Member Reviews

Influencer had an opening chapter that will stick with me for a long time. It took me a little bit to get into the book after the main part of the story started, but once the characters were established, I found that I really enjoyed the story and figuring out what was going to happen next.

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Absolutely haunting, this story could easily be true!
Bram Stoker Award–winning author Adam Cesare sets the scene with Aaron, a wealthy new kid with secrets to hide and large scale plans. He easily manipulates his fellow students and utilizes social media effortlessly. Can anyone stop him? You might be surprised.,

#unionsquare #sterling #influencer #adamcesare

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Wow. I read Clown in a Cornfield and... yeah, not for me. But I REALLY enjoyed this one. I liked the POV of the bad guy, and honestly, would have loved more! I thought it was a fresh take on the standard where we only get the POV of the victims.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for the ARC to read/review.

This is a difficult one to review. I alternate between a higher and a lower rating so I'm forced to go right in the middle with a 3/5. Parts were definitely a 5 star read for me, however. Like the great opening, the fully-realised and diverse cast of characters, the strength of the writing, and the commitment to going fully dark and not shying away from some very brutal moments.

Unfortunately, after that strong opening, the middle portion of this book felt quite slow. I became impatient, waiting for the next impactful moment after the big bang first act. It just didn't feel like much was happening at all. But this is where I struggle — because the pace dropped off in favour of building up the character portraits — which I think is a positive aspect of the book! I just would have liked those robust character studies with a few more inciting incidents sprinkled in.

Overall, this was enjoyable. I was getting vibes of "Saltburn" or "You."

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The beginning of this story started out strong but it fell a little flat throughout the rest. I saw this was an audible original and now wondering if this would have been better to listen to. This is definitely for a niche audience. Aaron is definitely deranged and it does show the scary side of a cult like following.

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Wow, a bit of a doozy. Definitely felt like some version of a young adult Stephen King type read. Lots of horror with a whole lot of "this hits to close to reality." An influencer who exerts power and control over people to help him do his bidding. Yeah, creepy. Not my cup of tea but could see this being a cult classic for others.

Thank you NetGalley for the-ARC.

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An exhilarating read!

I really enjoyed Influencer, although I felt it dragged in some spots. But overall, I had a blast reading this. I loved the dual POVs, oscillating between shy Crystal, and psychopathic Aaron. Cesare delivered a tense, atmospheric novel that provided some great commentary on influencer and follower hive mind culture. I think if you can handle a bit more of an intense book for something classified as YA, then this will be a great read for you!

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I love books about influencers as it's so relatable to us bookstagrammers and reviewers, but this one was just okay. I felt it dragged a little and was a bit too unrealistic.

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A YA-serial killer horror book about the Influencer, an infamous social media star, who is exposed by Crystal as a high school student called Adam. Adam is a cold-blooded killer and once exposed he’s determined to make Crystal pay.

The story opens with a bang of a prologue as we follow Larissa, a high school student, who is pregnant and lives with her family. One evening she hears a noise and sees a group of masked people in her house. They’ve killed her parents and they’ll kill get too. Worse their death is being recorded on an iPhone. It’s being streamed.
Cut to the first chapter and we follow the cold-blooded villain who conveniently is about to move to another part of the country due to his parents’ job.

Honestly speaking this book was not for me. It’s not for my taste. My issue was the execution of it. I just found the premise of a high-school student who has this alter ego on social media and kills people for likes intriguing however the plausibility aspect of it fell flat. We have two dark, gripping chapters but then as soon as we get to Crystal’s perspective it’s suddenly all high-school-oh-my-she’s-so-popular-but-I-don’t-care-but-I-do-care-really-and-despite-my-attitude-of-whatever-I am-concerned-whether-I’m-pretty-enough-for-the-cool-guys-to-ask-me-for-prom. Plus the “dark” scenes felt thrown in more for shock value because they were feasible. How does a group of teenagers go around murdering people but still clever enough not to get caught. I also didn’t get the hype around the Influencer and how he become so followed. I wish we got another POV where we see updates from this account. Furthermore no-one seemed to care about Larissa and her family randomly dying. It was just absurd and not in a good way.

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Another amazing story from Adam Cesare! Influencer is a dual POV following Crystal, a regular shy high school girl, and Aaron, a not so regular high schooler who has a thirst for murder. I knew I was going to enjoy this book and I was right. I will literally read ANY book that has this man’s name on the cover!

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Influencer by Adam Cesare is a psychological thriller that follows a pretty typical teenager and a psychopathic teenager who is also an influencer. Crystal is suspicious of the new student who everyone thinks is charismatic and charming. When she starts to speak to her friends about her concerns, she comes across as jealous and rude. Aaron is an anonymous influencer known as The Speaker. He uses his platform to influence and manipulate teenagers into committing atrocious crimes.

I really liked this book. The author kept me interested and I had to know how it all turned out. It's weird to me to say I "enjoyed" a book about a teenager murderer, but it gave me 90's/00's slasher thriller vibes (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer), and also reminded me of Killing Mr. Griffin by Lois Duncan, a book that had me in a chokehold when I was a teenager.

Definitely recommend this book and the October release date is perfect. It will be a great Spooky Season read!

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I was really hoping I would get this book and when I got it on net galley I felt like I won the lotto. I enjoyed this book a lot. The plot and characters were well developed, and the pacing was great. I enjoyed the mystery and thriller aspect in this book and the jump scares for me kept me turning the page.. I found the plot unique, and I recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good mystery/thriller that is fast paced.

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Very entertaining story that keeps you on your toes. Not a single dull moment in this book. Fascinating insight into the mind of a teenage psychopath as well as the easily influenced. This story explores the evils of social media while staying true to the teenage perspective and experience relative to today’s times. With appropriate guidance and trigger warnings - I would definitely recommend this book to high school aged students to introduce a new perspective to social media.

