Member Reviews

Beau and Raven are becoming reacquainted with each other as adults and it's stirring up old feelings fast for both of them. Rob is escalating his stalking and even showing up at Beau's house now. Raven has to find a way to support herself financially after an arrest is on her record and find a way to stay safe from Rob.

This was not only a great romance book, but also had a big portion of it being thriller. I really enjoyed the excitement of the book and of course who doesn't love a book with cute pets!?

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I really hate DNF books but I just could not get into this one no matter how hard I tried. There were parts that I was okay with but in general the storyline was so frustrating.

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First of all, Id like to thank NetGalley for this ARC of Hotheaded Heart by Anna Alkire.

I went into this book with some very high hopes, and it is unfortunate that it didn't end up being that for me.
Im not saying that the book was bad, by any means, there were a couple of moments I did enjoy, I just feel as though it could have been fleshed out a little more.

I am still thankful for this opportunity.

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Cutesy romance, but its not all just fluff and smut. There is a whole case of creepy stalking, including animal abuse, abuse, and probably other stuff im forgetting. Ofcourse the mmc protects the fmc from all of this, and fall in love in the mean time which is a really good concept. I did not really like the mmc, but thats personal preference. Book was really enjoyable though!

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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Overall, I thought the book could have developed the plot and characters a lot more. It was an easy read, but that was partly due to the lack of substance and flying through a lot of what was happening. Some parts were cute, yes - the romantic part was cute and not much else. It was an okay book for me.

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Overall, this was a cute, quick read, and I enjoyed reading it!
Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.
I’m giving it a 2.5 because, while I enjoyed it, it wasn’t the best I’d ever read.
The writing was good, and it was easy and quick to read, but I feel like there could have been more of a connection built to the characters. I would have liked to see more of their personalities and relationships built through the story. It was quite a one-dimensional story. I would have loved more depth to Raven and Beau and their past, as well as their current feelings. It just felt a bit lacklustre in that sense.
The best relationship for me was the friendship between Raven and Lauren rather than Raven with Beau. Their friendship and support of each other were absolutely amazing, and I wouldn’t change that part at all.
I don’t feel like there was much, if any, character growth within the story. I could see the attempt at it, with Raven following her dreams and accepting her own faults and Beau committing to their relationship. But I feel like both Raven and Beau just fell into their relationship and stayed there. Neither really grew or changed.
This story had a lot of potential, but it just fell short for me. It was a cute read and a quick escape, though.

Best-friends brother
Forced Proximity
Suspense/Intrigue elements

Thank you again to Water’s Edge, Anna and Netgalley for the chance to read and review the ARC of this book.

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This was a cute story, I enjoyed the spiciness and the love that was developed. Thank you for allowing me to read and review this ARC!

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Raven finally thinks her life has reached its peak with a great job working for the hospital as the PR Manager and she is busy working herself up into a relationship with Travis who is a great catch with money as well. If only life though worked like that and was all sunshine and roses as Raven never had life easy, especially as a foster kid. She has a stalker called Rob aka her crazy next-door neighbour who is determined to have her no matter what. She has tried calling the police but nothing happens and she is given the run-around. That is until one night Rob pushes her too far and she decides to taser him. This warrants a visit from the police and now Raven is seen as the bad girl as she ends up being evicted, arrested and then losing her job, all because of her stalker. This leads Raven to move into her friend Lauren's brother's house - Beau. He is now a cop himself and of course, the sparks are going to fly between Beau and Raven, but is she prepared to enter into a relationship with him as she doesn't want to jeopardize their friendship if they break up, especially since Beau's family is like her own. What happens though when Raven's new job as a volunteer at a charity ends up organising a bachelor auction and she gets closer to her dream guy Travis? Is Travis all he is cracked up to be and is he Raven's true love or will she soon realize before it's too late - that her hotheaded heart belongs to Beau? Find out in this romantic comedy/ suspense with the stalker angle - Hotheaded Heart by Anna Alkire. I also am looking forward to future books as sparks fly between Beau’s sister Lauren and Raven’s half-brother Mason.

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Sorry but this was a DNF for me. The writing was just all over the place and difficult to follow at times, and I feel it needed a good edit in general.

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed and lovable. The pacing was perfect and left you wanting to read more. I can't wait to read more by this author!

