Member Reviews

It’s impossible for Caitlin Moss to write a bad book. Trust me. Every book rips by heart out and somehow puts it back together again.

JP and Julia. They had to say goodbye so many times. It’s a case of the right person and the wrong time. I couldn’t help but root for them even when I wasn’t happy with them.

The twist left me with goosebumps. It was perfect.

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Julia and JP meets onboard a flight from Chicago to Seattle and end up chatting. Unknowingly, they are both invited to the same party and end up spending more and more time together, once they are back in Chicago.

When their relationship is about to progress further, an unexpected revelation and distance breaks them apart. Despite that, they remain as friends and honestly, I love this phase as they get to know each other better outside of the bedroom.

Unfortunately, I stopped loving the plot at the 50% mark. I just couldn’t understand why JP never called and why he returned to his ex, Audrey. The worst was when he forced her to be the third party. Man up, JP!

The last act was just making me tear my hair out. Donovan may not be the best boyfriend but he doesn’t deserve it when Julia keeps thinking of JP when they are together. Emotional cheating is still cheating….

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Wow, this book was amazing. This was my first book by Caitlin Moss and I want to read her entire backlist now.

I felt so many things while reading this. From giggling and swooning over JP, to legitimately sobbing.

I loved their meet cute and their playful back and forth. I could feel the chemistry and tension between them. All the characters were very real and raw and so, so relatable. Julia’s relationship with her mom was painful to read. It resonated deeply with me. 

A couple of times while reading, something would happen that felt like a punch to the gut. But even while it was devastating, it was also beautiful. The journey they went on was not easy, but it was so worth it. JP and Julia were soulmates. 

I really loved the dream/Gramma chapters. And the little bit of magic woven into the story. ✨

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All the stars! Absolutely loved this story. Caitlin has yet to do me wrong. Everything from the characters to the storyline to the plot itself 🤌🏼 amazing.

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this is only my second caitlin moss book & I can guarantee it won’t be my last! have I found a new auto buy author? 10000%! caitlin moss’ writing is beautiful. I was hooked from the first chapter & couldn’t put the book down. there were so many memorable moments! I wanted Julia & JP to get together SO bad 😭 it was definitely the right person, wrong time which completely broke me. I can’t say much without giving anything away. But just know this a book you NEED to read. I can’t recommend it enough! 🥹

read if you like ||
-dream theory
-emotional twists
-multiple chances
-right person, wrong time
-strangers to lovers to…👀

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Slightly spicy male female contemporary romance. I haven't ever read anything by Caitlin Moss before and I was pleasantly surprised. Cute yet also complex characters and situations. I'll definitely be reading more from this author.

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This book was super cute! I really enjoyed the story. The characters were really well written. And I really had a blast reading this one. It was funny, cute and just a great book that was written really well!

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I don’t have a full review yet. But this book was AMAZING! Serval days after finishing it and I’m still feeling all the feels! I have yet to read a book by Caitlin Moss that I don’t like, but this one might be my new favorite!


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I loved this book! One thing about Caitlin's books is they feel very real! You connect with the characters in such a deep level so you get to feel all the emotions! This one was no different!

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I can’t rave about this book enough. I laughed, I cried a lottttt and I was absolutely in love with the two main characters! This is a perfect right person wrong time romance.

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I'm crying and I don't know how to put my love for this book into words.

