Member Reviews

After her sister Kate's death, Camilla decides to pretend to be her twin and seek revenge against the husband. Camilla is confronted with the truth and her sister's true nature. Malcolm Worthington can't believe his wife's return after her disappearance.Things don't add up. Between his wife's strange behavior and someone stealing his drawings, he has his hands full. One twist after another reveals a dangerous plan. Not as dark as it could be.
Closed bedroom door.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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Thinking that she is righting a wrong she sets out to put that man in his place. Only to discover things might not be what her identical sister said they were.
I wasn’t so sure about his book and the way it started. But as i kept reading the more intriguing I got. I am glad that I kept reading it was woth the time to see how this worked out.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with guidelines.

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Camila goes to visit her sister who is in a hospital suffering from the same illness that took her father. There, she learns all about the nasty husband Kat's married to. A little later, she receives a note from the good doctor that Katherine, her identical twin has since passed away and he is asking for payment for her treatment as well as her funeral.

The dowager Countess, Lady Camila Harding decides to confront Kat's good for nothing husband, Malcolm Worthington and get funds to pay Kat's outstanding bill as well as confront him over his treatment of her husband, Imagine her surprise when she gets there (everyone assumes she is Kat) but finds the entire village and all the servants very wary of "Kat" instead of her wonderful husband who is nothing but kind and honourable.

The longer Camila (Milla) spends with Malcolm and his two children from his first marriage, the more convinced she is that Kat was the one with the questionable behaviour. Milla proceeds to help Malcolm in any way she can while at the same time, trying to convince him that she is Camila, the woman named on the marriage certificate and not her crazy, nasty sister Kat. At the same time, they are trying to find the culprit(s) responsible for her husband's drawings of the vessels that land in enemy hands and is ruining his business.

A nice read overall and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I received an ARC from the publishers and NetGalley and submit my honest review voluntarily.

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Wonderful story. So many twists and turns. Duplicity, intrigue, illicit activities, and romance. Who could ask for more? I was hooked from the very beginning.
Thank you Marie Higgins, Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me an advance copy for my honest feedback.

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This novel is charming and well-written. There's a lot of tension between Malcolm and Camilla, and I loved seeing them fall for each other. I was a little disappointed that the love scenes are closed-door. I would have really enjoyed watching Malcolm teach Clarissa about lovemaking, the way he wanted to with his previous wife. Otherwise, super cute and enjoyable.

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A Great Mix Of Romance, Intrigue And Suspense

I enjoyed this enemy to lover story that captivated me from the beginning. The well-written plot is full of unexpected twists, romance, intrigue, danger, suspense and a few love scenes behind closed doors. The main characters are endearing, and their inner conflicts and mistrust were tangible and understandable.

Although the book is part of a series, it can also be read on its own.

When widowed Lady Camilla Harding visits her melancholic twin sister Kat in an asylum, Kat tells her about her violent husband, his illegal activities and her terrible life. Shortly afterwards, Kat kills herself and Camilla decides to confront her brother-in-law Malcolm Worthington, get him to pay for Kat's stay at the asylum and spy on him. However, a small incident leads Malcolm to mistake Camilla for Kat and she decides to take on the role of her sister.
Camilla soon finds herself attracted to Malcolm. She realises that nothing is as her sister told her and that Kat was not as Camilla thought she was...

All the widowed Malcolm wanted was a decent mother for his two children when he took Kat as his wife. But his marriage soon turned into a nightmare. Furthermore, ship drawings of him are repeatedly stolen and he tries to find out who is behind it.
When his wife returns from a visit to her sick sister, she has changed and is the woman he originally wanted. But he can't allow himself to trust her...

This book is for you if you like sweet romances with intrigue and suspense!

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A light historical romance with some spice, plenty of action, mistaken identity, intrigue and adorable kids. I liked the communication between the two MCs after some miscommunication and how central the kids were to their lives. I didn't buy that Camilla could be so clueless about her own sister. Some parts at the ending were a bit rushed and I think lacked the emotional impact they should have if it had been developed a bit more.

But overall, a satisfying romance with plenty of action that moved the story along and who doesn't love adorable kids.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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The Worthington saga continues. Malcolm is married to a twin, who goes off to visit her twin sister. Camilla shows up looking for her terribly brother-in-law but is mistaken for her twin. What takes place next is a nail biting story of deceit, theft, mistakes and misperceptions. Beautifully written, intensely engaging and wonderfully presented. This story can certainly stand alone yet the entire series is remarkable and in my opinion should be read together.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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I'm surprised that I still have fingernails after reading this novel as the tension ramped up from the early chapters and ended on a dramatic note. Identical twin sisters are both incredibly beautiful, but there the similarity ends as Malcolm Worthington discovers much to his chagrin. Thinking to find the funds to pay for her sister's medical care, Camilla goes to Malcolm Worthington and immediately realizes that his staff has her confused with her sister. Capitalizing on the error, and with her twin dead, Camilla decided that this would be the perfect way in which to discover the truth about the claims her twin made. No one is more surprised than Camilla herself at what she finds. Initially, Camilla is worried about the attraction between herself and Malcolm and the distrust he shows towards her becomes hurtful. Only when matters get out of hand is the truth finally revealed and Malcolm is relieved to find that the woman he is starting to fall in love with can be depended on, if only he can save her in time. The novel, a copy of which I received as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley, comes to a successful and sweet conclusion and the Worthington family can face a hopeful future.

