Member Reviews

*Thank you Netgalley and H.M. Lynn for this ARC copy. All opinions are my own and does not reflect on the publisher or author."

When I saw a book called, "The Head Teacher," I thought, "Oh great, another book with a student/teacher affair," but I was pleased when I began reading that this book was not one of "those" books. This book is about Liz, a head teacher at a private Catholic school. At the beginning of the school year, she has so much to do, one of those things being giving a presentation to students. When she enters to give her presentation, she sees an incriminating picture of herself on the screen- one from 20 years ago that she has never seen. After she does damage control with the students and parents, Liz thinks that's the end of it... until an even bigger incident happens. Now it's not just her she's worried about, but her daughter, Sasha as well. Someone knows their secrets and Liz will stop at nothing to find out who it is.

This book had me thinking it was 2 or 3 people and then totally surprised me at the end. I was pleasantly surprised with this book and I would recommend it to thriller lovers. There aren't too many cuss words and just a couple of possible trigger warnings.

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Liz is the head teacher at St. Anne’s, a fairly prestigious, private Catholic school. Her husband and daughter’s lives are always chaotic as a new school year starts. This is mom’s 2nd year as head teacher and she really hopes it will be better than the last. Her family has been through a lot over the last year, especially her daughter, Sasha.

Sasha changed schools after a hurtful and scandalous incident at St. Anne’s. The parents supported their daughter through it and everything seems to be going well. Sasha is now a straight A student and an oboist in the school orchestra.
Liz begins her first week back at school enduring and leading all the back to school assemblies and lectures for the new year. Suddenly everything goes south as she enters the sixth form assembly. Panic sets in as a a photo from her young, stupid and wild days is projected on the stage screen. She tries to blow it off as NOT the way to behave. She knows it’s lame.

Sasha who had started sixth form in her new private school receive text messages of the photo that was shown in the assembly hall. This photo is only the tip of the iceberg as somebody out there will stop at nothing to destroy everything Liz holds dear.

I spent every page I turned wondering who and why. I didn’t like Liz but she loved her family and had never intended any harm on any one else.
Liz is in a deep deep pit with few resources to dig out and reclaim her family.

The build up of the story was really well written and kept me engaged throughout.

I highly recommend The Head Teacher.

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Absolutely loved this psychological thriller, which is a different direction for this author and one I hope that they will continue with.

Liz is the headteacher of a good Catholic school and all that this entails. She works long and hard, while at the same time coming to terms with her teenage daughter having had a relationship with an older man which resulted in her having to have an abortion. Keeping this secret as a family is key and Liz moves her beloved daughter to another school for a fresh start.

The new school term sees new staff and students arrive, however strange and malevolent things start to happen, all which seem planted to discredit Liz and her family.

The thriller is told all in present tense and the pace is really good. I found it hard to put down as the plot keeps on throwing out more curveballs and you as a reader think you know what has happened then you are off on a different tangent. Very well written and with great characters and a thrilling ending I very much enjoyed reading this book.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What a great book. I was thrilled with getting this book to review

Thank you for the opportunity to review

5 stars

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Thank you, NetGalley and Boldwood Books, for an early copy of ‘The Head Teacher’ in exchange for an unbiased review.

Whoa, now that is what I call a psychological thriller! We join Liz on the first day of the term and quickly realize she might not be the most likable character. As head teacher, she feels the pressure of the responsibility she carries for her staff and students, making her come across as cool and perhaps difficult to approach. That makes it difficult to determine fact from perception when the pranks and rumors start.

Hannah M. Lynn does a fantastic job immersing the reader in the story. I started to question every character, their motives, and intentions, including Liz herself. While reading, I did not even stop to consider if her decisions made sense at that moment; I was fully caught up in the story and emotions, sharing her fear and rage. Every little spark of hope she felt, I felt with her, and when it disappeared once again, I felt like I was spiraling right alongside her.

This was my first book by Hannah M. Lynn and I am looking forward to many more thrillers from her. A fantastic thriller debut!!

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This was such an intense mix of a psych thriller and a mystery – the greatest mystery being WHO IS DOING IT ALL. Who is doing their best to drive the head teacher literally insane, all while making those around her believe that she is losing it? or, more likely, has lost it already?
Liz, the main character, is so well-written, and her struggles, confusion, pain, anger, everything – all of those feel real as you read it.
Also, nope. I did not see that coming. Not even a little bit. And that’s not a very frequent occurrence.

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Wow this was an absolutely brilliant psychological drama that I just could not put down and had me gripped from the very first page. I didn’t make the connection until the acknowledgements at the end of the book that this author is the same Hannah Lynne who writes two of my favourite series of books the second chances sweetshop and wildflower lock so am pleased that I will now also have psychological thrillers to look forward to from this author and this debut in this genre from them is outstanding.