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Reading this book was like watching your friend make frustrating choices that make you wish you could shake some sense into them but you still love them and want to see them happy. I love Raven and Beau but sometimes they made me want to pull my hair out! I loved the twists and turns, like a roller-coaster, and I didn't know how it was going to go until the end

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC! All opinions below are my own.

This book was unfortunately a DNF for me - I do love a well-done romantic thriller, but this writing felt a bit choppy and could use editing as far as what details were included / not. Our heroine has this sort of casual tone that didn't jive with me in particular, especially when talking about the crush she had on one of her co-workers early on.

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Raven is working for a hospital in their PR department and the book opens with her celebrating a gala she organized and she's waiting for the hospital hottie, Travis to arrive. Maybe today will be the day he asks her out? While looking for him, she spots Rob across the street. Rob the stalker. Her neighbor that is making her life a living nightmare.

Rob is escalating his behavior and when he tries to take Cheeto her cat hostage, she fights back. Stun gun, garbage, and a flurry of rage, Rob got what he deserved.

Unfortunately, Beau Martin, her best friend's brother shows up to the call. He doesn't arrest Raven but he's also not able to talk the other cop out of arresting Raven. Stalker Rob wants to press charges. As things escalate to a dangerous level, Beau offers to rent Raven a room in his house. Playboy Beau is thrilled when she says yes.

Beau and Raven are becoming reacquainted with each other as adults and it's stirring up old feelings fast for both of them. Rob is escalating his stalking and even showing up at Beau's house now. Raven has to find a way to support herself financially after an arrest is on her record and find a way to stay safe from Rob.

This was not only a great romance book, but also had a big portion of it being thriller. I really enjoyed the excitement of the book and of course who doesn't love a book with cute pets!?

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I really thought this was a cute romcom. I like the two main characters Raven and Beau. I loved the added suspense by including a stalker into the story. It added that little bit of extra intrigue to the story. Overall, it was a quick, cute and entertaining read.

Thank you NetGalley and Water's Edge Publishing LLC for this ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book!!! Such a good story and great writing style. This was my first by this author and will not be my last! Such a cute holiday romcom!

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This is an easy and quick to read story with insta love and a mild suspense. The main characters were instantly attracted to each other so that kind of made it a fast burn. There really was some hotheadedness in the story, especially on the part of the mmc, whose behaviour felt sometimes borderline childish. I liked the small town setting in the PNW and I’d like to read the next books in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the book.

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For me, this book had a lot of potential with the storyline and in places I really enjoyed it. However, at times the characters were acting their age and in the next breath, they were very juvenile and that put me off. It made it feel like this was written by a teenager or by someone who has no idea what the characters were like in the previous chapters or in the later ones.

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Hotheaded Heart
The description caught my eye. I thought this book had potential of being in mu group of 5 star reads. However, being completely honest, this book ranked only 2/5 stars for me. This book was scattered. The plot was choppy. There was a generalized idea however Anna carried those ideas out sporadically. It was touch to read. I was excited for the spicy scenes since Anna had so much potential on playing them out. Yet the spicy scenes lacked. They were also choppy and less than a page long. I think the overall plot of the book was good just the way it was written created gaps in the story line.

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Sparks fly when Raven is forced to move in with Beau Martin, the cop who arrested her, after she attacks her stalker neighbour. Beau, a small-town cop and her best friend's older brother, has always had a thing for her, and now they're stuck living together. As she tries to save her PR career by organising a charity bachelor auction, her stalker seeks revenge. A quick easy read.

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This book was such a frustrating read. Based on the description, I thought it had potential… but woof.

First of all, Beau and Raven are NOT enemies to lovers. This is a best friend’s older brother situation and he had such a huge crush on her for years he basically pulled her pigtails for attention.

Secondly, these characters are incredibly immature. Raven is attacked by her stalker and Beau just immediately tries to get in her pants. She is vulnerable, forced to move out of her home, and he’s just writing her notes about how they should fuck.

Thirdly, Too many other “entanglements”. The entire Travis crush was so contrived and I hated every second of it, but then there’s the random date with Dominic and he comes back for the bachelor auction… we get it - you’re world building, but don’t slap me in the face with it.

Fourthly, this Autumn girl winning a charity date with Beau and then staking claim before the date even happens, showing up at his house and his hospital room? The delusion.

Finally, engaged after 4 months? Divorce babes, divorce. A mess.

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