Member Reviews

There has been a great deal of talk about the damaging effects of consumer culture in general and the fast fashion industry in particular. This book examines the subject in a way that is accessible for young readers. And it does more than look at the psychology and ecological impacts. We examine the history and racism that often impact consumer culture and the effects of consumption in every arena of our lives - fashion, technology, and food especially. Illustrations support the text and make this easily understood.

Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC of this book. This is a great book aimed at kids about consumerism and disposable culture. It looks at all areas from fashion to food to technology and discusses ways people can make better choices about what they choose to purchase. While some of it might be a bit over the heads of kids, or unattainable for some families, it does have some wonderful suggestions that would be easy for anyone to implement. Overall, an important and informative book.

This is an eye-opening look at overconsumption and how it's affecting the planet. Like the many other Orca Think books we have read, it is a rather grim - though very, very necessary - read, although each chapter does end with a section about things kids are doing to mitigate the damage.
It is divided into four chapters, each focusing on a specific facet of overconsumption: Fast Fashion, Fast Food, Smartphones, and Gifts. Each chapter breaks the issues down and makes them easy to understand (and horrifying).
Kiddo (10), who is very concerned about climate change, listened raptly as we read each night and has clearly been thinking on the topics of concern in the days since we read it. It is written at a good level for him to understand and engage with. The Orca Think books in general are excellent for that age and introducing them to some of the grimmer things about our world that can be hard to talk about.
The text is clear and engaging and tries to balance some humor with the grimness and the last section of each chapter is more uplifting as it details things kids (and adults) are doing to help.
I would highly recommend this to kids age 10-14. They're the perfect age for a wake-up call.
*Thanks to Orca Book Publishers for providing an early copy for review.

Thank you to NetGalley and Orca Book Publishers for the eARC!
I want to first say that I really appreciate what this books is trying to do, and the message it's trying to spread. The writing makes it feel like it's for 4th to 5th grade, but it's very data heavy. I would probably give put it in a middle school or even high school collection rather than elementary school, but I'm not sure if the writing would engage older students as much. I loved that the book took the time to explain concepts like sustainability and microplastics, but it was so dense at times that I'm not sure if students would read it all the way through. It reads very much like a textbook.
I also wasn't too fond of the mix of stock images and illustrations, I would have rather it been all illustration but that is probably just personal preference. Suharu Ogawa's illustrative style is gorgeous and I would have loved to see it utilized more rather than stock images!
Overall, I think the book is okay. It was a bit dense for most younger readers, but might be good for 8th grade and older. Solid 3.5.

The topics covered in All Consuming are critical for everyone to be aware of. The artwork and sidebars really appeal to the ideal young audience. I loved how the examples of the ideas in action were often times things kids had done to help our planet. If you can get past the dense aspect of the data and statistics, it's a fun read!