Member Reviews

Brava! I have enjoyed all of Kristen’s books, but this one is her best so far and definitely my favorite. The story is well written in a two person perspective that flows well and is so addictive. I didn’t want to put it down. It has the elements I enjoy; sapphic characters, a great plot, intrigue, gripping, heat and spice, family dynamics, and well developed characters. All contained in a book with a sexy cover!

Rowan and Juliet (love the play on Shakespeare here) are the daughters of two rival mob bosses in Boston.Their attraction to each other is intense and their connection must be hidden. Rowan is second in command in her father organization and he has arranged for her to marry the daughter of another crime family to join their families, but she does not love her. Juliet is home on break from college, staying with her Irish father and Italian mother. Unlike Rowan, she is not part of the inner working of her father’s organization.

As their feelings for each other grow they will be tested by the rivalry of their families. As Rowan’s father targets Jules’ family their bond becomes even stronger and they are faced with the difficult decision to stand against their fathers.

This book was a great ride that left me wanting more. Rowan and Jules were both easy to like and root for. I also liked Jules mother and their relationship dynamic. I have a feeling I will read and listen again! I would give it more than 5 stars if I could.

The narrators did a great job of bringing Kristen’s story to life. I loved it just as much as the ebook. It kept my interest even though I had already read the arc last month. I highly recommend listening to this yummy story to even more fully immerse yourself into the experience
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture

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