Member Reviews

This is such a fun idea for summer! Loved the different ways to participate and the ability to earn a site badge. Would be happy to participate again.

See Links for Talent Show Entry :)

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Love this! What a fun way to engage with the bookish community! I'm excited to share my reading and earn some fun badges along the way!

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Such a fun way to kick off the summer! Looking forward to Bingo and getting my Camp NetGalley badge!

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So excited to see everything the NetGalley team has in store for Camp NetGalley! So fun and nostalgic!

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This is super fun! I always loved summer reading stuff as a kid, so this is fun even as an adult! I think the bingo card and stickers to add are a great addition! This will be such a fun July to participate in these activities!

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I loved the introduction to camp NetGalley and I am so excited to meet new bookworms and the amazing team who came with this amazing idea of the camp!!

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excited to join this event for the first time!! Looking forward to all the activities that will come from this and the cute little badge for my profile! ☺️

Thank you Netgalley for this event!

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This is such a fun idea! I can’t wait to play bingo and crush this board


Format: Audio
Author: Chuck Tingle
Rating: 5/5

I am speechless. This is definitely going to be one of my top reads not only of the year, but ever. The audiobook had the perfect balance of crawl up your spine creepies and empathetic characters that had me tearing up. I absolutely loved the concept of this story and Misha. He was so enthralling and his person was so captivating. Misha’s battle between giving ‘the world’ what they want while suppressing his person, or staying true to himself, was beautiful. The Oscar’s speech had my crying in the shower. The representation of this book was so on point. And as someone who likes to stay true to what they love year round vs. following a societal ‘trend’, I greatly empathized with this story. So many tears and air punches for joy.
This is a must read for EVERYONE. Chuck, you are an official auto-buy author. Thank you so much @tornightfire, @netgalley, and for the eARC and ALC. This book deserves all of the praise!


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Super excited about Camp NetGalley! I’m always reading, so knowing I’m doing so along with loads of other passionate readers in a fun, game-I inspired atmosphere gives off such great energy! It would be fun to see some kid-inspired activities next year, maybe book-themed crafts for those of with kids or who work with kids to get them involved and excited about books! Here is one of my favorites books I’ve reviewed!

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I love summer reading programs! I am excited to participate! I especially love the Bingo board. I'm already mapping out what activities I would like to do first.

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What a great idea. I'm always looking for new ways to spice up my TBR list. It's going to be an interesting summer. I look forward to living a thousand lives.

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I actually think this is such a cute idea! I’m going to try and keep up with it on instagram. I’m thinking of doing a book journaling page to show off what I’ve been reading this summer and this will be such a cute addition.

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I am so excited to be able to take part in Camp NetGalley! This looks like so much fun. The directions are clear and exciting. Thank you for this idea! ❤️

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Looking forward to participating in Camp NetGalley. This will be a great way to help spread the word about new books. Looking forward to earning my badge!

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I am so excited for Camp Netgalley! What a great idea and a great way to bring readers together this summer! I am especially excited about the bingo card and also the upcoming scavenger hunts! Can't wait to see what they are! And of course the talent show.

I am thinking for next year - maybe you have everyone do a vote at the end for like Best Awards - Best Dressed (best cover) - Miss Congeniality (most popular book) that kind of thing? Or like a camp yearbook with these categories like Most Likely to Succeed, etc. Just something fun and interactive?

Thanks so much for this! I am so looking forward to it.

Here's a link to my most recent review of a 5 star Netgalley ARC (@readwithjenna actually reposted it to their stories too!)

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This sounds so fun!! I love the bingo card, it’ll definitely keep me from slipping into a reading slump during the summer!

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A fun way to stay motivated to keep reading through the month of July using NetGalley as support. Here is a link to a review I'm most proud about:

Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to participate!

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So excited to be a participant in Camp NetGalley! I love all the stickers and the bingo board. I plan to read a lot this summer so I look forward to using this packet. Thanks NetGalley!

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Wow! Wow! This is really well-constructed. I love the options for interaction. I will take part! Summer reading and supporting authors is my jam. Thanks, NetGalley.

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What a fun idea! I love the idea of a virtual challenge that all NetGalley members can take part in - AND it's summer camp themed?! Give me s'more of that - haha.

Growing up, I used to love the library's summer reading program, and I think it would be cool to tie that in somehow next year.

That said, I'm loving this creative concept, and I look forward to participating!

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