Member Reviews

Very beautifully written. I'll definitely buy this for my poetry collection. The cover is also beautiful!

Thank you for the ARC.

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Please check trigger warnings before reading this poetic book, because it does deal with abuse and other heavy topics, this book was so dark and made me cry st times, but at the same time it was filled with light and joy.


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In diesem Gedichtband werden viele negative bzw. toxische Beziehungen beschrieben und aufgearbeitet. Von einem traumatischen Erlebnis in der Jugend ausgehend, werden verschiedene schmerzvolle Erlebnisse mit Partnern beschrieben, die sich abwertend verhalten, lügen oder hintergehen. Die emotionalen Verletzungen und die Verzweiflung aufgrund der Situation werden eindrücklich und nachvollziehbar beschrieben, aber auch die Unfähigkeit, sich aus der Lage zu befreien und die Beziehung zu lösen.

Ich empfand die Gedichte als sehr berührend und ich habe mich in den Beschreibungen geradezu verloren. Die inneren Konflikte waren sehr bewegend beschrieben. Mir hat auch gefallen, dass es am Ende eine Wendung hin in eine positiv erlebte Beziehung gab. Ich kann diesen Gedichtband sehr empfehlen.

In English:

This volume of poetry describes and deals with many negative and toxic relationships. Starting from a traumatic experience in youth, various painful experiences with partners who behave in a derogatory manner, lie or betray are described. The emotional injuries and despair caused by the situation are described impressively and understandably, but also the inability to free oneself from the situation and end the relationship.

I found the poems very touching and I almost lost myself in the descriptions. The inner conflicts were described very movingly. I also liked that there was a turn towards a positive relationship at the end. I can highly recommend this volume of poetry.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for sending me a free ebook copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

This was a poetic journey through toxic love and into healthy love. There are heavy trigger warnings for abuse and rape.

"Love stains can be washed".

This was a very beautifully written book. I enjoyed the lyrical style of storytelling and the clever use of language. I think the author captured very well the feelings of anger, regret and grief that follow the main character as they move from an abusive relationship to a loving one. I loved the format of the poems and the way they told a story without necessarily abiding by traditional novel rules.

This was a lovely and quick read.

3.5 stars

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Loved it. It's very emotional, made me cry and tear up so many times. But it also gave me faith and hope and light. I love it how we go from pain and darkness to pure love and joy, it warmed me. A story written through poetry in the loveliest way,

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Relatable and left me wishing for more. I will be keeping an eye out for this author.

Beautiful and poignant writing

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An extremely relatable collection of poetry. Beautiful and memorable, both. I actually wished there were more. I felt hungry for more.

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Between These Bones by Freya Sharp is a poetry collection beautifully written about dark topics such as abuse and trauma.

One sentence:
The book felt like having a deep conversation with your best friend, and you want to hug them at the end.

There are intimate accounts of issues she had and how she felt. She uses her voice as if she knows now best and wants to share, and as she said: "… maybe you will read them you won't feel so alone".

I read it in one sitting as it is beautifully written. I look forward to reading more from this author.

This book is perfect if you are looking for a quick, fast-paced book with powerful lines about self-discovery and personal realizations. The topics are "dark", so be aware of the trigger warnings.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harbor Lane Books, LLC for this ARC, in exchange for an honest Review.honest Review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Lane Books LLC for giving me access to this collection of poetry!
I feel like poetry books recently have been more prose than poetry. Thankfully, this is not the case! While it took less than 2 hours to read, it was filled with some powerful and poignant pieces that really connect you with the author.
Life doesn’t come with trigger warnings, so this book doesn’t either. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Bones and Books
I’ve always thought of books as the foundation of everything—knowledge, escape, curiosity. So many have gone into solidifying who I am today. It wasn’t until reading Freya Sharp’s collection of poetry that I began to think of the books that have shaped my bones.