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Although it is the fourth book in a series, this one didn’t feel like it was a part of series at all to me - which was fine since I haven’t read the first three !. The story started out really great but kinda got a little out of hand and rushed with the mystery component of it in the second hand. I did like Camilla & Malcolm and Malcolm’s kids ( and generally I don’t like kids !) an enjoyable read .

My rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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A sweet romance that was maybe not so sweet with all the intrigue and deceptions.
Camilla has a twin that was married to Matthew, a very difficult marriage.
As Camilla moves forward, she is confused by the lies but still finds herself falling in love with her brother in law.
Matthew is keeping secrets but he is not the only one and he finds himself drawn to Camilla.
A compelling storyline with lots of surprises.
A few kisses, adorable children, and a HEA.

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Thank you NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the arc of "Her Irresistible Charmer" by Marie Higgins.

3.5 stars/5 stars

A very cute closed door regency era romance book. Read the book in one day, very light and fun read. I loved the additional mystery aspect of the story. The language of the book was sometime less fitting for the time and the majority of the plot happened in the last third so it was a tad rushed in the end. Nevertheless, I had a fun time and enjoyed the story and characters.

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James' rating: 3 out of 5 goodish stars! ✨

This was an interesting read! It had an old school feel to it and the characters were well developed. Malcolm was an intelligent, kind and charming man and Camillia was a sweet, caring and empathetic person. They had nice chemistry and the story developed well. It was a little predictable but we got a nice HFN at the end.

Around 65% of the book though, things started getting really rushed and many important revelations felt anticlimactic and sloppy. Many relationships should have been explored especially considering a few things that happened near the end which made those instances awkward. I also wish we had explored the intimate scenes. They had some great potential. One other thing was the language style of the time period. It felt more like a late western romance at times.

Thanks to the publisher for this ARC!

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This book was a real treat, and a very pleasant read, I would recommend this book to anybody looking for a good regency romance.

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Overall 3.75 out of 5. Perfect for those that love regency romance, light spice, mistaken identify, redemption tropes

Widowed Camilla learns of her twin sister Katherine’s poor health and visits her at a mental asylum facility where she learns that her brother-in-law Malcom Worthington treated her poorly and is involved in illegal business. She goes to Malcom’s homes to secure funds for better accommodations for her sister and pays off medical bills, however, since they are identical twins, everyone in the town and Malcolm believe she is Kat. She does not correct them, so secure the trust of Malcolm and infiltrate his life, hoping to get proof of his shady dealings. Along the way, she learns that Malcom seems to be a good guy and Kat was the one who was involved in shady activities and cheating with several men in the town,

This a cute, light regency romance with very mild spice. This is a quick read with not much depth that I read one evening and was perfect to relax to. The MC had good communication but I was surprised by how little understanding Camilla had of her sister’s Kat character and morale.

A big thank you to NetGalley, Dragonblade publishing, and author Marie Higgins for this ARC!
Pub date: July 5, 2024

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The story started out great with Camila visiting her dying sister in mental asylum and hearing about her horrible husband whom Camila has never met. When her sister dies, Camila is determined to get revenge on her brother in law for making her sister unstable and sick. However, once she gets to the town, everybody mistakes her for her dead sister since they were identical twins. She finds herself in the position of her sister and realises her brother in law is not as evil as her sister once described him to be. Malcolm is also feeling a new sense of attraction towards his wife who has just returned after her disappearance. However, he is convinced that it is one of her schemes to get her way and therefore is not trusting her and her new and reformed attitude.

Camila and Malcolm both have been lied to by Kat and they navigate the lies and their journey together. There is a lot of angst in the beginning which slowly transforms into acceptance as the story goes on.

The story was fast paced and easy to read and the mystery about Kat’s past as well as people trying to sabotage Malcolm kept me hooked. I liked how Camila and Malcolm communicated with each other and that helped build their relationship. Malcolm’s children were also adorable and I enjoyed their little snippets.
I did guess the plot twist but it was fun to read nevertheless.

I wished we had more context and background on Kat’s and Camila’s childhood and their past. I was confused in the beginning that how can someone be so oblivious about their own twin. The book was fast paced and felt rushed at times where some events were brushed over rather than going in depth. I also wanted more historical writing and dialogues since the story was set in 1800s. Finally, was anticipating more character development and growth for both the MCs.

Overall it was a good easy read. I enjoyed the couple and how they navigated challenges to come together in the end.

*ARC provided by publisher and NetGalley in exchange of my honest review*

Review posted on Goodreads on June 23, 2024.

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