Member Reviews

I’m ready to make those friendship bracelets and add some stickers to my Nalgene bottle! This is such a fun way connect fellow NetGalley readers and I hope following the # will lead me to find more bookstagrammers that do ARC reviews!

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Well done We Are Bookish for the effort that has gone into creating this!
It's fantastic that there are new activities each week of July - the perfect time for camping! I particularly like the bingo board and can't wait to see more of the activities throughout the month. What a great way to earn a profile badge, I really like this idea.
I have linked a 5-star review of Cross The Line (audiobook) by Simone Soltani, one of my favourite books of the year and I'm so glad to have received an audiobook arc via NetGalley.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5

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What a fun way to help us get through our tbrs! I love the bingo cards, it will definitely help me keep track of everything.

Thank you, NetGalley!

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I’m looking forward to what sounds like fun and engaging activities of the Netgalley Camp! I will try to participate as much as possible.

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What a cute and fun way to get us reading our TBR. Bingo and books combined? Yes please! Thank you Netgalley!

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Thank you so much for organizing this fun summer activity. I am excited to participate! There are several great books that I cannot wait to read and review.

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Great idea to get those TBRs read. Looking forward to seeing all those hashtags

Big thanks to We Are Bookish for arranging this

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Loved the camp welcome packet. Lots of information and things to do. It's a great idea to do the camp and I'm hoping it be a yearly thing.

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This is such a fun event! I think it would be really cool if next year after completing challenges you could have the opportunity to do a zoom Q&A with featured authors!

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Well now, this is fun!

What a great way to build a community on NetGalley. It's very interactive and has us all chatting with each other, Well done, guys.

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This is a cute idea to get people reading more this summer. The booklet is adorable and I look forward to playing reading BINGO.
I shared the link to the first orange pencil review I got on NetGalley for "The Perfume Companion" by Sarah McCartney & Samantha Scriven.

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I most proud of this review because it received the most helpful votes on Amazon. It was one of my earlier reviews.

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What time is it? It's NetGalley Summer Camp and I'm all here for it!

This is such a great idea and I absolutely love everything about it.

I'm looking forward to all the camp events and to collecting all the stickers. Thank you NetGalley for this :D

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Cute little booklet with straightforward instructions, although it was a bit confusing, on where we had to leave our most proud of book review! Love the interactive instagram templates, would love to see more of them next year!
This is my first time attending camp netgalley so I'm stoked to see/hear more about it!
My review that I've linked for my most proud of book, was my very first ARC with indie author Elaelah Harvey!

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This is a cute, fun thing to do.!
I'll try to participate as best as I can, Everyone loves a badge!

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Super cute idea and love all the little goodies included. I adore the aesthetics of this event and am looking forward to participating. Really like the bingo card and the diversity in the bingo options. In future iterations I would personally love if the weekly prompts were in the welcome packet, with more options to be found on the NetGalley social challenges if we want to go above and beyond. Thank you 🩷

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Excited to participate in Camp NetGalley this summer! I have a few ARCs I’ve been approved for that I’ll be reading for #CampNetGalley and I’m excited for bingo!

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This looks fun. I like the challenge of the bingo card and I’m loving the templates for social media posts.

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fun little booklet, i guess *shrug* not sure how much i'll actually use it/how much i care, but it's cute

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This is a pretty neat idea! I love book bingo so excited to participate in that, and giving a special badge is a cool incentive.

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