Member Reviews

What can I say this book had everything I love in a good sports romance. Steamy scenes, a found family, heartfelt moments, a laugh and a half and some tear inducing moments. If you’re a fan of contemporary romance with strong character development and emotional depth, you will love this as much as I did!

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4.5 stars

This one like the others was just such a wonderfully sweet, funny, emotional read. I ate up every second of it.

Jaxon and Lennon are so great together! Seriously their banter had me cracking up. The forced proximity of her becoming his roommate was the best thing ever. Gah. I love love loved Jaxon and how he is just so different than what he wants people to think he is. Has the most marshmallow centre! The things he does for Lennon to make her feel good is just so freaking beautiful. And then the other ways he makes he feel good gets pretty dirty and steamy and wow. The man has a dirt dirty mouth. Lennon and I were both here for it.

I loved how both of their stories unfold. I wanted to punch a certain person for Lennon and then I just wanted to hug Jaxon. But I love how they show up for each other. I also love how they baby the cat so much! Haha so good!

This found family is the most beautiful! And I’ll probably be coming back to reread these characters because of it. Loved this series so much.

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*Fall with Me* by Becka Mack is the kind of book that makes your heart flutter and leaves you with a goofy grin! The chemistry between the characters is off the charts, and every page is filled with swoon-worthy moments. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the humor, the heart, and the perfect balance of sweet and steamy. The story pulled me in from the start, and I didn’t want it to end. If you’re looking for a romance that feels like a warm hug and a rollercoaster all at once, this is it!

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I know this is book four in the series but it is the first one I have read. Lucky they can be read as a stand alone and meeting the rest of the characters just makes me want to pick up the series that much more. I am a sucker for a hockey romance so I knew I was going to enjoy this one. I would say it was about 50 pages longer than it needed to be but the character development was enough to keep me engaged with the story. Both Lennon and Jaxon has some major trust issues to overcome and seeing them start to open up to each other and the larger friendship group was precious. There were a few plot points that felt a little too tidy at the end which I didn’t think was needed but overall this was a fun, spicy hockey romance that had a really lovely found family theme throughout.

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The tulips? THE TULIPS?! I simply cannot.

Jaxon and Len truly are just the perfect match for each other. Becka always writes amazing banter, and i feel like out of all her books so far, Fall with Me definitely has the best banter by a long shot. And i love that despite all the banter, this book had some of the most tender and heartfelt moments I've read in Becka's books. I feel like she truly levelled up with Fall with Me.

Unravel Me will always be my fave Becka book, but Fall with Me is such a close second - this truly was such a fun read.

The way that I am desperate to read Cara and Emmett's book, but at the same time am absolutely terrified? Go easy on me Becka.

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"Is this what it’s supposed to feel like? Being part of a family built from the ground up, where people choose you day in and day out?
Because one moment I’m standing here, and the next I’m being held up by nine people who don’t have to support me but are choosing to anyway.
And it’s a staggering, powerful feeling I’m terrified to lose."

I was lucky to receive an ARC of Becka Mack's newest book, Fall With Me (book four in the Playing for Keeps Series). It follows the story of Lennon and Jaxon.

I loved Lennon and Jaxon's story and thought they were perfect for together!

I could see pieces of myself in Lennon and Jaxon which made me relate to them so much.

Jaxon was the sweetest! The way he did all the little things for Lennon was everything.

The little things in life mean everything.

I was not expecting to experience such a roller coaster of emotions while reading this book! It had me laughing and crying and broke my heart at times as well.

There were so many vulnerable and tender moments throughout Lennon and Jaxon's story that will stick with me for a while.

I adored the found family aspect of the book and how they are always there for each other in the good times and hard times. They are the best kind of friends you could ever ask for.

I love this world that Becka has created, and I cannot wait to read Cara & Emmett's story next in Breathe With Me!

Thank you so much to Becka Mack, Simon & Schuster AU, and NetGalley for this ARC 💜

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Fall With Me by Becka Mack

I ate this up so fast. It was everything that I wanted from this book and more.

I just want to wrap Jaxon up and give him everything that he wants and needs in the world, which is why I was so so so happy when Lennon was there to do that for him.

Lennon's a girlboss queen and did so amazing finding herself again after everything she had been through. The banter between Jaxon and Lennon was on an elite level because it's Becka so of course it was. Jaxon's character was so much more complex than I was expecting and I love him so much more for that. He was funny, sexy, swoony and so gone for Lennon while also being the best cat dad a rescue could ask for.

The Vipers group was so amazing as it always is, and while it was incredibly unhinged at times, mostly because of a certain someone (iykyk), the love and the heart that both the guys and the gals show both characters made my heart happy. 

When I got approved for the ARC on Netgalley by Simon & Schuester AU I screamed and did a happy dance for a good 5 minutes. I never thought that as a tiny bookstagrammer, that a big publishing house would consider me (tehe) for an ARC and I was so so grateful that it was this story.

