Member Reviews

This book had me in my feels. Julia and JP’s connection is instantaneous and reading their interactions had my heart fluttering. Every turn of the page had me wondering if they were ever going to have their happily ever after; I loved not being able to figure out if they were. JP has to be my next book boyfriend because he is good with kids, sweet, kind, and charming. What more can you ask for? Julia is definitely a good role model. She knows how to set her boundaries and stands firm with them in the end, which is admirable. While some of the reasons they can’t be together are unique, some of them feel a little cliché, but I don’t think it’s a problem because the way it is written makes up for it by putting you through an emotional roller coaster.

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"Goodbye Again" is a delightful, fun, and deeply emotional read that will appeal to fans of contemporary romance who enjoy a touch of magic and fate in their love stories. Caitlin Moss skillfully weaves a narrative that is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching, making you root for Julia and JP despite the obstacles in their path.

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⭐️ • Book Review • ⭐️

Goodbye Again - Caitlin Moss

I. Loved. This. Book.

Julia and JP meet on an airplane- happenstance. The rest is NOT history… it’s a wild, long, SAD, HAPPY ride!! 🙈
Throw in a fortune teller, a dog named Kevin and a Crunchwrap Supreme and you are ready to roll.

I was not expecting this book to have as much depth as it did. Lots of raw storylines intertwining into a beautiful story. Yes, I wanted to break my kindle in half at some points. But, the suspense was worth it. 🤍

This was my first Caitlin Moss book AND my first ARC! What a fun story. 🌮🔮🐣 Can’t wait to read the rest of hers.

Thank you @caitlinmossauthor and @netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Goodbye Again will release September 3rd, 2024!

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Goodbye again by Caitlin Moss was an excruciatingly beautiful love story between two soulmates being torn apart yet the universe has another idea

I will never stop thinking about how amazing this book was. As someone who has never heard of Caitlin Moss I had no idea what I was getting into but this book surprised me to such a huge level. Set between Washington and Chicago, meeting on a plane on their way to a gender reveal party Julia and JP instantly fall in love. As they grow together we see them learn about each other and intertwine their complicated work lives with their relationship. Breaking up and staying together is a massive part of this story which at times had me wanting to scream but also gave me huge respect for Julia sticking to what she believes. Not only are we introduced to the antagonist and protagonist in this story we also get equipped to the amazing side characters in Audrey, Gramma, Emily, Austin and the kids. An aspect that felt so heartwarming to me in this book was the dual storytelling between present time and dreaming. Also I must add the twist with the dreaming I was stunned making me want to re-read knowing so looking for slight clues!!! The growth I seen from Julia in this story was amazing especially alongside the Audrey aspect of the story. The topic of grief and childhood trauma is present in the book which I found very interesting especially when Julia (a child therapist) psychoanalysed her patients and her whole life but luckily it doesn’t override the story too much. Overall I adored this book so much (finishing in 3 days) and need a sequel as soon as possible because I’m not ready to say ‘goodbye again’ to JP and Julia.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Gosh the angst and heart-aching hurt in this book. If you've read a Caitlin Moss book before you know to expect "it", but I had let my guard down. Everything was going so swimmingly til, well, life for the characters.
I highlighted so many parts of this book and while there are so many parts that moved me to tears because of hurt, there was just as many that moved me to tears because of hope.

Cheers to destined lovers, magic dreams and tacos!

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"You will have many loves. But most of them will be him."

Julia Waters meets JP Chapman on an airplane destined for Seattle. He charms her with conversation and they realize they are headed to the exact same event, Julia's sister's baby shower. It can't be fate, right?

After spending the evening together - dinner, walking, fortune reading - they agreed, reluctantly, to pretend they were strangers the next day. However, like all good plans, it goes right out the window. They're just drawn to each other, no rhyme or reason. JP is so easy to fall in love with, he really is the perfect character for this scenario. Charming, thoughtful, the perfect boyfriend but also has a hint of emotional damage. Julia is more reserved due to her career, and her childhood, but easy to love just the same.

