Member Reviews

This is an eye-opening look at overconsumption and how it's affecting the planet. Like the many other Orca Think books we have read, it is a rather grim - though very, very necessary - read, although each chapter does end with a section about things kids are doing to mitigate the damage.

It is divided into four chapters, each focusing on a specific facet of overconsumption: Fast Fashion, Fast Food, Smartphones, and Gifts. Each chapter breaks the issues down and makes them easy to understand (and horrifying).

Kiddo (10), who is very concerned about climate change, listened raptly as we read each night and has clearly been thinking on the topics of concern in the days since we read it. It is written at a good level for him to understand and engage with. The Orca Think books in general are excellent for that age and introducing them to some of the grimmer things about our world that can be hard to talk about.

The text is clear and engaging and tries to balance some humor with the grimness and the last section of each chapter is more uplifting as it details things kids (and adults) are doing to help.

I would highly recommend this to kids age 10-14. They're the perfect age for a wake-up call.

*Thanks to Orca Book Publishers for providing an early copy for review.

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‘All Consuming’ by Erin Silver is a highly informative non-fiction book focused on the importance of taking care of our planet by making smarter shopping choices. It delves into various topics such as clothing, food, technology, and more, offering valuable insights and practical advice for readers who want to contribute to environmental sustainability.

Accuracy: ★★★★☆

The book is well-researched and provides accurate information on the impact of consumer habits on the environment. It draws from credible sources and presents data in an easy-to-understand manner, making the information accessible to a broad audience.

Perspective: ★★★★☆

Silver provides a balanced perspective on consumerism and its effects on the planet. She highlights both the problems and potential solutions, encouraging readers to reflect on their own habits and make more sustainable choices. The perspective is thought-provoking and motivates action without being overly preachy.

Relevance: ★★★★★

The book’s relevance is undeniable, as the topics it covers are crucial in today’s world. With increasing awareness about climate change and environmental degradation, ‘All Consuming’ addresses timely issues that are important for everyone to consider. It’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to make a positive impact through their shopping habits.

Engagement: ★★★☆☆

While the content is highly informative, the engagement factor is somewhat average. The book can feel a bit dense at times, which may make it challenging for some readers to stay fully engaged throughout. However, the practical advice and real-life examples help to maintain interest.

Readability: ★★★★☆

The readability of the book is good, with clear and concise language that makes the complex topics accessible. Silver’s writing style is straightforward and approachable, making it easier for readers to grasp the concepts and take actionable steps towards more sustainable living.

Enjoyment: ★★★☆☆

Enjoyment may vary depending on the reader’s interest in the subject matter. For those passionate about sustainability and environmental issues, the book is a treasure trove of useful information. However, for readers less interested in these topics, it might feel more like a duty than a pleasure to get through.

‘All Consuming’ by Erin Silver is a valuable and informative read that sheds light on the impact of consumer choices on the environment. With accurate information, a balanced perspective, and practical advice, it is highly relevant in today’s context of increasing environmental awareness. While engagement and enjoyment may vary, the book’s overall contribution to promoting sustainable living is commendable.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Orca Book Publishers for the eARC!

I want to first say that I really appreciate what this books is trying to do, and the message it's trying to spread. The writing makes it feel like it's for 4th to 5th grade, but it's very data heavy. I would probably give put it in a middle school or even high school collection rather than elementary school, but I'm not sure if the writing would engage older students as much. I loved that the book took the time to explain concepts like sustainability and microplastics, but it was so dense at times that I'm not sure if students would read it all the way through. It reads very much like a textbook.

I also wasn't too fond of the mix of stock images and illustrations, I would have rather it been all illustration but that is probably just personal preference. Suharu Ogawa's illustrative style is gorgeous and I would have loved to see it utilized more rather than stock images!

Overall, I think the book is okay. It was a bit dense for most younger readers, but might be good for 8th grade and older. Solid 3.5.

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The topics covered in All Consuming are critical for everyone to be aware of. The artwork and sidebars really appeal to the ideal young audience. I loved how the examples of the ideas in action were often times things kids had done to help our planet. If you can get past the dense aspect of the data and statistics, it's a fun read!

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This book was so great! As a parent, it’s so refreshing to see this kind of content for my children, and to be reminded of it myself. I loved the illustrations, the formatting of the book, and of course, the plethora of research and information in it.

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