Member Reviews

I loved the premise of this book, the idea that life is choices, and chances, and opportunities we take and miss. People we meet, and don't, and all of those people and choices line up in a way that allows us to somehow end up right where we are supposed to be and exactly when we're supposed to be there.

Julia and JP were all of this and not only did this work but it left me feeling connected to both of them even as the story tested their connection.

I do wish there was more of them as a couple at the end, but at the same time I only think I wanted it because I didn't want this book to end.

I loved both of them and really connected with them and with the way the author told this story.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.

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4.5 stars! Beautifully written story full of love, complicated family dynamics, grief, and more love. Julia Waters is a keep it simple and uncomplicated relationship person who doesn’t give second chances. JP meets Julia on a flight to Seattle from Chicago where their meet cute is quite serendipitous. They spend an evening together wandering the streets of Seattle and meeting a fortune teller who predicts they’ll be forever connected in one way or another, but fails to give the specifics. The story flows well over the next five years, following Julia and JPs frequent “right person wrong time” situations. Julia has frequent dreams of talking with her Gramma who helps guide her through the challenging times of her life.

I devoured this story. Admittedly I’m not usually a fan of “insta-love”, however it made perfect sense in this context. To me, it had the feel of the song “God bless the broken road”, because it was clear they were meant for each other, but the path to get there was an endlessly rocky one. There were moments I felt frustrated by both MC’s choices, but as I thought more about them they always felt in line with their values and personalities. I found myself tearing up intermittently throughout this story because parts were simply heartbreaking. There are heavy topics of grief and a cancer dx in this book (not a MC) so please be sure you’re comfortable with that topic.

I have lots of highlights from this book because there are several wonderful quotes, not just from the love story perspective but also from a personal/life experience perspective. It was nice to read a romance that didn’t follow the same tropes I would normally seek out.

Thank you very much to NetGalley, and Caitlyn Moss for this ARC opportunity! All opinions above are my own.

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I’m not sure I can sum up in a review how this book made me feel. The emotions this had me feeling were so much more than a book has made me feel in a long time.
It follows Julia who meets JP on a flight, they share a crazy instant connection, a fortune teller even tells them their futures will forever be entwined.
It then spans 5 years of chance encounters but the timing or relationships always create a hurdle too big for them to overcome. My heart hurt for both of them as you could feel how much respect they have for each other but also for each others circumstances, I was at one point crying and begging them to just hurt someone so they could both be together!
In the synopsis you said, She must trust her Grandmothers advice and, ultimately herself - when I got to the part of the book which i believe this refers to I audibly gasped and thought wow I hadn’t seen that coming.
Caitlin, you have become a go to author for me not just because of this book but because of your writing style, bravo 👏
Thank you NetGalley, Caitlin Moss and KDP for this ARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

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Oh my god, this book! The way it had me immediately hooked and loving them and their banter and then being so sad and then happy and then crying and then happy. This book put me through the wringer of emotions and not knowing what would come next. I could not read it fast enough so I could find out what happens!

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This book was reminiscent of a hallmark movie I saw where the couple sees each other each Christmas, but the timing is never right.

I was excited for the premise of the book, but the execution was lacking. The characters never matured, which was disappointing. I also struggled with the actions of both the FMC and MMC. Rule number one, don’t marry the rebound!

Overall, I think more flushing out of the character development is needed. The storyline with the mom and sister was kind of meh to the overall story as well.

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Goodbye Again has all of the good feelings of falling in love for the first time……. Over and over again. Julia and JP experience everything life could possibly throw at you while living their own lives. But life keeps throwing them back together for only little bits of time. They are a couple that is easy to root for!

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DNF at 23%. The romance part of this book is pretty good but I was not engaged in or interested in the lives of the characters outside the relationship. Considering this book is about more than the romance I decided to stop. Normally I like novels about characters with an invisible string but this one did not hold my attention. I need more atmosphere, fun scenes like the fortune teller and a unique writing voice to evoke emotions. Less step by step narration of what a character is doing.

More of a personal preference than a critique on this writer.

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This romance is so unusual. I went in blind, knowing that I enjoyed the previous book of the author that I've read and that trusted friends loved it. The short chapters, the banter, the spice, all of it is so good. The whole concept of right person, wrong timing is pushed to its very limits, and all I wanted was for JP and Julia to get it right, even though it felt like it couldn't ever happen. There are many angsty moments as well, and times when I wanted to reach into the book and strangle a particular side character. Overall, I loved this book so much.