★★★★★ + ♡
I'm honestly at a loss for words. This books was so surprisingly heartwarming.
I can't believe I was lucky enough to read this before it came out to the world, TODAY!!
Julia and JP met on an airplane. Going to the same place. They started talking. It all changed in that moment.
Or maybe not, since they were destined to meet. Maybe it stayed exactly the same.
I'm sure you must've heard, at some point of your life, about the 'invisible string theory'. If not, I'll explain it very quickly: it's based on an ancient Chinese proverb that says "an invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance." This thread may stretch, bend and tangle, but it will never break.
Why did I just dump a whole bunch of information on you? Well, this book is the perfect invisible string, destined to meet, 'right person, wrong time' (maybe not), second (actually ninth) chance romance.
Julia is a child psychologist with mommy issues (I'm underplaying it, mind the trigger warnings!) whose life radically changes when JP decides to start a conversation.
JP is a kindergarten teacher and children's book author with a passionate personality and filled to the brim with love. He is the perfect man and he was the reason someone came up with the term 'boyfriend material'.
This book's filled with angst & heartbreak, but also love & comfort. No matter the circumstances, they find each other.
One of the most painful yet warming part of this book was Audrey. Her character is presented to us based on other people's opinions and views and, when we really get to know her, we start to love her.
It was so wholesome to watch Audrey and Julia's relationship flourish despite the situation (again - be aware of the warnings).
It became one of my favourite books and it really changed my opinion on the 'second chance' trope.
If you're looking for an impactful, wonderful, tear inducing, giggle worthy romance book, you're in lucky. This is it and it is out today!! Enjoy it. ;)

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This book was so so good! I loved this couple and my heart broke for them every time their circumstances wouldn’t work. The MMC is a “if he wanted to he would” type of guy and I loved how the FMC wouldn’t take anything less than what she needed. This book was beautifully written with multiple different aspects like grief, toxic relationships, right relationship wrong time, etc. l would 100% recommend reading this book!!

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ARC review ✈️
5 gut wrenching, sob out loud stars
This book should come with a packet of anti-anxiety meds and a gentle reminder to breathe because I’m sure I stopped a few times.

I have been broken and put back together over and over throughout this book. The pull, chemistry, sassy banter, tension, and passion that JP & Jules share is out of this world. Maybe it went on a little too long or maybe I was just ready for their happily ever after way sooner.

I knew this was going to have angst and I read the author’s content warnings in the beginning. I knew there would be cancer and death from the start, but it was a gut punch when it was the exact cancer my dad had. The descriptions were so spot on that I feel the author must also have this personal experience.

Even still, the storyline is beautiful. It has bumps in it like real life. I loved the grandmother storyline! The twist was unexpected and pleasant. The happily ever after was everything! I really wish we got a little more of them as a couple though. Once their timing finally worked out it felt like time sped up and then it was over. I would’ve liked another couple chapters looking ahead into their future.

Many thanks to Caitlin Moss for the opportunity to voluntarily read and review. Best wishes on your release!

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"Being with JP was like being vividly conscious of each heartbeat of falling in love. We’re a love story measured in moments. In movie nights and card games. In fortune tellers and fast food. An infinity of almosts that sunk us deeper and never let us go." An intense and moving love and life story.

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Thank you @caitlinmossauthor and @netgalley for the digital arc 💖.

✨What it is about:
Julia and JP meet while on a flight from Chicago to Seattle, and coincidentally are headed to the same event: Julia’s sister’s gender reveal party. They strike up a conversation and soon, life continues to put them in each other’s way throughout a period of five years. However, things never seem to be aligned for them to stay together and give a formal relationship a go. The pair become the perfect example of the “right person at the wrong time”. ✨

💭My thoughts:
This book navigates through the real and complex issues that can affect relationships, and breaks your heart multiple times in the process. I found myself shedding a tear more than once, and feeling very conflicted at many points while reading. The story evokes so many emotions, it’s hard to describe, but I have said it before and I’ll say it again, Caitlin Moss knows how to write a beautifully crafted story, and more people should give her work a chance. This one is one that will stay with me for quite a while for multiple reasons, which I won’t discuss because I can’t without spoiling it all for you. (If you read it and want to discuss, my DMs are always open). I’m just going to say that this is SO emotionally charged, you need to be ready for it. I guarantee you will experience an emotional roller coaster while reading, as it is heartbreaking, a little frustrating, yet beautiful at the same time. Like all of the books I’ve read so far by Caitlin, as soon as I started it I could not put it down, so be ready to binge it, because it’s inevitable not to. Also, I will never see Taco Bell and not think of this book.

4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Read if you like:
🔮Emotional twists
🔮Right person, wrong time
🔮Invisible string theory
🔮Strangers to lovers
🔮Chicago setting
🔮Fortune tellers

⚠️CW: Death of a parent, cancer, death of a spouse, some profanity, sexual content.

