Member Reviews

I thought that this was a fun way to get more infovled in Netgalley and found the idea fun. I would have liked more opportunities for engagement with this.

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I didn't get to use this much and I am really bummed. I love the idea and hope it will happen again in the future!

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This was such a fun concept by NetGalley. 10/10 feeling the new pr/marketing for ways to really dive in and utilize netgalley and focus on reviews.

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While I didn't end up fully participating in this readathon, I did really like all of the setup for it. I just couldn't fit it into my schedule. Everything sounded like so much fun and I may try to do it another time.

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This was a fun idea and a good way to get through your list of books. However, would have been better if it was the length of summer and not just one month.

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This was fun! I enjoyed completing the bingo and participating in the summer event! Not sure how to make this 100 characters so I'm just going to ramble a bit here.

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I like the idea but unfortunately as life had taken most of my time hence I am not able to participate the camp, hopefully I can participate on the next camp and perhaps a reminder from netgalley team about this anticipate event can help to keep us remind. Thank you.

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I thought that the idea was interesting, but I really wasn't able to participate in the Camp NetGalley. The welcome packet was nice to get a sense of what all was involved. Maybe I can join in next year if I have more time.

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Just reviewing to get rid of this on my shelf. I wasn't able to participate in timeI'm currently in the process of clearing items from my shelf, which has become quite cluttered over time. It's surprising how many things I’ve accumulated that I no longer need or use. Unfortunately, I couldn't participate in the recent event in time, which is disappointing because I was looking forward to it. I had hoped to contribute and share my thoughts, but the timing just didn’t work out. As I sort through my belongings, I’m also reflecting on the memories associated with some of these items, which adds a bittersweet touch to the task. If you have any tips on how to efficiently declutter or organize, I would love to hear them!

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I loved the idea of this, but I forgot to participate and submit an entry. Hope to try again next year!

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Really loved the idea, but unfortunately life got in the way so I was unable to complete the event. I do hope to join in the fun next summer though!

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Such a cool event! I love that NetGalley provides interactive events like this to get people reading. Unfortunately I didn’t get to finish—life got in the way. But I love the concept and hope more events like this one are coming in the future!

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Always so much fun to participate in special events held here on NetGalley and/or anywhere that promotes summer reading! Thank you to all of you at NetGalley who worked so hard on this special event.

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This seemed like a really fun idea for the summer to get reviewers involved in a small summer event/competition. Unfortunately I didn't have time to complete it. My 1 year is keeping me too busy.

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Got COVID and missed this deadline, but really love being a part of the Netgalley fam!! Next time, I will definitely be sending in my review, bar any natural health issues on my side lol. Hopefully this meets my minimum of 100 characters!

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Really loved this idea and wanted to participate, but summer craziness got in the way. Hoping if this is offered again, I can actually participate!

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This was such a wonderful way to encourage people to read more over the summer. I hope that Netgalley does this again next summer!

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A fun summer time activity to encourage reading! I’ve never participated in this before & was glad to have the chance. Thanks NetGalley!

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This was such a fun summer addition to my Netgalley journey! I enjoyed the different mini games and it was also great inspiration to get me to get through my long TBR!

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Loved the idea of Camp Netgalley so much but unforeseen circumstances this summer led to chaos. Back to the ARC reading grind and looking forward to Camp next year!

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