Member Reviews

Really enjoyable read with great characters and super cute and fun references to all things bookish. Max and Hayley are an adorable duo who both have their own baggage and insecurities but help each other and themselves let it go. Everything about No Shelf Control sounds like a dream come true and I’m intrigued to know more about the other players in the hockey team especially the one living with coach’s daughter. Enjoyable fun read.

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so again thank you net galley for this arc. i have never read a close door romance ever, i am someone who like my book romance to be spicey. but i really enjoyed this story. Hayley and maxime story was just so cute,a book with bookstore themes , a cat named mr. darcey,and hot hockey player.

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Okay, this is my first book by Marion De Re but definitely will not be my last. This is by far my best read in June, maybe even so far this year!

I absolutely loved every single character in this story. All of the characters are super close and hold each other together. Having strong side characters is hard to do but Marion did it, and she did it well. Emma and Alice are awesome and I can not wait to read their stories!

Hayley is living every bookstagrammer's dream. Finding her HEA and opening a book store. The banter and love between her and Maxime was adorable. The fact that she actually got him to read some of her favorite reads had me shocked. I need some tips Hayley!! lol. He made her feel seen and heard and I can not express how happy that makes me for someone like her. I can relate to Hayley and the way she feels about her body. I felt like some parts were coming directly from my insecurities. It made me extremely happy to see how much she grew in that aspect.

I'll stop rambling now. (: Everyone go and read this MEOW!!!!

Thank you so much NetGalley and Marion De Re for a copy!

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This book sounded so good and promising but unfortunately I didn’t finish it. Felt too cheesy, too stereotypical after the first 40 pages. The idea of a book store being so specific- indie authors only, closed door only, didn’t seem realistic. The “bookish era” sweatshirt is trending now on Instagram- was too similar to real life. It also moved too quickly. No way Max was that smitten with Hailey after just one short encounter.

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A fluffy, closed door romance, perfect for bookish people. The story is fast-paced and easy to read and kind of short. All the characters are likeable and fun. It’s bubbly and overloaded with sweetness and there’s only a teeny tiny tension. Bookstores and hockey do match really well.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy of the book.

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The Tenacious Act was such a cute romance. I thought Maxime was a great character and definitely a good book boyfriend. Hayley’s character wasn’t always my favourite, but I did really love how passionate she was about books.

I thought it was fun how bookstagram was mentioned in the story. As someone who was reading an ARC, I also liked the mentions of the characters readings ARCs and doing reviews.

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This was such a good romcom. It is a great summer read. Good characters, good story, good writing! A five star read!

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