Member Reviews

"Goodbye Again" is a wild emotional ride that had me hooked from start to finish. Moss's ability to create characters that feel like real people makes the story incredibly immersive—it's like you know them personally, and you're right there with them through all their ups and downs. The book is packed with drama and angst, which kept me turning pages, but the repetitive arguments between the main characters got a bit exhausting towards the end. Jules's stubbornness and the constant emotional swings felt overdone, making it hard to fully connect at times. Despite these issues, the romance and intensity were worth the read, and if you're up for a rollercoaster of emotions, this book definitely delivers.

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This book's cover gives off a romcom vibe, but this definitely isn't a romcom. This is like a more realistic take on romance but then again, I can't vouch for how real it is. What ultimately annoyed me the most was the number of 'second' chances. It was painful to read with how long and dragged out the story got. I'm also tired of the one character being compulsorily villainized with no reasoning. After a point the author just lost my attention and interest because it got exhausting.

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✨ARC Review ✨


Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss is an emotional rollercoaster dressed up as romance. I liked every bit of it. And of course ended up falling in love with it!

So the good parts... The pace... I loved how Caitlin paced this story. I have been having difficulties with finding an ARC that sweeps me up from the beginning, and have been failing to find one... But this here definitely was that kind of a book, making you engrossed in it right from the start! The. The characters... I loved how Caitlin portrayed the complexities of emotions of the two main characters. And I did love Julia very much... Maybe the first time in a the past few books that I fell in love with the FMC rather than the perfect book boyfriend😅 Though, JP too is awesome. Also I loved how she turned this into not just some romance, but something very deep and beautiful. The tragedies, the unresolved relationships, self realisations, self love... It was basically a study on "life"! And the twist of the Gramma Elle of dreams, it was just perfection!!!

Now for the not so good parts... And no surprises here, because there isn't much. Maybe the confrontation between Julia and her mother felt a bit rushed, not when it happened but rather the conversation. And that's it , everything else was great!

5/5 stars for me since I ended up falling in love with the story more than I expected.

And if these tropes excite you,
🔮 Right person, Wrong time
🥚Missed Opportunities
🔮 Fortune Teller
🥚 Invisible String Theory
🔮 Dream Theory
🥚 Emotional Twists
🔮 Situationship
🥚 Strangers to Lovers
Then definitely try this.

Thank you Author Caitlin Moss and NetGalley,  for sending me this ARC. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Wow, talk about a book giving you it's all. And then some. This right here, this is the book!

This book is unabashedly romantic. And hopeful. And heartbreaking. And frustrating. Oh, so very frustrating!!

Jules (Julia) and JP are drawn together in a way I can only dream about. Their reasons for not being together aren't as strong as they think they are, except in one instance, which you'll know when you read the book.

I don't necessarily like my heart being broken by a book continually, but it was worth it for this book. READ IT!!!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I don't usually like second chance romance but I really enjoyed this one. It was different enough from the normal second chance romances and that really gave it the edge for me. The characters were also very relatable and it made it easy to create that connection with them. The love that the main characters had was so good. They in a way were friends to lovers as well as the second chance romance. There wasn't a relationship in this book that wasn't well thought out and relatable.

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Y'all! From the beginning of the book to the end, I was hooked. The banter, the relationship, the instant connection between the two main love! This had me giggling in the middle of the night!

Goodbye Again is quite literally a ticket to a feel-good, delightful escapade! You have two polar opposite characters that instantly connect, but Julia's job and its rules and regulations get in the way at a once in a lifetime romance. The banter and the jokes at the beginning of the book between the main two characters are enjoyable, but the aspect of the book that swayed me away from their romance was the constant lust and love-making that happens. Yeah, it's realistic. People hook up left and right all the time, but to me, it felt like their relationship was just based on their sex life rather than deeper emotions. Anyway, that's just my two cents. I know this will be a lot of people's cup of tea, though!

In this romance, Julia and JP constantly say goodbye multiple times for different reasons. Sometimes it's a new job and other times it's because of flights. You get to experience the longing that Julia develops for JP, and that was done exceptionally well.