Books like A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle gave me a heroine that I could see myself in. Harry Potter let me bring the joy of reading to my children. The ending of The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth—well, I’m still upset about that. And Deborah Harkness brought the realization that there can be well-written fantasy for adults, not just the under twenty-somethings.

In Between These Bones Freya Sharp offers a captivating collection of poetry that dives deep into the essence of self-discovery and personal transformation.
From Madeleine L’Engle all the way through to Deborah Harkness, and countless other authors, each of these books left an imprint on me, shaping my identity and influencing my worldview.

Freya Sharp’s Between These Bones made me stop and realize just how profoundly literature intertwines with our lives, once again, instilling in me a gratitude for all the authors who are brave enough to share their stories.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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I would like to thank Netgalley, Harbor Lane Books, LLC and Freya Sharp for letting me read the ARC for this book.
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖎𝖙:
I am someone who has always loved reading, writing, listening to poetry- in all forms. Free verse, ballads, limericks, haiku. I love it all.
From people like Courtney Peppernell, Rupi Kaur to Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath, I'm someone who if I am interested in something, poetry for example, then I will look into it and explore it from different angles, different styles, to discover the intricacies of what is poetry and what it means to me, what it makes me feel. So when i read the blurb to this book, it had me intrigued. I thought this book might make me FEEL, in all the best ways. And it did.
This collection of poetry, though short, gives the reader a personal, almost intimate perspective of how the author herself is feeling. In some ways it almost feels like we are there with her, throughout the journey of life, in her mind, soul, body, thoughts. It's truly amazing- her writing. It is vulnerable but so carefully written and is compelling, almost bewitching. You feel refreshed and seen after reading. Especially since Freya definitely doesn't shy away from darker topics and as I said before, takes us through the journey of healing and moving on as a victim.
Freya Sharp truly is one of those authors that makes you feel not just seen but heard, understood. Like you are not alone.
Please check trigger warnings as somethings mentioned throughout the poetry are very raw and vulnerable and could upset you so keep that in mind! Other than that happy reading if you wish to give this one a go.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Beautiful poetry collection

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Publishing date: 09.07.2024
Thank you to Netgalley and Harbor Lane Books, LLC for the ARC. My opinions are my own.

The book as a meal: I am in the waiting room at the psychologist, nibbling on a protein bar in preparation
The book left me: Reflecting on my past

Wish the poems had titles

Raw and emotional
A sadly relatable topic
An underlying story that develops naturally

Short, direct, and raw poems that don't shy away from darker themes, healing and moving on as a victim, lots of trigger warnings

Why did I choose this one?
I had a certain idea of what this collection would be about, and I was correct. Sadly, the theme here is very relatable and hits home for me. I thought that reading it would be another step on my journey to move on.

Pick-up-able? Put-down-able?
Devourable. I read it all in a single sitting.

What was the vibe and mood?
This feels like listening to a friend confess about something traumatic in their life

Final ranking and star rating?
5 stars, S tier. This was exactly the kind of book I needed when I read it. I had recently been visited by a lot of old "ghosts" and had a hard time managing them. Reading this helped me process and put them back in the "grave" where they belong. Hopefully more people get to read this book and use it as a helping tool just like I did. Will buy a copy of this to keep on my coffee table.

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Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this collection.
4/5 Stars!

“Between these bones
I have many stories….

And maybe
Just maybe
You’ll read them
And you won’t feel so alone”

This was a beautifully painful collection of short and mid-length poems about love, pain, abuse, growth, and healing.

The author does not offer a trigger warning, so tread carefully and take care of yourself 🩶

“All the things that happened to me
Came without warning
So why do I need to warn you of the things you’re about to read?

-life doesn’t come with trigger warnings”

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Thank you, Harbor Lane Books, and NetGalley for this ARC of Between These Bones by Freya Sharp! This is a well-written and unique poetry book about life, how we navigate situations that are not within our control, and how love is so difficult. Things happen to us and yet there is no warning, there are no heads up and yet we have to endure those moments and deal with them for the rest of our lives. This book will have you feeling all the emotions. Anger, sadness, frustration, confusion, heartfelt, love, and yet a sense of knowing you aren't alone. That life goes on and you cannot change anyone but yourself. This book also feels like a reminder that you can still be a person who deserves love, happiness, and peace and understanding the journey of how hard it can be to let go of something you love and or what you thought might be love.