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This was my first time reading a Caitlin Moss's novel and I was absolutely hooked.
I love the tone of voice and the light banter between the main characters and their connection.
I felt invested in their happiness, intrigued by the future teller predictions and the serendipity of their encounter.
I'm definitely going to read more from this autor.

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This book is a journey. It spans over the course of five years. Two people meet on a plane become friends and that friendship turns into more. Right person wrong time is one of my favorite tropes just due to how emotional and jarring that feeling can be. This story was a romcom but with so much more depth. You feel for the characters in their life and what they are experiencing. I loved the connection between JP and Julia. They are continuously being pulled to one another. Absolutely beautiful writing and story.

“Love often arrives when you aren’t looking for it. It swoops in on ordinary days and follows you around with every minute that passes. Love is an opportunist presenting ultimatums: fall in love or walk away.”

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Goodbye Again is a tale of two strangers who evolve to lovers to friends to lovers to strangers to friends to strangers to lovers. I was sobbing and literally laughing out loud through every ebb and flow of Julia and JP’s relationship. Because they were so off-again on-again, the weight of the suspense and tension had me hooked. The theme of finding the right person but it being the wrong time carried the entire novel. Julia and JP’s attraction was undeniable and it was as though fate, an invisible string, was always bringing them together even when it wasn’t their time quite yet. And although their moments together were brief and sporadic, they were significant turning points of their lives…five years of what could be.

My favorite love stories are those that aren’t grand in nature and are of just two ordinary people, but it is the love they have for one another that feels like it can transcend life itself. Caitlin Moss delivered just that. We didn’t need any extra frills or outlandish tropes… the connection spoke for itself. From the sweetest meet-cute, to JP being the purest, most selfless soul, to the yearning, to the perfect amount of spice, to a sprinkle of magical realism, and to Julia mending relationships with her family, friends, and herself, I could not get enough. All in all, it was very cathartic and very satisfying.

This is my first Caitlin Moss book and I genuinely look forward to reading more!

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Goodbye Again ☾𖤓
by Caitlin Moss
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5/5 stars!!

Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss is an emotional rollercoaster in the best way. Julia and JP’s on-again, off-again romance will have you laughing, crying, and rooting for them through every twist and turn. It’s not just a love story; it’s about timing, fate, and finding your way back to the right person. I loved the characters, especially the heartwarming moments with Julia’s dreams of her grandmother. If you’re into books with deep emotions, witty banter, and a touch of magic, this one’s a must-read. Trust me, it’ll stay with you long after you finish!

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Thank you NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was such a pleasant surprise. The cover made it seem like a rom-com romance (which I love) but this book was so much more than that.

This was a roller coaster. My heart was breaking and swooning on repeat.

Julia meets JP on the way to her sister’s gender reveal party, JP happens to also be going to that party. They get dinner that night and visit a fortune teller who implies they will be connected to each other for a long time. They continue to get to know each other.

There are some time hops and some obstacles along the way but life keeps bringing them together. Sometimes they’re ready for it and other times they aren’t.

The book was beautifully heartbreaking. I loved the dreams with Gramma. I loved Julia’s friendship with A. I loved all things JP (thoughtful, sexy teacher who loves to read and writes children’s books). I loved the growth and repairing done with Julia and her mom.

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My love for Caitlin and her writing grows with each book. This one brings all the feels! It’s like a big ole billboard message for love will find you when it’s supposed to, that healing takes time, and to spread your sprinkles!!

The banter between JP & Julia is perfection! Their connection jumped off the pages and is obvious to everyone but Julia’s sister. 💕
I’m a sucker for some fortune telling. Especially if it comes out of a machine. 🙌🏼
I wouldn’t mind a rewrite with a throat punch to Julia’s mom added in the beginning. 🫢😂
The👏🏻Olive👏🏻Garden👏🏻scene! My sides were hurting from laughing.
And pretty sure I need a certain tattoo now. 🌮
The sprinkles. No words. 🍩🥹. Giving as gifts for Christmas.

Lastly…The Gramma made me miss mine so much! (Hoping we get a coffee table book with all of the grandma advice people sent in!!!)

I didn’t want it this one to end because JP & Jules took my heart on the best twisty rollercoaster. But it was the acknowledgments that sent me over. 😭😭😭 Just thinking about it makes me emotional.