Another aspect of the book that is interesting is the part where Julia has dreams where she visits her late grandmother. These moments are sweet and insightful, making this book have a touch of magic. She's added to guide Julia through these tough times and to help her realize that the path towards love is not a straight path for everyone.

This book is similar to a warm hug. It's witty and romantic, but it also has a mixture of heart and destiny, encouraging readers to believe in love and second chances!

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“I don’t want life to happen to me. I want to happen to life.”

This book was such an emotional roller coaster. I absolutely loved JP and Julia’s story even though it gutted me at times. This book spans 5 years as Jules and JP meet on an airplane, form an immediate attraction but come to learn that timing and circumstances are all wrong for them.

As their lives keep intersecting (especially because JP’s best friend is married to Julia’s sister) they always feel the special connection and pull towards each other. Julia also dreams about her Gramma, a woman who always understood her and loved her unconditionally. These dreams always offer insight and comfort as Julia struggles with her relationship with JP. I so enjoyed these chapters!

“My heart sees your heart.”

This book is about fate and chance and listening to your heart. It’s about family, love, grief and the intricacies of life and relationships. It’s about trusting your heart after it’s been broken and putting faith in the decisions you make. It’s about serendipity, happenstance and believing life will turn out the way it was meant to be. This is an epic, beautiful, heart wrenching love story that pulled me in and never let go.

“What is love without magic?”

Many thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is my first time reading books by Caitlin Moss, but it definitely will not be my last. I wasn't sure what to expect in this book and was completely blown away.

Julia and JP meet on a plane and have instant chemistry that burns off the pages. It seems they are flying to the same place but try to pretend that they don't know each other. That becomes impossible and this starts the story of their relationship for the next 5 years.

What follows is a love story for the ages and will have you thinking about this book long after you finish.

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🤍Thank you @netgalley for the arc copy of this book!🤍

Caitlin Moss has quickly become an absolute must-read author for me, and each new book she writes continues to amaze me with her talent.

Julia and JP had the most heart-aching, sweeping, once in a lifetime, soulmate type of love.

It was messy and beautiful. I was so emotional reading about these two fighting for their love and I can’t recommend this book enough.

If you love:
• fortune teller
• right person, wrong time
• multiple chances
• soulmates
• emotional
This book is out September 3rd!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★/5
Steam: open door

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This was my first Caitlin Moss book, and it certainly did not disappoint. This book isn’t just a second chance romance. It’s a right person but wrong time, with eight missed chances and the ninth chance being the perfect one. This book showcases the invisible string theory and how people fated to be together will always find their way back to one another. But let me warn you, while Jules and JP have chemistry that is off the charts, every missed chance will pull on your heart strings more and more. Make sure you have tissues!

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OH, my heart.

Talk about a moving story. My goodness. JP and Jules - the two that shared a love so fierce but could never seem to get the timing right. The push and pull of their love is intoxicating. Magical, almost. Every aspect of this story fits seamlessly - the fortune teller, the meetings by chance, Grandma Elle, and hell - even tacos. This book will make you appreciate the value of love in all its forms, because sometimes our greatest love is tucked under our arm each night, and sometimes they are hundreds of miles away.

Caitlin, I loved every minute of this story!

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Oh, Caitlin Moss... I laughed and cried reading this book. If you're looking for an Abby Jimenez/Emily Henry/Christina Lauren similar read, this is the one!

I read the majority of this book in the air, during flights between Seattle and the Midwest. As I flew back into Seattle, I had tears coming down my face as I closed my kindle, absorbing the last few pages. Did reading this book and taking a very similar flight to our main characters add to the charm? Absolutely. But definitely not necessary for it to give you the feels.

The nuances of timing in this book really hit me hard. Having all the pieces to a great relationship but never having the timing is one of the hardest pills to swallow. Author, Caitlin Moss, gave me allllll the feels in this book with many goodbyes. I mean just look at this quote..."Then, before I know it, an entire month has been eaten by time without a single word from him. And just like that, he becomes a complete memory. Not of what once was, but would could have been." OUCH. Saying goodbye once is hard enough to someone you love. But having to do it repeatedly when the timing just. keeps. missing?! OOF.

You should definitely pick up this book!

