Member Reviews

I'm so excited for my first year of Camp NetGalley! I think in the future it would be fun to somehow be randomly divided into teams and have a team reading tracker. I can't wait to play bingo, I freaking love bingo!

Thanks to NetGalley & We Are Bookish for putting this together.

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This looks like a ton of fun, (I've never participated in something like this, so I'm excited) and I can't wait to see what kind of books come from it, what I can learn from the experience, and how I will grow going froward. I have been challenging myself this year to try new things, and learn from each and every experience, and this is certainly no exception! If you're on the fence about it, I highly recommend giving it a try, just because trying something new can be a total confidence booster, and we can all use more of that in our lives!

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This is so much fun. Thanks, Netgalley for creating enjoyable challenges for readers during the month of July.

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This looks like so much fun and a great way to get excited for the summer and reading during vacations!! I'm so excited for the weekly challenges! 💖

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Review for The Undermining of Twyla and Frank, just because I enjoyed this book so much and more people need to read it:
Where do I even start? I just love this book so much. Just like the first book I think it's a very unique story and I loved it from the start until the very end. This story features Twyla and Frank two middle-aged Tanrian Marshals. It's the first time I read a fantasy story with a middle aged main character and it was so refreshing. Throughout the book Twyla gets to rediscover her place in the world and her own worth. There are also dragons which should be enough to convince you to read this absolutely stunning story.

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Camp net galley is great opportunity for me to read books before they come out, in exchange of an honest review. I'm please to help authors with feed back and letting them know what I thought about their work.
I choose more audiobooks than ebooks because it is easier for me, having different form to consume the books is a good thing that net galley offers.
I discovered some incredible books thanks to net galley and I am excited to continue this journey.

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This is so fun. I love that NetGalley has activities planned throughout July. I'm excited to join in.

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This is such a great way to get excited about all things NetGalley! I love the Bingo game, and I'm excited to increase my feedback ratio, read a Read Now book, review the oldest book on my shelf, and other items on the Bingo sheet. It gives me a direction and makes decisions for me, which I love! I am excited to see the other activities as they come.

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This journal is so cool. I was able to skim through some of the pages and I cannot wait to join this challenge for the summer.

I can't wait to see what cool stuff comes from it and what I'm able to accomplish with my reading.

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This is such a wonderful idea! I love the collaborative feel and the way this can bring Netgalley readers together and be a chance for people to socialise and share their love of reading.

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I absolutely love Netgalley. Trying to figure out how to download books to my Kindle was actually made very easy by the instructions provided! This is the coolest app, making ARCs possible for the general population and especially the bookish folk.

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Such a wonderful idea!! How fun is this?! I can hardly wait to start my summer reading at Camp NetGalley!

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Super excited to participate. especially in the weekly challenges! This was such a fun idea, thank you netgalley and we are bookish!

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Such a fun idea! Looking forward to participating in the weekly Camp NetGalley activities throughout the month of July!

(edited to include a link to a review that I loved writing! :))

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This is such a fun idea! As adults I don't feel like we get to do fun "camp" summer activities anymore. I'm really looking forward to filling this out and participating throughout the summer I think I'm most excited about the bingo card and getting to fill that out as I go.. Next year suggestion, maybe have some sort of actual book activity. Like an origami page or bookmark, things like that.

Review I like from this year:

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Thank you Netgalley and We Are Bookish! This will be so much fun. I'm not sure which review I will share, there's so many good books it's hard to choose. I like that this is guided because I have trouble thinking of something and I'm not good at organizing. This was such a fun idea.

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Thank you NetGalley and We Are Bookish for the gifted e-book! This is such a cool summer challenge and will motivate me to work on my NetGalley shelf over the summer!

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Quick Summary: An "online summer camp extravaganza"

My Review: Camp NetGalley is a summer camp for readers. During the month of July, a number of weekly activities are planned with NG readers in mind. Opportunities to earn an exclusive badge, as well as special stickers, will be available to interested readers. There is even a talent show to spotlight the best reviews on books and audiobooks.

Favorite Thing About the Event: The Talent Show

Ideas for Next Year: Hall of Fame (Allow readers to post a picture or image of their favorite NetGalley read for the year.)

Other: It would be grand if there was an early readers quotable page, which allowed readers to post their favorite quote from a book they've read. Perhaps, offer a means for a link to the book to be made available for interested readers to explore the novel further. As a reader, I adore seeing what might have stood out to others. The just right quote can cause me to request or buy a book. While I'm certain this might be a large undertaking, I have no doubt that it would generate a buzz around novels.

My Final Say: This Camp NetGalley idea is absolutely brilliant! I am so pumped to participate. I have read everything posted thus far, and I cannot wait to join in all the fun. Let's go!

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: NG Readers +
Status/Level: 💛


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Love participating in summer reading events, brings back fond memories of childhood summers! Looking forward to filling out the bingo board, and finding out what the daily prompts in week three will be!

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This Camp NetGalley is so fun! Can’t wait to start the bingo. I would suggest maybe printing these pages out or downloading these pages to your iPad so you can fill in the activities. Definitely super fun activities for the summer! Can’t wait to share with all my bookish friends :)

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