Member Reviews

This was a sweet and inspiring little memoir about the author's experiences growing up alongside her brother, John. I resonated deeply with this book, since, like the author, I too have a younger brother that is neuro-divergent. I was very touched by the reflections she made and the insight she offered. She showcased how having someone in your life like John is not a burden, but rather a gift. I have firsthand experience in how sometimes it feels like the opposite, but Jane Feighery helps the reader zoom out to look at the bigger picture. Like the author, I too would not be where I am today without my little brother.

Thank you to NetGalley, as well as to the author and publisher of this book for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this book so much, I purchased a physical copy on Amazon.

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A Special Sibling, written by Jane Feighery, is a book of life lessons Jane has learned from her brother John, who has Down Syndrome. This book was written for John’s 30th Birthday, and is a way to share the lessons she has learned, and celebrate her brother and all he has taught her. I know that I could benefit from many of these lessons, including the importance of self love and boundaries, and having a healthy amount of optimism and vulnerability.
I love how inclusive this book was, and how the author shares the importance of true inclusion, equality, and diversity, as well as making sure that all are welcomed. I also appreciated how the stories were shared in a positive way. I appreciate the authors understanding from a young age of her brother’s diagnosis, and how it was presented to her affected her understanding. Also a reader from the States, I enjoyed hearing about this authors own experiences as a citizen of Ireland, as well as the unfortunate history of institutionalization in that country. For me this was a reminder of the way individuals with disabilities have been treated in the past, and is a reminder for us to learn from the past and move forward.
Thank you to NetGalley, as well as to the author and publisher of this book for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I think this was truly beautiful and unique in the way that the author only spoke of her and her brother’s relationship, and their parents and how they would have struggled was never mentioned which i think is a first.

You can tell with every page how much she loves her brother and what a personality he has!!

It was so beautifully written and clearly with so much love and respect and i just know i’ll read it again and again.

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