This was an edge of the seat read with lots of fiesta and turns and really captured my attention as the story unfolded and really makes you think about who you can trust and are the people you think are friends actually enemies and out to ruin your life.

I can’t wait to read more in this genre from this author. This would make a fab tv dramatisation too.

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Headteacher Liz Croft is a hardworking and busy leader at St. Anne's, juggling the demands of her role and family life. But things take a dark turn when photos and secrets from her past are publicly displayed at school, forcing her to question everyone around her, even her closest friends and family. Who's behind this attack, and what’s their motive?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, my first by this author. It was intriguing and kept me guessing until the end. Liz's character isn't always likable, but her descent into seeming madness is both clever and captivating. A truly gripping read!

Thank you to Netgalley, author H.M.Lynn and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read and review this book as an ARC

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The Head Teacher by H. M. Lynn was good, good, good! This psychological thriller will drive you crazy because will be so challenging to understand what the hell is happening! I made so many while theories, that I was suspecting everyone! It's so nice when you question every single character until the end. I was rolling my eyes and shaking my head so many times that probably from the outside I looked like a crazy person.

This book is told in the present, with no jumping back and forth in time, so probably this is why I didn't struggle with remembering all the characters and it felt easy to follow the story.
The final twist was unexpected but made so much sense. I love when you don't have questions and you feel that you fully understand the story!

Liz, the head teacher at the prestigious St. Anne’s catholic school, doing the job she loves. Many disagree, many don't like but Liz is there to do her best sometimes sacrificing her time for family.
Her daughter Sasha had a tough year and she moved to a different school. And is understandable that she is all about her at the same time was sad to witness how she didn't care about her mother. I do understand trauma but there is no reason to act like a spoilt brat! So no, I didn't like this character.
Her husband Jamie was sort of supportive but not really. It felt like he supported her when suited him and turned against Liz when he decided to. If he were my husband I would be annoyed with him!
Unfortunitelly when Liz was harassed, her past actions (and not even mistakes or something) were brought to life and she was risking losing everything, was hard to feel support around her.
So it was after Liz to find out what the hell is going on!

Thank you, NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this copy!

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What an unexpected treat!

The main character, Liz, is quite new to her dream job as head teacher at St. Ann’s School. But someone doesn’t like her and seemingly wants her to fail. Ms Lynn takes us into the world of social media and phone hacking with Liz trying to find the culprit starting with a dodgy photo that ends up available to her pupils.

Without going to the police, Liz has to confront family (husband and teenage daughter), colleagues, friends and the school governors who, of course, could bring in Ofsted!

From the very first pages the story developed at a fast pace to a satisfying (albeit a slightly rushed ending). Lots of suspects which Ms Lynn added to the mix.

As a school governor and experienced Teaching Assistant the school scenes in the book kept very true to life. Loved it!

Thanks to Net Galley and Boldwood Books for the chance to read and review.

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Thanks BoldwoodBooks and NetGalley for this ARC

I finished this book in one sitting, This story is told from the point of view of Liz, who get a very prestigious job, one that ends up coming to bite her, especially when she starts to sense resentment and a lot of mistrust, but this turns sinister when things start to pop up that will cost Liz dearly.

All I can say is that I was in a reading slump, and I read this in one sitting. This psychological thriller was so gripping that it got me out of a reading slump and I am looking for more books by H M Lynn as I type.

Loved it and would highly recommend this for fans of Shari Lapel, T M Logan and anyone who loves fast paced thrillers

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The Head Teacher by H.M. Lynn is a pacey, exciting read that kept me guessing from beginning to end.

Liz has secured a coveted position as Head Teacher at the prestigious St. Anne's school, but feels that it is a situation that has not been warmly embraced by some of her colleagues. Her home life, too, has suffered, with her husband and daughter both resentful that she is giving the job more attention than she does to her domestic life. So when a series of potentially damaging pranks begin to escalate, most derived from her somewhat dubious past, Liz begins a mission to root out the person who would most like to see her fail.

There is a wide array of viable suspects here, and I found myself becoming nearly as desperate as Liz to get to the bottom of it all. Add this one to your summer reading list.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC.

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Wowww!! I have no words!!!
This is one of the best psychological thriller book i read in 2024.
This is my first book of this author and i am glad to say i am checking out the other books from this author.
This book is about Liz (Elizabeth) who is the head teacher of St.Anne’s school. Her life turns upside down when suddenly someone tries to ruin her family and her career.
This is a page turner book and its hard to put them down. The chapters are really small which keeps you hooked.
This is a must read book for all the thriller fans.
Lastly i would like to thank NetGalley for giving me this Arc.