Throughout the book, we see Julia and JP continuously run into each other, and then fall apart. Wrong place, wrong time, etc. they can never make it work. Chance after chance to be together only to end up left wondering, "what if." Over the next five years we follow JP and Julia, holding out hope for a happy ending, holding our breath waiting for the other shoe to drop and tear them apart again.

I had ALL the emotions reading this one. I laughed, constantly. I cried, several times. I was rooting for these two until I was blue in the face. x

Each chance came with its own complications and I really loved the depth of the plot, dealing with hard topics like infidelity, death, broken parent-child relationships and child trauma, etc. 

Personally, I also related to Julia's struggle with her narcissistic mother, which is probably why I was so determined that she deserved a happy ending. I'm grateful to Caitlin Moss for giving their relationship the turn around that mine will never have. 

I also adored Gramma being a hot topic of conversation and recurring character in this plot. I found myself analyzing those sequences for advice I could apply to my own life. Gramma is the GOAT.

I HIGHLY recommend this one, it's easy to see it play out in your head like one of your favorite movies. Caitlin Moss is one of my new favorite authors after reading this :)

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Thank you to the author for this advance reader copy from netgalley .

I have read all of her books and this is probably the best I have read from Caitlin.
It took me just a weekend to read this book. Caitlin has a talent to make you feel all the feelings, you will laugh, love, tear up and scream.

I absolutely adored the grandmother, I have a close relationship with mine and I could relate to the connection between them.

I will go in blind and just grab this book, it has a little bit of everything.

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I. cried. so. many. times.
Jules & JP, these two just take you on an absolutely roller coaster of emotions. I laughed, I cried, I was transported back to previous relationships & breakups. Caitlin Moss provides a unique take on second (ninth?) chance romances and at no point did you ever stop rooting for our MCs. They were multidimensional characters, brought to life in beautiful and tragic ways and I was absolutely there for it. A wonderful story the whole way through, I loved it!

I will be sharing my review on my social media channel on Sunday 7/21.

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This was my first Caitlin Moss book but my 100th book of this year and I can honestly say that no book has affected me as much as this one has. I laughed, I cried (ok fine, sobbed), and I enjoyed every second of it. Caitlin’s writing was so raw, emotional, vulnerable, and had such depth to it that I will think of this book every day for the rest of my life.

I loved how it wasn’t your typical romance book, that it followed its own path to create the most beautiful story about love, forgiveness, friendship, self-sacrifice, strength, honesty, and patience.

I fell in love with the characters instantly. I loved literally every single part of them. I actually don’t even have the words to describe how perfect they were. Their actions, words, thoughts, and feelings were written so well I’m truly disappointed they aren’t real people because I could learn so much from them. And I guess I have, even though they are fictional. One of my favourite things about the characters were that they were so selfless, always willing to take a step back from their own wants to give others the chance at happiness.

There is so much more I could say about this book but I can’t find the words. My heart is literally aching just trying to describe the love I’m feeling for this story. Please read this book.

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Genre & Tropes - Romance
Appropriate Age - 17+ due to sex

I rarely give a five and this one deserves every star. This is about a man and who who meet on a plane and feel an instant connection. The rest of the story is a romance that happens over a span of years without ever becoming a relationship due to multiple circumstances. The book is full of moments of love and sadness and anger and Caitlin manages to make you feel it all.

Best suited for fans who like

Story ***** World *****
Main Characters ***** Side Characters ***
Moving ***** Reader Frustration *
Slow burn ***** Steam ***
Humor ** Ending ****

- That as a counselor she never creates boundaries with her mother
- That the sister never speaks up for her
- Not enough interaction and background with her best friends
- That the different times when there is a chance they are each too inflexible to make things work

- The characters are real
- The situations are real
- The emotions are intense
- The dream Gamma
- The touch of the mystical

Thank you NetGallery and (Author) for providing me this ARC.

