.

The book alternates between the present and the past. It was beautifully written. I enjoyed the interweaving stories.

I highly recommend this magical book. I intend to read more from this author.

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The STory Collector
by Evie Woods
Pub Date: August 13, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
An evocative and charming novel full of secrets and mystery, from the million-copy bestselling author of The Lost Bookshop
In a quiet village in Ireland, a mysterious local myth is about to change everything.
I highly recommend this book if you enjoy historical fiction, learning about Ireland and Irish beliefs of fairies, and superstitions.
This book was totally unexpectedly delightful. I read it all in one day, and that alone says something! The book is written in a way that it's alternating between past and present, which is a style I love. It's very beautifully and skillfully written in my opinion. I loved the main characters. I loved the different stories integrated into the main stories.

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Evie Woods is the author of The Lost Bookshop. This one looks cozy and magical - I can't wait!

From GR:
In a quiet village in Ireland, a mysterious local myth is about to change everything…

One hundred years ago, Anna, a young farm girl, volunteers to help an intriguing American visitor translate fairy stories from Irish to English. But all is not as it seems and Anna soon finds herself at the heart of a mystery that threatens her very way of life.

In New York in the present day, Sarah Harper boards a plane bound for the West Coast of Ireland. But once there, she finds she has unearthed dark secrets – secrets that tread the line between the everyday and the otherworldly, the seen and the unseen.

With a taste for the magical in everyday life, Evie Woods's latest novel is full of ordinary characters with extraordinary tales to tell.

I appreciate NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC of this book. My review rating is based on the summary of this book.

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This is what a warm hug feels like.

From the outset, Sarah's story drew me in. Her impulsive actions felt familiar as if I was encouraging her. Her trip to Ireland and the chance discovery of the diary were pivotal moments. The diary, a magical life jacket, was the answer she had been seeking, even if she hadn't known it.

I thoroughly enjoyed the quaint Irish country life that the author painted for us. I felt transported there, drinking my magical tea and dunking my biscuits until they were teetering on their soggy ends. The stories of Anna and Sarah were beautifully interlaced. I learned so much about Irish folklore, which has intrigued me and made me want to learn more. I absolutely loved what Harold speaks about folklore, how a scholarly man, despite his skepticism that perhaps comes with the territory of being a scholar, believed that the beliefs of the people were the most touching and thought-provoking.

Sarah’s pain and anguish were palpable throughout the pages, and Fee’s remarks of “believing in yourself and trusting your heart” almost brought me to tears.

The book's message about the power of serendipity and the right words at the right time resonated deeply with me, inspiring me to believe in the magic of life.
This book is a masterpiece, a tapestry of emotions and beauty that left me spellbound.

A 4.75 stars for me

Thank you Net Galley for giving me the opportunity to review this beautiful book

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Although the premise of this story sounded great, it fell short for me. My favorite parts of the story were the diary entries, but I can not for the life of me figure out why the author ended the “past” story the way she did. Had that part ended differently, I would have felt a lot differently about the book.

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I had high hopes for this one but for me it fell short… very short. I was, quite frankly, bored with the story. The chapters ended in an awkwardly abrupt way. Gaelic words were used with no indication of what they might mean. Upon meeting Harold, Anna was blushing with adoration, only to completely abandon those feelings for George. When things with George didn’t go as planned, back to Harold it was. Sarah had just left her husband and within days was flirting with a stranger halfway across the world. I thought the end of Anna’s story was terrible, but at least Sarah’s was better.

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Whew, I am NOT a crier but I am still wiping tears from my eyes after just finishing this book! I'm not quite sure what I was expecting from this book but I got 100x more than expected. I feel like a small part of my heart that needed healing, which I didn't know needed it, was healed after reading this story. I need a prequel...I need a sequel...I need supporting novellas...I need them all!
The author has created a tale that is both enchanting and thought-provoking, leaving readers with a lingering sense of wonder and a renewed appreciation for the stories that define us. Central to the novel is the theme of the power of stories themselves — how they shape lives, connect people across generations, and reveal universal truths.
This would make an incredible movie...Benicio del Toro needs to read this book!