Poetry has always been something I felt connected to on many levels and enjoy reading. Poetry when you are a kid is different from the poetry you read as an adult, still just as beautiful but rooted in much deeper emotions. I remember reading a poetry book about grief when I lost my Dad and how I cried every page and the feelings that made me feel closer to him rather than farther away. Poetry can help you understand difficult things and bring you comfort at the same time which is so powerful.

One poem that stood out to me was:
I'm caught between loving him
and all of his broken parts
and leaving him and being free
but maybe i can fix him
maybe he can even fix me

This poem reminded me of all the women I have ever met who have dated awful individuals and made them feel worthless. They would say "but I can fix him" or "it's not that bad" or "i can handle it" when the truth was, it was worse and they couldn't see it.

The other poem that got me was:
you were a missing piece to my puzzle
the one i'd spent years trying to find
and you were right there the whole time
but i had to find my piece first

This poem made me feel like the lost opportunity of love, but really what the person had to do first was love themselves before they could love anyone else.

Freya Sharp your work is amazing and I am just wrapped up in my love for the words you piece together so beautifully! I highly recommend this for fellow Poetry lovers and just know this one will put you in your feels.

#BetweenTheseBones #NetGalley

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I love when poets write for themselves, but share it with others. I did not expect to cry while reading Between These Bones, but Freya's raw literary emotion carved it's way inside me and made me weep for a time long passed.

This book is painful, but also reminds us there's a light at the end of the tunnel. One of my favorite lines is "I have a hard time seeing what he sees in me, but I love my reflection in his eyes."

Healing from trauma and finding love again after finding ourselves - thank you'll, Freya Sharp, for sharing this piece of yourself. I'm grateful I got to be a part of your audience.

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A beautiful exposition of what it is to be in a relationship that grows like mold between your veins. I think every one who picks up this collection will be able to enmesh themselves with the feelings that the author imbibes their words with.

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I have no idea how to really rate a book like this. It doesn't feel right to give such raw emotion a judgment. The author displayed her trauma in a vulnerable way for all to see, Freya didn't hold back and I hope writing this poetry collection was a healing experience for the author.

The poems started off pretty heavy and I just wasn't expecting it. The author didn't want to include trigger warnings because life didn't give her any warnings. Yes life can be cruel, heartbreaking, it can tear you apart in ways you'd never expect. However as someone who is struggling with mental health issues and past trauma myself, I just wasn't in the right mind space for some of the topics discussed in this book. And I wish there were proper trigger warnings at the beginning so I could prepare myself for what I was about to read. I wish the author handled the trigger warnings area a bit differently, Even if the author didn't want to include any trigger warnings, The first poem felt a bit dismissive for those who need TW like myself, and it just rubbed me the wrong way, i'm sorry.

Rating this book 5 stars because like I said, I don't know how to judge a book like this.

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*Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an e-arc, in return for my honest review.*

This was a decent read. It was short, so I read it in one sitting... Which wasn't difficult as most of the poems were very short.

I didn't like how the author handled the trigger warning page. If you don't believe in trigger warnings in books, that's up to the individual. But remember and respect why they are used. Don't talk down to your readers. I emotionally understand the author's opinion, but if you don't want to include TWs, then just don't.

I liked many of the poems, but some were so short that they didn't make an impact.

Also, personally, I'm not too fond of poetry that refuses to use capitals and punctuation. This is definitely in that category. The author didn't use punctuation unless it was the very occasional question mark. The lack of these things makes it difficult to read.

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A quick read of poetry and I loved it! However I wanted more pages and to dive into the author’s brain. But a solid read! Thank you for the ARC!

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