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Fall with me by Becka Mack Arc Review🩵✨💜
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (all the starts actually 10000000|5)
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Characters: Jaxon and Lennon
Tropes: Vancouver vipers, reformed playboy, roomies with benefits, worlds best cat daddy and (mommy), found family, group text and top tier banter, grumpy x Sunshine, he falls first

Where do I start? I have been waiting for fall with me even since I finished unravel me. This was one of my most anticipated releases of this year and it definitely was worth the wait, I was so lucky enough to be chosen for an arc, I may of cried some happy tears (shh it’s a secret) when I received the email

Becka thank you so much, you have done it again, you have written such a masterpiece, you are an amazing and talented writer, you are the queen of hockey romance . I have fallen in love with every book you have written and fall with me was no exception.
I loved Jaxon and Lennon story so so much, their banter, angst, the friendship they build to eventually turn into love was so beautiful to read. They truly understood each other and saw each other for who they are. The support, friendship and love was touching and spectacular. Each book becka Mack brings love and found family all wrapped into one with a side of humour. This story was no different their story blossomed from hate to friendship to love and we saw that all unravel. The insecurities they both suffered from, and the fear, the emotions I felt throughout the book to the point it had me crying. But I was also laughing and smiling it had me feeling all different emotions. I loved that we got all the characters from past/future books (Carter, Adam, Rosie, Emmett, Cara, Olivia, Jennie and Garrett) and the family bond they all have and how they all care and love on another truly touched my heart. I want my own Jaxon Riley who will love me for who I am 🥹.

Special mention MUST go to the thoughtful and cute things Jaxon does for Lennon. And of course Mittens. And the Gang. And Britney’s Bitches. And Ireland’s birthday party LOL.

Thank you for writing a perfect book and thank you @netgalley for the arc xx

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I loved this book. I finished reading it a couple of weeks ago and forgot to note down my thoughts, but I loved the characters and the plot.

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I was so excited to get the ARC of this book, I have absolutely loved the series so far and to be honest I think this may have been my favourite one so far! Lennon and Jaxon just had such a fun and heartwarming relationship and it was so wonderful to watch both of their character arcs. Not to mention that this man might be the most thoughtful book boyfriend around 😍. If you haven't already, Read this series! I love this found family so much, I'm genuinely heartbroken I will never be a part of it.

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NGL, it took me a while to get into this one. Not really sure why either, it started off fast and then kind of plateaued.. before picking up again. I loved the moment with the children’s home and Sarah almost broke me.
Jax and his abandonment issues were also heartbreaking. I just wanted to hug them both!!
While this is book 4 in the series, it can be read as a standalone, which is how I read it. It is likely I’ll go back and read the first 3 though!

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dare I say Fall With Me may be my new favourite in this series 👀 For everyone looking forward to this book I can say with absolute certainty that you are NAWTTT READY for the excellence that is Jaxon and Lennon.

I fall in love with every character of Becka’s but my god, Jaxon and Lennon? It’s a whole other level! I related to both of them and what they have been through in their lives; Jaxon and Lennon are made for each other, both people who are a little broken and learn to heal together. I saw so much of myself in Lennon, and I loved getting to see another side of Jaxon in this book I love him so dearly!
Jaxon and Lennon’s banter is insaneeee and I had such a fun time reading their story - especially their morning kitchen encounters lol - and of course it wouldn’t be a Becka Mack book if it didn’t make me cry my eyes out as well; this book had me all in my feels and on the verge of sobbing in the cafe!

I’m not a cat person but goddamn I love Mittens! He’s the star of the show and he knows it hehe I love cat daddy Jaxon AND cat mommy Lennon this little trio is absolutely to die for just y’all wait 🤭

And let’s not forget our dear hockey family! the glimpses we get into all our favourite characters’ lives are so fun, sweet and beautiful as always! I love them and all their silliness, as well as their heartfelt moments - It’s bittersweet reading this book, knowing we’re that much closer to the end of Playing For Keeps, but I loved every minute of Jaxon and Lennon’s story 💜

Words are not adequate enough to describe my love for this book x

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*Thank you to NetGalley & Simon & Schuster Australia for sending me a digital copy to review*

I knew before starting that this was the fourth book in a series that I had not read yet. I kind of did it with the Twisted Love series and it wasn’t a major hindrance so I thought I’d be okay going into this book. I will admit I got very confused with the names of the other characters in the group, trying to figure out which ones were couples and who were siblings. I think it got it in the end. Also with this being the first book I’ve read, I didn’t know the backstories of anyone else.

This is Lennon & Jaxon’s story. They have a one-night stand and expect never to see each other again. However, Lennon’s new job happens to be with the ice hockey team that Jaxon plays for. And as if that weren’t bad enough Lennon’s apartment floods and Jaxon offers her a place to stay at his apartment forcing them to be together both at work and home. And from there, things happen of course.

