Member Reviews

As a social worker working in a clinical setting this book reviewed a lot of the basics and foundations for conflict resolution and strategies. I can see this book being insightful for people trying to navigating fighting through relationships. Fighting does not have to be a bad or scary thing and this book does a great job of explaining various fights and techniques we all should have!

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While I found parts of the book interesting, it was not exactly what I was expecting. I maybe should have looked at the description a little more. As an adult, I appreciated what the author had to say, and I think it really does make the read think a lot more about the triggers for arguments and looking at the real reason and practical ways to communicate about them. I had hoped maybe it would transfer over to younger people and help them learn before they get in the relationship, but really it is more for adults and I think most young adults would not really be interested in all of the couple examples etc. Although some would. I liked the book overall, and it was well written, I did feel a bit weird and wondered about all of the clients whose stories she shared. I think it would be a great book for someone who maybe is struggling in a relationship and not sure about therapy and it really does give some good insights into our triggers.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ebook to preview.

I would give the book a 3.5

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