Member Reviews

I adored The Hiding by Alethea Lyons and was so excited to learn that she was publishing a collection of short stories set in The Seer of York universe. As a Yorkshire (well Derbyshire but we used to visit York a lot!) girl I adored seeing the city come to life in such a unique and new way.

The characters in the universe are all fantastic but if you know me you should know that when a new character, called Zero, that is a starlight cat is introduced I’m going to love it. But I swear this collection is worth the high praise and not just down to Zero!

I often find short story collections can be hit and miss but Reawakening is a fantastic collection with no misses as far as I’m concerned. I did have favourites which strangely enough, apart from one, all featured Zero but I enjoyed each one. What I will say is that Lyons has not only mastered the novel but the short story too. Sometimes with a short story it can feel rushed or that we are left on a cliffhanger. That is not the case here. The other plus to this collection is while obviously I recommend reading The Hiding first I will say you can read this first to get a bit of understanding of what Harper does and what world she lives in.

In short if you love fantasy this is a must read!

As always thank you to Brigid’s Gate Press for the copy to review. My review is always honest and truthful.

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An anthology of tales set in an alternate York, which includes magic, witchcraft and a state run on condemnation of such practices (partially by government and partially by Religious leaders).
Enjoy a young woman called Harper Grace, who have created their own unique team to combat the rising disturbance of magical beings against normal humans.
Grace has ties to the church through her Godfather and Harper has ties to who knows, as even she doesn't know about her background or where she's come from.

This was a captivating and immersive novel of short stories that gave me an overview of the Seer of York series and makes me want to read more about this universe (as I have never previously encountered these books). I am extremely happy to find that there are other books that I can catch up on while I await the next installment!

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A fun series of short stories following up on an engaging novel! Thank you to NetGalley and Brigids Gate Press, LLC for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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