I loved that these characters had history and significant events that shaped them. Lennon, with being in a long-term relationship with someone who didn’t know her at all, and Jaxon, never feeling as though he was good enough to be part of a community/family. It just made them feel more real. While Jaxon tries not to notice or care for Lennon he just can’t help being the sweetest person. He takes note of Lennon’s likes and quirks, buying her favourite flowers every week, and even making a handbook on how to make different coffees.

While I did not know much about the other characters I did love the dynamic of the group. Lennon quickly became a part of this family and everyone is very open and loving towards each other, especially the men. The guys are fun and silly and aren’t afraid to share their feelings for one another. I will say throughout the book I was wondering about the rest of the ice hockey team - do they exist? They don’t really get brought up and it felt as though it was only the five guys in the team.

Even though I jumped in the middle of the series I still enjoyed it. It’s a sweet romance book, a bit predictable at times, but still fun.

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Thank you to the publishers for approving my request to read this.
However, I feel like maybe I'm not the target audience for this book. Admittedly I haven't read the first instalments, and now I'm not sure if I should.
I'm only 34% of the way in and I'm really struggling to connect with both of the main characters. Maybe it's me, and I'm not willing to wait out the immature phase. Judging by all the 5 star reviews though, it must be good.
Maybe I'll come back to it later.

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This book was super easy to get into, it flowed really well and was an easy read. It was 100% predictable but what hockey romance isn’t.

Honestly I loved the 2 main characters I thought they were really well written and perfect for each other. I love the star gazing scenes, the cat photo shots and OMG the coffee manual was so cute.

What I loved was when things got hard and Jaxon put his walls up Lennon stuck to her guns and didn’t just run away when it got hard. I thought it was a realistic notion of how relationships should be.

The Spice in this book was amazing and I loved how Lennon was a smutty Audiobook queen! Overall this was a good book!

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This is the first book I’ve read of Becka Mack, so I have no idea if it’s just her writing or that fact that I read the last 50% while feeling very sick… but I cried so much in that last half of the book. And let me tell you, my already under pressure sinuses did not appreciate it.

I loved both Lennon and Jaxon. They were fun and flirty but I really just wanted to pick up Jaxon and rock him in my arms while singing him a soothing lullaby.

I know I read this out of order, but I have definitely already bought the other three books in the series.

Thanks to #NetGallery and publisher for a copy of this book.

Genre: Romance MF
Format: Digital
POV: Dual
Tropes: Enemies to lovers, forced proximity, “I don’t date”, found family, hockey, a cat that is essentially the MC.
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Age suggestion: 18+

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Omg this book! The banter the Sass the love it was just chefs kiss!

Fall with me is the 4th book in the Playing for keeps series! In this book we following along with Jaxon the cat daddy of the hockey team 😍 and Lennon.

All I have to say is if you haven't read this series is that I highly recommend!! If you love hockey romance and a found family this will be right up your alley!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Obsessed with everything Becka writes and this book is no exception!

Jaxon and Lennon were utter perfection. I loved them both individually and together so much. Jaxon was the most precious man. He just wanted to be loved but was so scared to accept that everyone did love him. Also the way he treated Lennon was everything.

This book had me laughing the entire time. I love the friendship group so much and I’m going to be so sad when it’s all over.

Don’t even get me started on the spice. 10/10 🥵🫠

Can’t recommend this book or series enough! Thank you so much to NetGalley for allowing me to read this arc!

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"Fall With Me" is a steamy ice hockey romance that skates right into the high heat zone, featuring a one-night-stand-turned-enemies-to-lovers tale (thats quite a mouthful) hockey romance with Jaxon and Lennon our focus. These two have a great balance of chemistry, witty banter, and teasing throughout the story, especially as the the book progresses.

The chemistry and smut scene writing was INSANELY good. I only wish they hadn't been so rude when taking about Brenda (or was it Breanna? No, Brielle!) who didn't really do anything wrong and Jax was actually incredibly rude to her and wasted her time.

Although I must admit I was not a huge fan of how the WAGs (aka Coochie Gang) didn't seem to have much of a personality outside of being.. well, WAGs. And talking about their sexual conquests all the time. That said, there was still a great element of found family, acceptance and forging new friendships in places where you're not sure you belong.

My favourite character and the star of the show was obviously Mitts aka Jaxon's fluffy polydactyl cat who manages to bring some comedic relief to many of the scenes based at Jaxon's penthouse.

Overall, "Fall With Me" is a fun read, perfect for anyone looking for an easy to read, spicy hockey romance!

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My god, I love this series and Jaxon did not disappoint. I was so excited to see how Becka Mack turns a playboy into a committed, super awesome hero. I absolutely love the banter between Lennon and Jaxon, the connection is hard, fast and most importantly, REAL. They help each other face the demons of their past to pave a path to their happily ever after.

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