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All the feels

This book will stir up every emotion you have, and some that you didn’t know you were capable of feeling. Unlike others in the category of missed opportunities, the characters in this story are aware of every single time they meet and say goodbye again. Nine times over the years, but things never work out for them.

JP is a perfect book boyfriend, hot, thoughtful, kindergarten teacher with a big, boisterous loving Italian family. Julia is a children’s therapist who comes from a mother who wasn’t very kind to her for most of her life. They each have relationships, friends and good jobs. But an invisible something keeps drawing them together.

This was my first book from this author, but I will definitely look forward to future books.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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This book both broke my heart and stitched it back together after. So beautiful and poignant! I was up late reading because I had to know the ending. An emotional roller coaster but a meaningful and lovely one! Would 100% recommend

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What a beautiful book. This book will take you on a journey through Jules and JP's life. This is a tale of will they or won't they. Don't want to spoil too much, I'll leave you with, I've been loved, Kevin, and tacos

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What an emotional read. The drama and the angst and spice were all present for this story. I came away from this book with a love and dislike towards it. What led to my dislike was the fact the main argument JP and Jules had with each other over and over started to tire towards the end. It was the same thing and felt like we were beating a dead horse. Jules became way too stubborn about her feelings and became really hard to root for at times. She was fun and likable in the first half of the book but I started to get annoyed with her towards the end. The emotional whiplash of the characters was a lot to deal with. There was a lot of situations where one page the character is positive and the next page they have a broken heart. While emotional journeys are normal for characters these felt like there was a page missing. I thought JP and Jules were toxic af. Don’t get me wrong it’s entertaining to read but I will say they both kinda sucked at times in this. But was this book super entertaining? Yes. Was this book a spicy multiple chances HEA? Another yes. It you can make it through the rollercoaster of feelings and stick with it you’ll love this book.

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5

Release Date: September 3rd 2024

"My heart sees your heart"

This was my first Caitlin Moss book, and let me tell you - it destroyed me in the best way possible, and left me in a literal puddle of tears. I spent about 60% of this book crying - proper, blotchy-faced, sniffly-nosed sobbing. I had to stop at least 50 times just to compose myself enough to read through my tears, and I used an entire box of tissues.

JP and Jules' story is the most heart-wrenching and beautiful story of 'right person, wrong time.' My heart ached and broke for them over and over again. This book is honestly a profound exploration of love, grief, family, and healing. The layers in this story made it feel like I was living right alongside Jules, experiencing every single emotion through her eyes. I felt EVERYTHING while reading this book, it ranged from giggles, to anger, to lots and lots of tears and sadness.

Julia's strained relationship with her mother and how it affected her sister, too, was incredibly emotional. And I came to understand why her mother is the way she is, and while it doesn't excuse her behavior, it's something many people might relate to.

This book touched my soul, and I know I'll be buying a physical copy. Maybe one day, when I've emotionally recovered, I'll even brave a re-read. If I could give it 1000 stars I would!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this

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❝ I've been loved. ❞

This contemporary romance Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss follows kindergarten teacher JP Chapman and therapist Julia Waters.

This book broke me and put me back together page by page. This isn't something I'd usually pick up, but after getting halfway through the book, I genuinely couldn't put it down. The invisible string theory was written so well, and it added depth to the story in more ways than one. I will say though that the ending felt too rushed, and I wish we got to see them more as a couple, but other than that, I really enjoyed it!

As for the characters, you could feel the tension and chemistry between Julia and JP throughout every scene together, and it honestly felt heartwarming to read. It breaks my heart to see everything JP went through, but there was always a constant in his life he could think back to. As for Julia, I'm so happy she got to do everything she wanted without feeling like she had to do things differently to please the people around her.

ⓘ Thank you to Netgalley and the author, Caitlin Moss, for providing me with this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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5⭐️ What an emotional read. I love this love so much. A lot that truly preserves.

Somehow this author took two of my least favorite tropes (love triangle and instalust) and made them beautiful.

This was an advanced read copy I received through Netgalley so it’s not going to be officially published until September 3, 2024! But this is my honest review!

Add this book to your to read list, I promise you won’t regret it! & then let me know what you thought!

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Such a cute love story. Trope like Right person wrong time, to soulmates, you will not want to miss out on this book!

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