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An endearing story that magically whisks you away to the Irish countryside!

Have you ever wished you could drop everything and flee the country to escape the drama in your life? Sarah does that in ‘The Story Collector’ as she impulsively travels to Ireland for Christmas leaving behind her overbearing family and failed marriage. I immediately appreciated Sarah’s witty and refreshingly honest internal dialogue.

Through Sarah’s journey, we are immersed into the Irish countryside in a charming cottage and welcomed into the fold by the people in her small town (think The Holiday meets Eat, Pray, Love). Soon Sarah discovers a diary written over 100 years ago by a young local farmgirl, Anna Butler, that details the complicated feelings of the locals and their fairy folklore. It’s ultimately a poignant story about love and loss, with enough whimsical fairy magic to nudge us to consider whether our lives are ever truly within our control.

My favorite quotes from the book:
* “The easiest thing would have been to fall into his arms and bury her pain somewhere neither of them could find it, but she’d tried that already and two years later, it still wasn’t working. They were living in a house of unspoken needs and muffled emotions.” 🥴
* “She couldn’t recall the last time she had done something so impulsive and purely for herself. She kept expecting the panic to set in, but as she took in her new surroundings, all she felt was joy. ‘Maybe’, she thought, ‘this is what following your heart feels like.’ 💫
* ‘If I’m honest, I thought it would kill me. The grief. But you know what’s worse? It doesn’t kill you. You go on, living… surviving, whether you want to or not.’ ❤️
* “My ankle has healed well enough, though I still have a slight limp. Billy says I’m beginning to waddle like a duck, so I’m doing my best to remedy that. Paddy is keeping a sensible distance from my father, and despite warnings from my mother to keep our family matters private, today I spilled the beans about Danny to Harold before we were even past our gate.” 😂

Content warnings for sensitivity:
* Loss of a child
* Attempted rape
* Divorce

Ultimately, Sarah tries to find love again, and while I would have enjoyed seeing more of that relationship develop, we see a glimpse through a few sweet encounters. I especially appreciated how relatable the main characters were; they often had me nodding along and laughing out loud.

‘The Story Collector’ would be the perfect cozy read fireside over the holidays! THANK YOU to Evie Woods, NetGalley, and Harper360 for the e-arc copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this lovely story! It’s a charming historical fiction novel that weaves a bit of fairy folklore into modern day reality. The dual time line narrative begins when Sarah Harper, still reeling from a broken marriage, impulsively boards a plane for Ireland. A borrowed cottage in the Welsh countryside of Thornwood makes the perfect setting for Sarah to pause and reexamine the state of her life. These timeless landscapes and cozy village are the perfect ambiance for an unfolding story as she stumbles upon a journal nearly one-hundred years old.
This dusty tome transports us to our second timeline, also in the village of Thornwood. In fact, in the same cottage where 100 years in the future, Sarah Harper is reading this very book. In this timeline, our main character is Anna Butler an intriguing farmer’s daughter on the precipice of womanhood. We are also introduced to Harold Griffin-Krauss an American scholar who’s come to record the stories of fairy folklore firsthand from Celtic villages across Ireland. Harold is drawn to these first-hand accounts and rumors of fairy mischief. Anna eagerly offers to serve as his translator and assistant to this task. Together they work to compile a scholarly record of fairy lore and superstition. One such account is of Thornwood House, ancestral home of the wealthy Lord and Lady Hawley. According to the local seeress Maggie Walsh, it is cursed by the fairies!
The weaving timelines held my attention and kept me turning pages right up until the very end. A great read for anyone who enjoys historical fiction mixed with a bit of superstition.
*I received an advance reader copy of this book from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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