Member Reviews

Ghost road by T.H. Cini.
I loved the cover. This is a new author for me. I did find it slow to get into but after a while I started to enjoy it. It was different. I did like Bea. I also liked Agnes and Dolores. I wasn't sure about Jimmi. He grew on me. I did like the ending. 4*.

In the quiet town of Hastings, Ontario, Jimmy confronts a startling revelation: he hasn't been the best person to himself or others. This self-discovery unfolds in the most unexpected manner, at an eerie and enigmatic location—an abandoned farmhouse on gHost Road. As Jimmy delves deeper into the shadows of his past, he finds himself in a world where secrets murmur from the walls and redemption hovers just beyond his grasp. Join him on a gripping journey of self-reflection and supernatural intrigue, where every step brings him closer to uncovering the truth—and to the possibility of a second chance.

#ghostroad @THCini #netgalley #horror #bookreviewer

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With that title, cover and premise I was immediately drawn to this book so maybe my expectations were a little high.

The ideas behind this book are great but I think it needed more work. For something that's supposed to be about someone's discovery that they haven't been the best to themselves or others the introspection is conspicuously lacking. Arguments and tensions are at most hinted at but largely it just seems like the guy was a bit critical maybe and while that doesn't necessarily make for the best relationships that seems a little underwhelming. His progression would have benefited from his character being better established.

Stylistically it was rather plain and different elements of the book came across as disjointed, if the writing had been more stylized it would have came across as more intentional however because the style was what it was it came across as somewhat rushed. It felt like the book never fully committed to being one thing or another and that's one of the areas in which it really fell short.

Jimmy's relationship with Beatrice was really the strongest aspect of the book and the one aspect that felt like it was given appropriate time to develop.

I also hate it when a book ends in a (SPOILER AHEAD) surprise, there was no stake to all of this because it was all in his head" kind of way and that's what happened in this one so that really didn't help my overall enjoyment of the book.

I received an eARC of this book, many thanks to BookGoSocial on Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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At the start I thought I was going to love this book due to the writing style of a first person narrative. It quickly fell apart with the dialogue and I was immediately thrown out of interest with the story. Didn't fully commit to what it was doing so why should I fully commit to reading.

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This book gave SUCH an interesting take on what happens to our spirits once we die and kept me absolutely HOOKED. gHost Road was so so interesting and i had to keep reading because i just needed to know what was going to happen.

I can’t wait to read more from the author as i loved their choice of language and the way they describe things. It was a book that was so up my street that i need to get a physical copy asap.

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