Member Reviews

Thanks to Allie Therin, Harlequin – Romance, and NetGalley for access to the Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really loved the first book in this series – it had interesting characters, great banter, and an interesting plot. I liked it so much I nominated it to be considered for a Hugo Award.

This book, unfortunately, lost me. I wanted more of what the first book had but instead of sarcastic banter there is now innuendo. Too much. And much of the plot spends time on romantic developments of two of the main characters – which was uninteresting to me. Romance books are not for me. So although the plot drove action at the end, the build up to that end was slow and unenjoyable, to me, due to the side plot of the romance.

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Twisted Shadows< picks up shortly after Liar City and bringing back the snarky Reece and Grayson. Reece is continuing to grapple with his growing powers and his fear of himself, while Grayson's role as an empath "specialist" rather than "hunter" is made clearer as his allegiance to protecting empaths, including from themselves, becomes more overt. This relationship of unexpected potential villain (Reece) and savior (Grayson), adds tension and anticipation to the narrative.

One of the strengths of serial mysteries is the slow-burn romance that builds over multiple books rather than chapters. Liar City ended with the exchange of phone numbers, that’s as far as the main characters got, and while the romance progresses in book 2, there’s no happily ever after here and the story ends on a cliffhanger. I’m absolutely feral for book 3, and book 2 hasn’t even been published yet.

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This was, hands down, my most anticipated book of the year. I've never clicked "Request" on Netgalley as fast as I did with this book.

After reading the first one I was desperate for the sequel, and I'm more than happy to say it delivered beyond my already high expectations.

The continued world building, the deepening relationships between the characters, Grayson being my favorite stoic king, Jamey being i c o n i c, Reece being adorable and clever. I love them all so much.

It's just as intense as the last book, the action and the intrigue are amazing, and the growing relationship between two people who can't touch is amazingly well done.

There's not much I can say about the plot for fear of spoiling anything, and a book as tightly plotted as this should not be spoiled, but if you loved the first book you're in for a wild ride.

Gonna need the next book like yesterday.

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bookschaosnart Twists, world building, a cliffhanger, and comedy make Twisted Shadows one of my favorite reads this year. Continuing the story set up from Liar City the story picks up fast paced as Evan and Reece continue their sarcastic and heart felt friendship to more. The only question is how does the dead man straddle protecting empaths while also dealing with the repercussions of his employer conducting experiments on empaths that break them from being unable to harm others to potential killing machines. I'll definitely be rereading this one while I wait for the next book because that cliffhanger has me on the edge of my seat.

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Wow, not expecting the sequel to be so good but it really did pack a punch. Very much looking forward to the next episode with a cliffhanger ending like that !

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I have no idea how to review this instalment of the Sugar & Vice series except to say Holy Cliffhanger Dead Man!

Because bloody hell do we get left with a right zinger and it's utterly brilliant and means I am dying even more for the final book which will draw this epic narrative to a close.

Allie really put the cat among the pigeons with this book, never mind ramping up the UST to an unbelievable level - which is incredible considering there's only one moment in the whole story where they actually have any physical contact given the state of their two natures.

As for the plot itself, no spoilers here other than I'll say I did not see it coming and my jaw was dropping as I turned (okay I'm on a Paperwhite so I swiped it) the final page but I will confirm that it works beautifully as a set up for everything that's going to come as things draw together.

It's leading into something I have no doubts will be a mind-blowing final book as Evan has to deal with the fallout of Reece's actions in Twisted Shadows.

This book, surprisingly, is pretty swoony too, in spite of what's going on. The connection between these two men who - literally - cannot touch or interact because of their inherent natures, is so strong you feel it ooze off the page.

The flirt game is strong with both of them, and you can see them pushing the line further every encounter or text conversation they have. There's also plenty of the humour that I love in this author's writing, to stop things becoming too serious or overly gloomy even amongst the death and destruction.

We also, as with the first book, get multiple PoVs not just the two MCs and I will say, this is my only real niggle with the narrative choices - I wish it was more clearly divided when we're switching.

