Member Reviews

Wedi mwynhau cymryd rhan yn camp Netgalley, lot o weithgareddau llawn hwyl a wedi dod i adnabod Ffrindiau eraill ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol drwy’r camp!

Really enjoyed talking part in Camp Netgalley! Lots of fun activities and got to know new friends on social media through the camp!

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I really loved Camp Netgalley!
I think what made this so much fun was getting to pick our 'bunk' (and seeing who else in netgalley liked the same genre as us), playing some bingo, and just getting to interact with all the other bookish netgalley folks. It had such a cute theme for the summer and I think its something Netgalley could really lean into in the other months. Who wouldn't want to go trick or treating with netgalley, for example?
Next time, I'd really love to see some more interactive features within the theme. A go-live on instagram with some staff, supporting good reads that fit the theme? An overview of something happening currently in the literary world, to keep the theming fresh? Maybe even a sponsored netgalley download: you get X release in your genre if you finish all of these different items? I want to participate even MORE next time!
I linked the netgalley read I loved the most during camp: The Co-op by Tarah Dewitt. It was RIGHT up my romance alley and just felt like a perfect summer read.

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This is SO exciting that this wonderfully company is putting together this opportunity for those using NetGalley to come together and learn about each other and the company together. Excited for a really fun July together! Thankful for NetGalley and all it offers those who love reading. It's been a beautiful opportunity for this mom of four to be apart of. A wonderful community of wonderful people. Next year it would be really neat to have a few spots of people to actually meet up for a night of netgalley. Would love to help with this! And actually would love to work for Netgalley. I am a stay home mom looking for some work from home. And I can not say enough good things about this company.

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I loved this camp! It was so fun and I really enjoyed getting to interact with other bookish creators. I also really liked the bingo because it helped push me towards my goals!

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This was a fun idea, but definitely time consuming (especially as a full-time working parent.) The prompts were fun, but overall it was just a lot and a bit tedious.

I was excited to read "Love and Other Conspiracies" - read my review below:

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This July was a lot more hectic than I anticipated so I didn't get to participate in a lot of the events aside from writing a few reviews which surprisingly knocked out a Bingo!

The only issue I had with camp netgalley was that I was too busy to actually contribute to parts of the event, despite planning to do several buddy reads with my fellow reviewer friends. But of course life got in the way. I did have fun with what I was able to do and look forward to next year!

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I love the concept, but if I'm being completely honest, it was a bigger time commitment than I was anticipating. I do have very busy summers with work though so that could just be me. I hope to be more of an active participant next summer. Thank you for putting this together!

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so fun! what a cute, fun way to spend a summer in the most bookish as possible. I am really glad that NetGalley did this.

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SO MUCH FUN! Thank you so much for such a great summer activity to pair with my readings! This was great.

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This is such a fun way to celebrate summer - like a summer reading program for adults! The activities are enjoyable (book bingo), and a great way to discover different parts of NetGalley that readers may not use, like creating a list. The only problem I am having is finding where to submit my book review for the Talent Show!

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Camp NetGalley was so fun! I loved the bingo and the opportunity to earn a badge for my profile. I do wish it was a bit more interactive or included things in the app to do to either earn more badges or to make it something I was regularly checking in with during the month of July. Thanks for hosting and I'm excited to see what y'all cook up for next year.

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I love Camp NetGalley and am excited to share one of my favorite reads this year! I was so excited for "The Midnight Feast".

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Such a fun way to get more involved with NetGalley and add a spin to reading! Really enjoyed the bingo portion and all of the extras!

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Camp NetGalley was a really fun way to interact with other book lovers, and learn more about NetGalley as a whole! I really enjoyed the Book Advocate Toolkit, and (if Camp NetGalley returns) would love to see more informational packets with further advice and example how to dos!

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Very exciting as a book enthusiast!
I love the bingo board. The stickers are a nice bonus
Very fun
I can't wait for next year's camp

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This is so much fun! I cannot wait to start this! I'm always down for some book bingo! I also am curious if the favorite review has to be a Net Galley book that we received or if it can be any. Also is it supposed to be any book we've reviewed in the past or only ones we have written during the camp program?

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I loved doing this! It was a great way to keep me involved during the summer months. I appreciate the hard work that went into this! Thanks for making summer reading so much fun. I hope there are more events like this throughout the year.

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I always wanted to go to summer camp and now I had the chance. This was a great way to feel included and there were so many fun activities. Thank you! Also, I agree with the comment that we should do a hide and seek next year!

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This is such a fun activity for the month! I realize that I've joined pretty late in the month but that doesn't mean that this isn't an exciting activity to take part of! I love bingo boards and the prompts are all such fun!

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Loved the fun activities and the cute way of brining the community together. I hope there are more events like this in the future.

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