Member Reviews

What a fun idea! Who doesn't love bookish fun.
I know I do.
I will share this on my social media platform @thegirlwholovestoreadandreview
And earn myself some

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I had such a fun time with Camp NetGalley this summer and I really hope to see it back next summer. I found that it was such a great motivator to get me back into the ARC groove since I had been feeling out of it for a few months. I really made me excited to get through a few of the books on my shelf and look around for some other really fun titles. I definitely had the most fun with the bingo board since I've been very into them this year and have been doing at least one a month this year. I also found the revised toolkit super helpful and I definitely wouldn't have checked it out on my own. I also love that this prompt in particular is giving me a chance to reflect on the reviews I have written over the years and find one I am really proud of.

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Due to my busy schedule, I am sorry I didn’t get to participate and enjoy this package, from what I have read it sounded like, it was a fun time all around.

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Maybe I'm the wrong target audience for this, but it felt like a whole lot of work. I'm also not a full time book blogger or similar, so my reviews tend to be things that I am hoping will help others decide if they want to buy and are not intended to be something that I would necessarily feature the way that some of the challenges here implied.

I started out really excited to participate in this challenge and to build some momentum for my summer reading, but the way that this is set up, was disappointing for me. If you are already on social and recognized for your reviews, then you probably don't need this type of camp to keep you motivated and to link your NetGalley space to your book review space. If you are, like me, not doing this as a career, then a lot of these challenges are just more effort than I'm willing to invest. I am more likely to do the Pop Sugar reading challenge or similar because it's attainable and lets me have fun with my reading beyond a social focus.

I'm sure that there is a right audience for it. Just not me.

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This is so fun!! I have been a member of NetGalley for a few years now, and do not remember ever participating in something like this. Way to go, NetGalley! Love it!

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I think this was a fun summer activity! I liked the bingo, but I feel like the stickers page was unnecessary. Also, on page 8 I feel like the subheadings were a little hard to read due to the lack of contrast between the beige and light green colors. Overall I enjoyed participating in Camp Netgalley and thought it was a creative idea!

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I think this is such a cute idea and I hope it is brought back next year and all the years after!
For some more ideas, I think it would be neat to have authors participate in the challenge. Such as, get approved for one of the authors books that are apart of the camp you get a badge.
I think it would also be cool to have special books for the campers!

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July has been a crazy busy month for me, so I wasn't able to participate in as many challenges and activities as I had hoped, but Camp Netgalley was a super fun idea, and the packet was a really cute and helpful resource. I will definitely participate again if this becomes an annual tradition. I'm including a link to a review I was super proud of earlier this year in the box below, so hopefully I read those instructions correctly. Lol.

This is the kind of camping I actually *enjoy*--the kind that happens indoors, with books.

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I loved this challenge. My fave parts were meet the camper and the fun challenges. While I didn’t get to participate in many of the challenge for lack of reading time, I hope to participate more next year.

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Needing a place to stay while she finishes her masters program, Tallulah impulsively accepts a position as an Au Pair for professional hockey player, Burgess Abraham. Due to a traumatic event in her past, Tallulah has a hard time trusting men. So why does she quickly feel so comfortable and safe with Burgess? Can she actually trust this hulking hockey player? Or is she just going to get hurt all over again?


The first 70% of this book was absolutely perfect. I loved the building tension between Tallulah and Burgess, the bond forming between Tallulah and Lissa, and all of the adorable family moments in between.

But that is exactly what was missing from the last 30% of the book. There was tension, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t the kind that had me swooning like the first 70%. It was the kind that made me anxious and sad. It was a beautiful ending with so many life lessons and character development - but the vibe switch threw me for a loop. I wasn’t expecting to feel like I just walked out of a therapy session after reading a Tessa Bailey book.

Even after being disappointed in the ending, this book is still nearly a five star read for me, and it is all because of Burgess.
I loved how protective he was. It was a different type of protectiveness than what I had anticipated from a giant hockey player. It wasn’t all about him being domineering and throwing his weight around for the girls physical safety, but more of his concern about Tallulah and Lissa’s emotional well being, and making sure they were always comfortable and happy. The second he realized Tallulah was hesitant to be alone in a room with him, he was doing everything he could to make her feel safe. It was refreshing and so thoughtful, I forgave him immediately for his lapse in judgment later in the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for the free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all, I want to say how grateful I am that NetGalley and We Are Bookish care so much about us reviewers and create events like this camp to keep us motivated and inspired. I was not able to participate in all of the activities, unfortunately, but I loved filling out my bingo each time I finished a book and practicing tracking it in the journal. In the future, it would be amazing if reviewers from across the world could chat about NetGalley during the camp to feel more connected (on Zoom or in local groups). Because all of the activities I was aware of were individual, it felt more like a meditation than a camp experience -- which is not bad, just not what I expected.

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What a fun idea! I enjoyed this and thought it was a fun activity. I particularly liked the Book bingo as a creative way to read new and interesting books. I unfortunately did not have time to participate in as much as I would have liked, but loved the concept and hope it becomes available again, maybe with a holiday theme.

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My favorite part of Camp NetGalley was having a fixed activity guide for reading over the summer. I loved using my library summer challenges as a young girl so this was very much reminiscent of that. I really enjoyed reading Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar this summer but my favorite NetGalley book was Lucy Foley's Midnight Feast, link to the review on Goodreads is attached.

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I’ve been a happy camper participating in Camp NetGalley this July! ⛺️

The Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet was so well done and so immersive. I loved the camping theme present throughout and how many fun activities there were. The ideas for the Talent Show and the packing list were adorable! I also appreciated the events guide and the checklist - they both were very useful for someone like me who likes to keep track of things. The Camp NetGalley Bingo board was also very fun - so many people in the bookish community including myself utilize bingo boards as a fun way to challenge ourselves to read each month, so the addition of that was wonderful.

One idea I have for next year is creating different bunks based on genres. There could be a romance bunk, a mystery bunk, a thriller bunk, etc. Readers are all so unique and read in different ways and I feel like this can both celebrate our differences while further fostering a sense of community.

Even though we are all participating in a digital way, the idea of camp made it feel like a fun experience that fostered togetherness. I had a great time joining in on the fun this year and am looking forward to next July!

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Thank you for a fun summer activity! Maybe next year we can have a bookclub discussion. Looking forward to Camp NetGalley events and reading at the beach!

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Although I was late in downloading and not able to participate in much this was so well done! Summer camp is the cutest book theme and is a great way to get and keep everyone engaged.

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I love the idea of Camp Net Galley! Although I wasn't able to take part in as many activities as I'd have liked, there were so many fun things to do. I look forward to participating more in coming seasons!

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Love the idea! Having little games and activities to do really helps net galley to feel like a community.

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the book bingo is so so cool!! the whole packet is super cute and such a fun idea for summer reading!

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I had a lot of fun doing the bingo prompts, bingo cards that are more specialised to the different bunks might be fun.

I have linked my review to the end crowns all by bea Fitzgerald which is my top book of the year so far.

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