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Adam Cesare's *Influencer* is a gripping and timely horror novel that delves into the dark side of social media fame. With a blend of suspense, gore, and social commentary, Cesare crafts a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Plot and Pacing:

The story follows a group of popular social media influencers who are invited to a mysterious retreat, only to find themselves in a deadly game of survival. The plot is fast-paced and keeps readers on the edge of their seats, with twists and turns that are both surprising and satisfying. Cesare does an excellent job of building tension and maintaining a sense of dread throughout the book.


The characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their own unique personalities and flaws. Cesare's portrayal of the influencers is particularly noteworthy, as he captures the superficiality and desperation for fame that often accompanies social media stardom. While some characters may initially come off as stereotypical, their development throughout the story adds depth and complexity.


One of the standout aspects of *Influencer* is its exploration of the impact of social media on our lives. Cesare delves into themes of identity, privacy, and the lengths people will go to for fame and validation. This commentary adds a layer of depth to the horror elements, making the book not just a thrilling read but also a reflective one.

Writing Style:

Cesare's writing is engaging and vivid, with descriptive scenes that bring the horror to life. His ability to balance action with introspection ensures that the narrative never feels stagnant. The dialogue is sharp and realistic, further immersing readers in the world he has created.


Overall, *Influencer* is a compelling horror novel that successfully combines thrills with social critique. While it may not reinvent the genre, it offers a fresh perspective on the dangers of social media and the human desire for recognition. Fans of horror and those interested in the darker side of internet culture will find much to enjoy in this book.

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First, Cesare did not hold back. This story is dark, and it delves into some very gruesome and raw horrors. So, prepare yourself. There were pet deaths I had to skip over. Otherwise, this book was so intriguing. Portrait of a modern psychopath.

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Who doesn’t love a teenage psychopath?

Told in alternating points of view, Crystal Giordano suspects that she and her crew, best friend Gayle and Paul, Trevor and Harmony (she really doesn’t seem to know the rest of them very well for them to be her best friends, but, whatever) are being targeted by the new kid in town, Aaron Fortin. Probably because they are. And he’s a really, really bad guy who is lucky enough to have his parents move just when he needs them to.

Pretty good for YA, if you buy that teenagers are basically mostly awful people just wearing for permission to BE awful. Up to you.

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Adam Cesare has written a timely horror novel about the evil side of social media and how easily manipulated people can be. It’s a fast read, and I found it deeply engrossing and unsettling. Be warned, if you’re sensitive to animal death/torture, there is a disturbing part with a cat that I could have done without.

All in all, a quick, unsettling novel! Thank you for the opportunity to read in advance!

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Another YA Horror from Adam Cesare, "Influencer" is a stand-alone novel rather than part of the Friendo the Clown series. Crystal is wary of new student Aaron, who she rightly clocks as an anonymous vlogger that some of her friends are obsessed with. We watch as Aaron influences Crystal's friends into dark deeds (including some that seem highly unlikely) while Crystal tries to save herself and her family from Aaron's revenge. Chapters switch from Crystal to Aaron's point of view. A little too dark for my tastes, specifically pet death. Aaron's hold over Crystal's friends happens a bit too quickly and makes the novel overly unbelievable, but readers looking for dark horror thrillers will enjoy following the twisted plot to the end. A quick read, this book is recommended for YA collections where horror thrillers are popular.

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Thank you for the opportunity to preview The Influencer.
This novel will keep you off balance. A young man with privilege performs on the internet as The Speaker. No one knows he is this character because in real life he pretends to be a “human”.
Now that being said, the young man is human but totally devoid of feelings and emotions. He is evil and his goal is to destroy the lives of others.
This is a powerful novel that is about what can happen to when people are influenced and manipulated.
Liked this book a lot. It’s really a horror story. 4 stray

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Although Adam Cesare has written a number of books, he has really made a name for himself with his Bram Stoker award-winning Clown in a Cornfield series. Now with Influencer the author tackles a new horror that transcends the horror genre and offers something truly unique.

Influencer is a tense and timely psychological thriller told from alternating points of view about a teenage girl who begins to suspect the charismatic new kid may in fact be a murderous psychopath. As more and more of her friends fall under his influence, her suspicions begin to come across like jealousy. But is she right? And if so, how much more dangerous would he be toward someone who has discovered his secret?

At its core, Influencer is a cautionary tale about the dangers of groupthink and the dangers of social media on easy to mold minds. Cesare expertly captures the peer pressure and social ostracism that can come with trying to stand up for what's right, even in the face of overwhelming opposition. The terror in Influencer comes not from supernatural forces, but from the all-too-real manipulation and gaslighting Aaron uses to turn his friends against each other.

Cesare does a wonderful job tackling the topical issues without ever feeling preachy or heavy-handed. The book focuses around the age of social media love and Adam examines the way social media can amplify bullying and toxic behavior. As always his writing is sharp and a bit witty, with perfectly timed and love over done references to classic serial killers. In addition to the Clown in a Cornfield series, Cesare has solidified himself as one of the greats in modern horror.

Originally released as an Audible Original audiobook, the expanded print edition gave us another opportunity to experience Influencer in a new format and enjoy this amazing novel all over again. While the audiobook was simply fantastic, there truly is nothing like picking up a print novel and diving into the horrors within.

Influencer by Adam Cesare is a visceral and original horror novel that transcends the genre, giving us something unique and truly wonderful. We were hooked on the audiobook, but now that the printed edition hits shelves this fall we will be adding this to our collection. Adam Cesare novels should not be missed.

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