It's not difficult to work out when we're switching, especially when it's either Jamey's voice or medical examiner Aisha, but a single little asterisk in a bit wedge of paragraph text isn't enough imho.

Now, I had an ARC obviously, and I know there were formatting issues with the original copies on Edelweiss, so it may be that the retail release will have some lovely graphic dividers that easily identify each speaker, that would be a wonderful way to do it.

I'm such a fan of Allie Therin's world building and her clever narratives, her ideas are always surprising, even in a saturated paranormal/urban fantasy market and I love what she's done with this series.

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Twisted Shadows by Allie Therin is the second book in the Sugar and Vice series. Reece Davies' understanding of empathy has been forever altered. He owes some of that to the empath hunter and Dead Man, Evan Grayson, his unexpected friend and protector. The repercussions of the events in Seattle have bled out to the entire North American continent with Evan Grayson responsible for getting everything back under control. Evan reluctantly brings Reece along for his own safety while still trying to maintain some kind of boundaries with the empath. Reece has other ideas and wants but understands that things will never be simple between him and the Dead Man. Secrets have a way of coming out and Reece and Evan are both found to be liars. The question is who is the biggest liar?

I adored this book. The growth of both Evan and Reece and evolution of their relationship had me up late engulfing this book. I appreciated that although the romantic subplot was more at the forefront of the story this time around, the urban fantasy storyline still was predominant. Things get a bit wild in this book as the past finds a way to complicate the present. There’s the action and humor I’ve come to expect from this series. I refuse to ruin this book for anyone else but if you enjoyed Liar City and want to see what kind of mess Reece and Evan can find themselves in this book is for you.

5 stars for Reece and Evan’s newest battle to protect empaths and everyone around them

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Absolutely incredible. Words cannot describe how much I love this series, the characters, the pining, the banter - I swooned at every "carebear" and last name - turned first name interaction.

I would read 50 of these book.

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Twisted Shadows by Allie Therin continues the exciting urban fantasy that turns the seemingly harmless and exceedingly helpful emotion of empathy into a weapon and frames those who wield it as potentially dangerous, uncontrollable citizens. I thoroughly enjoyed this second installment of the Sugar & Vice this series. We learned a great deal more about the inner workings of the Empathy Initiative and other important controlling forces in Reece’s world. It was so great to catch back up with the characters in this world; I am no so anxious to read book three, because the ending here has me reeling. The pull between Reece and Grayson continues to grow as they race to solve the mysterious killing of an empath. What will the Care Bear Do Next?

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What a book. My expectations were high cause I loved Liar City. But this was even better than I imagined. I just finished and want to start reading it again.

Liar City introduced us to the idea of Evan and Reece. It gave us some glimpses. Reece pacifist and anxious mess with an inability to shut his mouth. Evan, the dead man, supposed to not be able to feel anything.

Well in this book Evan is still an anxious mess. And Reece is still the dead man. But the romance between two very unlikely characters develops and it is a joy to see. The banter between them is top notch.

The ending is quite crushing but with a ray of hope. And I cannot wait to read the next book.

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Great sequel, and I'm looking forward to the next installment! Definitely a slow burn but I'm invested in both the characters and the world that Therin has built up.

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This thrilling follow-up to Liar City has the same intensity and mystery, but gives us more insight into the major players, including the enigmatic Evan Grayson. Intertwined subplots drag the reader along on a wild, emotional ride chock-full of conspiracy and mayhem. At the same time, there's the hilarious contrast of Reese and Evan's dynamic, a will-they-or-won't-they-or-will-someone-end-up-dead road trip romance. I was thrilled to get an ARC from NetGalley, but now I'm tied up in knots about how long I'll have to wait for the inevitably shocking and (no doubt) delightful conclusion in volume 3. Allie Therin has knocked this one out of the park. Five glorious stars.

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I read this book in (almost) one sitting, and, like always, the banter between Reece and Grayson is hilarious. I think I genuinely laughed out loud a couple times, which NEVER happens. just warning you guys that there is a MAJOR cliffhanger, and I WILL be counting the days until the next book gets published. also - don't get me wrong, Liam is great and his relationship with Jamey is very sweet, but there was so much chemistry between Jamey and Aisha and I kinda wish they end up together 😭

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Thank you to Netgalley and Carina Adores for an advance copy.