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“Fated to meet. Destined to fall in love. Bound to fall apart.” This intriguing premise sets the stage for Caitlin Moss’s latest novel, Goodbye Again, a story that blends romance, fate, and personal growth into a beautifully crafted narrative.

The story follows Julia Waters, a woman whose life is governed by logic and simplicity. Her world is turned upside down when she meets JP Chapman during a cross-country flight. JP, a charming kindergarten teacher with a winning smile and a quick wit, sweeps Julia off her feet. Their chance meeting leads to an enchanting night in Seattle, where a fortune teller ominously predicts that their futures are forever intertwined.

But as often happens in life, the path to love is far from straightforward. Over the next five years, Julia and JP navigate the complexities of careers, changing cities, and numerous missed opportunities. Their journey is a testament to the challenges of maintaining a connection across distances and life changes.

It is Julia’s grandmother, who appears in her dreams with guidance and wisdom, that becomes a pivotal force in her life. Through her grandmother’s advice, Julia begins to understand that love isn’t always about clarity and precision. Instead, it’s about trusting the invisible threads that pull us towards our true desires.

Caitlin's storytelling shines as always as she explores the themes of destiny, love, and self-discovery. Also, the way she writes about grief and loss touches the deepest strings of one's heart. The reason I look forward to her writing the most is that time and again her words have given an outlet to my repressed emotions. It just melts my heart. There were so many instances when I had to pause and take it all in.

For anyone who enjoys a romance with a touch of fate and a journey of self-discovery, Goodbye Again is a must-read. Caitlin Moss has once again delivered a story that resonates deeply and beautifully.

Available on September 3, 2024, this book is a testament to the enduring power of love and the courage to follow one’s heart. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC

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Book review/ARC: Goodbye Again by Catlin Moss

When Julia, a therapist, and JP, a kindergarten teacher, meet on a flight, there’s instant chemistry between them. For one night, they wander through the streets of Seattle, where a fortune teller predicts that their fates will be entwined forever (Before Sunrise vibes, anyone?? If you switch Seattle with Vienna!). But then life gets in the way – and even though Julia and JP’s paths cross again and again, they never seem to be able to stay on the same road for long.

I must say that I had completely different expectations for this novel when I started reading it. Yes, this is a cute love story about second, third, fourth and more chances, and it’s funny and witty – but there are also challenging and sad moments I found really surprising and heartwrenching. At some point, I was a little upset about the reasons that kept them apart and very frustrated with JP and his choices and the way he treated Julia – but by the end of the book, I felt he had redeemed himself. (I’m still watching you though, JP!)

Don’t be fooled by the cover! A romance it may be, but Goodbye Again is also heartbreak, grief and loss. Thank you @netgalley and Caitlin Moss for the advanced reading copy.

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Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss was so cute, I literally laughed out loud and even shed tears as well.
I just love how she creates characters who you instantly fall in love with.
This storyline was flawless, the characters were engaging, the pace was perfect, I couldn't get enough, I felt everything this author threw at me.

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Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC!
This book was raw, beautiful, heart breaking, funny, and more. I devoured it. I love a book that spans multiple years as I feel like it lets us really know the main characters and what motivates them. This book made me laugh and cry and feel all the feels. JP and Julia’s love story and journey is definitely worth a read.

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Oh Caitlin Moss, you ripped my heart out over and over and over again and still walked away with a five star review!
This was utterly perfect - I absolutely LOVED JP and Jules, have you ever read a book and thought to yourself “these characters will stick with me”? That’s how I felt while reading this one. I just know this story and these characters will stick with me for a long time to come.

Caitlin’s writing style and this entire premise was just SO well done, the effortless way she writes such beautiful stories is such a gift. I am forever thankful she shares her gift with us!

If you’re looking for a romance for the ages, a dash of magical realism that was SO WELL done, dive in. Prepare to cry, prepare to scream WHY?! Prepare to swoon…oh just prepare!

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