Thank you to Caitlin & Netgalley for my #gifted e-arc in exchange for my honest review. 😊

👉🏻Read if you like:
•Right Person, Wrong Time •Fortunes •Witty Banter •Family Drama •Grief Journey •Invisible String •Multiple Chances •Taco Bell •Matching Tattoos

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Goodbye Again is so much more than the fluffy rom com that I was expecting it to be! It touched on topics of grief, loving someone in spite of everything, navigating difficult relationships, knowing when to move on from things/people that no longer bring you joy, and so much more! If you walk away from this book without learning something about yourself, I fear you didn’t read it correctly!

Caitlin Moss’s writing is so lyrical and drags you into the story. I remember distinctly one scene where the MMC is sitting in a room and the FMC is going to find him and she explains the way the light is coming into the room in a way that she could see all of the dust particles floating around the room and for half a second, I swear I was there too. She writes the characters in a way that you cheer for all of them. Even the ones that aren’t so great, you are still hoping that life treats them well.

I could go on and on about this book all day, but I’ll leave you with this: Goodbye Again comes out on September 3rd. Please go read it! I promise you will not regret

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Thank you to NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for the ARC!

This was truly a pleasant surprise. I was sucked in by 10% and read this in a day.

If you like Emily Henry, you will like this book. Caitlin Moss puts her own spin on a complex but likeable FMC and irresistible but frustrating MMC.

I liked that the “instalove” was done well, as that is very hard to do. Second-chance romance can be cringe, but Caitlin Moss created realistic stakes and circumstances that made me agree with the characters’ justifications for their actions. Or if I didn’t agree, I understood why they acted that way.

The pacing was fantastic. It didn’t drag at all and was a perfect length.

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This book was simply stunning!

It's only my second Caitlin Moss book, but I'm completely hooked to read everything she's written!

Right person, wrong time is one of the most underrated romance tropes and I think this is the most beautiful iteration that I've read. The amount of chemistry and connect that Caitlin established between Jules and JP in so few pages, laid the foundation for the entire book. Normally there's a huge risk of things feeling too insta-lovey, but this didn't feel that way at all. I believed everything they were feeling even though they were "strangers".

Absolutely some of the most naturally flowing banter I've ever read! The epilogue had me grinning ear to ear...the perfect full circle moment that every romance reader will just eat up!

The dream sequence chapters brought such a warmth and nostalgia to the story that is hard to articulate, but felt entirely purposeful and necessary for Jules' development.

My only nitpick is a particular side character (who plays a significant role in the middle of the book) that I wanted to explore more...I just wanted their presence in the MCs life to be fleshed out more so I could understand their relationship and have more context.

Overall, this book was just so good and I'm excited to recommend it to anyone and everyone that wants to get all in their feels for their next romance read.

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This book surprised me in the best way!

Going into this book I was only expecting a cute little romance story, but I got so much more. I laughed, I cried, and I even got a bit frustrated with the characters at times! Going through such a wide span of emotions while reading is always a mark of great writing for me.

I definitely recommend reading this book if you want to read an emotional rollercoaster that is hard to put down!

*Thank you to Netgalley and the author, Caitlin Moss, for the eARC!

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Julia Waters, a woman who believes in logic and order, meets JP Chapman on a cross-country flight. Their connection is instant, and a night of wandering Seattle leads them to a fortune teller who predicts their futures will be entwined.However, life's twists and turns, including career changes and different cities, keep them apart for years.

This has me kicking my feet, squealing, crying and laughing with all the tension , angst, and love all at the same time. The amount of chance they took on their love is mind blowing.

But I would have loved it more if the number of times they broke up is less. At a point it became bored reading they fell apart again.

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This book is so binge worthy and definitely a Rollercoaster. It's a heartwarming tale of love, loss, and the power of destiny. This is not your usual love story but with “Right person, Wrong time”

Julia Waters, a woman who believes in logic and order, meets JP Chapman on a cross-country flight. Their connection is instant, and a night of wandering Seattle leads them to a fortune teller who predicts their futures will be entwined.However, life's twists and turns, including career changes and different cities, keep them apart for years.

This has me kicking my feet, squealing, crying and laughing with all the tension , angst, and love all at the same time. The amount of chance they took on their love is mind blowing.

But I would have loved it more if the number of times they broke up is less. At a point it became bored reading they fell apart again.

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