This picks back up a few weeks after the events of Liar City which was lovely because it was easy to remember where we left off. Reece still has a big ole crush on The Dead Man and manages to get the guy with literally zero emotions to send him spicy texts. What a boss.

The only thing I wish I had done for this one was wait until I had the audiobook too. Joel Leslie did such a good job with Liar City that I found myself wanting him to read this to me instead of me doing it. I double checked that I have the audiobook preordered on this one and I'm ready.

This does end on a cliffhanger and goodness gracious. It’s going to be such a mess to finish this series out and I cannot wait. With where we left things, someone’s going to have to apologize and I can’t decide who out of everyone involved.

I’m completely delighted with the way this one went. I assume there will be three books in this series but I’m actually not sure. I’d read like nine.

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First thank you to NetGalley and The publisher for sending me an advance copy in exchange for a fair and honest review of Twisted shadows book 2 in the sugar and vice series.

Where to start, so my biggest issue with the first book was i could not stand Reece's personality and it simply did not get better in this book. None of the twists really got to me either they felt very loadly telegraphed from the beginning.

The only character i really like is Evan but even then I feel like more should have already been developed about him than it has.

Allie Therin's writing skill is very good from a craft and sentence structure level. But the world building for is just constantly collapsing on itself and is not up to previous works. The sex scene in this was inventive and very well witten and was a high point of the book.

I will strongly be debating with myself if i want to continue this series.

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Never in my life has a book without lots steamy scenes made me this horny!
This whole book is just one long scene of sexual tension without any relieve because These. Two. Can’t. Touch!!!
The tension, the yearning, the anticipation. The banter! THE FLIRTING! Sweet baby Jesus.
It was even more exciting than the actual investigation in this book, but that was also very gripping.
I already loved the first book so much and this one definitely deserves the hype too.
For me the ending was a little too rushed, I didn’t expect what happened at all, but not because it was a plot twist more like it just happened too fast and I didn’t expect it.
Also the many, many POVs were a little a little confusing and ripped me out of the plot at times.
The ending made me go from 100 to depressed lump lying on the floor in 0.2 seconds and now I ofc need to know what happens next!
I can’t wait for the last book in this trilogy (and if these two don’t rip each others clothes off and jump each other the second they’re able to touch I’ll implode!).

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I am emotionally invested in the Sugar and Vice series. Book one was very much a slow burn, but things got spicier in book 2. The whole, can't touch each other for fear of passing out, really helped with the tension between Evan and Reece, And just like the first book, the mystery was top-notch. I can't wait to see what happens in the next novel. I give Twisted Shadows 5/5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review Twisted Shadows by Allie Therin. All opinions are my own.

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This must be one of the flirtiest books I've ever read. With the most sexual tension. And they can't even touch so it's even more tense and I was screaming. The story is action packed and full of mysteries and we get to see the characters get closer but also face some inevitable changes that will impact what they are building. As usual the writing style is superb and the various POV changes were done really well even intra-chapters. I loved seeing Evan's POV and finally reading what he things of Reece. I can't wait to have the final book in my hands because the ended was illegal, come on, I need to know more!

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So entertaining. The world-building in these books is fantastic. I love the idea of empaths, and how their development would affect their sibling's development. It's a really fascinating idea. I loved the first book but wanted a little more romance and this one definitely delivered on both the romance and the suspense part. Reece and Evan are so delightful together. I really appreciate how much Evan admires and values Reece and I loved watching them get closer. A very satisfying read.

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Absolutely amazing. Incredible follow up to the first book, I’m foaming at the mouth, dying for the next one.

I really enjoy this world building and how Therin interlaces an excellent representation of politics, corporate greed, and baseless fear into the story. You don’t have to suspend belief to immerse yourself.

And somehow all the ‘you’re a bad driver’ backseat driving antics never gets old.

And chefs kiss to the intimacy and feelings between Reece and Grayson.
This is the kind of slow burn yearning I’ve need more of.

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