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Title: The Head Teacher

Author: H. M. Lynn

Rating: ★★★★

In The Head Teacher, the stakes are as high as the prestigious position at St Ann’s School. Liz has managed to secure the coveted role of head teacher, but it's a precarious perch, especially when her shadowy past threatens to come to light.

St Ann’s is a strict environment where perfection is expected, and after one year on the job, Liz knows she can’t afford a single misstep. Not everyone thinks she deserves the position, and some are eager to see her fall. One determined adversary knows more than they should about Liz’s past—secrets she has kept tightly locked away.

The tension is heavy as Liz races against time, trying to protect her position and her family from the unseen enemy determined to bring her down. The higher she climbs, the harder she could fall, and the suspense will keep you hooked from the first page to the last.

The Head Teacher is a gripping tale of ambition, secrets, and the lengths one will go to protect their own. H. M. Lynn masterfully weaves a story of intrigue and danger within the seemingly safe walls of an elite school. Liz is a compelling protagonist—strong yet vulnerable, navigating the treacherous waters of her professional and personal life.

The book’s tight pacing and sharp twists make it impossible to put down. Just when you think you’ve figured out who’s behind the sabotage, another layer of mystery unfolds, keeping you guessing until the very end.

For fans of psychological thrillers and high-stakes drama, The Head Teacher is a must-read. Prepare to be captivated by Liz’s journey and the secrets that threaten to unravel everything she’s worked for. Highly recommend!

Thank you to The Publisher Boldwood Books, the author H. M. Lynn & Netgalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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The Head Teacher is a suspense novel about a head teacher who suddenly finds her world being turned upside down by a series of pranks and rumors that seem malicious and directed at her and her family. Rumors about Liz and her teen daughter keep surfacing that threaten to ruin her relationships with friends and family, her respect as head of the school and even her job and marriage are at stake! Liz has to get to the bottom of this, even if she feels like she might go crazy in the process.

I loved this book, it was so hard to put down! I really liked the realistic descriptions of what life is like in a school, especially one where parents are a little too vocal at times - much like my school. It was very hard to figure out who was the blame for the tricks and rumours, and while I did make a correct prediction pretty early on, I doubted it all the way through until the reveal! The writing was really great, and I really liked the main characters. It's a great book so I would definitely recommend it!

Thanks to netgalley for the Ebook ARC to read and review.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

The main character Liz in my opinion is quite unlikable and arrogant working as a head teacher working at a Catholic school. I didn't really warm to her initially, but her complex character does add an intriguing dimension to the story. Her 16-year-old daughter used to attend the same school but recently transferred due to an incident that isn't immediately revealed to the reader, although it becomes clear fairly quickly.

One day, during an assembly, Liz is shocked to find a large picture of her from the past displayed on the screen for everyone to see. This sets off a series of events where she confronts numerous people, unable to figure out who is behind this or why they are doing it. While I found the narrative to be somewhat far-fetched and struggled with some of Liz's actions, the story was gripping enough to keep me turning the pages, eager to uncover the mystery.

Despite the somewhat unrealistic conclusion, the book kept my interest and I raced through it, driven by the desire to discover the who and the why behind the mystery.

Overall, I would rate this book 3 stars.

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Liz is Head Teacher at St Anne's, and is struggling to juggle home and work life. Her daughter moved schools after a relationship gone wrong, and is doing well.

Liz had a wild life in her youth, but at this strict Catholic school no one can find out about it, until someone shares a racy photo of Liz, drunk and half naked, and the whole of the sixth form sees it.

It seems as though someone is jealous of Liz's position and wants it for themselves. And then her daughter is targetted.

It is hard to believe that this book is the first in this genre for this author. It was fast paced, gripping, mysterious and held my attention to the last page. I would never have guessed who it was that wanted to ruin Liz's life.

Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood books for the opportunity to read this book.

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Liz has her dream job as head master at the prestigious St. Anne’s, but with it comes at a cost! First it started off as pranks then it escalated to her daughter and home life. Liz goes on the attack accusing everyone in her life. This is a slow paced mystery. Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for a copy.

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Liz has her dream job as head master at the prestigious St. Anne’s, but with it comes at a cost! First it started off as pranks then it escalated to her daughter and home life. Liz goes on the attack and accuses her best friend Alice or disgruntled colleague Nathan. This is a slow paced mystery. Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for a copy.

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A fast paced thriller that l raced through, suitable for summer reading. Strong narrative voice and great twists. Loved the school setting. Will recommend to colleagues.

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