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NetGalley early release
Publishing date: September 2024
5 ⭐️!!!

Oh my goodness, meeting five had me CRYING!😭 I fell in love with JP and Julia, both. I love that full circle he found a publishing/writing/journalism job, which is all her mom wanted for her. Julia’s mom didn’t like JP at first but he seamlessly weaved into her life eventually. More mommy issues. Couldn’t stand Julia’s mom and her little digs but there is always one, right? I cried. I laughed. I wanted more when it was over. I definitely want to read more by this author. I don’t want to say her books reminded me of Abby Jimenez because that’s a big shoe to fill BUT all the right feels definitely reminded me of how I feel during and after an Abby book. That old adage of “if you let something go and it comes back it was meant to be” rolled through my head every time they met and it didn’t work out. The chapters that had Gramma talk were adorably done and went so well with the storyline. The way it was done was 5/5. It was just …. so good. So so good. Read it!!!

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This book was….perfection! I felt every emotion I have to feel while reading this book. I could not put it down. I was engaged from the very beginning and continued to stay engaged until the very last page. The characters were so perfectly developed and their story was both beautiful and heartbreaking. I will be waiting for another book from this author! Absolutely one of my top three for the year!

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Okay heres my review:

This is a cute read. It's emotional, it's thoughtful, it isn't the same repetitive story that I read on here nowadays. For that alone it gets ALL the stars!!!

Why 4 not 5? Some of the conversation was not my favorite. You win some you lose some.

<img src=""/>

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Where do I even begin?!

I loved this book so much!! JP & Julia go through so many major life milestones and I found myself completely engulfed in their day-to-day lives. The banter is *chef’s kiss* perfect!

“One more chapter” quickly turned into five more chapters — I found it very difficult to stop reading. It’s a quick read but be prepared to experience alllllll the emotions! It hits ya right in the feels. Set yourself up with your favorite comfort items before you dive in!

My favorite quote:
“Love often arrives when you aren’t looking for it. It swoops in on ordinary days and follows you around with every minute that passes. Love is an opportunist presenting ultimatums: fall in love or walk away.”

This is a book I can’t wait to buy and read over and over again. If Gilmore Girls is your comfort show, you will love this book.

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This was... fine?

I actually felt myself getting more and more frustrated as the years kept passing, especially the last one.

JP and Jules were fine as characters. I was excited about the plot and this just fell flat for me.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was so in awe of this book. It wasn’t what I was expecting and it got me hooked! I loved JP and Julia and how they kept gravitating towards each other. This book got me all the feels with its twists and turns.
I liked how strong and compassionate Julia was. I liked their interactions and how he always, from the beginning, recognized that he could love her. How confident he was. It was like a breath of fresh air.
Caitlin said that “love isn’t a straight line”, and she demonstrated in this book.
For me this book was soo good and I loved every page. So glad I got to read it earlier and I can’t wait for you guys to read it too! ❤️
Thank you, Caitlin Moss and Netgalley for this ARC!

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Julia Waters’s world is not complicated until she meets JP Chapman on a flight.

The handsome kindergarten teacher charms her immediately! They spend a magical night wandering the streets of Seattle, and then stumble upon a fortune teller who predicts their futures will forever be entwined. The invisible string!

It was definitely not an easy journey, it took five years, careers, different cities, and missed chances.

Julias grandmother visits her dreams since that first night in Seattle and offers her advice about their situation!

I absolutely loved this story and it had all the feels.

Julia and JP are the definition of "right person, wrong time" and their story had me hooked from the start. Five years of near-misses and what-ifs made their eventual reunion SO much sweeter.

The whole invisible string is done so perfectly well!

I Highly recommend for anyone who believes in fate, destiny, and the magic of true love.

Right person, wrong time
Invisible string
Insta love.

