Member Reviews

I received a complimentary copy of this novel. All of the opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rob is autistic, and dated Ana for many years. When Ana suddenly breaks up with Rob he works out what happened in their relationship. I appreciated the honesty of this novel. I appreciated how Rob’s way of processing his feelings was shown. However, everything became repetitive for me.

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Jacob Hubbard's *Sounds of Yesterday* is a romance that defies the traditional expectations of happily-ever-afters. Instead, it dives deep into the messy, complex, and often painful aspects of love, especially when layered with childhood trauma, depression, and the challenges of navigating a neurodivergent mind in a neurotypical world. Hubbard brings these struggles to the forefront through the experiences of Rob and Ana, a couple whose relationship plays out against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic—a time that transformed many lives and relationships in profound ways.

At its core, this novel is a raw portrayal of love in its most vulnerable form. It’s about two people trying to connect, trying to make it work, despite the heavy baggage they carry. What makes Rob and Ana so relatable is the way Hubbard unflinchingly explores their mental and emotional burdens. Readers who have dealt with anxiety, depression, or feelings of being out of sync with the world will likely feel a deep kinship with the characters. The depiction of how they navigate their individual struggles while attempting to maintain a relationship is both heartbreaking and profoundly human.

Hubbard also captures the unique strain placed on relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic. The isolation, uncertainty, and collective trauma of that time are skillfully woven into the narrative, becoming more than just a setting—they shape and ultimately alter the course of Rob and Ana’s love. Rob’s internal journey as he watches the world shut down is particularly poignant, and for many readers, it may bring back memories of the disorienting days of lockdown. In many ways, the pandemic becomes a silent third character in the story, an invisible force that pushes and pulls at Rob and Ana’s relationship.

What makes *Sounds of Yesterday* stand out is its unflinching honesty. It acknowledges a truth that many romantic stories avoid: not all great romances are forever. Sometimes love is fleeting, but that doesn’t diminish its importance or beauty. Hubbard doesn’t shy away from this reality, instead embracing the bittersweet nature of love and loss, and in doing so, he offers readers a narrative that feels grounded and real.

I found myself deeply connected to both Rob and Ana, aching for them as they struggled to hold on to something that was both beautiful and fragile. Their love isn’t perfect, and that’s what makes it so compelling. It’s a romance that reflects the complexities of real-life relationships—the highs and lows, the moments of deep connection and painful distance.

*Sounds of Yesterday* is not just a love story, but a meditation on the nature of relationships, mental health, and the indelible impact of a world-changing event. It’s a story that will resonate with readers who understand that love is often messy and complicated, but also achingly beautiful in its imperfections. Hubbard has crafted a novel that is as introspective as it is emotional, a romance that doesn’t promise forever but offers something perhaps even more valuable: authenticity.

If you’re looking for a romance that breaks the mold and explores the deeper, more painful aspects of love, *Sounds of Yesterday* is well worth the read.

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A unique novel by the author showcasing the complex life of a neuro divergent young man, I was glad to read it thru Netagalley and got a lot of insights on the life of a the main character as he deals with school, family, work and social life. Interesting read!

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This story is told by Rob, a person on the autism spectrum, about his relationship with Ana, one that she abruptly (to him) ends after five years. Rob looks back at his interactions and memories of his relationship with Ana over the years to try to understand what went wrong. Along the way, he offers a glimpse into his brain as he imagines scenarios on an imagined stage where others judge him. It is a very interesting story about how a person with a neurodivergent mind navigates through the world and specifically through romantic relationships which can be unpredictable in the best of times. Rob's struggle for order and answers to why Ana ended this relationship are elusive making the story a bit unfulfilling. It was an engaging story, however. Thank you, NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Sounds of Yesterday by Jacob Hubbard.

I do love the representation of a neurodivergent person in a book. There are things that neurotypical people just don't understand or know what is going on. My daughter is a high functioning neurodivergent, and I do see quite a few of her reactions to things going on around her. This is a story of love and loss written in great detail.

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(3.5/5) Sounds of Yesterday by Jacob
Hubbard is set to release November 19, 2024.
Thank you @netgalley and @celestialseasidepublishing for the ARC!
This book was very cute and endearing. I loved that there was neurotypical characters present in the book. Representation matters!
It was interesting to see the main characters perspective on life.
I overall enjoyed this story, it was a quick read, and kept me entertained. The ending was unexpected, but that's okay! This was a little out of my normal genres, but it was a pleasant surprise!

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I think this is a perfect read for those who love Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. It's a fresh perspective of love and relationships through the eyes of a neurodivergent person. Relationships are always so different depending on life situation and person perspective. Most books about relationships follow the highs and all in my opinion very similar. This was a different take that was refreshing to read

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An interesting read on the pov of a man with Autism and how he sees the world and relationships. As a teacher that teachers special education at the elementary level, it is interesting to see how some of my students may think as they become adults. I know it's just one perspective but it is eye opening of what kind of thoughts they may experience as an adult that goes through relationships and heartache. I enjoyed the book overall. The different time frames and stream of consciousness gave the book a unique feel.

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Jacob Hubbard’s Sounds of Yesterday feels like crashing a deeply personal diary party. It’s raw, it’s real, and it’s as if Hubbard has ripped a chapter straight out of his life and slapped it down on print. This brutal honesty is both captivating, heartbreaking and inspiring.

If you're curious about what it's like to walk a mile in someone else’s brain, Rob’s neurodivergent perspective is an eye-opening detour. It’s like getting a backstage pass to a mind that works differently, and it’s surprisingly heartwarming. Sure, it’s challenging at times, it's frustrating at times, but it also makes you appreciate the little things in life (and maybe question a few of your own assumptions).

What truly shines, though, is the portrayal of Rob's support system. His mom, grandpa, and friends are the unsung heroes of the story, their unwavering belief in him a constant source of warmth and resilience. It's a beautiful reminder of the power of human connection in navigating life's storms.

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This book was very cute and lovely to read. I loved that there was neurotypical characters present in the book. It was a comfy read
It was interesting to see the main characters perspective on life.

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I thought the premise was endearing and I thought the characters were going to be interesting. Unfortunately, I had a difficult time making a connection and the believability was lacking. This is probably a “me” problem as I’m sure there will be many folks who will enjoy this read!

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This was a good book. I enjoyed it quite a bit! I liked the characters and I liked the story. Pick this one up.

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