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Thank you to Caitlin Moss and NetGalley for the ARC of Goodbye Again in exchange for an honest and independent review.

Let me just come right out and say it, Goodbye Again is easily one of the top 5 books I've had the pleasure of reading this year. No question about it. The story that unfolds here is so wholesome, yet heartbreakingly beautiful in all the right ways that left me crying tears of happiness and sadness for our characters and their journeys through life both together and apart.

Julia Water's never expected to meet one of the few loves of her life on a flight from Chicago to Seattle. She also never expected to spend their next five years missing her chance at love with the one man who was fated to change her life forever, JP Chapman. In a fun twist, JP ends up being a family friend of her brother-in-law and sister, Emily. Because of this, they are destined to run into each other more than a few times over the years, effortlessly picking up where they each left off after a magical night spent together roaming the streets of Seattle, talking about life, and visiting a fortune teller.

As predicted, Julia will have a few loves in life, with most of them being JP. However, JP will have just one love in life, of which the fortune teller was careful not to disclose. What's clear here is that the path walked to love is never exactly straight, as Julia and JP will come to find out. It's marred with heartbreak, circumstance, and horrible timing in equal measure to joy, bliss and the creation of core memories we will carry with us forever.

After continually missing their shot, maybe Julia and JP were never actually meant to be together. It's entirely possible they were put into each other's lives for very specific circumstances and purpose for when they needed each other most. Only fate will ultimately decide how this one will end, and I'm joyfully along for the ride.

I genuinely loved every aspect of this book. It was so realistic in the sense that not everything works out perfectly, especially not right away. And the journey to love is never all that easy, but it's the moments along the way that gets you there and makes it all worth it. The love that exists between Julia and JP is magical and messy, which makes it all that much more special to watch. JP has quickly wedged his way into my heart as one of my absolute favorite book boyfriends, and I know he will do the same for you as well.

Well done, Caitlin! You have captivated and awed and made me shed a couple of tears in the process. May we all be fortunate enough to have a love story as beautiful and raw as Julie and JP.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was a great read! I loved the depth and exploration of great and healing. Honestly my expectations weren't as high as my appreciation for this book!

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Goodbye Again weaves a captivating love story around the weighty themes of trauma and grief, creating a heartwarming yet heart-wrenching journey.

I was hooked from the very beginning. As someone who believes in the invisible string and a sucker for discussions on fate, destiny, and dreams, I was immediately drawn to the novel's exploration of those, with fortune tellers and even dreams playing a role in the main character’s love story. The themes of this book were right up my alley, so it’s not surprising that I couldn’t put it down because I wanted more with every chapter. I loved the tone set by the fortune teller and grandmother throughout the book. The perfectly balanced pacing kept me engrossed, never being too fast or too slow. Caitlin Moss's prose is clear, punctuated by moments of delightful humor that hit all the right notes. Reading this felt like I was in their circle, watching the love story of the main characters unfold. I loved how all the characters were portrayed–they felt very human and real. There were times when I got angry at the characters, but that’s what made them feel real as characters. I loved JP, and I connected with Julia so much (it probably also helped that I recently graduated with a Psychology degree LOL). It felt like I was reading a version of myself in another universe, navigating love and loss.

I am not a big fan of insta-love, and it definitely gave off that vibe at first (minor spoiler: even the character acknowledged that), but it redeemed itself. I found the obstacles realistic as they encapsulate the complexities of timing and circumstances in relationships. This book is an emotional rollercoaster, from moments that made me so kilig to tearing up. I felt so many emotions to the point where I had to message my friends in the middle of reading it and say how much I was tearing up because of this book. “Goodbye Again” is a must-read, especially to those who love the concept of the red string/invisible string, fate, and destiny.

This was my first Caitlin Moss book, and I can't wait to explore more of her work! Thank you to Netgalley and Caitlin Moss for giving me the opportunity to read this book ahead of the publication date.

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